Author:Munavvarqori Abdurashidxon oʻgʻli
Munavvarqori Abdurashidxon oʻgʻli (1878 - 1931) |
Oʻzbek yozuvchi, jurnalist |
[edit]- Nikoh to‘g‘risida (1906)
- Bizni jaholat — jahli murakkab (1906)
- Sababi tartib (1907)
- Toshkandda musulmon jamiyati (1913)
- Jamiyatlar qanday ochilur (1914)
- «Turon» teatri ochilishida so‘zlangan nutq (1914)
- Maqbul qurbonlar (1917)
- «Sho‘royi islom» qarornomasi (1917)
- Xitobnoma (1919)
- Turkistonda vaqf ishlari (1922)
- Turkiston sho‘rolar jumhuriyatidagi maorifparvar yoshlarga xitob (1923)
- «Nashri maorif» uyushmasining ahamiyati (1923)
- O‘zbekistonda vaqf (1924)
- Qoralash yaxshi emas (1927)
Some or all works by this author are first published in Uzbekistan and is now in the public domain because its copyright protection has expired by virtue of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Copyright and Related Rights, enacted 2006, amended 2021. The work meets one of the following criteria: