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Latest comment: 5 years ago by Erick Soares3 in topic Monteiro Lobato



Hi, and please feel to be invited here in the community. We do need people who help us to "let it grow". I would like to mention one point here: could you please be a bit more carefull with the button SAVE? Your many edits make the page Recent Changes very difficult to follow. Try these tricks:

  • if you have a page with more chapters, and if you want to make only some small changes in more chapters, so please edit the page as a whole, not the singular chapters ten times in one minute
  • if you make some changes in a page, so use please the button SHOW PREVIEW instead of SAVE PAGE - this will enable you to see, what you have changed, without saving it every time.

Thanks, and good luck. -jkb- 16:47, 7 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

I moved here a comment of the User:Smeira fom my page, -jkb- 19:55, 8 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
Hi, I've seen your message on my page. I will try to use preview more efficiently. The reasons for not doing it thus far are: (a) I don't have that much experience with wikis yet, so I often make mistakes and then have to undo them; (b) I'm trying to place a number of texts that I already had in a different format here in wikisource, and on my computer+browser it is difficult to see both source and destination at once; so again I often make mistakes, parts of the text come out differently from what they should (I have to search&replace a number of characters); and (c) because of the nature of my home connection, I sometimes lose contact with wikisource and lose the work I'm doing; I therefore tend to press <save> at regular intervals to avoid that. At least for problems (a) and (b), I expect that, as I gain experience, they will become less and less important.
One question -- would it help if I copied (ctrl-c, ctrl-v) a page onto the sandbox and played with there, and then copied it back to its original position? Would this make the recent changes page look less messy for you people's work? this is a comment from User:Smeira

Hi. This is really no great problem. On the beginning - some points: if I write you here, on your page, so anwer me here - it is my problem to find your answer :-); secondly, you can sign your comments by four tilds like this: ~~~~ - it will produce your name and the time. Now to your questions.

  1. everybody must learn to get used with this wiki-programm - no problem
  2. if you prepare long texts to be published here, so you can use also your local text editor like Word etc. - this helps if you loose contact to our server
  3. the problem with the button SAVE is, that the page RECENT CHANGES will get too full of the same changes, an sometimes we cannot distinguish between your normal savings and vandalism
  4. if you would use the Sandbox, so , it would be the same

So, as far as I understand you, might be you try to work with your local text editor a bit more and on the other side you try to use from time to time the button SHOW PREVIEW, and I hope and I wish you not to loose the contact... I kow that, it is a (s)(h)(i)(t). Good luck here, -jkb- 19:55, 8 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

OK -- thanks for the tips. (So usually you write replies on your own page, and then hope that the person who sent the original message will check? Well, as long as the person doesn't forget... In the Volapük Wikipedia, I've been collaborating with another user, and we've been writing messages and answers on each other's pages all the time (so that we get warned about the new changes). But if it's different here, OK.
I had myself a look at RECENT CHANGES, and I see what you mean. In the last two days, I've tried to keep independent edits of the same page to a minimum (two, at most three at once); I hope this has made the page look more readable. (Out of curiosity: how do you recognize vandalism? Why do many edits of the same page suggest vandalism?
I do try to use text editors (Word or Notepad), but the problem is of course that I cannot press a 'preview' button there and be sure I got all the markup elements right. I often forget details (I had some experience with HTML before, but not much...), and so when I paste things back into the wiki-editor and save or press preview, I see I still need to redo quite a lot. And after saving, there's always that missing parenthesis, or the missing coma, or the mismatched quotes that make half a line appear in italics, etc. that need short changes for review. But anyway, as I said, I've tried to curb down the number of edits. Anyway, please let me know if I still cause problems.

Hi again. The mystery secret, how I see that you answer me on your page (where I started) is: I marked your page with the button WATCH (on the top, right), an when I look in the Recent changes (BTW, one of the most important pages here) I see it. Try it, it is bold. It is possible to make it your way, but it is not good, as other people cannot follow the discussion which is the on two or even more pages.
Now, I think, it is OK with your edits. You will get it. And, you don't cause problems - it was just a tip and a wish... By the way, how I recognize a vandalism??? Be sure, I will not tell you this :-) (in fact, if you start to vandalize here in Volapük, I will not recognize it every time - then i would to ask you...+. Good luck, -jkb- 14:53, 9 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Das erste Jahrzehnt der Weltsprache Volapük


hello, and thank you for your many contributions. Please note that this text : Das erste Jahrzehnt der Weltsprache Volapük does not belong here, because it is in German. Please move it to de.wikisource. It will be deleted from here soon. ThomasV 14:17, 19 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

