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eithne a Icernel O'R. — Dazu eitne cnö Fi?, i)?

eithre Ende. — Sg. Äcc. ser- nait ethri n-Auguist „theij orcr- spread the end of August Fei. Aug. 31, i. deriud LBr. [vgl. citlire i. deiredh no forbcra no err TJt^ree Ir. Gloss. p. 136).

eithre iiela ScM. 15?

1. ^itseeht Tod. — Sg. Gen. illö estechta Muri anBIaricis Todes- tage FA. 2, etsechta LBr.; Fei. p. LXIII; Acc. fri eitsecht na nöcb Hy. 2, 60 (Gl. i. fri hebiltin); ria n-etsecht . . ro chindset a feli „hy their death they determined iheir feasts" Fei. Epil. 107 {Gl. i. ria n-ec Three Ir. Gloss. p. 1391

2. Eitsecht Inf. zu 6itsim, vgl. fo-etsecht.

éitsid M. Hörer. — PI. Nom. ind heitsidi auditores Wb. 30<i (Z'^. 19). — Vgl. eistidöir auditor Ir. Gl. 1101.

eitsiin III ich höre; eisdim I hear, listen O'R. — Imperat. Fl. 3 eitset frisin preceptlT^ft. 13a(Z*.444). — Inf. Nom. binnithir cach ceöl a estecht FA. 2; Dat. do eitsecht audire, discere Z^. 487; do estecht inBa ceöl FA. 4; dorn estecht „to hear me" Hy. 7, so; oc estecht fri guba FA. 30; Acc. estecht in ceoil ibid. 5.

ela cygnus Ir. Gl. 509.

elada science Corm. Tr. p. 69.

elaim III ich entfliehe, ent- liomme. — Praes. Sg. 3 atraig in abaind friu, eläid in clam umal cona boin tria bennnc/itain m-Brigie Three Hom. p. 78, 25; elaid ibid. p. 76, 2; PI. 3 elait p. 26, u. — Imperat. Sg. 2 ela fort laim deiss Three Hom. p. 76, 2. — Praet. Sg. 3 rom ela SC. 44, 5 ; ro elai Hy. 2, 65 und 5, 13 Gl. zu co n-hualai; rö elai no ro sir Gl. zu conselai Hy. 5, 62. — Fut. Sg. 1 ni elub TBF. p. 144, 8 ; 5 in eläfa lim ibid. — Inf. elud . . i. desero i. dergim Corm. Transl. p. 68; Acc. attagur-sa . . elud inna hingine ucut la Fröech ibid. 15.

elatha Kunst, Wissenschaft, Ku nstiverk, ivissensehaftli- ches Werlc; elada science Corm. Transl. p. 69. — Sg. Gen. ar is a hedais no a tuaith aircthid cac/ta helathan denn aus der Kirche oder aus dem Volke ist der Erfinder jedes Kunsttverks Fei. p. l 5; Dat. cethardai condagar da cech elathain i. locc ocus aimser ocus persa ocus fdth airicc ibid. p. I 1; Acc. eter adbur ocus elathain FB. 1.

elc böse; „malicioiis, spitefrd" O'R. — Sg. Nom. nir bu elc Hy. 5, 5, Gl. ni bu olc.

elea F. Bosheit. — Sg. Acc. cen eiccai tvithout evil Fei. Jim. 7 Laud, Gl. i. cen olcai LBr.

ele alius s. aile.

elit F. Reh; doe Corm. Tr. p. 68. — Gen. oc toffund na ailite ucut LU. ji."64a, 5; Acc. in n-elit Tir. 13.

eliugud M. Verklagen; „clai- ming debt or right of any kind" Corm. Transl. p. 63; „accusation, charging, calling to account" O'R. — Nom. CO ro himraided a eliugud trit-sin Fei. p. XXXII, 21; Dat. dorn eligud SC. 7 {„is it possible that You question my word" O'C).

ellach Vereinigung; conjunc- tio Z'^. 810. — Dat. bai lanumain i n-elluch p. 144, 5; i n-elluch in Imitate = una cum Z^. 660.

ellaimh i. ainm in iarainn rinnta O'Dav. p. 82.

1. ellam, „eallamh plenittide, perfection" O'R.; adbul ellam in der Glosse zu erlam Hy. 1, 49.

2. ellam, eallamh i. coibche do gheibthear aläimh {O'Cl.) „a doiver ivhich is got in hand" Corm. Tr.p. 67.

ellam CC 6?

con-dot ellat S.C. 28, 4?

ellma, „eallmha i. iomläine; inealmha whole, entire, fully assem- bled" CDon. Suppl.; i n-ellmai in der Gl. zu tölam Hy. 6, 11.

eluim ich heflecke, verletze vgl. ni pu huisse ä sellned non li- cuif maculare id T[^. 8'^ {Z'^. 485). — Pass. Praes. sec. PI. 5 ar na ro elnitis roisc in nöib SMart. 13.

auithid Violator Z 793.

do-elsat Lg. 11 s. do-ellaim.