Wikisource:Possible copyright violations
The texts below have been cited as possible copyright violations—see Wikisource:Copyright policy. In the interim the texts have been replaced with {{copyvio}} (they are still available via the page history), while the matter is under discussion here. Someone starting a thread here should explain why the text is a copyright violation. In the absence of a convincing argument for retention, these texts will be deleted after a reasonable period of time. Records of these deletions are to be kept at archives. If you think a text should be deleted for non-copyright reasons, please list it at Wikisource:Proposed deletions. See also: Category:Possible copyright violations.
Works of Firuza Abdullina
[edit]I am afraid, that the works (many!, see contibutions of the user) of Firuza Abdullina / Фирүзә Абдуллина, posted here by User:Фирүзә Абдуллина, could be copyright violations or out of scope of Wikisource. See my Notice on User talk:Фирүзә Абдуллина#Pages created by you, where I've got no satisfactory answer. The author is born (see There is no licence, no exact source (only "they are beeing published on the "personal creative page" (which seems to be a sort of a blog). What sollution should we do? -jkb- (talk) 16:32, 15 December 2014 (UTC)
- Надо оказать помощь Фирузе Абдуллиной правильно оформить лицензию. Фируза Абдуллина не знает английский язык, и поэтому испугалась отвечать на Ваш вопрос. В башкирской викитеке нет участников. Прошу помощь авторам, размещающих свои произведения. Я тоже плохо знаю английский, поэтому отвечаю на русском языке. It is necessary to assist Firouzeh Abdullina correctly issue a license. Firuz Abdullina does not know English, so scared to answer your question. In Bashkir Wikisource has no members. Please help authors who publish their works. I also do not know much English, so I answer in Russian. --Рөстәм Нурыев (talk) 17:44, 28 December 2014 (UTC)
There are some important points that must be OK to be published in Wikisource - see Wikisource:What is Wikisource?:
- either the author died 70 or more years ago, or the text must have a free licence (i.e. GFDL or CC-BY-SA); this must be clearly stated for every text and page published here, see Wikisource:Copyright policy
- Wikisource does not accept text that has not been published before (original texts); the text must have been published in a honourable source (a blog publication does not fit normally; see en:Wikisource:What Wikisource includes
- thus we need the source of all texts
All these points seem not to be fullfilled in the text mentioned here, so probably they probably would be out of scope - so please tell us all needed information I listed here. I hope you will find somebody in the Bashkir Wikipedia who can help with English. Regards, -jkb- (talk) 22:32, 28 December 2014 (UTC)
- Ok. Detailed explanation situation later. Please do not delete the existing text. I earnestly request. --Рөстәм Нурыев (talk) 04:26, 29 December 2014 (UTC)
- Home Women's newspaper in the Bashkir language recognizes the unique creativity Firuz Abdullina and her blog. Her poems published and read in various newspapers and magazines. So many of them, and it does not collect information public. She does not have published books, but put into publishing and waiting queue.--Рөстәм Нурыев (talk) 04:26, 29 December 2014 (UTC)
- A series of articles in the weekly anthology Kiske Өfө. Rooms number 30 - 41 for 2014. --Рөстәм Нурыев (talk) 07:37, 29 December 2014 (UTC)
- Many published poems, the author does not remember where. Simply not recorded. Why? - Asked in surprise Firuz Abdullina. The author gives the poem on the terms of fair use. Does not know how to make the right to Wikisource. Help. --Рөстәм Нурыев (talk) 07:48, 29 December 2014 (UTC)
Здравствуйте, уважаемый @Рөстәм Нурыев:
Чтобы понять, как Фирүзә Абдуллина могла бы оформить разрешение на размещение своих произведений: изучите пожалуйста страницу в русской Викитеке, где про это написано: ru:Викитека:Получение разрешений. Только обратите внимание, что разрешение должно быть дано автором не на "fair-use" ("добросовестное использование") как вы пишете, а на CC-BY-SA, которая подразумевает разрешение на коммерческое издание (без необходимости выплаты гонорара автору) и разрешение на создание производных (модифицированных) работ.
Затем вам следует связаться с самой Фирүзә Абдуллиной и объяснить ей, что ей требуется сделать (можно также дать ей ссылку на ту страницу русской Викитеки), и -- самое главное! -- выяснить у неё, согласна ли она на распространение опубликованных здесь, в Викитеке, её работ -- хотя бы некоторых -- на указанных условиях. Если она сообщит, что не согласна на такие условия (или согласна но не для всех её произведений) -- то вам следует здесь написать, что для таких-то произведений она не может дать согласие на распространение под CC-BY-SA и что их следует удалить. Если же для каких-то произведений она готова дать разрешение на публикацию на условиях CC-BY-SA -- то тогда она должна написать письмо в OTRS, как описано на той странице. Если согласование пройдёт успешно -- то ей пришлют разрешение от OTRS с таким длинным-длинным номером, вам его нужно будет разместить на страницах её произведений.
Также есть проблема с тем, что у администраторов есть подозрения, что данные работы Фирүзә Абдуллиной вообще нигде не публиковались. Тут дело в том, что по общепринятым во всех Викитеках правилам, "самиздат" не допускается -- все произведения, публикующиеся здесь, должны предварительно пройти хоть какую-то редакторскую проверку и где-то быть опубликованы -- в книге, в журнале, или хотя бы в газете; солидное электронное издание вероятно также разрешается (хотя на этот счёт мнения разные - например в русской Викитеке правила насчёт электронных изданий пока не принято, и публикация только в электронном издании пока считается недостаточной для возможности публик). Так что нужно будет также указать для каждого произведения -- в каком издании было опубликовано (название, автор, издательство, город, год), иначе данные произведения находятся под высоким риском быть когда-нибудь удалёнными администраторами...