It should be moved to http://de.wikisource.org The "main" site is for languages which don't have subdomain yet. Yann 19:32, 20 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
OK -- I've moved it to a new location at de.wikisource, where it now is. The version here in the "main" wikisource site can already be deleted. --Smeira 21:51, 20 November 2006 (UTC)Reply



Hi! Please add Volapuk to the Wikisource page. This can be done in the same man manner as for other local languages, such as hi: or nds:. Thanks! Dovi 19:11, 24 January 2007 (UTC)Reply



Hi, the category Category:Nolav still contains two pages - should it be deleted indeed? -jkb- 18:09, 26 January 2007 (UTC)Reply



hello Smeira,

I strongly support the creation of a volapuk subdomain. You should get in touch with developpers in order to get that done. ThomasV 10:39, 31 January 2007 (UTC)Reply

Hi. I follow a bit your discussion with ThomasV on the subdomain. I think your contribution on his talk page today is one of my most favourite ones. While there are people and existing subdomains with one edit in six months, you will continue here. You should know, that I really know how much you did for the volapük.source, and I would any time support a subdomain for you if you wish to create it. But I think your decision to stay here is quite OK. I think it is not only a high level of editing for a language but also a certain level of active contributors, editing there - say a community. What I would suggest: try to get some volapük colleagues, who would like to edit some times a week - and then you should create a subdomain. Otherwise you will stay alone there, while here you can contact some other people - although not working on the same language. So, You will have my support any time you will do the step. -jkb- 15:09, 31 January 2007 (UTC)Reply
there is now a lot of pages in Volapük on ws.org. I think you should really ask for a subdomain... it is not just a question of community; creating a separate subdomain will make navigation simpler for the people who use this language, and eventually help creating a community ThomasV 10:51, 17 May 2007 (UTC)Reply



Hi. We have more than 1000 uncategorized pages - see here. I assume there are also some pages in Volapük - can you have a look there and categorize them (or propose them for deletion)? I mean a.g. Gramat Volapüka etc. Thanks. -jkb- 14:12, 1 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

Hi! I've just had a look; the only Volapük page is Gramat Volapüka -- and I don't understand why, because it belongs to Category:Volapük. If you scroll down, you will see the link to this category. How come it is listed in the uncategorized pages? --Smeira 04:08, 3 March 2007 (UTC)Reply
Hello, the list of uncategorized pages is not updated continuously, but only once a day. When I went through the list yesterday, I put Gramat Volapüka and GpkV-Pläns in volapük category. Could you please have a look, if the second text applies to that category? --AlexF 04:28, 3 March 2007 (UTC)Reply
Hi! I've looked at GpkV-Pläns: the text in it was transferred long ago to Glamat popiko-katekik Volapüka, but then I forgot to add GpkV-Pläns to the list of proposed deletions. Please delete it now; it's just a left-over from the time when I wanted the text in that book to be split up in several pages. --Smeira 14:55, 4 March 2007 (UTC)Reply



Ambos somos brasileiros, por isso escrevo em português :)

Olhando ocasionalmente as RecentChanges me saltou aos olhos a página Jorge Luis Borges. Você tem certeza de que as obras dele já estão em domínio público? Ele me parece ter falecido a tempo ainda insuficiente para isso e as traduções que você fez de textos dele estão me aparentando ser o que no Commons chamamos de derivative works (trabalho derivado de um originalmente protegido é tido como violação de copyright). Uma tradução feita por você pode estar nos termos da GFDL, licença exigida pelo Wikisource, mas a original precisa estar primeiro ou em domínio público ou em uma licença considerada como de conteúdo livre. 555 18:29, 23 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

Respondendo a mensagem do Meta-Wiki: acredito que tentar pedir uma autorização de uso ao autor original. As chances de dar certo são mínimas, mas... no pt tem um modelo em s:pt:Wikisource:Permissões de cópia, se achar que ele te serve. Se não der certo, colocar em eliminação por ter se equivocado. 555 02:31, 25 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

