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Latest comment: 13 years ago by Electron in topic Легэнды versus Легенды

Hello Хомелка, welcome to the multilingual Wikisource! Thanks for your interest in the project; we hope you'll enjoy the community and your work here.

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Zyephyrus 14:50, 26 December 2011 (UTC)Reply


It is very nice that you want support Belarusian projets with new texts but you should obey Belarusian copyrigts. To say the truth I am not an expert of it but I know that it usually lasts for 50-ty years of the authors death or if the author is uknown (e.g. anonymous) it lasts 50-ty years after the first publication of the text. To be on the save site of the law we won't publish texts that we don't know who was theirs authors (or if the author is anonymous when and where they were published). I think that we shouldn't publish the text we know nothing about its history. In my opinion it is not enough to write that they are "народ." (traditionally).

Every text published here should be in Public Domain (or published on other "free" license), without any doubts... I hope you understand my point...

Regards Electron  <Talk?> 14:13, 5 January 2012 (UTC)Reply

All right, these stories, like fairy tales are creative people, it is folklore, so these texts in the public domain already 200 years at least:) (Всё в порядке, эти предания, как и народные сказки являются творчеством народа, это фольклор, поэтому данные тексты находятся в общественном достоянии уже лет 200 как минимум :))--Хомелка 15:46, 5 January 2012 (UTC)Reply
OK. If you said so... I am a cautious man, because there in Polish Wikisource we have other rules now and we don't publish anonymous texts without the proofs that they are really anonymous (it means that the title of book should be produced from what they were taken and that book should be old enough to be PD)... Electron  <Talk?> 17:25, 5 January 2012 (UTC)Reply

Легэнды versus Легенды


OK. Я не очень хорошы с белорусской орфографии... Я взял это с этого стихотворения -> Паляўніны і пара галубкоў (Легэнда зь ...). Может быть, раньше писано по-другому?.. Конечно, я бы признателен, если вы исправили мои ошибки, которые я могу сделать в будущем. С уважением Electron  <Talk?> 13:44, 6 February 2012 (UTC)Reply

Это разница двух белорусских орфографий: Адна і Другая, договорились, что в Вікікрыніцах будет использоваться вариант, который изучают в школах и который принят на госуровне. В любом случае это мелочь, поправится при переносе из инкубатора, огромное спасибо за помощь. :)--Хомелка 23:18, 6 February 2012 (UTC)Reply
OK, понимаю. Спасибо за разъяснение. Electron  <Talk?> 10:25, 7 February 2012 (UTC)Reply