User talk:Luensu1959
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Hello Luensu1959, welcome to the multilingual Wikisource! Thanks for your interest in the project; we hope you'll enjoy the community and your work here.
This wiki is the original Wikisource wiki, originally hosting works in many languages. The larger collections have been spawned into separate projects, leaving this wiki to serve as a central collaboration point, and as an environment where works without a language subdomain can be started. Refer to our languages list to see which languages still reside on this wiki. You can find a list of the separate language projects on the main page or here and you may want to look at the our coordination page for limitations on placing certain works on the separate language projects.
Most questions and discussions about the community are in the Scriptorium.
The Community Portal lists tasks you can help with if you wish. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on my talk page!
--Zyephyrus (talk) 16:13, 1 February 2018 (UTC)
Collaborazione tra le Wikisource minori italiane
[edit]Come ho giò scritto a Utente:G.Musso propongo di cercare di trovare il modo di creare collaborazioni tra le wikisource di area italiana. Nell'ultimo anno c'è molto fermento sulla Wikisource in piemontese. Io sto collaborando con quella in ladino dolomitico. Ci si potrebbe aiutarsi a vicenda.
In ligure ho visto che c'è una raccolta molto ampia. Dovremmo riuscire a coinvolgere qualche biblioteca che metta a disposizione testi da scansionare. Poi si vede come coprire i costi.--Mizardellorsa (talk) 22:50, 5 February 2018 (UTC)
[edit]ciau! "indiçe" (cua çediggia) u ve va ben? me spiegu. "indice" (lat. index) vö dî "indicatû", segge n'övu de marmou, in diu, na freccia o l'ürtima paggina du libbru ch'a te dixe duve sun i capittuli. e u curispundente ligüre de "indice" u l'è "endexu" cumme te dimustra da sta furmuletta: INDaco : ENDegu = embrICE : embrEXU = indice : ENDEXU . Natüralmente se pö döviâ in italianismu ascì, ghe n'è za tanti in zeneize: giüdiçe (italianismu) / züxe (ligüre doc) ; caliçe (italianismu) / caxu (ligüre doc, da "caraxu" e primma ancun "carexu"). E indiçe / endexu ascì. Ma "indice" u l'è italian sccettu! Ti traduxi 40 capittuli di "Promessi sposi" e in te l'ürtima paggina "indice" ti gou lasci in italian?! Alegri! G.Musso (talk)
[edit]ciau! mi persunalmente piggiu sulu i scriti di quæ possu remuntâ a l'origine, cioè a-a surgente (a se ciamma wiki-vivagna aposta!) e inte quellu scitu nu gh'è nisciün-a indicassiun de dunde pruvegne 'lu che gh'è scritu (e me pâ ascì che e transcrissüin nu seggian guæi fedele). Ma s'a ti te fa piaxei, transcrivighiou püre, a Wikivivagna a l'è de tütti. Alegri! G.Musso (talk) 19:51, 5 March 2019 (UTC)
Ligurian Wikisource
[edit]Hi Luensu1959,
Because of the high number of Ligurian pages at Multilingual Wikisource, I have submitted a request for a Ligurian Wikisource at Meta-Wiki. I am notifying you of this because you have recently contributed to Ligurian pages here. Would you be willing to support this request (I have linked to it above) and also to help with adding a list of contributors? The request will hopefully be verified as eligible faster that way.
Thanks, DraconicDark (talk) 00:51, 7 April 2019 (UTC)
Thank you very much for your great proposal! We have limited resources, however I will try and spread word about that so that some of us may help support this initiative. Please go on with the request. All the best, --Luensu1959 (talk) 09:31, 7 April 2019 (UTC)
- Please also inform G.Musso on his talk pages as he has uploaded most of the texts you see in Ligurian language on Wiki Source. Advising him is key!
