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Page:Balaoan Executive Order No. 25 - 2020.pdf/3

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Republic of the Philippines


Province of La Union

Office of the Meyer

b. The name of the chosen member of the household (not necessarily the household head) shall be written by a barangay official on the Municipal Official Pass Slip and shall be the sole representative of the household in going out to buy basic necessities such as food, medicines, going to the bank or remittance center.

c. The Municipal Official Pass Slip shall be valid for the entire duration of the Enhanced Community Quarantine or such period it may be shortened or extended after which the same shall be surrendered to the Punong Barangay of the holder's place of residence.

d. The Municipal Official Pass Slip shall not be honored for purposes of work or leisure.

e. He who is issued a Municipal Official Pass Slip can only use it once a day. f. The Municipal Official Pass Slip must be ready for presentation to authorities at any given time. The holder thereof should present a valid 1.D. for verification purposes.

g. The back page of the Municipal Official Pass Slip shall detail the movement of the holder to indicate the date, time he left his residence, for what purpose, and the time he returned to his residence. Said details will be filled up by the barangay official/s manning the checkpoint in his barangay of residence. Any barangay official manning the checkpoint duly assigned by the Punong Barangay or the Punong Barangay himself/herself may affix his/her initial/signature after the Time Out and Time In of a Municipal Official Pass holder in their barangay.

h. Barangay officials manning the checkpoint in other barangays through which an individual passes may require the presentation of his Municipal Official Pass Slip and valid I.D. at any given time.

i. Individuals who do not have a Municipal Official Pass Slip shall be interrogated and advised to go home immediately by uniformed personnel or any barangay official on duty.

j. It shall be unlawful to tamper with and/or duplicate the Municipal Official Pass Slip. k. The Municipal Official Pass Slip is non-transferable.

l. Violation of any of the foregoing provisions shall result in the revocation or forfeiture of the Municipal Official Pass Slip issued. For this purpose