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From Wikisource

Aliquis non debet esse judex in propria causa

15:58 CET

Bienvenue, visiteur. Tu peux me rendre visite sur le Wikisource français /

15:58:56, 28 February 2025 - 73,872 titres/articles. - 425,130 utilisateurs/users. - 1,103,841 édits/edits

Templates : {{NumVerse|NumVerse}} ; {{NumVerseRight|NumVerseRight}} or {{NVR|NVR}} or {{R|R}}

"I see mul.ws serving three functions:

1.) storing multilingual texts,

2.) storing texts for languages that have very small bodies of literature (and hence could never support their own subdomain), and

3.) acting as an incubator for projects that could graduate to their own domain." — Source

Links :

  • [[fr:Utilisateur:aaa]]