Если будут вопросы (а я думаю что они будут) -- то предлагаю задавать их на вашей странице обсуждения (я создам тему там), я охотно помогу, чем смогу, разобраться со всеми непонятными местами политики фонда Викимедиа и Викитеки. --Nigmont (talk) 15:44, 10 May 2015 (UTC)
- Hi @Nigmont: I see you translate some thoughts for the Bashkir Users, thanks. As far as I can understand (not 100 per cent!) it's OK. Our problem is not only the question with a licence (the author itself can provide a CC-licence by OTRS etc.), but mainly the point "Wikisource is no samizdat", i.e. "no original works" here, they are out of scope. A source must be clear to every page, not only "some works has been published...". I hope you will inform us if there is something new. Best regards, -jkb- (talk) 16:04, 10 May 2015 (UTC)
- Hi @-jkb-: Yes, I wrote about "Samizdat" (i.e. self-published works) as well -- I wrote about that in the paragraph which is the second one from the end of my comment above. And I propose to you and other admins to wait at least a couple of weeks -- I guess that Рөстәм Нурыев should pay attention to this explanation and take all required measures to clear off described violations. I will try to do all my best to help him with understanding required policies of Wikisource. And, of course, I inform you if some successful (or obviously unsuccessful) results of communications will be reached. Best regards, Nigmont (talk) 16:20, 10 May 2015 (UTC)
- Спасибо. Фируза Абдуллина согласно на использований произведений под свободной лицензией. Думаю, что смогу объяснить, как это правильно оформить, хотя такой практики нет. На ее стихи написали много песень, которые стали очень популярны. Проблема с самиздатом в том, что у нее не было изданых книг. В этом году опубликовала одну книгу (я ее уговорил), планирует следующую. Первая книга вызвала огоромный интерес в обществе, ее пригласили вступить в Союз писателей Башкортостана (хотя для этого нужно как минимум 2 книги). Фируза Абдуллина - уникум. Это тот случай, когда человека невозможно измерить общим аршином. Может сделать экспертное заключение Союза писателей на произведения по списку (подборки будущих книг) и выложить в ее личной странице. Кстати, она сама строгий эксперт и цензор - не все стихотворения выкладывает в интернете. --Рөстәм Нурыев (talk) 03:02, 16 May 2015 (UTC)
- Рөстәм, спасибо за ответ! Насчёт разрешения OTRS — у меня самого тоже такой практики пока нет (пока ещё не доводилось просить какого-то автора или правообладателя оформить лицензию), но для меня это всё выглядит не очень сложным: как мне видится — нужно, чтобы автор написал (на указанный адрес) письмо с текстом заявления, в котором перечислил бы лицензируемые произведения (перечисление можно сделать — либо в виде списка с указанием конкретных работ, либо в виде наподобие "все произведения моего авторства, изданные за период ...", или ещё в каком-нибудь виде). По прочтению письма, у участников OTRS могут возникнуть вопросы, касающиеся авторства — они их напишут, и нужно будет на них ответить. Когда все вопросы будут разрешены — от OTRS придёт разрешение на публикацию. Если же ответ не приходит в разумное время — то можно дополнительно написать запрос на странице запросов к OTRS (в русской Википедии — Википедия:Запросы, связанные с OTRS).
- Насчёт наличия публикации произведений: одна напечатанная книга, как вы говорите, уже есть — значит, по этой книге нужно просто сделать список произведений Фирүзә Абдуллиной, вошедших в эту книгу, и затем найти эти произведения здесь, в Викитеке, и указать на их страницах источник — данную книгу. Насчёт остальных работ: если нет книг — то может быть её работы публиковались в сборниках, журналах, газетах? Можно ведь указывать в качестве источников не только самостоятельные книги, но и сборники и периодические издания. Насчёт того что Фируза Абдуллина — сама по себе талантливый автор и не требует публикации для подтверждения ценности её работ: лично я склонен вам в этом верить, но для многих других участников (особенно тех кто не из России), и администраторов, это будет неубедительным, так что так или иначе потребуется формальное обоснование ценности ("значимости") данных работ в виде присутствия их в опубликованных книгах. И данное требование возникло не из воздуха, а из таких соображений, что: каждое опубликованное в Викитеке произведение должно представлять для читателей Викитеки какую-то литературную / информационную ценность, и (по возможности) должно быть написано с соблюдением грамматических норм того языка, на котором оно составлено. Чтобы всё это гарантировать — требуется, чтобы любое произведение прошло через хоть какую-то редакторскую проверку, отсюда и вытекает необходимость наличия публикации произведения. И я на вашем месте, в плане соблюдения данного требования, сделал бы наверно следующее: попытался бы проставить на всех работах источник публикации, и потом — посмотрел бы — а много ли осталось её работ, которые пока остались без печатного источника? Если их немного — то можно составить их список (на всякий случай — можно также сохранить у себя, локально, вики-тексты этих произведений), затем попросить администраторов удалить пока их, а потом, по мере того как они будут публиковаться — можно запрашивать у админов восстановление публикуемых произведений (админы могут восстанавливать удалённые страницы — со всем содержимым и историей правок). Если же неопубликованных произведений много — то тогда, наверно, лучше переговорить с Фирүзә насчёт их публикации, и если она согласна опубликовать и их — то у администраторов запросить "мораторий" на удаление, объяснив ситуацию (если есть трудности с английским - то могу перевести я, вам только нужно будет написать текст вашего обращения на русском) — я думаю они всё-таки не звери и войдут в положение... (тем более что они и так уже довольно приличное время ждали, когда же ситуация разрешится). Если же она пока не хочет их публиковать — то тогда, наверно, придётся ставить их на удаление... --Nigmont (talk) 12:53, 16 May 2015 (UTC)
