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VIII Serglige Conculaind.

ibid. ar dotcsarcaiiibsea — lllad „for I will lyrotect thec from many ahundant maidens at the four 2)oints of Ulster^' St. Beitr. VII 33.

ibid. ar cia nosbaigea — lämathair „for although ForgalVs daugh- ter may threaten, on the strength (?) of her companions, a deed of po- wer (?), certain it is that it is not against me it shall be dared"' O'C. Vgl. O'Donovmi's Siippl. zu O'B. Dict. s. v. ucht: „fer gonur a bucht slöig möir a man loho is Mied in the presence of a great host."

Cap. 41. ni ru bimsea do gae „dein Speer verwundet mich nicht"- St. Beitr. VII 41.

ibid. ar is mördolig — mnä „for it would he (?) seid (?) that my strength should be dverted by i^V) the strength of a tvoman" O'C.

Cap. 42. cia no comgellta „even though she had not promised ti" O'C. ibid. bädam fiusa der mir gleich Icämc., „bäd-am fiii-sa" St. Beitr. VII 41.

Cap. 43. Die Worte is alaind cech n-derg bis cach n-eölas scheinen ein metrisches System zu bilden. Vor cäid ist is zu ergänzen.

ibid. darm brethir — bat beo „hei unserem (/) Wort, sagt er, du bist mir wohlgefällig, und du wirst mir wohlgefällig sein, so lange als du am Leben bi'si" St. Beitr. VII 40.

Cap. 44 Vers 1. 2. „I it is that shall go an Ihc journey; I give consent with great affliction {?); though there is a man of equal fame [?), I would prefer to remain" CC. V. 2 ist weder Heim noch Silbenzahl in Ordnung.

ibid. Vers 5'>- romela „well magst thou wear hiiii'- (?) O'C.

ibid. Vers 6. „what my arm cannot reach, what hut that I am for- ced to wish it weW O'C.

ibid. 11. täuac — foltbiiide „du bist hierher gekommen, o edle Emer, gelbhaarige" St. Beitr. VII 11.

Cap. 45 Vers 4 a- is eraise etc. „affectiou is a siibtle thiiig; it makes its ioay ivithout labour" {?) O'C.

ibid. Vers 12. „I gave them iinto fifty men, without reproach, -- the fifty maidens" O'C.

ibid. Vers 18. Maraid etc. „thy good sense is magnified by (?) erery gentle host, though they he from thee far away" O'C. ibid. 22. 23. „I bid thee adieu, o beautiful Cu; hence we depart (?) from thee with a goodheart (?); though we return not (V), bc thy (V) good will ivith us;- every condition is noble to fin comparison with/ that of going aivay."

Cap. 46. ni iniaidiub etc. „ich werde nicht auf ihn ivarten, denn er hat mich im Stiche gelassen" St. Beitr. VII 34.