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From Wikisource

Hi, I am one of the sysops of Latvian Wikipedia. There are two reasons why I am here - to see that texts that obviously don't belong in Wikipedia, but would belong in Wikisource, are not lost (in other words I intend to copy stuff I delete and paste it here), and more boldly - to see if Latvian Wikisource (or at least test for it) could be created, since there are a lot of free texts in Latvian, which could be available for anyone, but are not (now if you have any advice how I can do that, don't hesitate to share it with me)

Neaizsargāti darbi internetā


Ideja: pārkopēt šurp, zinot, ka latvju projekti mēdz arī beigties. Neskatoties uz ko viņi varētu apgalvot savās lapās, autortiesību termiņš LV ir 70 gadi t.i. darbiem, kuru autori miruši pirms 1955. gada ir beidzies termiņš. Tas arī nāktu par labu šī projekta popularitātei, ja varētu Vikipēdijā saites uz latviešu klasiku šeit :D

Jānis Akuraters
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