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cion, an offence.
cionta, offences.
ciontaċ, guilty.
cirt, gen. of ceart, right.
clann, offspring; children.
claoḋċlóḋ, s.m., change; corruption.
claonaḋ, the act of bending.
clé, left. láṁ ċlé, left hand.
cleas, s.m., a trick.
cléir, s.f., clergy; g. cléire.
clóḋ, s.m., appearance, shape. cur ar clóḋ, to blot out; to efface.
clú, s.f., character.
clúṁail, of good reputation.
Cluain, Cloyne.
cnuc, s.m., a hill.
cod’ (coda), gen. of cuid, a part.
coiḋċe, for ever.
coimeád, the act of keeping.
coimeádaḋ, [people] kept.
coínġíol, s.m., a condition.
coir, s.f., a crime.
cóir. just, right. i gcóir, in store, in keeping.
coisgean, hinders; forbids.
coisgiṫe, prevented; forbidden.
coisgtar, [people] prevent.
coisreacaḋ, consecration.
coitċean, general.
coitċeanta, constantly.
col, s.m., an impediment to marriage.
colan, s.f., the body; g. colna; d. colainn.
ċoṁ, equally.
cóṁaċt, s.f., power.
cóṁaċtaċ, powerful, mighty.
cóṁair, os cóṁair, in presence of.
comairce, s.f., protection.
cóṁairle, s.f., advice, counsel; a council.
cóṁairlíġṫar, [people] advise.
comaoine, s.f., communion.
cóṁarṫa, s.m., a mark; a sign.
cóṁarsa, s.f., a neighbour; g. cóṁarsan; d. cóṁarsain.
cóṁċruinniuġaḋ, s.m., a congregation, or community of people.
cóṁgas, coṁangas, s.m., affinity.
cóṁlíonaḋ, the act of fulfilling.
cóṁluadar, s.m., company
cóṁnuiġean, dwells.
cóṁnuíġṫeaċ, continual.
cóṁreaṁ, the act of counting.
confesóir, s.m., a confessor.
congnaṁ, s.m., help.
Conraḋ, s.m.. Covenant.
contaḃairt, s.f., danger.
conus? How?
cor, s.m., a stir: a move. i n-aon ċor, in any way; at all.
coróinn, s.f., a crown, An Ċoróinn Ṁuire, the Rosary; g. coróinneaċ.
corp, s.m., a body.
Corp Críost, the Holy Eucharist
cosg, s.m., a hindrance.
cosnaṁ, s.m., defence.
cráiḃṫeaċt, s.f., piety, devotion.
crainn, g. of crann, a tree.
craoiḃsgaoile, s.m., publication.
craoiḃsgaoileadar, they published.
craos, s.m., gluttony.
craṫaċa, croiḋṫeaċa, hearts.
Cré, Créḋ, Créiḋ, the Creed.
créatúir, s.m., a creature.
créatúra, of a creature.
creideaṁaint, the act of believing; influence.
creideaṁ, faith; g. creidiṁ.
creidean, believes.
creidig, believe (ye).
creidim, I believe.
críċ, s.f., an end. cur i gcríċ, to put to profit.
críoċ, s.f., an end; a country: g. críċe; pl. críoċa.
críoċnuig sé, he finished.
críonaċt, s.f., wisdom; prudence.
Críost, Christ.
críosdaiḋe, a christian.
críosdaiḋṫe, christians.
críosdaṁail, christian.
criṫeaglaċ, terrible.
criṫníġmíd, we tremble.
croḋa, cróga, valiant.
croiḋe, s.m., a heart.
cros, s.f., a cross: g. croise; d. crois.