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cruṫuġaḋ, the act of creating.
cruṫuig sé, he created.
cruṫuiġṫeoir, s.m., a creator.
ċuaiḋ sé, he went.
cuid, s.f., a part; a share; property.
cuidig, take part with; help.
cúig, five.
cúigdéag, fifteen.
ċuige, to him: to it. cad ċuige? Why?
cúigṁaḋ, fifth.
cuinníġean, holds.
cúiṁdeaċt, s.f., guardianship.
cuíṁne, s.f., memory.
cuíṁneaṁ, remembering; thinking.
cuíṁniuġaḋ, s.m., a commemoration: the act of thinking.
ċuir sé, he put, placed.
cuir i gcás, for example.
cuirp, g. & pl. of corp, a body.
cúis, s.f., a cause.
cúiteaṁ, s.m., restitution
cúitiġṫe, restored.
cúl ċaint, poll-talking.
ċum, unto; for the purpose of. ċugam, to me, etc.
ċum sé, he formed, composed.
cuma, s.m., form; shape.
cumaḋ, the act of shaping, forming.
cumaoin, communion: g. cumaoine; often used as nominative.
cumaraiḋe, a refuge.
cur, putting, placing. cur ar bun, to institute. cur i leiṫ, to ascribe to.
cúram, s.m., care.
curtar, [people] put.
dá, if.
dá raiḃ, of all that was.
ḋá, two.
daċad, forty.
daingion, daingean, strong; fast.
damanta, damned.
damnuġuḋ, the act of damning.
daoine, people.
daona, human.
daor, condemned; enslaved.
daoraḋ, the act of condemning.
dara, second.
de, of, off. díom, of me, etc.
Dé, g. of Dia, God.
Dé h-Aoine, Friday.
deaċaiḋ, go ndeaċaiḋ, that (he) went.
déag, “teen.” trí-déag, thirteen.
deaġ, good.
Deaġ Aoḋaire, Good Shepherd.
deaġḋaoine, good people.
deaġḟaoísdin, a good confession.
deaġṁéinn, good will.
deaġoibreaċa, good works.
déanaċ, late; last.
dearḃaḋ, the act of assuring, certifying.
dearḃúċán, a practice of swearing.
deárnaḋ (go n-), that . . . made, did.
deas, nice, pretty; right (hand).
deasgaḃáil, s.f.. Ascension of our Lord; lit., being received at the right hand; g. deasgaḃála.
deasláṁ, s.f., the right hand; d. deasláiṁ.
deiċ, ten.
deiċṁaḋ, tenth.
deifriġeaċt, s.f., a difference.
déin, do; make.
ḋeineadar, they did; made.
deinean, does; makes.
deintear, [people] do: make.
deire, s.m., an end.
deirtar, [they] say
deiṫe, gods.
deó, go deó, for ever.
deónuig, consent (v. imp.).
deór, s.m., a tear.
deunam, the act of doing; making.
deuntar, [people] do; make.
Dia, God.
diaḃal, s.m., a devil.
diaċt, divinity
diaḋa, divine.
diaig, s.m., a trail. ’na ḋiaig, after it. am ḋiaig, after me.
diaṁair, dark; mysterious.
diaṁasla, s.m., blasphemy.
diaṁaslaḋ, the act of blaspheming.
díbeara, banished.
díbirt, s.m., banishment.