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buaḋ, s., victory; virtue.
buaḋfaḋ, would succeed, conquer.
buailean, strikes.
buailiḋ, strike; knock (ye).
buairt, s.f., grief; g. buarṫa.
buiḋċas, s.m., thankfulness; g. buiḋċais.
buile, s.m., a blow; madness.
bun, s m., bottom; foundation. ar bun, established. bun os cionn, upside down.
bunúsaċ, substantial.
cá? Where?
cá ḃ’ḟios dúinn? How do we know?
cá fada? How long?
cá uair? When?
cár ġlac sé é? Where did he take it?
caḃair, s.f., help.
cáċ, other people. (A sort of collective pronoun.)
cad . . ? What? cad ċuige? cad fá? Why?
cailín, a girl; a handmaid.
caindeal-ḃáṫ, excommunication, (lit., the drowning of a candle.)
cáirde, friends.
Cáisg, Easter; g. Cásga.
caitiliceaċt, catholicity.
caitilicíḋe, a catholic.
caitilicíġe, catholic.
caiṫeaṁ, the act of spending; using; throwing. i gcaiṫeaṁ na h-aimsire sin, during that time.
caiṫte, spent.
Calḃerí, Calvary.
caoí, s.m., a way; method; condition.
cara, a friend.
caradas, friendship; g. caradais.
carṫanaċt, s.f., charity.
cás, s.m., a case; a state.
casaḋ, the act of turning.
caṫ, s.m., battle; temptation. i gcaṫaiḃ, in temptation.
caṫain? When?
caṫaoir, s.f., a chair; a seat.
caṫuġaḋ, sorrow.
cé? Who? cé he? What person?
ceaċt, s.f., a lesson.
cead, s.m., permission.
céad, first.
céad, a hundred. naoi gcéad deug, 1900.
céadlongaḋ, the breaking of the morning’s fast.
ar ċéadlongan, not having broken the morning's fast.
céadna, same.
ceaduiġṫear, it is permitted.
ceangailte, bound.
ceanglan, binds.
ceann, s.m., a head. i gceann, at the end of
ceannsa, gentle.
ceanntréan, headstrong.
ċeap sé, he thought; arranged.
ceapaiṫe, appointed.
ceart, right, due.
céasaḋ, s.m., crucifixion. céasaḋ,
was crucified.
céasda, of the crucifixion. Aoine an Ċéasda, Good Friday.
ceaṫair, four.
ceaṫairdéag, fourteen.
ceaṫraṁaḋ, fourth; a quarter.
céile, a spouse, a ċéile, each other. ’ná ċéile, than another.
ċeilfaḋ, would conceal.
ceilt, concealment, hiding.
ceiltear, [people] hide, conceal.
ceisd, ceist, s.f., a question.
ċeiṫre, four.
ciacu, which of them.
cial, s.f., sense; wisdom.
cialuiġean, means, signifies.
cine, s.f., a family; a race. An cine daona, the human race; mankind.
cineaċa, tribes; races of men.
Cíngís, Whitsuntide; g. Cíngíse.
cínn-ṗeacaí, deadly sins: chief sins; capital sins.
cínn-rúin, principal mysteries; pl.
of ceann-rún.
cinte, certain.
cíon, sees.
cionn, os cionn, above.