Zip Codes


Hello, I was wondering if a zip codes section, some of which is very detailed, would be included in WikiSource. It is right now up for deletion on English Wikipedia and there is a idea to move it here (if allowed by WikiSource rules) and I was wondering if that would be acceptable. Please that a look here [1]. There were state-by-state pages (I figure those can be brought back up to be moved here (I also have them saved on my computer). You may contact me here or on my Wikipedia page (same name)[2] Thanks....SVRTVDude (VT) 23:37, 3 May 2007 (UTC)Reply



Ignoraba que hablaras tan bien el castellano, ¡te felicito! A duras penas me hago entender en inglés. Mira, no pierdas las esperanzas, y te contaré mi experiencia. Cuando llegué aquí, con todos los dominios juntos, en español había alrededor de 200 páginas, tuve un poquito de apoyo de otros colegas pero que se desaparecían constantemente. Al final me quede sola, armando el sitio en español a mi gusto, (ya que no había nadie para criticarme). Si bien vinieron usuarios a votar no aportaron nada en concreto. Con el dominio CS pasó algo similar, fue el usuario jkb quien hizo todo el trabajo solo.

Voté por tu dominio, ya que te veo colaborar muchísimo y se nota el entusiasmo que pones a pesar de que estas solo. Casi todos los días vengo a ver los vandalismos y siempre está tu nombre en los cambios recientes. Si sale el dominio, prometo registrarme asi no serás el único usuario registrado. Un saludo, --LadyInGrey 03:00, 25 May 2007 (UTC) Algo más, luego de dejarte el mensaje acabo de ver que jkb también te dio su apoyo, lo cual era de esperarse ya que ha pasado por algo similar. Reply

Hi Smeira. As I said some months ago I will support you if you will get a subdomain for volapük.source. You do not have to fear troubles with moving the pages (somebody will do it - or at least: last year somebody did...) or with the links to them (they will be changed authomatically - or at least: last year they changed authomatically...); might be something changed last time, I found no notice what. Anyway, you can use you own bot for many things. In yout own subdomain you can also decide more freely how to organize it (categories, templates etc.). The only one difference is that after you have opened the recent changes, you will see those users only who edit there. But I lived with this some months as well. And, if you will make holidays or something like that: you need somebody to watch the subdomain and to fight vandals, i.e. somebody probably with admin status; on the other side, wikisource is for vandals not as interresting as wikipedia. And then, if there is a separate subdomain, might be you will be better able to find some users - it is more interesting for them to edit an "own" wikisource than this "chaotic and unpersonally" one :-). So go on, think about it, and do not forget to get the admin-bureaucratic rights (just to get the feeling how it is: I will register there, will edit bla-bla-bla and you may block me for one hour:-)). Best wishes and good luck - and ask me any time when you want to. -jkb- 16:04, 25 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Olá. Tenho a impressão de que existirão alguns entraves para criar novos subdomínios se o pedido for feito apenas por aqui. Dê uma olhada no link da Meta-Wiki sobre o pedido de criação do ta.wikisource. Me parece que eles preferem atender os pedidos feitos por lá. 555 18:03, 27 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Olá. I have seen it, naturalmente. There begun some time ago a new discussion on such things like requests for subdomains, the future of oldwikisource etc., where I have no comment to. But I guess this request is OK, and as I said, you have my fully support and I believe you will manage it as the very first class domain! Hasta la vista en tú dominio nuevo, -jkb- 08:27, 6 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
A link to the decision discussion? Oh gosh... they discuss everywhere but not there where they ought to - here. An attempt to discuss it here was made on Wikisource:Scriptorium#Wikisource:Language domain requests versus m:Meta:Language proposal policy, but without any result. As I do not agree that this discussion takes part elsewhere and I do not agree that obviously people without knowledges of this wikisource decide these things, I have no comment to this. - - To your question about vandalism: this would not be the problem, we can change some experiences later. - - I guess User:Dovi or User:Yann could give you some advices as well. So long, -jkb- 14:33, 6 June 2007 (UTC)Reply



He visto el tema en meta esta mañana, antes de recibir tu mensaje. Las discusiones no las he leido, eran demasiadas!! Pero considerando que la WP tiene más de 100.000 páginas (aunque muchas sean esbozos=stub) dudo mucho que la cierren, realmene sería una lástima perder todo eso. Y siempre es mejor dejar la puerta abierta para que más colaboradores se sumen. Esta es mi humilde opinión. Ignoro si concuerda con la tuya. Intentaré leer algo más a ver y luego votaré. Un saludo, --LadyInGrey 20:23, 28 September 2007 (UTC)Reply

