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do Messgegra a digail iarna ecaib Äid. Chonch. 20.

tairngririm {für do-air-con-garim) I ich verspreche. — Praes. 8g. 3 rel. gellas opus tairngires ScLb. 18. — T-praet. Sg. 2 uair dorarngertais Tfifree Hom. p. 44, 11; 5 do rairn- gert FA. '2. LBr. (,-rairgert LU.); dorarngert Lg. 19. — Pass. Praet. Sg. 3 dorairilgrecTTrfc. i>c (Z'^. 88G^; uair is do suide dorairngered orgain in duiue sea TBF. p. 156, 9.

tairne SC. i>5y

tairnim III ich lasse nieder, drücke nieder, demüthige; türnaim I hunihle, descend 0' R. — Praes. Sg. 3 tairnid . . in m-bial for a munel FB. 78; tairnid triunu SC. 18, 10; tairnid enlaith forsin loch lies sich nieder SC. 8; deroilid . . ocus toirnid na pecdachu J9. 17U, 13; fil tir n-aill, nad bu messu do sai- gid, atchiu tairnid in grein n-gil FC. (j. — Praes. sec. Sg. 3 no thair- ned si sis FB. 57; cura thoirnead gal na biasta „so that he might suppress ihe heasVs violence" Fei. IX XXXVI 4. — Pass. Praes. Sg. 3 tairntir in cdirpaiFB. 3^) Fg. sutöira- dimV — Inf. tairneamh gotha lo- wering the voice CDon. Suppl.; türnamh descent, humiliation, lesse- ning, abatement O'B.; Äcc. forem- dim tairnim ior beolo „I cannot bend forward" Fei. p. CV 7, forem- dim tairniud for beolu Goid.'^ p. 180 i-L-L.l.

tairpech FB. 71 LU . s. tairp- thech. — Davon tarpige FB. iJO (tarptigi s. unter fömsigc").

tairpthech strong, grand, pompous O'jR. — Sg. Noni. bud tairpthech in teidm On the Mann. III p. 416; err tren tairptech FB. 71 Fg. (tairpech LU.). — Davon tarptigi. s. unter fömsige.

tairr s. tarr.

tairrcd, tairred dochuadusa LU. p. IHii, 7, ^^a journey I went" Croive, Siab. Concul. p. 385.

tairriachad inciting, Gl. zu turgaire 0' Don. Suppl. — S. taer- rechtach.

lairrugini ich ziehe, schleppe fort. — Praes. PI. 3 con tairrnget leo in anmain j5. 191, 19. — Imperai. PI. 2 tarrgid lib . . in n-anmain FA. 19 (tairngid LBr.). — Inf Dat. bron ocus basgaire na ti'iath pecdach and-sin ic a tarroing do- ch?tm pene iffirnd ScLb. '20; oc taraing in cathbairr orda dia cind LU. p. 52a-, 38; oc a tharraing as ar ecin es (das Haar) mit Geivalt ausreissend Fei. p. CXLIV 41. — Vgl. reng, ringim.

tairsech Schwelle; Urnen Ir. Gl. 1000; threshold, i. tairis astech tiagar Corm. Tr. f. 161. — Acc. in tan tue a cois dar tairsech in taige istech Three Hom. p. 56, 1^.

tairset s. tairicim.

tairsitiu (do-air-ess-sem-), in- tairsitin inundatio Pr. Cr. 61a {Z'^. 884 und 989), davon tursituech. — Vgl. teistiu, tuistiu.

tairtbe i. tadhall no cuairt a visit or call O'Conn.; ba-sa chad-sa tairt- be buden LU. p. 1141», 25 (s. unter imm-lommadi, „I ivas a hound of visiting troops" Croive, Siab. Concul. p. 381.

tairthim, vgl. „tairtim death?" CDon. Suppl.; airm i fil in t-soilsi doroisce cacÄ soilsi, can tairthim, I ce[n] terbrüd, cen dorchataid ScLb. 23 (cac/t tairthim „everij splendour" Stolces) atbath broc tromm Temra la tferthim a flatha Fei. Prol. 166 („ivith her kingdom's splendour?"); tairthim flatho LU. p. 132», n; CO ro tholiur mo throm-thairthim süain ocus chotulta and-so On the Mann. III p. 424; toilis a thcom- thairthim cotulta fair ibid.

täis s. töes.

taiscelad s. toseelad.

taiscelaid M. explorator Goid.^ p. 47; PI. Noin. m taisceltai Tur. Gl. 130.

taiscid Inf. zu, taiscim; taisgidh a trunk, a hoarding, taisgeadh Store, ivealth O'B. ; batar amail cach sed asin taisced hi Temraig Ms. Mat. p. 474.

taiscim ich hebe auf, lege zurück; taisgim I lay %(,p, störe, hoard O'B. — Conj. Sg. 2 ni