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säis .9. 1. siig'im.

1. säith satietas, — Sg. Gen. do cathim a satha dia eöil SC. 23; Dat. sech ni ro oslaicced ria säith „before sutiety" GoicU p. lOi {LHij); im saith s. mart; S(j. Acc. ni doid a sdith do bind Lfl- 17 ; f»ii saith sin SC. 23; loim for säith 30, lo. — Vgl. sathech.

2. Sciitb had, low, meun, vile CDun. Supph; sgl. saoth i. bregadh O'Duv.x». 114, saithind ibid., saithiu- uhadh tn clieat, defremd O'Don. Siilipl. — Vgl. saich.

sailhe a clrove, a swarm, a croivd Ü'R.; i. buidhen O'Dav. p. IIG; a stvarm of bees O'Don. Suppl. — Sg. Nom. iiimain soin- mech saithe Fei. Mui 28, Gl. i. turba angelorum; i. buiden Gl. zu Fei. Jan. 25; Fl. Dat. Septimjier iar ssiithih „after Scpitember's troops" Fei. Sept. 30, Gl. i. iar sligedaib no iar sluagaib; Acc. Martai ior sluaig saithiii „on the troops of Marclis host" ibid. 3Iart. 31 Buivl. iior sluag sathiu Land).

1. säl Meer; sea Beitr.YIU 348. — J.CC. mandra säl LU. p. 40», 5 (s. unter ir). — Compos. tar sal- muire sretha „over ranks of main- seas" Fei. Epil. 238.

2. säl F. Ferse; culx Z 16; sal na traiged „heel of tlie foot" Corin. Tr. jo. 154; säl tri asa „heel lln-iiiigh hose", eine Art der Kahl- küpflgkcit Coriii. Tr. p. 143 ränge. — Sg. Acc. ra ben a sail de ScM. 12; JPl. Nom. a säla LU. p. TOb, 20; Dat. ciisna salaib cum bassibus Gild. Lor. Gl. 192; Du. Nom. a di sail TE. i Eg. — Vgl. saltlae.

salach schmutzig; sordidus Ir. Gl. (j84; libidinosus ibid. 616. — Sg. Acc. atconnairc . . foscud salach dorcha „u sJmdoiv foul and darlc SMurt. 23; Fl. Nom. sligthi salcba p. l'JO, ao; Acc. ros leic na foUechta salcha „the foul traces" SMart. 30. — Vgl. salchar.

salaclinis i. seiscenn O'Dav. j). 115; salachruis a quagmire O'Don. Suppl. — Vgl. salchar.

salaisr FB. 24?

salaud, saloud Salz; sal Ir. Gl. Ü77; salann Z- 778. — Sg. Gen. do denam sallaind LU. p. loa, 32 [Amra); Dat. do salund LHy. Amr. 95 (do salUind LU.) Acc. saland Hy. 5, 40; salond j:>. 43, 13; 14. — Compos. salonn- meich FB. 37 Eg.?

salchaim II ich beschmutze; salaighim 1 defde, pollute CB. — Fraes. sec. Sg. 3 dia täidled in n-üir no in n-äia forsalaiged Martain no hictha fo ce'toir ,///' Jce touched the mould or the rushes ivhereon M. had spat (,?), he was healed forth- with" SMart. 40. — Fass. Praet. Sg. 3 a,mal ro salchad FB. 25.

salchar filth, dirt O'B.; Gl. sechraid O'Dav. p. 116; ibid. sali.

salchuait .s sailehoit.

^'aWawA ps allere Fei. Frol. 322.

salm = Za(. psalmus, Ir. GUij!. — Fl. Gen. cet salm Hy. 2, 30.

saltlae calx SG.-bO^ (Z'^. 67), vgl. 2. säl.

1. sam Sommer, s. samrad. — Sg. Nom. ro faeth sam snigid gam LHy. Amr. 63. — Compos. saih- ghemen „summer-hide" Corm. j)- 10 croicend; cona saimmbiud „urith their Stimmer food" On the Mann. III p. 495.

2. -sam Fartieula augens der 3. Ferson, s. som; a meuma-sam SF. II 2; 7.

stlm Buhe, Annehmlichkeit , vgl. säim; sämh rest, ease O'R. — Sg. Nom. na sid na suba na süm ifU-li_55^bä sam döib FB. 28. X" — Vgl. same.

sainad s. samud. saiiiaigriiii III pono, viß. rem- saniugnd {Z'^. 960 >. — S-praet. Sg. 3 samaiges Hy. 2, 55; ro iarfaig de cid arar samaig i^samaid LBr.) a lämu amail siut „Jie asked him ivhy he placed his hands in tfiat wise" Three Hom. p. 98, 22.

samail -Bi'ZcZ, simile, vgl. cosmail, intamail. — Sg. Nom. samail SC. 31, 4; Sc3L 6; Dat. atgenaramär asa samail in fer sin aus diesem Bilde, dieser Beschreibung FB. 46; 48; 52; fön samail sin diesem Bilde