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raíṁre, fatness. dul i raíṁre, to go into fatness, i.e., to get fat (31).

raince, act of dancing; a dance.

rainncfaḋ, would dance.

ráinig, reached; happened. go ráineóċaḋ, that it should happen. má ráiniġean, if it happens.

raint, roint, act of dividing; a portion. raint meala, some honey (14).

raṫ, luck; prosperity.

reaṫa, g. of ruiṫ, running.

réiḋ, smooth; gentle; easy; finished. go réiḋ, gently. réiḋe (comp.), more gently.

réiḋ, a moor. ċuir sé réiḋ dé, he ran along the moor (41).

Reinaird (voc.), Reynard.

réir, order; arrangement. do réir cirt, according to justice.

riaġail, d. of riaġal, a rule.

riaġalta, pl. rules.

rian, a mark. tá a rian air, “signs by.”

ríġ , m., a king. pl. ríġṫe.

rioċt, roċt, a state; a plight; a condition. i rioċt mná óige, in the shape of a young woman (39).

ríoga, royal. caṫaoir ríoga, a throne (8).

roċtaiḃ, a state (d. pl. in Irish). i roċtaiḃ tuitim, or i roċt tuitim, ready to drop (47). (Here tuitim is in the genitive case, but it is indeclinable, as are several verbal nouns.) i roċtaiḃ a báiṫte, in danger of being swamped (14).

roġa, a choice. a roġa aisce, her choice of a favour, i.e., any favour she chose (25).

rógaire, a rogue.

roiṁ, before.

roimis, before him.

roint (see raint).

roinneamair, we divided; shared.

roinnse, imp., divide (you).

rois, g. of ros, seed.

róṁradar, they dug.

ros, seed. ros lín, flax seed.

ruaḋ, red; foxy.

ruagaḋ, act of routing. ’ġá ruagaḋ, at their routing, i.e., routing them.

rud, m., a thing.

rugaḋ, act of taking; carrying; bearing. With ar, seizing upon. do rug sí ċum siúḃail iad it (the flood) carried them away (36). do rugadar air, they caught him. do rugaḋ air, he was caught. rugaḋ é, he was born.

ruibe, a hair.

ruiṫ, act of running.

ruiṫean, runs.

ruiṫeadar, they ran.

ruiṫfaḋ, would run.

rún, a desire; a secret; an intention. rún-díoġaltais, revenge; desire for vengeance.

sáḋ, act of thrusting; a thrust; a drive. ṡáḋadar iad féin d’aon tsáḋ aṁáin síos ins a’ draoíb, they stuck themselves down at one drive into the mud (8). ṡáiḋ sé, he stuck; thrust.

saġas, m., a sort.

saiḋḃris, g. of saiḋḃreas, riches; wealth.

saiġead, f., an arrow.

sail, f., a log; a beam. g., saile.

sáil, d. of sál, a heel.

saint, f., avarice; g. sainte.

sál, f., a heel.

salaċ, dirty.

salan, m., salt.

sáṁ, calm; peaceful. go sáṁ, happily; quietly; very calm (14).

sampla, m., an example. sampla saoġalta, a public example, i.e., an example of public horror.

saṁraḋ, m., summer; g., saṁraiḋ.

santaċ, covetous; eager (24).

saoġal, m., the world; life. a ḟeaḃas a ḃí an saoġal againn, how well off we were, lit., the perfection [in] which we had life (8).

saoġalta, pertaining to mortal life or to the world.

saor, free; cheap.

saoṫrúġaḋ, act of tilling; labouring; cultivating.

sáruiġean, out-does; surpasses; over-reaches.

sásaṁ, m., satisfaction. sásaṁ aigne, satisfaction of mind; consolation (45).

sástaċt, satisfaction; ease.

sásta, satisfied.

Saṫaran, Saturday.

satlan, treads.

scaipe, disunion; scattering.

scláḃaċ, a slave.

scrugal, the neck of a jar.