- @Nigmont: hi. Are there some news? When you see the recent changes from this evening (well, middle European time ...), there are some new edits by hte author. Cheers, -jkb- -jkb- (talk) 19:00, 20 May 2015 (UTC)
- @-jkb-: in the discussion (above, in the Russian language) between me and Рөстәм Нурыев: we stopped on the point that he (Рөстәм) will try to explain to the author (Фирүзә) what is expected from her to be done... From his answer: as I understood — the author (Фирүзә) is not eager to publish her poetry in printed books, but nevertheless he (Рөстәм) became able to argue her to publish one (but still one) printed book of her poetical works; and these works have drawn great respect and attention from Bashkir society, as he claims. I proposed him to set — in all the works which were printed in that book — the source — that printed book. After my past comment with that proposal, he still hasn't done that, and still hasn't replied. But unfortunately, recent edits by Фирүзә which you wrote about, show us that she still don't understand the requirements to respectful source: she marked her pages as "Сығанаҡ: “Бәйләнештә” сайтындағы “Ғәжәп донъя” төркөмөнән.", I tried to find translation from Bashkir and found that this is "VKontakte" ("ВКонтакте" — it's a famous Russian social-network site, a Russian analogue of Facebook — just in case if you don't know) localized to Bashkir... As of me: very likely that it is some sort of poetical nature — to fly in the skies and not bother oneself with such worldly and earth things as publishing in printed books :) I think that there are no copyright violations in the case of these works by this particular author, but there are, of course, violations about requirement of respectful source. I wrote to Фирүзә herself, on her talk page. Maybe she will pay attention and will stop inserting such pages without respectful source, so I propose to wait for some more time — maybe my negotiations will take effect... --Nigmont (talk) 20:59, 20 May 2015 (UTC)
- @Nigmont: hi. Are there some news? When you see the recent changes from this evening (well, middle European time ...), there are some new edits by hte author. Cheers, -jkb- -jkb- (talk) 19:00, 20 May 2015 (UTC)
Hi @Nigmont, Фирүзә Абдуллина:, as there are some new pages inserted today with no note about licence or source I would like to hear something how it can go on. If there is no liecence on every page so that means that a copyright violation could be assumed (this is an international law so it doesn't matter what me or another User here thinks about that); secondly, if the work has not been published before it is out of scope of Wikisource (strictly exclusion of original writings is the point). We really cannot provide place for publishing own works first time in the internet. I understand the wish of the author but we have some clear regulations on this that must be fullfilled. Please give an answer here soon, otherwise I am afraid we have to delete all pages inserted here up to now. Regards, -jkb- (talk) 22:21, 29 January 2016 (UTC)
- Hello, @-jkb-:! (sorry for delay with the answer)
- As on my own, currently I do not oppose to any of your admin's actions applicable to these works (without license and source) — neither to deletion nor to keeping them. I tried to explain to this user/author what the problem is, but seemingly my explanations were missed; so it might be a logical final to perform deletion. Moreover I may say: I do not see any great tragedy in such deletion, because if the user sometime in the future would obey the rules and provide required licenses and sources (for all or just for part of those works), the works, as far as I know, might be easily restored by any admin, so their deletion is not an irrevertible and irreparable loss. Nevertheless, I think, an admin's note should be provided to that user before deletion, a note explaining violations related to the works being deleted, and also amendment, that if the user would provide licenses/sources, then the works would be restored. If such admin's note would be provided in English, I may supplement it with translation to the Russian language which is well known and understandable by most of inhabitants of Russia (even to those ones who are themselves not of the Russian nation). Best regards, --Nigmont (talk) 17:14, 3 February 2016 (UTC)
- Hi @Nigmont:! I thank you lot for your realy good engagement in this case. I by myself am qwuite unhappy with these developments, but as I see now, my first edit in this thread was made on December 15th 2014, and we still have no sollution that could be accepted by the Wikisource. We have to respect some guidelines, not only those of Wikisource but those of the Wiki Media Foundation: no original works, free licence, source... OK, I think we shall do it as you supposed: first, I will announce the forthcomming deletion on the page of the user / author, explainig the situation once more; if there will be no sufficient answer, the deletions will be made in x days; I will ping you when I do this. And, sure, there is no problem to restore the pages when the conditions are OK. Once more: Thank you vry much for your help! -jkb- (talk) 22:24, 5 February 2016 (UTC)
- مراحب واهلين و سهلين D688588 (talk) 22:54, 28 October 2024 (UTC)
Works by User:CoderSIBot and some IPs
[edit]I am afraid that also all pages created by CoderSIBot and some IPs and some IPs are the same. Probably it is something like small articles from an encyclopaedia or Lexicon. But there is no source, no main page of the main work, no licence, no author, no year and where published. I have tried to talk to the users, but no reply. See User:CoderSIBot (talk page and contributions), User: (talk page and contributions), User: with a question by User:Dcljr, see also my notice on User talk:Dcljr#robotic pages. There are some more hundreds of pages created like this. -jkb- (talk) 16:33, 15 December 2014 (UTC)
The source for the pages is a Uzbek dictionary, publisher 2006/08, online, with a CC-BY-NC license, thus (as far as I see it) not free and our of scope of the Wikisource. See the Answer on User talk:CoderSIBot#Edits in last days. -jkb- (talk) 09:36, 18 December 2014 (UTC)