¡Gracias! Bueno, las discusiones son muy lungas, verdad (y mucho de eso por mi causa: tengo la tendencia a escribir mucho...). Pero, si uno excluye cosas menores (protestos sobre interwiki links, stubs hechos por bots vs. stubs hechos por humanos, etc.), creo que el problema es que la comunidad de Volapukistas es muy pequeña, y de eso algunos deducen que la Wikipedia Volapük no podrá crecer y volverse una buena enciclopedia. Estoy de acuerdo; incrementé el número de artículos para intentar de atrair a otros colaboradores. A algunos les pareció esto "advertising", y me están criticando. A otros les pareció que las estadísticas de Wikipedia se quedaron "mutiladas" o "distorcidas" (dicen: ¡100 000 artículos pero sin mucha calidad! ¡la gente va a creer que la Wikipedia es toda así!). No estoy de acuerdo, evidentemente, y presento allá mis argumentos. La mejor discusión es tal vez la del fin (sección: "The actual problem"); hago también algunos comentarios en la sección anterior, "The Real Problem"; me gustaría conocer la opinión de otros sobre ellos (¿Por qué Wikipedia tiene ediciones en lenguas muy pequeñas? ¿No va eso en contra el ideal "enciclopédico", "general" de una enciclopedia (ya que tales lenguas tienen muy pocos colaboradores potenciales y no podrán producir enciclopedias de buena calidad)? etc.) Smeira 14:00, 29 September 2007.

Re: Borges na Wikisource em Volapük


Desculpe-me pela demora em responder, andei ou com problemas de acesso ou "poluído" com outros assuntos. Acredito que o mais prudente será mesmo listar as páginas para eliminação, já que não foi possível obter a certeza de ser autorizado ou não. Me parece que a Wikisource:Proposed deletions seja o lugar mais adequado mesmo.

Ah, e parabéns: o Wikisource em Volapuk recebeu aprovação condicional :) 555 03:43, 9 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

OK, vou dar entrada lá. Que pena!... mas entendo a razão. Obrigado pelos parabéns! Eu fui tomado de surpresa até. Puxa, nem parecia haver muito interesse lá na discussão. Vou logo dar uma olhada lá. (No momento estou tentando impedir que fechem a Wikipédia Volapük; há um pedido de fechamento rolando lá na Meta. Se você concordar com os meus argumentos e quiser dar uma olhada... --Smeira 11:21, 10 October 2007 (UTC)Reply
Ando acompanhando a discussão já a algum tempo, mas à distância. Prefiro arriscar a usar meu péssimo inglês em ocasiões que eu sinta que farei alguma diferença (coisa que não me parece ser o caso da votação de fechamento, apesar das reclamações me parece que a maioria está para que o projeto continue existindo).
Um lugar que você pode procurar ajuda é o Betawiki. O melhor, ao invés de fazer as traduções localmente em cada wiki (ou as copiando de uma para outra) é de se contribuir com a tradução diretamente na interface de usuário, já que isso permite que:
  1. As traduções sejam utilizadas em todas as wikis que tenham determinado idioma como o padrão (incluindo instalações fora da Wikimedia);
  2. As traduções sejam utilizadas como interface padrão para os usuários que assim configurarem (não é o caso do Volapuk, mas, por exemplo, um falante nativo de português que não sabe falar em alemão mas tem conta na de.wp apenas para ajudar a inserir/corrigir interwikis poderia ficar perdido se fosse tentar ler apenas pela interface no idioma original da wiki), o que pode ser de grande serventia para as wikis multilíngues como esta, o Meta-Wiki e o Commons.
Talvez eles possam fazer a cópia de todas as mensagens já traduzidas na vo.wp para o Betawiki para você as rever, talvez você tenha de as ir inserindo manualmente, isso depende. Apenas te chamo a atenção que as traduções no Betawiki tem de ser neutras (ou seja, sem mencionar "Wikipedia", mas utilizando o {{SITENAME}}, que exibe o nome da wiki automaticamente), a MediaWiki:Noarticletext (dentre outras) serem traduzidas apenas como o termo padrão da interface (deixando para que sejam personalizadas com mensagens mais específicas ou elaboradas a nível de cada wiki), e que, para que funcione em wikis multilíngues, ao invés de nas traduções fazer links como Patikos:Recentchanges, usar os termos totalmente em inglês (que redirecionam para o termo adotado pelo idioma definido como padrão de cada wiki.
555 16:22, 13 October 2007 (UTC)Reply




when are you going to request a subdomain ? ThomasV 08:18, 15 October 2007 (UTC)Reply



