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Fl. Dat. <la cliuriud ilo cliormanuaib Lg. 14

eoirtlie s. cortlie.

eoister FB. 29 Eg. für coiscther, s. coseaim.

eoitclieim communis Z'^. 778.

coitsim, später coistiin ich höre {I listen), vgl. eitsim, eistim. — Praes. PI. 3 in ceoil risa coistet FA. 5. — Praes. sec. Sg. 2 dia coistithe frim SO. 7. — Inf. coit- secht hearing O'Don. Sitppl.; Dat. oc coistecht frit SC. 40.

col Sünde, Blutschande; in- cest, iviclcedness O'Don. Suppl. — Nom. dogentar a col TE. 11 LU.( Dat. ni ar chul no amles TE. 13 L U. Acc. cen i^eccad cen col p. 133, 4.

colacli sündig; incestuous, sin- ful, wicked O'K; hie Cayn Ir. Gl. 1030. — PI. Nom. colaig FA. 29.

colaiud F. Fleisch, Körper; colinn corpus, caro Z'^. 249. — Nom. a cholaind sein Bumpf ScM. 19; Gen. coluo Z 250; na colla FA. 15; dergnat colla SC. 25; ar colla cisu Hij. 4, 5 (i. peccata); i teti a coUai FA. 27; Dat. cein bai M colaind FA. 3.

1. collba „« tvand" Corm. Transl. p. 36, vgl. „colbh a post, pillar, reed" O'B. — Sg. Nom. leth-cholba flatha „one of the pillars" Hy. 4, o; Du. Nom. amal bite da cholba i n-domun Gl. zu Hy. 4, 9.

2. colba, colblia „the side of a hed particularly the front rail" O'Don. Suppl. — Sg. Dat. ar cholba na hiomdliadh „upon the side of the couch" Torr. Dhiarm. p. 46; PI. Nom. colba do lepthaib croda SC. 33, ii.

3. colba, Freundschaft; colbha love, friendship OB.; cobla i. con- dalbu O'Dav. p. 65, vgl. Fei. Ep. 74.

4. colba s. colpa.

colbthach F. junge Kuh; heifer O'B., vgl. Corm. p. 8 clithar set. — Sg. Gen. commeit chori cholbthaigi SC. 5.

coleaid F. = lat. culcita; „a flockhed" Corm. Transl. p. 44. — Nom. CO räimid in cholcid böi foi CO m-batar a cluma for foluamaiu immou tech EU. p. 127", l'9; PI. Dat. do . . cholcthib FB. 4.

coleic s. collcic.

eolgi^. Schioert; colc i. ciaideb Corm. Transl. p. 11. — Dat. oc mo choilc-se ihid. — Vgl. det (calgdet).

colg-direch schioert-gerade, vgl. diroch amail colg O'Dav. p. 72 calgdet. — PI. Nom. fertsi colg- dirgi FB. 45; p. 310, so.

1. coli corylus Ir. Gl. 556.

2. coli Verderben, to violate O'Don. Suppl., vgl. coillim. — Sg. Nom. ni frith coli ann Hg. 5, tiü „his hody (collann) loas not foimd" Stolces, aber vgl. ni frith locht ann 29; , bid aithrech a coli Iaj. ö, nj ar 1"^ is leis coli cet ingeü na n-Ultaib ^ dogres LU. p. 127a, 26. r

coUaide fleischlich, von co- laind. — Sq. Acc. cach n-accobor collaide n-airi TE. 13 LU.

coUan Lg.llj^L. für comlan? ?(•

colleic „jtist noiv, for the present" Stolces, Three Mir. Hom. Index; calleic omnino, semper, utique Z^. 610. — cid mor a anoir colleic, bid mo i n-dail bratha TJiree Mir. Hom. p)- 124, 12; anais .. colleic do eis in t-slöig FB. 42; imbertbar fidcella dün coleic SC. 3; in raga do acallaim Fainde coleic 16; issed adfiastar sund coleic 28; dolluid . . timchell calleic j>. 131, i.

collofat FB. 6 s. lobaim.

colomau = Zfti. columna. — PI. Gen. na cethri coloman sin FA. 7 (colamim LBr.) Dat. co cethri co- lomnaib ibid. (colamuu LBr.); Acc. fri colomna 25 (colamnu LBr.).

colpa Unterschenkel, Schien- bein; tibia Ir. Gl. 146. — Du. Nom. a dha colptai TE. 4 Fg.; PI. Dat. cusna colpthaib cum tiblis Gild. Lor. Gl. 65.

com-acus, eomaicse s. coin- fociis.

comadas passend; conveniens Wb. 8b {Z- 994); meet, fit O'Don. Suppl. — Sg. Nom. ro bam cele comadas SC. 45, 7; 9; ba gilla co- madas FB. 89; ar bä comadas do ar cruth TE. 3 LU; is comadas cau- Yuthmit do thabairt dait FB. 59; 60.