- Having started deleting some of them, any other administrators may also delete as I cannot delete all of them in short time.--Jusjih (talk) 03:37, 22 January 2015 (UTC)
- Deleted many posts by CoderSIBot, but not yet complete, thus still in progress.--Jusjih (talk) 02:04, 5 April 2015 (UTC)
- As far as Ican see all posts by CoderSIBot are deleted now. -jkb- (talk) 10:57, 7 April 2015 (UTC)
- Pages created by the IP deleted now. -jkb- (talk) 08:51, 11 April 2015 (UTC)
- Deleting some edits by, but more than a thousand edits will require some time to delete as mass deletion does not work for older edits.--Jusjih (talk) 02:11, 19 April 2015 (UTC)
- Yep. In fact, a bot with admin rights would be the best sollution. Nevertheless: I am pretty sure, we have another huge amount of copoyright violations here, and we still will become more, if we don't change the editing policy here (who can edit, controll mechanism, etc.), as many users especially from "small languages" are creating pages here every day and we do not have anybody, who could have a look, what it is. At least, we should state clearly, that all pages without a header (author, date of death --> PD or not and similar details) will be deleted immediately. See User talk:Mustaf khanum#just a moment. -jkb- (talk) 09:35, 19 April 2015 (UTC)
- Then we should propose changing Wikisource:Copyright_policy#Copyright_violations to allow speedy deletion, but only when appealing the deletion is easy.--Jusjih (talk) 20:26, 20 April 2015 (UTC)
@Jusjih: DerHexer will delete the account with a little help of a script, so stop deleting it one by one. -jkb- (talk) 23:04, 9 May 2015 (UTC)
- Great, but we still have 870 UncategorizedPages that I cannot even tell which languages they belong to. Where is the page to appeal deletions? We need this to speedily delete some pages.--Jusjih (talk) 03:34, 10 May 2015 (UTC)
- Probably we should discuss this problem (and that means our policy in this sense as well) on a proper place, as the Oldwikisource turned to be a blog server for copyvios and other pages out of scope. See above #Works of Firuza Abdullina: the works have undefinied licence, and more over, they seem not to be publisher but onyl on the private blog of the author; the argument for publishing here is "the unique creativity", but no source of beeing published. We had here some time ago a similar problem with an albanian author, where the argument was "he is a national hero so it must be here". And we habe - beside the uncategorized pages, that should be deleted imho - a lot of further pages without near details on licence, sourtce etc. If we start this discussion I will propose that more admins take part in it and that we also discuss how to protect such huge amount of unclear pages in the future. -jkb- (talk) 13:17, 10 May 2015 (UTC)
- Done for now with deletions. If you need help once again, please drop me a note. Cheers, DerHexer (talk) 22:59, 10 May 2015 (UTC)
- Probably we should discuss this problem (and that means our policy in this sense as well) on a proper place, as the Oldwikisource turned to be a blog server for copyvios and other pages out of scope. See above #Works of Firuza Abdullina: the works have undefinied licence, and more over, they seem not to be publisher but onyl on the private blog of the author; the argument for publishing here is "the unique creativity", but no source of beeing published. We had here some time ago a similar problem with an albanian author, where the argument was "he is a national hero so it must be here". And we habe - beside the uncategorized pages, that should be deleted imho - a lot of further pages without near details on licence, sourtce etc. If we start this discussion I will propose that more admins take part in it and that we also discuss how to protect such huge amount of unclear pages in the future. -jkb- (talk) 13:17, 10 May 2015 (UTC)
It was dated on 20 March 1989 with no license. [1] I suggest deleting it without transferring to English Wikisource.--Jusjih (talk) 02:30, 6 May 2015 (UTC)
- Yep, we have a lot of such pages here - no source,no author, no licence, out of scope etc. Deleted. -jkb- (talk) 08:10, 6 May 2015 (UTC)
most files in Category:Доңгак Эрик
[edit]- Аай-дедир шуушкан чылгы доозуну (Доӊгак Эрик)
- Бо-ла-дыр ам, харлыг февраль (Доӊгак Эрик)
- Булуттар! (Доӊгак Эрик)
- Дуруяалар мени каггаш (Доӊгак Эрик)
- Дүнеки сад бүрүлери (Доӊгак Эрик)
- Дүнелерде (Доңгак Эрик)
- Есенинге (Доӊгак Эрик)
- Кайда чор сен? (Доӊгак Эрик)
- МЕН-ДИР МЕН ИЙИН (Доӊгак Эрик)
- Парижке мен барбаан-дыр мен (Доӊгак Эрик)
- Сен дээш бөгүн чуртталгага ынак-тыр мен (Доӊгак Эрик)
- Сени манап (Доңгак Эрик)
- Силерге мен ынак чордум (Доӊгак Эрик)
- Улдуңнары элеп калган идиктерим (Доӊгак Эрик)
- Часкы чаашкын (Доңгак Эрик)
- Чаңгыс сени манагзынып (Доӊгак Эрик)
- Шилилге (Доңгак Эрик)
- Ышкам, изиг бүргег дүне уйгум келбейн (Доңгак Эрик)
- Эрги Арбат (Доӊгак Эрик)
Probably works of a living author. No evidence they were ever published, no license, no OTRS permission. Added by IP. Ankry (talk) 05:32, 25 May 2015 (UTC)
- Any objections? Otherwise I will delete the pages tommorow. -jkb- (talk) 23:37, 30 May 2015 (UTC)
- I have forgotten to add the {{copyvio}} template to the pages listed; maybe wait a while to give uploader chance to notice this report? Ankry (talk) 21:48, 31 May 2015 (UTC)
- No permission provided. Deleted. Probably similar problem with other files in this category, but it needs more investigation. Ankry (talk) 13:06, 22 June 2015 (UTC)
- I have forgotten to add the {{copyvio}} template to the pages listed; maybe wait a while to give uploader chance to notice this report? Ankry (talk) 21:48, 31 May 2015 (UTC)
Probably work of living person. No proof of free license. No evidence that it was published, except this blog. Ankry (talk) 21:45, 31 May 2015 (UTC)
- No objections. Deleted. Ankry (talk) 12:51, 22 June 2015 (UTC)
1995 book, © Составление С улейманова Султангареевой Р.; no licence, no evidence of permission provided. Obvious Copyright violation, IMO.
