Page:Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus 2.djvu/184

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Non-Biblical Glosses and Scholia.

Virgilius in VIII:

Parnasio dictum Panos de more Licei2.

Ἄραψ Ἄραβος…‘Arabus3 Arabi’…

…‘panthera4’ et ‘cratera5’…   …rinocerus6…   …elifas7

P. 96a

‘cassis1’… …ballena2,3

…‘Adramyn4’ nomen haeroys, Adramynis.’

P. 96b

…‘flemen . nis1,’ ‘hoc numen . nis,’ ‘flamen . nis2’…

..‘lien3’ .. ‘rien4’…5 ‘siren6,7’…

P. 97a

…laquear1 .ris2…   …nassum3


P. 97b

Sed Plautus hoc quoque secundum analogiam1 declinauit…

‘Liber2,’ quoque, quando ingenuum3 significat…

P. 98a

INueniuntur tamen et ‘altera utra1’ et ‘alterum utrum’ pro­tulisse ueteres et ex utraque parte decli­nasse2.

P. 98b

Potest tamen híc datiuus1 accipi[1]: ‘nulli rei’ pro ‘nulli utilitati.’

2: .i. in pain chondai · licos enim graece lupus dicitur · 3: ainmnid uathaid latindae ua[2] genitin grecdi 4: .i. panther .i. nomen bestiae 5: .i. crater .i. tailchube 6: .i. srón­bennach .i. exemplum 7: .i. combí elifas

P. 96a

1: .i. barr 2: .i. bled balin[3] graece mittere latine 3: [in marg.] ISidorus[4] ballenæ dictae ab emitendo aquas · 4: .i. ainm alaili thríuin

P. 96b

1: tene dia[5] · ꝉ oirclech[6] 2: ⁊ flamen hic sacerdos ut isidorus dicit 3: lua liath 4: féitháru 5: muir móru 6: delb e(uin) 7: ⁊ fit sirena ut (amb- )[7] cantus sirenar(um)

P. 97a

1: nem 2: camara quod ⁊ tholus siue tholus rotundus 3: sróin 4: [in marg.] .i. media · nam sequester medius .i. ráth[8] inter du(os) altercantes

P. 97b

1: iar ṅ diul tanisiu. 2: sóer 3: in soer

P. 98a

1: .i. comṡuidigthe odib nógaib in feminino ⁊ neutro ut est in masculino 2: .i. andiall foadanóg

P. 98b

1: .i. rombí[9] fri tobarthid in hoc' exemplo

2. i.e. of the wolfish Pan, λύκος etc. 3. a Latin nominative singular from a Greek genitive. 7. i.e. so that it is elephas.

P. 96a

4. i.e. name of a certain hero,

P. 96b

1. lightning (?), or oracular (?). 4. sinew or kidney. 5. seamaid. 6. a bird’s shape.

P. 97a

1. ceiling[10] 3. nose.

P. 97b

1. according to the second declension 2. free. 3. the free man.

P. 98a

1. i.e. compounded of two integrals in the fem. and neut., as it is in the masc. 2. i.e. the declension according to its two integrals.

P. 98b

1. i.e. it can be with the dative in this example.

  1. om. MS.
  2. a over the line
  3. leg. βάλλειν MS. bled is over ballena, the rest under it
  4. Etymol. Lib. xii.
  5. leg. diait? and cf. tene diait, Ann. Ult. 915, 995, 1019
  6. cf. uricli ‘oracles,’ Cogad Gaedel 12
  7. ut amb‘ scheint mir möglich, Thurn­eysen, cantus Sirenarum, Ambros. de lac. et Vit. Beat. 2, 12, 56
  8. over medius; cf. ráth (gl. medius), Leyden Priscian 59a
  9. the infixed relative is strange
  10. literally ‘heaven’: cf. Fr. ciel, Ital. cielo