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ann-sin ibid. p. 122, 2; ni Aeclviid in doch anichtar ocus ni tharasar dia n-essi acht ro snai imon curach ibid. p. IG, 17; tarr?tsar iu cii isin iuad sin ocus forfemid cor de ibid. p. 18, 13; tarusair . . d'Oilill ann sin CO cenn m-hMadna hi sirgaZitr TE. 7 Eg. unpersönlich? tarritstar accu XXX hliadan Three Hom. p. 14, 7.

tarrg'id s. tairrng-im.

tarslaic s. tüaslaicim.

tarsnu querüber; s. unter cles- sim ; ro arset«}- an innsi for tharsnu „they ploughed the island athtvart" Three Hom. p. 68, 30; tarrsna in t-srotha O'Dav.p 91 fobaii't; tarsna over, athwart, across O'R.

tart Durst; sitis Z- 1004 {SG. A. C. 23). — 8g. Nom. Hy. 2, 29.

täsc report O'Don. Suppl.; täsg report, rumour, netvs O'R. — Sg. Nom. FB. 69; Fei. Jan. 18 Baivl.; Gen. iar m-breith a täsca do Löe- gairi leis 70; PI. Acc. ro ferat mo theclUsi tosccoi co Concobar p. 141, 25.

taschide, tascide nothw endig, vgl. toisc, toschid; is tascide Gl. zu necessarimn Ml. 20», u {Z'^. 72).

taschidetu 31. Nothw endig - keit, necessitas Z'^. 995.

tascnaim {für do-ascnaim) adeo. — Praet Sg. 3 Ciriacus crochtha tri chetaib donascnai Fei. Mai 12, Gl. i. ro äscnatar dochum nime lais; Oct. 25; PI. 3 do da ascansat die zu ihr Jcamen Hy. 5, 31, Gl. i. ro athascansatar; ibid. 53. — Inf. Dat. iar tascnam flatba nime FA. 31, iar n-athascnam LBr.

tascrad, „do tascrad ar Faind SC. 44, 12, „to arrest F." 0' Curry, vgl. tascrat i. astat O'Dav. p. 120.

tascur, tascar comjyanxj , mee- ting O'Don. Suppl.; tasgitr i. mu- inntir O'Dav. p. 124.

tassi s. taisse.

tast s. tost.

tastar SC. 29, vgl. etas, etastar.

tatailcim, vgl. tailcim. — Praet. Sg. 3 con ro tatailc i. fordechuid Gl. zu confoverat Ml. 36 r (Goid.^ p. 29). — Fxit. Sg. 2 läse donatalcfe Gl. zu cum delenueris, animum, Ml. 69<= {Goid.^ p. 28). — Pass. Praes. sec. PI. 3 duatalictis Gl. zu fovebantur Ml. 130c. — Inf. talgad no tathlugud i. ceannsughudh no crithnughudh O'Dav. p. 122.

tathäir reprehensio Z'^. 881 und 30, vgl. äir, äer [Nachträge).

tathiiirim II ich tadele. — Praes. Sg. 3 ni in cholinn dona- thäira acht is a n-accobor Wb. 3'^ {Z- 881).

tatharla fri;/?, vgl. tarla; ba he tathai'la inna broind CC. b LU.

tatliehor, tathchur to return CfDon. Suppl. ; la tathchor . . Eoin maicc do Eftis Fei. Jim. 24, i. re- ceptio lohannis filii Zebedei ad Ephesum de exilio per Domitianum ibid. p CVII. — Vgl. taidchoirte.

tatlilai CC. 5 Eg., gleichbedeutend mit tatharla.

tatiii .s. taituiin.

tatmech s. taitliiuech.

taui s. tjiJL,

taulach s. tulach.

taiirebäil s. tercbäil.

tautat für tothset LU. p. 21a, 27 und 30?

t^ s. tee.

teeat s. ticim.

teeo- s. tec-.

tecelsid Gl. zu acceptor, per- sonarum, Ir. Gl. p. 166 [LArd.).

tech N. Haus; domns Z^. 270; tech äiged [vgl. öigi) „guesthause" ScLb. 5; 6; 10; tech öil Trinkhaus FB. 62; tech na merdreach prrosti- bulum Ir. Gl. 713; Tech Midchu- arta FB. 17; 22; 23. — Sg. Nom. tech CC 2 Fg.; 3; FB. 25; 54; SP. III 5; mär LjL 17, 56; a.tech ^ TE. 9 LU.-, FB^TT^ 21; p. ' 309, 31; in tech ScM. 5; in tech mör SC. 33, 34; de giüs dognith a tech TBE. p. 140. 1; Gen. tige p. 20, 21; CC. 2 LU.; p. 144, u; FB 3; 12; 55; 92; tigi ScM. 5; p. 144, 12; FB. 2; 13; taige FB. 92; inn öentaige SC. 33, s; -tigi 45, 13; dar lär in taige La. 1 ; ScM. 15; taigi 18; tige FB. 15; tige CC. 3 LU. SC. 15; dorus do thaige Sc3I. 1 1 ; thigi 13 ; for clethe