- If there is cc-by-sa-3.0 permission from Ahmet Sulejmanov and Rozalia Sultangareeva, the book should be moved to Commons. Ankry (talk) 21:03, 8 June 2015 (UTC)
- Deleted.--Jusjih (talk) 03:26, 21 July 2015 (UTC)
Seems to be work of living author. No evidence it was published under CC-BY-SA-3.0 nor a permission from author provided. Ankry (talk) 12:56, 22 June 2015 (UTC)
- Deleted.--Jusjih (talk) 01:48, 5 August 2015 (UTC)
Unsourced, and no obvious license listed.ShakespeareFan00 (talk) 16:45, 6 July 2015 (UTC)
- Deleted.--Jusjih (talk) 03:43, 14 September 2015 (UTC)
- Index page was restored by an IP. Is the copyright status clear already? I see no evidence that the file itself was ever deleted. Ankry (talk) 07:42, 9 July 2017 (UTC)
Unsourced and unlicensed.--Jusjih (talk) 21:18, 3 November 2023 (UTC)
- Deleted on 5 November 2023 by -jkb-.--Jusjih (talk) 03:28, 4 December 2023 (UTC)
Not a work of US Gov as claimed on file upload page.ShakespeareFan00 (talk) 16:47, 6 July 2015 (UTC)
- As Article 12 of the Law on copyright and related rights of Kosovo [2] excludes laws, sub legal acts, and other regulations, and official materials and publication of parliamentary bodies, government and other organizations which carry out public functions, from copyright protection, it must be properly tagged but not deleted.--Jusjih (talk) 00:26, 19 October 2015 (UTC)
- Kept as identical as commons:File:2010-215-alb.pdf.--Jusjih (talk) 01:24, 20 November 2015 (UTC)
Not US Gov as claimed on Commons, Therefore unlicensed. ShakespeareFan00 (talk) 16:55, 6 July 2015 (UTC)
- I am appealing commons:Commons:Deletion requests/File:Republic of Kosovo Assembly Transcript s 2012 10 03 10 4495 al.pdf to the deleting administrator there.--Jusjih (talk) 01:25, 20 November 2015 (UTC)
- Undeletion requested here. Ankry (talk) 08:59, 20 November 2015 (UTC)
- File Restored, index Kept. Ankry (talk) 09:31, 20 November 2015 (UTC)
No source, No license on underlying file. ShakespeareFan00 (talk) 17:06, 6 July 2015 (UTC)
- Deleted.--Jusjih (talk) 17:22, 22 October 2015 (UTC)
Bunin died in 1953. No evidence the text was published before 1922. No permission, No license. Ankry (talk) 19:42, 15 July 2015 (UTC)
- We now have translator's permission here but the main problem is the permission (or a PD proof) for the oruginal text by Bunin. As Russia had 50pma copyright at the URAA date (1.1.1996), we need
a proof that the Bunin's original text was published before 1.1.1946. Ora written permission from his heirs... Ankry (talk) 08:22, 10 August 2015 (UTC)- Any progress? If still unsure, it will be moved to Canadian Wikilivres soon.--Jusjih (talk) 00:53, 7 October 2015 (UTC)
- Redirected to Canadian Wikilivres:Ҡәҙер кисәһе.Гүзәл Ситдиҡова тәржемәһе.--Jusjih (talk) 00:58, 20 January 2016 (UTC)
- Any progress? If still unsure, it will be moved to Canadian Wikilivres soon.--Jusjih (talk) 00:53, 7 October 2015 (UTC)
Done by Jusjih, -jkb- (talk) 22:08, 29 January 2016 (UTC)
- I just made Template:Wikilivres page to explain why redirect to Canadian Wikilivres.--Jusjih (talk) 23:59, 11 February 2016 (UTC)
See c:Commons:Deletion requests/File:Kabeer by Hajari Prasad Dwivedi.pdf Ankry (talk) 09:25, 7 September 2015 (UTC)
- And also:
- see c:Commons:Deletion requests/File:Sant kabeer by Ramkumar Verma.pdf Ankry (talk) 09:57, 7 September 2015 (UTC)
Done, deleted, -jkb- (talk) 22:10, 29 January 2016 (UTC)
poems by Cola Caratana
[edit]A user published 21 poems providing as a source two pages of a 1922 book. Seems unlikely to me that:
- 21 poems was placed on 2 pages only
- they all were published by 8 year old boy (Cola Caratana was born in 1914)
I suggest deletion unless uploader provides either scans of theese 2 pages or at least a reliable source that claims these poems were published exactly there.
Concerns texts:
- Blisteami tri atselj tsi sh-alasa limbã
- Bots
- Cum s-ti-agãrshescu
- Cãntic
- Cãntic di vreari
- Cãnticul al Caracada
- Dor
- Expatriari
- Foami shi seati
- Fãrshãrotslji
- Ligendã
- Limba-a noastrã
- Nu ai lipsã di trup
- Nvis
- Nã dzuã va s-ishim sh-noi tu padi
- Plãnguti tri Muscopuli
- Plãnguti tri shcoalili armãneshti ãncljisi
- Rugãciuni cãtrã mama
- Tini soari sh-mini lunã
- Vini oara tra sã nviats
- Voi s-tsã hiu
Ankry (talk) 10:08, 30 January 2016 (UTC)
- I am familiar and quite fond of Catană's writing. Unfortunatelly, these texts cannot be hosted on Wikisource at the moment. The author has died in 1992, so there is no way these poems could be under PD.
- The book mentioned as a source can be accessed at the following address. The poems have probably been copied from here. None of the poems appear there. My impression is that the user must have copied the template from some other page and forgot to replace all of the parameters.