¿Has leído esto? Mi inglés no es muy bueno, pero entiendo que las opiniones tienen un mes para darse, eso significa que en un par de días se tendrían que terminar y darse una resolución. Veo que hay muchos votos a favor por lo que dudo que la cierren. Las veces que he visto que cerraron un proyecto fue por ausencia total de colaboradores durante bastante tiempo. Y por la gente que ha opinado en contra, no le prestes atención o te fastidiarán la salud!! Ten confianza en que no la cerrarán. --LadyInGrey 15:18, 19 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Volapük Wikisource


Dat gaat goed :) --Ooswesthoesbes 08:35, 17 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Inderdaad! --Smeira 00:36, 24 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
587 pagina's al! Die 178 van ons zijn daar niks bij :) --Ooswesthoesbes 06:14, 28 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Dank je! :-) Ik had al een heleboel teksten op mijn laptop toen ik begon, en het was gemakkelijk om de eerste 400 of zo op Wikisource te uploaden. Daarna werd het een beetje moeilijker... Trouwens is de corpus van Volapük teksten groot, maar wel niet zooo groot; mijn droom is na een paar jaar alle originele teksten in het Volapük, die ooit gepubliceerd zijn, op Wikisource te hebben. Call me a dreamer... --Smeira 15:28, 1 March 2008 (UTC)Reply
Veel succes dan :) Ik hoop in een jaar 587 teksten te hebben, alle Limburgse teksten is denk ik iets rond de... een scheef gokje.... 50 000? Misschien iets te veel van 't goede. --Ooswesthoesbes 06:48, 2 March 2008 (UTC)Reply
Veel succes ook! (Limburg doet me denken aan de Efteling. Ik was trouwens daar een paar maanden geleden, met mijn 5jarige dochtertje. Heel mooi park, moet ik zeggen.) --Smeira 22:56, 5 March 2008 (UTC)Reply
Succes: danke!
Efteling: :) Dat is een der orgineelste associaties met Limburg die ik ooit gehoord heb! De efteling ligt toch niet in Limburg? Dat is Noord-Brabant :) In Limburg zijn maar een paar dingen te vinden, 'toverland' (in Sevenum) 'de valkenier' (in Valkenberg) de 'tuinen van Arcen' (in Arcen) 'DSM' (in Geleen) en natuurlijk Mestreech (Maastricht) Ik ben zelf persoonlijk een beetje "over-eftelingd" (altijd ieder jaar op de basisschool een schoolreisje naar de Efteling en 't Sprookjesbosch, dan ben je 't naar 9 jaar een beetje zat :) Voor 'buitenlanders', om je zo maar even te noemen, is de Efteling wel een echt attractiepark ja) --Ooswesthoesbes 18:59, 6 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Hans Christian Andersen


How i can include a interwiki into Hans Christian Andersen? What's a syntax?

[[da:Forfatter:Hans Christian Andersen]]
[[en:Author:Hans Christian Andersen]]
[[es:Hans Christian Andersen]]
[[fr:Hans Christian Andersen]]
[[it:Autore:Hans Christian Andersen]]
[[pl:Hans Christian Andersen]]
[[ru:Ганс Христиан Андерсен]]

-- Sergey kudryavtsev 09:28, 30 May 2008 (UTC)Reply

Thank you!


The amount of Volapuk literature on Wikisource amazes me! I plan on learning it sometime, so it'll be very useful. Thanks!--Frglz (talk) 04:48, 23 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

Monteiro Lobato


Oi @Smeira:, como vai? Como deve saber, as obras do Monteiro Lobato entraram em Domínio Público em todos os países com o limite de proteção de 70 anos após a morte do autor (além de já ter uma parte liberada nos EUA). Com isso, poderia traduzir as obras que forem transcritas do Lobato para Volapük e os demais idiomas em que trabalha? Obrigado, Erick Soares3 (talk) 20:09, 17 January 2019 (UTC)Reply