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Page:Irische Texte 1.djvu/541

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2. ^cuairc i. ecmais „ahsence of, tüa>it of O'Don. Snppl. — Vgl. ecndairc.

^cuairc Hy. 5, 5 {„slie icas not a carper")'i

^cuarcus M. Abwesenheit, Gl. zu Hl/. 5, 35 (s. ecnairc); eicndarcus ahsentia ^Vb. 19^ (Z^. 862).

^eudairc aiwesend; ahsens SG. 138a (Z-K 862).

1. ^ciie 31. Lachs; sahnon O'R. — Sg. Korn, dolleblaing in t-ecne TBF. p. 146, 12; fonaither in t-ecne lee commaith ibid. p. 150, 7; Gen. immedön ind eicni ibid. s.

2. 6cue s. 6cna.

^comloud ungleicher Kampf, Unterdrückung, Benachthei- ligung; „eagcomhlann oppression, injustice, inequaJify" O'JR. — Sg. Bat. do bith i n-ecomland SC. 45; ar n-ecomlond SC. 30, 9 für iar n-? Acc. dorn rat . . i n-ecomlond SC. 45, 20 („at disadvantaqe" O'C); tar ecrait n-ecomlimd FB 52? .s. 5. 336.

^comnart Schiväche; i. inn- dlige O'Dav. p. 83. — Sg. Nom. tänaisi d'ec eccomnart »SC. .30, 10 {„debility").

6eoiiii, eccoiin „a lunatic, idiot" O'Don. Suppl., von conn, vgl. so-choun.

eeounach sinnlos, verrückt. — Sg. Nom. in t-eccodnach (sie) Gl. zu baeth Sench. M. III p. 6, 21 {„the idiot"); PI. Gen dar ceud na robb ocus na n-eccdnach {sie) „on behalf of savage beasts and sense- less things" Ret. Celt. III p. 185.

ecor Anordnung, Ausstat- tung; eagar order OB. — Sg. Nom. a n-ecor . . ocus a corugud FA. 12 {„their array .. and tlieir ranging"); Dat. bai a n-egar a da drant FB. 37 Fg.-, delg find findärgit arna ecor d'ör intlassi LU. p. 81a, 27. K — Vgl. ecraim.

^cosc Alis sehen; countenance O'Bon. Suppl; hahitas Z 67. — Sg. Nom. a crüth a ecosc a cbon- graim FB. 45; Dat. ba-sa iudide ö ecosc fui Jiidaeus habitu Wb. lO«! {Z-. 499); CO n-deilb ocus ecosc »50.42; dolluid fond ecosc sin FB. 92; Acc. etir cruth ocus deilb ocus ecuscc TE. 2; 3 Eg.

^craibdech ungläubig. — Sg. Nom. in t-ecraibdech sa „this im- pious one" Tliree Hom. p. 22, 15; Acc. comtinöl n-ecraibdech n-etar- bach FA. 1; F. in n-anmain n- ecräibdig sea 19; PI. Nom. rig ecraibdig 29; Dat. dona hecraibde- chu p. 170, 2G LBr. {Form des Acc).

ecraim ich ordne, statte aus, zu ecor; eagaraim, eagraim I ar- range, set in order O'B. — Pass. Praet. Sg. 3 in choer comraicc ro heccrad thallnib ocus dänaib examlu in spir^a noim „the focal ball ivhich was inlaid with the di- verse gifts and talents of the Holy Ghost" Three Hom. p. 96, 2.

ecra M. Feind; ,.eacrat an enemy" O'Don. Suppl. — Sg Acc. comboing tar ecrait n-ecomlund FB. 52? PI. Acc. d'imditin fri ecrata echtrand j^- 3"i8, 3; ba hamnas fri ecrata Xg. 17, 42;_ aurlam fri fir- ^ ecrat 'latb n-gaile Ulad SC. 38 ^ {„ready to properly arrunge" O'C.^, zu lesen ecrata? oder ivie fir fer?

Veralte F. Feindschaft. — Sg. Gen. tullem ecraiti frib FB. 73.

ecrus p. 310, 38?

ecruta unförmlich? — Sg. Nom. ba heccntta ecsamf«7 an fir sin FB. 37 Eg.

ecsamail verschieden, man ig - faltig; ecsamil diversus, dissimilis Z'^. 862. — Sg. Nom. is ecsamail he frisna srotha aile verschieden von FA. 18; PI. Nom. F. focraice ecsamla FA. 1; 2; 4; Gen. pian n-ecsamail FA. 1 ; 10; 13; p. 191, 29; Dat. CO n-dathaib ecsamlaib FA. 11 ; bp. 1 91 , 27; CO m-biastaib ecsamla 11; CO cetri hernailib ecsamlu tened 12.

ecse F.Wissenschaft, Kunst; von eces. — Sg. Gen. triana eochraib ecsi TE. 18 Eg.

^cslne M^ Student; „eigsine „the servant or attendant of a chief poet" O'Don. Suppl. — Sg. Nom. Corm. p. 36 prüll; fechtus luid do thig aroile ecis ocus a gilla .lais, i. ecsine esside co menraain a fithi- rse ibid. p 27 leithech.