I have informed him. Do you know of any others? DraconicDark (talk) 23:42, 7 April 2019 (UTC)
I aventue do Pinocchio
[edit]Ciao! Aoa ghe-o diggo. alegri! G.Musso (talk)
Stoia de Zena
[edit]Bella! Però da quellu che m'è parsciüu d'acapî da sta paggina chie, inta wikivivagna nu se ghe pö mette di originali inedditi, a menu che nu seggian de tradüçüin de scriti di atre wikivivagne (natüralmente chiunque u pö pübbricâ cosesessæ inte 'n scitu de self-publishing cun tantu de nümmero ISBN, e toulì ch'u nu l'è ciü inedditu). Segunda dumanda: ti vö fâ 'na scansciun di papê e caregâ e inmaggine insce wikimedia? Alegri! G.Musso (talk)
- Ah ben... "fæ cum'uei", ghe diva 'n mæ amigu, "e se n'uei fâ cumuei, fæ di guardavî..." Alua 'lu che ghe saiæ da fâ, u l'è 'n bellu file .pdf o megiu ancun .djvu, cun cuertin-a, outû, tittulu, dæta e tüttu, e inandiâlu insce, e semme che ti ghe l'hæ caregòu ti crei a paggina "index" insciâ wikivivagna (cumme questa), e dapö ti començi a transcrive e paggine ün-a pö-na. G.Musso (talk)
- E brau Luensin! Oua però ti duviesci creâ ascì a paggina-outû author:Rico Carlini, cun vitta, miracculi e futugrafia G.Musso (talk)
- Mi son permesso di entrare nella vostra discussione nella pagina del tuo interlocutore: Non prometto nulla, ma mi darò da fare per far passare una eccezione per le lingue regionali.--Mizardellorsa (talk) 06:30, 31 January 2020 (UTC)
- E brau Luensin! Oua però ti duviesci creâ ascì a paggina-outû author:Rico Carlini, cun vitta, miracculi e futugrafia G.Musso (talk)
Onomastega inta "Stoia de Zena"
[edit]Scciau Luensin! Fanni i mæ cunprimenti o-u sciû Carlin po-u so beliscimu cunpunimentu. Me saiæ permissu de stilâ 'na lista de puscibbile mudiffiche da apurtâ a l'onumàstega pe rendila in po ciü "liggüre". l'ho missa inta paggina de discüsciun Talk:A Stöia de Zêna. Nu so se ti gh'hæ cuæ de prupùnnighia, quantemenu de cangiâ u Michê Paleontòlogo... Alegri! G.Musso (talk)
- Gh'òu diggo, segûo! E graçie pe-i tò sugerimenti!
t'ho missu u tag <poem> e i dui punti " : " o-u postu di spaççi
se ti ghe n'hæ cuæ, danni 'n'öggiâ a-e instrüçüin
G.Musso (talk) 18:18, 5 March 2020 (UTC)
Update on Ligurian Wikisource
[edit]Hi Luensu1959,
Just wanted to inform you that the Ligurian Wikisource request on Meta has been marked as eligible for some time now. This means that once the conditions are met, it will be able to have its own site instead of being on Multilingual Wikisource.
One of these conditions is at least 3 active users per month for more than 3 months. I don't think that's going to be a problem.
However, another one of these conditions is for the MediaWiki interface to be translated into Ligurian via Translatewiki. Currently, the most used messages are translated, but the ProofreadPage extension, which is important to Wikisource, is not. At least translating the ProofreadPage extension would be necessary for Ligurian Wikisource to be approved. The fact that Translatewiki is separate from Wikimedia means that you might not have known about this.
I hope the Ligurian language community can succeed in making Ligurian Wikisource a reality. The success of Neapolitan shows that it's possible. If you or anyone else in the Ligurian language community needs help with anything Wikisource-related, feel free to ask me on my talk page.
Thanks, DraconicDark (talk) 19:09, 13 March 2020 (UTC)
- oua go-u diggu, ma mi, quande te me cumensan a parlâ de strümenti e d'estensciuin, me pâ che parlan arrabu... G.Musso (talk)
tradüçiun ofiçiâ...
[edit]Nu sun següu, ma me pâ d'acapî che sta chì a segge a tradüçiun "ofiçiâ" di testimonni de Geova, intu quæ caxu magara saiæ ben specifficâlu intu tittulu, che poi mie nu me n'acapisciu guæi e nu sò se ghe segge de differense tra-e varrie tradüssüin. Dumandilu in pô o-u sciu Carlini cos'u ne pensa, lê ch'u se n'intende. Alegri! G.Musso (talk) 19:17, 7 May 2020 (UTC)
- alua pe fâ cuntenti tütti ti duviesci scrivighe: tittulu "U Vangelu segundu Matê - tradütu da 'n testimonniu de Giova" e inte notte "Pübricassiun outorizâ do-u detentû di diritti". Però a mi pe piaxei nu stâmegh'a mescciâ che nu ghe n'ho proppiu cuæ. Salüu. G.Musso (talk) 20:20, 8 May 2020 (UTC)
Re: Ligurian Wikisource
The conditions for Ligurian Wikisource to be approved appear to have been met. The most used messages are translated, and the ProofreadPage extension is already mostly there.
