Page:Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus 2.djvu/180

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Non-Biblical Glosses and Scholia.

P. 78a

Caper…ostendit hoc usum1 Catullum…   …‘sole2’ quoque antiqui.

P. 78b

…ut ‘sponte sua1’…   Denique in comparationibus absque praepo­sitione solet proferri ablatiuus, nec tamen dicit quisquam2 septimum tunc esse casum, sed ablatiuum… In quo omnes artium scrip­tores consen­tiunt3

P. 88

…‘rege Latino’ pro ‘regnante Latino,’ quamuis1 in huius­cemodi quoque construc­tionibus sub­auditur parti­cipium substan­tiuum.   …‘ἐν τῷ βασιλεύειν2 Τραϊανόν’ ἀντὶ τοῦ ‘βασιλεύοντος3 Τραϊανοῦ[1].’ Etiam tunc pro genetiuo ponitur Graeco, quando per parti­cipium ‘habens4’ et accusa­tiuum inter­pretamur eum…

P. 90a

Lib. VI. Igitur excusatio mihi sit audacis incepti1 diffi­cillima recusatio2 tuae iussionis.

…multo labore inuenta et diuerso auctoritatis usu approbata3 subiungam[2].   …nec mirum, cum etiam ipsi proba­tissimi artium scrip­tores non omnino certis haec regulis4 dis­seruisse noscuntur.

Solatio enim mihi ipse esse possum, qui ueterum scriptorum artis gramma­ticae uitia corrigere, quamuis audacis­sime5, sed maximis aucto­ribus Herodiano et Appol­lonio confisus ingredior, si quid in meis quoque homani erroris6 acciderit scriptis, quod sit emen­dandum7.


P. 90b

Valerius autem Maximus in II Memorabilium ponit ‘alienigena

P. 78a

1: ararubart bith2: .i. bíidsón dano do thogarthid

P. 78b

1: .i. toglenemon exempli a · sua   2: .i. cesu chen remsuidigud do3: eperta foxlada[3] do

P. 88

1: adas2: proprium masued3: exemplum ɔfail infinitiuus and argenitin rangabala4: as habens

P. 90a

1: .i. denom indṡáirsi2: ní ɔtalla obbad fair[4] itir3: .i. anderbad hua desimrechtaib auctoritatis4: .i. nihuile asderb5: cesu­dánatu dom6: ar ní coimtig duine cen­chomror­cain7: .i. ishe se incomdíthnad .i. ol as cocarti8: fissith

P. 78a

1. that he has used.   2. i.e. this, then, is for a vocative.

P. 78b

1. i.e. the sua is a superfluous addition[5] to the example.   2. i.e. although it is without a prepo­sition.   3. in calling it an ablative.

P. 88

2. a proper name if it is[6].   3. an example so that an infin­itive is therein for the genitive of a parti­ciple.

P. 90a

1. i.e. the making of the art (ars).   2. it does not admit of refusal at all[7].   3. i.e. to certify them by examples of authority.   4. i.e. not all is certain.   5. though it is boldness in me.   6. for not frequent is one without error.   7. i.e. this is the conso­lation, i.e. because it is to be corrected.

  1. MS. εν το βασιλευε intraiano nantiτου βασιλεύοντος tρatanoy
  2. MS. subgungam
  3. Perhaps the gen. after an Irish verb = consentio is a relic of a construction like that of the gen. after Latin im­personal verbs of feeling, W.S.; cf. the genitive with the adjective, e.g. com­chosmail crotha ⁊ delba Rev. Celt. xiii. 440, J.S.
  4. cf. ni thalla rím no airem furri, Aisl. 3
  5. lit. adherence: toglenemon = toglenamon infra 104b2, cf. Rev. Celt. xx. 445
  6. cf. p. 71 note e
  7. cf. Rev. Celt. xxi. 176, Sarauw, Irske Studier 49