(Redirected from WS:LANG)
This page lists local languages here at the Multilingual Wikisource.[1] Languages with subdomains are listed here.
This wiki has a total of 74,063 content pages. The vast majority are accounted for in the language categories listed in the chart above.
See also
Lists of wikis in various languages:
- List of Wikisources – a list at Wikimedia's Meta-Wiki of Wikisources with their own separate subdomains.
- List of Wikisource language editions – a list at Wikidata of the corresponding Wikidata items.
- List of Wikipedias – at the Meta-Wiki.
Special language lists:
- Category:Multilingual – a small collection of 140 texts where the same text appears in multiple languages on the same page, including parallel texts.
- Category:Classical and historical languages – classical and historical languages whose texts appear at this wiki.
- Category:Constructed languages – consciously contructed languages whose texts appear at this wiki.
- Category:Languages with subdomains – material at this wiki in languages that already have existing subdomains. This material might need to be moved to the subdomain in the appropriate language and removed from this wiki. The exception is material kept here because it is in the public domain in the United States but not in the home country of the language.
- ↑ As a rule, these languages do not have their own separate subdomains. In individual cases subdomains exist, but they have been frozen due to inactivity. In these cases activity has returned to a local main page here at this wiki.
- ↑ This language has a subdomain but it has been locked due to inactivity. Wikisource activity in this language has reverted to the main page here.
- ↑ Texts in this category are public domain in the United States but not in their native country and so are hosted here rather than at the local subdomain.