díbreaḋ, [some one] banished. dílis, true; faithful. dínn, of us. díoḃáil, díoġḃáil, s.f., harm; damage. díoġaltas, s.m., vengeance díol, the act of paying; of selling. díonġḃálta, having the quality of being up to a necessary standard. díoṫal, the best one can do. dít, s., want; defect. diúltuig, refuse (v. imp.). diúltuiġean, refuses. dleaġṫaċ, lawful. dlíġ, a law. na dlíġe, of the law. dlistineaċ, having the quality of lawfulness; binding. dlúṫócáid, s.f., immediate occasion. do, to. dom, to me, etc. dó, a dó, two; number two. dobrónaċ, sorrowful. dóċas, s.m., hope; g. dóċais. do-ċríoċnuiġṫe, endless; eternal. dóḋéag, twelve. doḋeunta, hard to do; impossible. do ḟeicse, invisible. doiceaṁail, hurtful; injurious. doilġeas, sorrow; g. doilġís. dóirse, doors. dólás, s.m., sorrow. doṁan, s.m., a world. doṁarḃṫaċ, immortal. Dóṁnaċ, Sunday; Dóṁnaċ Cásga, Easter Sunday; Dóṁnaċ Cingise, Whit Sunday. dortaḋ, the act of pouring; spilling. dream, s.m., a body of people. droċ, bad. droċ staid, a bad condition, state. dream, s.m., a class. drúis, s.f,, lust. drúiseaṁail, lustful. dual, something which is due. dualgas, s.m., a duty. duƀairt, said. dúil, s.f., a desire. duine, s.m., a person; a man. An duine, man, mankind. dúinn, to us dul, the act of going. dúnṁarḃaḋ, s.m., murder. dúnta, shut. dúṫraċtaċ, diligent.
é, he; it. an t-é, he (the one) who eaḃar, ivory: g. eaḃuir. éadan, s.m., a forehead. eagla, s.m., fear. eaglais, s.f., a church. éagmais, s.f., absence; want. eagna, s.f., wisdom. eagnaiḋe, wise. eagnaiġe (níos), wiser. earáid, s.f., an error. easbog, s.m., a bishop; g. easbuig. éasga, go h-éasga, easily, lightly. easgainiḋe, pl. of easgaine, s.f., a curse. easlán, infirm. easnaṁ, s., want. easuṁluiġeaċt, s.f., disrespect. Eḃa, Eve. éigion, is éigion, it is necessary. eile, other. Eilís, Elizabeth. éimi-ó, crying out ; crying out against. éi|ieócAfó, wil' firise. elf, CAji elf, iiUer. el f c, listen ; hear. eifccAcc, s.f., hearing; listening. éifceAti, hears, listens. éiteAc, s.m., falsehood ; g. éicij. eoiti l)Aifce, John the Baptist. fÁ, under. c&X) ipÁ ? Why ? fA-OA,long; An fA-oA? How long? f Á5, leave ; 'o'p Á5, left. yAJAil, the act of getting ; finding. f AJAtn, CÁ bf AJAm ? Where do we get, or find. J.-A1-0, s.f., length; ah fait), as long as. fÁij, s.m., a prophet, f Aijmif, 50 bf Aijmif, till we get. fAitij, s.f., neglect ; g. fAiUje. f An, remain. f AoifTjin, s.f., a confession. fÁc, s.m., a cause; fÁcAti^ causes.