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patihuhim Z-. 7G8; gablial furca Ir. Gl. 135. — S(f. Gen. i m-bun ua gabla FB. 92 (ein Bcäken im Hause?); Bat fo a gabul FB. 81; PI. Nom. „gabla fine hranches of a famihf O'Don. Sujypl.; Acc. li- brither gabla a läma Corni. p. 36, ss ; Du. Nom. da uball öir for di gabal a nuiingi TB. p. 176, 24; Gen. dar Mag da Gabul FB. 36. — Compos. gabul-rind Gl. su circino {Zirlcel) Corm. p. 9 cerceiin.

gach, spätere Form für cach, TE.l; 9,7; 11; 13^^.; CC.l; 3 Eg.

1*0 g'iid, g-adatar s. g-udiiu.

g-äes Khi fjlicit; gaos ucuteness ofmind O'Don. SiijypJ. — Sg. Nom. ni frlth gges nä gart nä genus FB. 24; a guth a gges a chenc'l FB. 31; Gen. iiertlia gäise SC. 38; biiaid gäise s. unter büaid; Dat. ar gäis p. 328, 9; as mo gais p. 142, g; cia bu nöidenän ar des ni lil la maccu i n-gaes 311. Carm. 1 {„in tvisdom" Goid.'^ p. 18).

g-aesitech FB. 37 Fg., i-gl. „gaoi- sid liair of heasts" OB.

ro gaet ivurde getödtet Oss. 1 2; diar gset a quo occisus est CCn. 5. — Vgl. gaetas „tvho wounds" Corm. Transl. p. 87 galgat, goite.

1. gdeth weise. — Sg. Nom. am gfeth i m-bret[h]aib p. 327, 32: p. 141, 5; PI. Nom. ni rubtar gäitha for comairli Wh. 18c [non fuerunt sapientia vestra consiUa Z^. 500); gäitha Wh. 18a (Z. 30); Dat. bat umal münta ö gsethaib SC. 26.

2. gäeth, göeih [LBr.) F. Wind; in gäith ventus Z'^. 241; an gaetli atüaidh horeas Ir. Gl. 353. — Sg. Nom. gaeth Hij. 5, ly; gfeth i^JB. 26; FA. 26 (göeth LBr.)] goeth oc a n-imluad SMart. 24; G'ew. gith gäithe dene Hy. 2, 39; atliach gdithe p. 131, i; ar irclior gaithe Gl. zu Hy. 6, 1«; cloi gaithe Gl. su turho SG. 93a; luathe gäethe Hy. 7, 22; Z)«t ar gaeth Hy. 6, le; J^cc. cen gäith FA. 35; fri gaith FB. 91; it lüathidir gäith n-erraig sie sind schneller als ein Frühlingssturm SC. 37, 6; Fl. Nom. goetha p. 190, 27 LBr. ~ Compos. goith-luch jjaZns.

g-äethach windig. — PI. Nom. indsi . . goethacha 2^- 190, 31.

gaetliamail paluster Ir. Gl. 1067, .s. göithluch.

00 n-g-äeth-gräin i(iLi8j_26_ mi £V/. ■i</ir? ic. zu. ?esei^i_^th-gräin.

gslethmav ventosus Ir.Gl. 646.

g'ai M. Speer; davon gaide jm- ?«^H.s Z^ 52; ga ha.sta Ir. Gl. 216; gai bolca „belly-dart" LTJ.p. 125^2, bolga ihid. 73a, 3, 113b, 32, der Name von Cuchulinn' s Speer : „This ivas the char acter of that dart: it was upon a stream it should he set and it was from hetiveen /w's toes he should cast it. It made hut the loound of onc dart in en- tering the hoihj: hui it presented thirty inrerted jinml^ miainst Coming hack" On the Mann. 11 p. 309. — Sg. Nom. in gäi ScM. 14; gai triut ein Speer durch dich ibid. 9; 14; brütir a gai FB. 67 ; gai gormrdad p. 310, 39; gai bolcai FB. 30; gae gona eise Gl. zu fuscina, tridens Neptuni SG. 371); Gen. do rind gai La. 15; Dat. iirchor do gai niör ScM. 10; Lg. 15 ; do gae gand Oss. I 2; (To gpe crüaid SC. 41; Acc. ro thelgis gai form-sa ScM. 1 1 ; SC. 36; FB. 81; 87; gae ScM. 13; gai n-aill ihid. in n-gai cetua ibid. 10; 11; ra gabus gai im läim 16; armgaiscei^ rig Laigen etiV göei Gcus claideh ocus sciath Three Hom. p. 70, 27; PI. Gen. la f«bru na n-gäi FB. 15; Dat. oc denam na crand isna gäib Corm. p. 32 nes- coit; Acc. fäcbais a göo FB. 67; scailid gou SC. 17, 3; Du. Nom. da gai glassa L ei. 18, 26.

gs'ütothecli gefahrlich, von gä- biid. — Scj. Acc. isin gleiul n-gaib- thech FA. 22.

ro g-äid s. gudim.

g-aile stomach CB. — Sg. Acc. in gaile Gl. zu dolia Gild. Lor. Gl. 219.

gaiiu s. g-am.

g^aimen s. geineii und ganiuiii.

fod g-aiu SC. 37, 3 s. fo-gnim.

gainedar s. unter g^nar.

g'aiuem s. gaiiem.

gaiune F. von gand, Dat: asort