I should stress that it is not absolutely necessary for all MediaWiki messages to be translated. All necessary components for Ligurian Wikisource to be approved are already there. If the language committee believes all requirements have been met, then it is the case that all requirements have been met. There is no need to put the process on hold, unless there is a severe issue with the translations. If you wish to check the translations, you may do so at translatewiki. DraconicDark (talk) 21:33, 12 July 2020 (UTC)
- As I said before, the interface has been translated to a satisfactory degree. There is at least one native speaker of Ligurian who is currently active on translatewiki (his most recent edits there were today). If you have any concerns about the interface translation, I would recommend you contact him (here is a link to his talk page on Multilingual Wikisource).
- You say Wikisource in English is not growing anymore. On what do you base this? My experiences with English Wikisource indicate the opposite is true: that it is growing. A look at its recent changes shows that English Wikisource is very active. I see no reason why Ligurian Wikisource wouldn't also be active, since it is prominently advertised on the main page of Ligurian Wikipedia. As for your concerns about the interface, well, Neapolitan, a language that had its Wikisource approved last year, actually has less of the interface translated than Ligurian, and that hasn't been an issue for them at all, so I would say that translation of the interface to Ligurian is in a good place and that you have no need to worry about it. I don't know in what other way I can explain that all required translations have been done, and those translations that aren't done can always be done later and they will immediately appear in the interface once they are done. DraconicDark (talk) 16:55, 13 July 2020 (UTC)
- Okay, thx for your detailed reply and your assurances. There is a misunderstanding here as I actually meant that Wikivivagna (the Ligurian Wikisource, not all Wikisource!) is not growing that much as in the past. Anyway, I am the one who advertised Wikivivagna on the main page of Wikipedia Ligure to make it known among Ligurians (the most important association for Genoese language and culture, A Compagna, learned about it thru my advertising. Ligurian means here Genoese language, in which all documents contained in Wikivivagna are written). We northerners do not agree on how people work and live in the South of Italy, so if Neapolitans are happy with their product, we tend to be perfectionists. Anyway, that is a different issue. So, once again, thanks for your assurances.--Luensu1959 (talk) 17:33, 13 July 2020 (UTC)
- You say Wikisource in English is not growing anymore. On what do you base this? My experiences with English Wikisource indicate the opposite is true: that it is growing. A look at its recent changes shows that English Wikisource is very active. I see no reason why Ligurian Wikisource wouldn't also be active, since it is prominently advertised on the main page of Ligurian Wikipedia. As for your concerns about the interface, well, Neapolitan, a language that had its Wikisource approved last year, actually has less of the interface translated than Ligurian, and that hasn't been an issue for them at all, so I would say that translation of the interface to Ligurian is in a good place and that you have no need to worry about it. I don't know in what other way I can explain that all required translations have been done, and those translations that aren't done can always be done later and they will immediately appear in the interface once they are done. DraconicDark (talk) 16:55, 13 July 2020 (UTC)
[edit]me spiaxe dîtelu, ma anava ben cum'aivan scritu liatri, percose "Pàgina de discuscioìn" (Talk page) e "Discucion insciâ pagina" (Page talk) en due cose ben distinte... G.Musso (talk) 17:14, 14 July 2020 (UTC)
- Se t'amîi bén, a teu propòsta a l'è diferente da "liatri" che piggian e poule da-o TIG, e difæti t'è scritu a-o singolare ("Discuscion aotô" - "Discuscion pagina"). Pe "indiçe" gh'ea za 'n acòrdiu, pe œvie e scriti, sci, me sünna megiu inte uêge (anche òpia "liatri" l'án pigiâ da-o TIG).
- Mi me despiaxe sulu po-u zeneize quande, cumme l'italiàn, u vegne tradütu da l'ingleize... A ogni moddu, cumme ti decidi ti e u Giromìn pe mi, "ch'a vegnu da-a Val Burbaia", va bén, però ti ti duviesci scrive a versiun finale a stu link chie: (cumme dumanda MF-W). Alegri! --Luensu1959 (talk) 18:59, 14 July 2020 (UTC)