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User talk:Kazu89

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Latest comment: 13 years ago by Kazu89

Hello Kazu89, welcome to the multilingual Wikisource! Thanks for your interest in the project; we hope you'll enjoy the community and your work here.

This wiki is the original Wikisource wiki, originally hosting works in many languages. The larger collections have been spawned into separate projects, leaving this wiki to serve as a central collaboration point, and as an environment where works without a language subdomain can be started. Refer to our languages list to see which languages still reside on this wiki. You can find a list of the separate language projects on the main page or here and you may want to look at the our coordination page for limitations on placing certain works on the separate language projects.

Most questions and discussions about the community are in the Scriptorium.

The Community Portal lists tasks you can help with if you wish. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on my talk page!

Zyephyrus 07:05, 9 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Ciao! Ben ritrovato. Sta procedendo bene, eh? Volevo solo dirti che i due a capo vanno dentro al poem, non fuori. Candalua (talk) 20:02, 5 March 2012 (UTC)Reply

Sì, ho trovato il flow ;) Grazie per l'aiuto, sto anche osservando i tuoi edit sulle "mie" pagine per imparare di più. Ma hai un'idea su come procedere qui? Pensavo di usare una tabella invisibile a due colonne di 50% di larghezza, ma non ricordo come funzionava... Temo anche che le dimensioni dei paragrafi non siano le stesse dell'originale. Non so se mi sono (sia?) fatto capire... argh *comincia a legere un libro italiano* --Kazu89 (talk) 14:42, 6 March 2012 (UTC)Reply