- Regards,
- --D'AroemenenZullenNiVergaan (talk) 05:17, 21 February 2016 (UTC)
- Hi @D'AroemenenZullenNiVergaan:, thank you for your report. I will take care of it today. Regards, -jkb- (talk) 09:34, 21 February 2016 (UTC)
Done -jkb- (talk) 10:00, 21 February 2016 (UTC)
In English with uncertain authorship, license and source.--Jusjih (talk) 02:02, 17 May 2017 (UTC)
- Looks like it's the Apostle's Creed. The Roman Catholic version can be found here. I don't think prayers like these are usually copyrighted. --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 09:33, 17 May 2017 (UTC)
- So move it to English Wikisource?--Jusjih (talk) 01:20, 30 May 2017 (UTC)
- This is the BCP translation of the Nicaean Creed; it's public domain and is already hosted at English Wikisource. (No idea what the page title refers to.) Beleg Tâl (talk) 02:59, 7 June 2017 (UTC)
- Yes. It has minor difference from en:Page:Book of common prayer (TEC, 1979).pdf/327 and en:Page:Book of common prayer (TEC, 1979).pdf/328 while unsourced.--Jusjih (talk) 14:46, 7 June 2017 (UTC)
- A little messing around on Google Translate, suggests something like "Lutheran Books of Worship" in Malay. So my best guess is that the title somehow comes from some Lutheran missionary work done about eleven years ago. Alephb (talk) 06:50, 11 June 2017 (UTC)
- Deleted with no other comments.--Jusjih (talk) 02:13, 21 July 2017 (UTC)
- A little messing around on Google Translate, suggests something like "Lutheran Books of Worship" in Malay. So my best guess is that the title somehow comes from some Lutheran missionary work done about eleven years ago. Alephb (talk) 06:50, 11 June 2017 (UTC)
In English with uncertain authorship, license and source.--Jusjih (talk) 02:34, 25 May 2017 (UTC)
- [3] - Looks like an old prayer, so should be not-copyrighted. --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 10:48, 25 May 2017 (UTC)
- So move it to English Wikisource?--Jusjih (talk) 01:21, 30 May 2017 (UTC)
- The first version is anonymous, dated 1952, so probably copyvio in the USA; the second version appears to be extremely recent so also copyvio in the USA, and the third version is in Tagalog so I can't confirm. Beleg Tâl (talk) 03:07, 7 June 2017 (UTC)
- Thanks. If no other comment, the first version will be moved per Canadian Wikilivres:Help:Public domain. Others will be deleted.--Jusjih (talk) 03:47, 11 June 2017 (UTC)
Done after moving of one version to Wikilivres: page deleted, -jkb- (talk) 11:09, 12 June 2017 (UTC)
Theese are definitely not pre-1923 books. No evidence that they are PD in US is provided. Ankry (talk) 07:48, 9 July 2017 (UTC)
Done There is a presumption that 1960s non-US publication is not PD or otherwise free. Absent any evidence to the contrary, they should not remain available. They can easily be restored if the uploader returns with evidence that these are in fact free. --Doug.(talk • contribs) 04:09, 11 July 2017 (UTC)
Fostering Cooperation, Building Peace: 20 Years of Peace in Bosnia & Herzegovina and the Way Forward by Muhyiddin Yassin
[edit]Either ascertain copyright status before moving to English Wikisource, or delete it.--Jusjih (talk) 03:12, 14 May 2018 (UTC)
- The user is active on other wikis: @Hasrolhashim: why did you upload the text here; what is its source and copyright status (esp. concerning the rights of translator)? Ankry (talk) 08:52, 14 May 2018 (UTC)
- Deleted only due to no other answer. May be undeleted if proved otherwise.--Jusjih (talk) 03:16, 15 October 2018 (UTC)
Declared as 2013 text; no evidence of CC-BY-SA 3.0 license Ankry (talk) 21:59, 18 May 2018 (UTC)
- Ankry, author of this book allowed me personally to publish his poems in Karelian Wikisource. As he is already 90 years old now he unfortunately can not work with computer and internet and send you the license by e-mail. Is it possible for me anyway to publish his works here? He is one of the grounds of Karelian literature and it's impossible to revive endangered Karelian language without reading of his poetry. If you need to get a personal letter from him it can be done with help of paper mail or with scanning of his manual letter on Karelian or Russian languages. --Onegaborg (talk) 22:34, 18 May 2018 (UTC)
- That would be very much appreciated. --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 08:22, 19 May 2018 (UTC)
- @Onegaborg: I think the best way is to forward the permission letter to <> and notify us here about the ticket number when you receive a response. Please mention in the letter that the permission is about texts published (or intended to be published) in multilingual Wikisource. Ankry (talk) 09:00, 19 May 2018 (UTC)
- Deleted, unless permission received to undelete.--Jusjih (talk) 03:39, 10 June 2018 (UTC)
No source or license while unused.--Jusjih (talk) 04:20, 5 November 2018 (UTC)
- delete – being unused is enough for this, we are not Wikimedia Commons alternative service. Ankry (talk) 07:16, 5 November 2018 (UTC)
Deleted. --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 10:27, 5 November 2018 (UTC)
Modern book. No license information. No source link with evidence of CC-BY-SA 3.0 compatible license.
