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I am one of 3,778 active users who are building this project. I am a Asturian Wikimedian and proud member of Wikimedia España.

User language
ast-N Esti usuariu ye un falante nativu d'asturianu.
es-N Este usuario tiene una comprensión nativa del español.
en-2 This user has intermediate knowledge of English.
ca-2 Aquest usuari té un coneixement mitjà de català.
gl-2 Este usuario ten un coñecemento intermedio de galego.
fo-0 Hesin brúkarin hevur onga vitan um føroyskt (ella skilur tað eitt sindur við stórum trupulleikum).
Users by language
38.000+This user has made over 38.000 contributions to Wikimedia projects.


I contribute as an administrator and corrector in Asturian Wikipedia, where I started editing in September 2006, I have created more than 4.200 articles and I have done more than 25.000 editions. Additionally, my total number of editions is 32.149 in 30 Wikimedia projects. Since 2014 I’m also a member of Wikimedia Spain. In these 10 years I have done a constant work to make grow Asturian Wikipedia by welcoming and mentoring new users and taking care, alongside other fellow administrators, of maintenance and awareness tasks for our project. I have also tried to get as much pages and warning messages as possible from different projects translated in Asturian to make it available for our community. I did take part in online activities, like contests, having a relevant role in Catalan Culture Challenge; Peace Treaties edith-a-thon 30x30, and a winner in WikiLovesOlympics.

Below there is a summary of the most relevant offline activities in these years:


I started on Asturian Wikipedia.


  • October - Collaboration in the “Cultura” section of Les Noticies newspaper, in the report “Lletres cibernétiques” which covered, among other projects, Wikipedia in Asturian language.


  • February – Interviewed for the digital newspaper “Asturnews” about the state of Wikipedia in Asturian language.
  • July - Collaboration in the “Cultura” section of Les Noticies newspaper, in the report about 15.000 articles in Asturian Wikipedia.


  • October – Travel to Barcelona with a grant of Amical Wikimedia to take part in “I Nit de la llengua al Món digital”
  • November – Radio interview about Wikipedia


  • February - Wikimaratón: Samartín del Rei Aurelio in collaboration with City Council Culture Department in Casona del Bravial (Blimea) to celebrate International Mother Language Day. This activity had a good press coverage.
  • August and September – Organizing and taking part in the activities to celebrate 10 years of Wikipedia in Asturian language and the IV General Assembly of Wikimedia Spain in Uviéu
  • October – Organizing and participating in the “Wikialcuentru de Nueche d’Ánimes” (Halloween) in Sociedá Cultural Xixonesa (Xixón, Asturies)
  • November– Lecture: “La Wikipedia n’asturianu: una propuesta didáutica pa les nueses clases” read in Universidá d’Uviéu.

Radio interview about Wikipedia.


  • October – Taking part in the documentary “Wikipedia, el triunfo del saber compartido” (Wikipedia, the success of shared knowledge) in the Asturian Public Television (TPA) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwwlJlHyV1g

Meeting with Wikipedia representatives in the Princess of Asturias International Cooperation Award presentation in’Uviéu. (Katherine Maher, Lila Tretikov and Patricio Lorente)

  • December- Wikialcuentru in “Llocal Social La Llegra” (Oviedo/Uviéu, Asturies). Workshop about how Asturian Wikipedia works.

Interview in Asturian Public Radio (RPA) to raise awareness about Asturian Wikipedia activities. Conference about the situation of Wikipedia in Asturian language in Centru de Cultura Antiguu Institutu of Gijón/Xixón (Asturies)


  • February – Teach formation courses about Wikipedia and sister projects use for 60 librarians of the Asturies Public Libraries Network in collaboration with Asturian administration. This course caused the creation of Wikiproyecto:BiblioWikiAsturias in April of that year, which will be continued in 2017.


  • June – Teach formation courses about Wikipedia use for 26 librarians of City Libraries Network of Gijón/Xixón (Asturies) in collaboration with City Council.

Teach an open formation course for citizens about Wikipedia in Asturian language use in Conceyu Bimenes (Asturies) in collaboration with Village Council. This was a specially relevant activity because it’s a small rural area.

  • July – After taking part in online article writing, travel to Donostia (Basque Country) to take part in person in the “Peace treaties in art 30x30” Edit-a-thon within the Donostiapedia project as part of the city European Capitality. Meeting with the group of Wikipedia in Basque language users and taking part in “Wikimaratoia” documental https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNGTCm7cTIU

Open formation course for citizens about Wikipedia in Asturian language use in Conceyu de Gijón/Xixón (Asturies) in collaboration with Cultural Association L’Arribada and the City Council.

  • August – Teacher for the subject: “New web 2.0 based services for educational use: Wikipedia” within the course “Internet and School, a practical approach” organized by the Uviéu University and the Asturian Language Academy, in Cangas del Narcea (Asturies)