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Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus/Volume II

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Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus, Vol. II (1903)
Whitley Stokes and John Strachan, eds.
132368Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus, Vol. II1903Whitley Stokes and John Strachan, eds.

[ i ]

Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus

[ ii ]

London: C. J. Clay and Sons,
Cambridge University Press Warehouse,
Ave Maria Lane.
Glasgow: 50, Wellington Street.

Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus.
New York: The Macmillan Company.
Bombay and Calcutta: Macmillan and Co., Ltd.

[All Rights reserved]

[ iii ]

Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus

A collection of Old-Irish glosses
Scholia prose and verse

Edited by
Whitley Stokes, D.C.L.

Foreign associate of the Institute of France


John Strachan, LL.D.

Professor of Greek in the Victoria University of Manchester.

Vol. II.

Non-Biblical glosses and scholia: Old-Irish prose: Names
of persons and places: inscriptions: verse: indexes.

at the University Press.

[ iv ]

Printed by J. and C. F. Clay,
at the University Press.

[ v ]

Table of contents.

Preface vii, viii
Description of the MSS. ix–xl
Glosses on S. Augustine's Soliloquia (Carlsruhe) 1–9
Glosses on Beda (Carlsruhe):
   De Rerum Natura 10–13
   De Temporum Ratione 14–30
Glosses on Beda (Vienna):
   De Temporum Ratione 31–37
Glosses on Canons:
   Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 38
   Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris 38
Glosses on Computus:
   (a) Codex Vaticanus No. 5755 39
   (b) Bibliotheca Nanciensis cod. 59 41
Glosses on Eutychius (Vienna and Paris) 42
Glossary in Cod. Lat. 14,429 (Munich) 43
Glosses on Juvencus (University Library. Cambridge) 44
Glosses on Patrician documents (Dublin) 45
Glosses on Philargyrius (Florence and Paris) 46–48, 360–363
Glosses on Priscian (St Gall) 49–224
   „   (Carlsruhe) 225–230
   „   (Leyden) 231
   „   (Milan) 232
Glosses on Prudentius 233
Glosses on Sententiae sanctorum doctorum (Milan) 234
Glosses on Servius (Berne) 235
Glosses on Sortilegia (Munich) 236, 237
Specimens of Old-Irish Prose:—
   1. The Notes in the Book of Armagh (Dublin) 238–243
   2. The Cambray Homily 244–247
   3. The St Gall Incantations 248
   4. The Spells in the Stowe Missal (Dublin) 250
   5. The Rubrics in the Stowe Missal 251
   6. The Tract on the Mass in the Stowe Missal 252–255
   7. The Notes on the cover of the Reichenau Beda 256
   8. The Notes in the Books of Dimma, Durrow and Deir 257
   9. Extracts from Vita S. Findani (St Gall) 258 [ vi ]
Names of Persons and Places: pages
   in the Book of Armagh (Dublin) 259–271
   in Adamnán’s Vita Columbae (Schaffhausen) 272–280
   in Bibl. Reg. 8 D. ix. (British Museum) 281
   in the Antiphonary of Bangor (Milan) 282
   in the Calendar in the Reichenau Beda (Carlsruhe) 283
   in the Litany of Saints in the Stowe Missal (Dublin) 284
   in the Würzburg Codex MSS. th. f. 61 285
Old-Irish Inscriptions 286–289
Old-Irish Verse:
   in the St Gall Priscian 290
   in the Milan Codex (Bibl. Ambr. C. 301) 291, 292
   in the Codex S. Pauli (Carinthia) 293–295
   in the Codex Boernerianus (Munich) 296
   in the Life of S. Declan 297
The Irish Hymns in the Liber Hymnorum :
   I. Colmán’s hymn 298–306
   II. Fíacc’s hymn 307–321
   III. Niníne’s prayer 322
   IV. Ultán’s hymn 323–326
   V. Broccán’s hymn 327–349
   VI. Sanctán’s hymn 350–353
   VII. Patrick’s hymn (Fáeth fiada) 354–358
   VIII. Mael Ísu’s hymn 359
   I. Glosses on Philargyrius (Bibl. Nationale, MS. lat. 11,308) 360–363
   II. Memoranda in the Book of Armagh (Dublin) 364, 365
   III. Gloss on the Turin Liturgy 365
Index of Things 366–378
Index of Persons 379–391
Index of Places and Tribes 392–400
Index of annotated Words 401–414
Addenda to Vol. I 415, 416
Corrigenda to Vol. I 417
Addenda to Vol. II 418–420
Corrigenda to Vol. II 421, 422
Colophon 422
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.