The translator is a living person, so there is no way for this translation to be PD. Ankry (talk) 07:31, 5 November 2018 (UTC)
- I agree. --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 10:28, 5 November 2018 (UTC)
- Deleted.--Jusjih (talk) 02:02, 27 November 2018 (UTC)
No source or license. Unused.--Jusjih (talk) 04:18, 17 February 2019 (UTC)
Done Deleted. No evidence that this translation is PD. Ankry (talk) 19:02, 1 March 2019 (UTC)
No source or license. Unused.--Jusjih (talk) 05:18, 24 February 2019 (UTC)
Done Deleted: 2016 book: no evidence of free license Ankry (talk) 18:56, 1 March 2019 (UTC)
Unused and copyrighted in 2002 without evidence of licensing.--Jusjih (talk) 04:23, 11 March 2019 (UTC)
Done deleted. Ankry (talk) 19:31, 23 April 2019 (UTC)
Unused. No source of license.--Jusjih (talk) 03:16, 21 March 2019 (UTC)
Done deleted. Ankry (talk) 19:32, 23 April 2019 (UTC)
It was written in 1921 but was published in 1994 according to [4]. The author died in 1976, so it's not in public domain in China nor in the US.--神樂坂秀吉 (talk) 04:30, 19 June 2019 (UTC)
Done as per above. Ankry (talk) 18:41, 25 June 2019 (UTC)
- and subpages
1947-published book. The author died in 1970. No evidence of PD status in US: not PD in South Africa in 1996. No evidence of CC-BY-SA 3.0 license from author heirs. See also discussion here. Ankry (talk) 07:13, 30 June 2019 (UTC)
Done by User:अजीत कुमार तिवारी. Ankry (talk) 08:33, 9 May 2020 (UTC)
Unlicensed work resembling an advertisement in connection with a commercial website.--Jusjih (talk) 05:08, 3 November 2020 (UTC)
- I agree. I advised the user on his talk page, but he doesn't seem to be active. I wait bout one week and if there are no objections I propose to delete it. -jkb- (talk) 10:40, 3 November 2020 (UTC)
Done -jkb- (talk) 08:01, 11 November 2020 (UTC)
Three pages by Rena2553
[edit]Unsourced and unlicensed in French?--Jusjih (talk) 01:54, 12 April 2021 (UTC)
Unsourced and unlicensed in French?--Jusjih (talk) 01:54, 12 April 2021 (UTC)
Unlicensed, posted by a now blocked user. I an unsure which language.--Jusjih (talk) 01:54, 12 April 2021 (UTC)
- If you click on the page you find the source - it is a muslim arabian website in russian version. Go on and find "about us" in english. Click on deleted pages of the (blocked) user - she used a similar source for his spam. I conclude: delete all. -jkb- (talk) 14:18, 12 April 2021 (UTC)
- More opver: on all pages of the arabian source I found the sentence "copyrightes -all rightes reserved © " so I delete now all. -jkb- (talk) 15:34, 12 April 2021 (UTC)
Done by the way, russian and french are not appropriate here anyway. Cheers. —unsigned comment by -jkb- (talk) 15:34, 12 April 2021.
Either ascertain the source of this translation from English to move to French Wikisource, or delete it.--Jusjih (talk) 01:52, 3 June 2021 (UTC)
- Yep, in this form not appropriate here, I would vote for a deleteion. Although Zyephyrus asked the creator of the page in January for the source [5] or [6] and although the creator edited after this date [7], nothing happened. I suggest to have a look at other pages by the user like Histoire du necronomicon, H-P Lovecraft and Histoire Naturelle, Pline L'ancien (!!) with probably similar problems. @Dermochelys coriacea:, -jkb- (talk) 09:19, 3 June 2021 (UTC)
- P.S. but see his SUL ...
- Link to Pline's source. Doesn't seem to be Copyvio, don't you think so?
- Several sources have been compared on the French wikisource, the discussion is here:
- Here is one; another source is here:
- The text we have on appears to be correct, but I don't know if it is complete. --Zyephyrus (talk) 15:12, 3 June 2021 (UTC)
- As I don't speak French I cannot judge it, but if there are sources in Internet, it should be OK- but not for the Oldwikisource but for the French Wikisource. Anyway i think it is not appropriate here and somebody from the fr.source should import it from here, or not? (the user is no more active, see his sul account...) -jkb- (talk) 16:33, 3 June 2021 (UTC)
Translation results
I understand that one of the two versions is incomplete: which one is to be checked! I notice that the covers for one of the two versions is shown the other is not. Finally I observed on this page that one of the three typos present has been corrected in the other version. So I guess there is a difference between the two versions.
If anyone has a little time, a list of the differences should be made to determine whether or not to remove one of the two versions. Good luck ! R [CQ, ici W9GFO] 4 novembre 2016 à 19:52 (UTC)
End of citation
- Deleted as unlicensed French translation from English while s:fr:L'Appel de Cthulhu was deleted in 2022.--Jusjih (talk) 22:31, 3 April 2024 (UTC)
This text is directly taken from the translation by Jose Maria Sison which can be seen from his website. Since Sison is still alive, and he did not release this work in a Free license, this is under copyright. | Ang tekstong ito ay mula sa salin ni Jose Maria Sison na makikita mula sa kaniyang website. Dahil buhay pa si Sison, at hindi niya itinakda ang kaniyang salin sa isang Malayang Lisensya, ito ay naka-copyright. Poppytarts (talk) 04:45, 19 July 2021 (UTC)
- For the first: @Alexander Fischer, Kahusi, Djapipol, Mk32, Pandakekok9: can you tell us something to this matter? But anyway, we could start to discuss ist now. -jkb- (talk) 10:25, 19 July 2021 (UTC)
- I can't find anything that denies the website description, so I agree to delete the article. --kahusi (會話) 13:57, 19 July 2021 (UTC)
- if there come no objetions I will delete it soon. -jkb- (talk) 21:08, 19 July 2021 (UTC)
