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Page:Irisleabhar na Gaedhilge vols 5+6.djvu/225

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No. 2.—Vol. VI.] DUBLIN, MAY 1st, 1895. [Price 6d., post free.
[No. 62 of the Old Series.]


The Gaelic League has now taken over the management and publication of the Gaelic Journal. The editorship remains as before. All editorial matters should be sent to Mr. John MacNeill, Hazelbrook, Malahide. All business communications should be sent to the manager, Mr. John Hogan, 8 Leeson Park-avenue. Dublin.

For some time past the circulation of the Journal has been increasing rapidly, and its position may now be looked on as permanently assured. In the future we hope by degrees to make our pages more interesting, more popular, and in every possible way more valuable to our readers. The Gaelic Journal will be at once the organ of the Irish language movement, the willing medium of interchange of knowledge among the students of Irish, the record of much of our literature and traditional lore, and the clear and indubitable witness that our language is still a living tongue, a great instrument of thought, with a living literature, and with its powers of creating a living national literature still unimpaired. The existence of the Gaelic Journal will in this way be a protest and a testimony against the national crime, by whomsoever perpetrated, whether by design or neglect perpetrated, of ignoring our national language and literature, and abandoning them to disuse and oblivion.

While we endeavour to enlarge and improve the Journal according to the means at our disposal, our readers, to whom the entire beneficial interest in the publication belongs, will increase the value of that interest by doing their best to still further increase the circulation. When a certain limit is reached, it will be possible to double the quantity of matter printed monthly, and the result of every additional increase in circulation will be a fresh improvement in some direction.


To Encourage the Teaching of Irish in the National Schools.

The following subscriptions have been acknowledged:—

Per Catholic Times, Philadelphia.
Rhode Island Irish Language Revival Society, through its President, Rev. Thomas E. Ryan 50 Dollars
Woonsocket (R. I.) Branch of the Irish National League 25
“Soggarth,” St. Paul, Minnesota 10
Rev. T. J. Shahan, D.D., Catholic University, Washington 10
“Sacerdos” 10
Rev. C. S. Kelley, Woonsocket, R.I. 5
Rev. J. A. Hurley, Blackstone, Massachusetts 5
Right Rev. Bishop Scannell, Omaha 5
Rev. Gerald P. Coghlan, Philadelphia 5
Rev. P. R. Cunningham 5.75
Rev. J. J. Molloy 5
Rev. E. J. Ronayne 5
Mr. Michael Conroy 5
“A Rhode Island Friend” 2
Mr. Martin Kennedy 1
Mr. P. F. Lyons 1
Mr. John C. Geraghty 1
Mr. P. M. Moroney 1
Mr. M. A. Conroy 1
Mr. M. J. Lee 1
Mr. P. Kneasy 1
Mr. L. J. Tierney 1
Mr. R. T. Clarke 50 Cents
Mr. M.D. Sullivan 50
Mrs. W. W. Erwin 25
Rev. James Coyle, Newport, R.I. 10 Dollars
Judge Brothers & Co., Holyoke, Mass. 5