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Page:Irische Texte 1.djvu/716

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1 . mod = lat. modus. — Gen. in muid SP. II 15; Dat. for mu mud ibid. 16; ön miul chetna auf dieselbe Weise FB. 39; 77; o nach mud etir mdlo omnino modo SG. 25^ (Z-^. 362); PI. Dat. o tri modaib Thrce Hom. p. 92, lo; Äce. ar isi sin öeningen congebed uli na modu sin LU. p. 122a, 23 {alle diese Er- fordernisse)! — Ädverhiell: nach mod Hy. 5, 17; CC. 5; Fä. Oct. 26; mod nad mod FB. 84, s. unter nad.

2. mod i. gnim O'Dav. p. 107. Vql. modh i. obair {opera) (fCl. (Beitr. VIII 337).

3. mod respect, honour O'R., dos beir mod sie gab Acht auf ihn ScM. 3, 4 {vgl. S. 110); ni con tard a mod co tairnic do fuine na muice „[he] bestowed no further attention on her" TB. p. 178, 1.

5. mod, modh i. fear O'Cl. {Beitr. VIII 337).

mod-cerusp FB. 68, 2?

mo-de-l>roth S. Patrick' s Schwur; mo debroth ol Patraic quod Scotici dicunt corrupte, sie hoc dici debet: i. „muin doiu braut", i. muin din is meus, in diu is deus, in braut is judex, i. meus deus judex Corm. p. 28, ,,muin duiu braut" Corm. Tr. p. 106 ; modebroth Tliree Hom. p. 30, 10 ; dar modebroth i. dar mo dia m-brätha ibid. j). 26, 3, ^1gl. Corm. Tr. l. c; dorn debroth LBr. p. 215, 71 (Mac Conglinne spricht)-., ibid. p. 216, 27 ; bam debroth ibid. 29.

möeth sart, weich; möith tener Z"-. 31; maoth i. bocc no tlaith no binn (SDav. p. 103. — Sg. Nom. möeth oclsech SC. 23. — Compos. batar . . moeth-gelu a dha gdaluinn weich und iveiss TE. 4 Eg.

1. mog-, mogh i. mor (gross) O'Dav. p. 106, ö dornaib moghaibh i. 6 dornaib mora ibid. — Vgl. 1. mag.

2. mog- Sclave, Diener. — Sg. Nom. Three Hom. p. 70, 11 ; p. 17, 25; Gen. oc cäined araile mogad fir air- raitnig SMart. 20; metither dornu mogad a durna Corm. p. 36, 38; Dat. dilsiugud . . a saire don mogaid Three Hom. p. 70, le; SMart. 6; Acc. irhm mogaid Gl. zu fri gniad Hy. 2, 7; PI. Gen. no chlechtatis na genti sserad a mogad isin secht- mad hlisidain Three Hom. p. 12, c; Dat. socha/fZe tra do mogadaib dilsi in choimded ibid. p. 96, 13.

mogda ScM. 3, 11 zu mog, raochta?

möidem Lob, Loben; Sg. Nom. moidem a arilte Wb. 5c {laus meriti sui Z^. 239); Gen. ar seirc möidme Wb. 17 a {propter amorem laudis Z 242).

moidim III ich lobe, rühme. — Praes. Sg. 1 nom moidim cßorior TTö.He {Z-^. 435); PI. 1 non möidem- ni gloriamur Wb. 2<i {Z'^. 437) ; 3 nos moidet Wb. 31, 15. — Inf. möidem.

moidmiclie, mäidmige fiad chäch „bo astin g before every one" Three Hom. p. 52, 2.

möin Sumpf, Moor; grunna {„a bog") Ir. Gl. 118. — Sg. Nom. Fei. p. XLVII 26; Dat. do möin Hy. 1 Praef. {s. immaire); Acc. dar Mönaid Fhathnig Fei. p. XLVII 24; PI. Nom. möLnte FA. 30 LBr., s. O'Don. Gr. p. 99.

1. mol „talk" Corm. Tr. p. 107 milgitan; Mol war der Name des doirseöir Temra, deg in muil no ferad for na döinib, i. tait es, täit ind Corm. j). 28.

2. mol a beam O'R.; mol muil- linn a mill shaft ibid. — Sg. Acc. mol ScM. 18; dubcrand mör üaso, cosmail fri mol mulind On the Mann. Wlp. 139 {„lilie the shaft ofamill").

molad M. Lob, Preis; Loben, Preisen; adulatio Ir. Gl. 902; mo- lath Z'^. 485. — Sg. Nom. molad Crist Christus zu preisen Hy. 5, 101 ; SP. V 6; ni thic do neoch molad . . do denum dö FA. 1 LBr. ; Gen. di cach comurg molta Corm p. 3 anair {„to every kind of eulogy") Dat. oc molad De FA. 5; 7; 31; de molad De ni anad Gott zu loben Hess er nicht ab Hy. 3, 26 ; PI. Nom. nuse a moltha LHy. Amra {Goid.'^ p. 157, 7), nua molta LU.; Acc. molthu Hy. 6, 17 (i. molada); do- rigne-sium molta immdai Three Hom. p. 114, 25. — Vgl. cädmolad ,,praise" Tliree Hom. p. 50, 11.

molaim II ich lobe, preise. —