Done -jkb- (talk) 17:49, 20 July 2021 (UTC)
Who made this work? When and where?--Jusjih (talk) 21:07, 7 November 2021 (UTC)
Done I have deleted this file. This was a copyright violation and copy-pasted from this blog. Satdeep Gill (talk) 15:11, 8 February 2022 (UTC)
The year of publication is incorrect, The Castle was first published in the original German in 1926, then as a translation by Willa and Edwin Muir in 1930 (not 1922), the source text itself being the 1947 edition. Both Willa and Edwin Muir died post-1951, so I don't think this particular translation will go out of copyright until 2026. Oryang7 (talk) 12:46, 11 January 2022 (UTC)
the book had been published in January 2007 and no evidence of PD. Ninja✮Strikers «☎» 04:02, 25 March 2022 (UTC)
- Yep, it is supposed to be deleted: the person it is about seems to be a living one, see [8] + [9], the author of the text as well (accounts on Facebook, Twitter etc.). -jkb- (talk) 12:25, 25 March 2022 (UTC)
Done deleting for no license.--Jusjih (talk) 00:03, 4 August 2022 (UTC)
academic research paper of a PhD candidate, published in 1996, no evidence of PD or free license (PDF source ) Ninja✮Strikers «☎» 05:06, 27 March 2022 (UTC)
- I'm afraid we have a problem here: it is another text of the same user with the tag "copyvio", see one above. Can you explain it? And pls note: every page here mus have a free source & license, year of publication etc., otherwise it will be deleted. Thanks for your help. -jkb- (talk) 09:08, 27 March 2022 (UTC)
- @咽頭べさ: -jkb- (talk) 09:10, 27 March 2022 (UTC)
- Would you please tell me how to submit my copyright? the reason is that I'm not trying to infringe on copyright, so this is a copyright that I do not know about. As an example, I have watched and acted on the actions of others, See သံဝေဂ ရှစ်ဆယ်ပေါ်တေးထပ်, ထူးထွေလည်ဆန်းစွလေ-ချီ လူးတား I am a music writer who has a great passion for writing, so in my spare time, I often contribute to the wiki project, thanks. 咽頭べさ (talk) 14:48, 27 March 2022 (UTC)
- OK, let us go step by step. 1) who is the author of the texts? and 2) where have the texts been published prior to Wikisource (link please) ? Regards, -jkb- (talk) 16:16, 27 March 2022 (UTC)
- Hi, the evidence for the ဒေါက်တာစင်သီယာမောင်သို့မဟုတ်အရိပ်ကောင်းသောသစ်ပင်တပင် and ဝါးခယ်မမြို့နယ်၊ မိုးမခ (သက္ကယ်)ကျေးရွာနေ အနောက်ပိုးကရင်တို့၏ လူမှုရေးဖွဲ့စည်းပုံ book is as follows.
- Author=စိုးနေလင်း Soe Nay Lin
- Book publishing and location= ခေတ်ပြိုင် စာပေတိုက် Hteik Pyae Library, Khitpyaing Publishing House P.O. Box 115, Raminhra P.O. Bangkhen, Bangkok Thailand 10220
- Year= January 2007
- Number of books= 500
- Computer typing= ခေတ်ပြိုင်Hteik Pyae
- Copy from book=Dr.Intobesa
- Links to official sources with little evidence=
- Author=မခင်မိုးမိုးကြူ Ma Khin Moe Moe Kyu
- Book publishing and location= မနုဿဗေဒဌာန ရန်ကုန် တက္ကသိုလ် Department of Anthropology Yangon University in Burma
- Year= 1994 96
- This book is so old that I can no longer prove it, that's all I know as evidence. I'm late to see your answer, so I'm late to reply so I'm sorry. 咽頭べさ (talk) 17:38, 31 March 2022 (UTC)
- Hi, the evidence for the ဒေါက်တာစင်သီယာမောင်သို့မဟုတ်အရိပ်ကောင်းသောသစ်ပင်တပင် and ဝါးခယ်မမြို့နယ်၊ မိုးမခ (သက္ကယ်)ကျေးရွာနေ အနောက်ပိုးကရင်တို့၏ လူမှုရေးဖွဲ့စည်းပုံ book is as follows.
- OK, let us go step by step. 1) who is the author of the texts? and 2) where have the texts been published prior to Wikisource (link please) ? Regards, -jkb- (talk) 16:16, 27 March 2022 (UTC)
Having asked the user, move to English Wikisource if properly sourced and licensed, or delete if unsourced and unlicensed.--Jusjih (talk) 03:57, 28 May 2022 (UTC)
+1 see my edit n his user page where he started the talk, -jkb- (talk) 10:04, 28 May 2022 (UTC)
- Even when sourced, we include source texts previously published by any author, not copyright infringements nor original writings by a contributor to the project. Thus we must first assure that this is copyright-okay then in our scope.--Jusjih (talk) 20:03, 31 May 2022 (UTC)
- Looks to me like an edict of a government, so keep, but move to English Wikisource (and it should probably also be scan-backed). This was clearly entered at Oldwikisource erroneously, as is apparent in this discussion. Pinging @Eyagi: PseudoSkull (talk) 18:21, 24 October 2022 (UTC)
- All sources are government issued. Eyagi (talk) 07:04, 25 October 2022 (UTC)
- Move to the user subpage? The collection does not look in scope here.--Jusjih (talk) 19:36, 1 October 2023 (UTC)
- Withdrawn and referred to en:Wikisource:Administrators' noticeboard#Special:Contributions/Eyagi.--Jusjih (talk) 01:12, 17 October 2023 (UTC)
- Move to the user subpage? The collection does not look in scope here.--Jusjih (talk) 19:36, 1 October 2023 (UTC)
- All sources are government issued. Eyagi (talk) 07:04, 25 October 2022 (UTC)
- Looks to me like an edict of a government, so keep, but move to English Wikisource (and it should probably also be scan-backed). This was clearly entered at Oldwikisource erroneously, as is apparent in this discussion. Pinging @Eyagi: PseudoSkull (talk) 18:21, 24 October 2022 (UTC)
The source page uses a CC-BY-NC license, which is not compatible with our CC-BY-SA. -- Tamzin[cetacean needed] (they|xe) 17:45, 24 April 2024 (UTC)
- yep, this could be a problem. -jkb- (talk) 19:03, 24 April 2024 (UTC)
- That's my fault. I must have misread the "CC BY-NC" as "CC BY-SA".
- There are also other texts I took from the same website, which have the same licensing problem, and should be deleted:
- Sorry for the mistake! --Spenĉjo (talk) 23:12, 24 April 2024 (UTC)
- Deleted all.--Jusjih (talk) 19:12, 7 June 2024 (UTC)