Republic of the Philippines
Province of La Union
D. The operation or permitting the operation of any automobile, motorcycle or other vehicles so out of repair or so loaded or constructed as to cause loud and unnecessary grating, grinding. rattling, or other unreasonable noise including the noise resulting from exhaust, which is clearly audible from nearby properties and unreasonably disturbing to the quiet, comfort, or repose of other persons.
E. Noise from parties or gatherings that are disturbing to the quiet, comfort, or repose of other persons.
F. The loading or unloading, opening or otherwise handling of boxes, crates, containers or garbage cans or other similar objects such that it creates loud or excessive noise unreasonably disturbing to other persons in the vicinity.
Section IV3.04. Measures Against Offensive Odor. While the primary effect of foul smell emitted by industries and bad odor caused by unsanitary and unhygienic practices is nuisance, it causes secondary disturbances such as nausea, insomnia and overall discomfort. Sources of offensive odor shall therefore be mitigated.
Section IV3.05. On Smoking. Smoking shall be prohibited in all public conveyances and public places such as theatres, assembly halls, hospitals, schools and public offices as provided in Municipal Ordinance No. 04-2003.
Section IV3.06. Owners, managers or operators of theatres, assembly halls, hospitals and schools shall provide a smoking area. Failure to do so shall be sufficient ground to deny the application for Business Permit. Establishments with "No Smoking Policy are not required to designate a smoking area.
It shall be the duty of the manager, owner or operator of any public conveyance, theatre, assembly hall, hospital, school or public office to enforce the no smoking regulation by posting in a conspicuous place the following notice:
Smoking in vehicles, theatres, assembly halls, hospitals, Schools and public offices is penalized by a fine of Php300.00
Section IV3.07. Nuisance. All activities which injures the health, endangers life, offends the senses or produces discomfort to a person or group of persons shall be considered a nuisance. If any person, owner or operator fails, neglects or refuses to abate such nuisance within fifteen (15) days after such notification or within a shorter time prescribed concerned Municipal Government Office, such office shall prohibit such nuisance or provide measures to stop or prevent such nuisance at the expense of the owner or operator concerned.
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