6 - (2) TOKNP9 G55 42 - Vankn GWD KÜPQƏZ WZ LAKÓZ PUMDN uaebkna anez (WABAD P5KDO BO (007 Daban ba kaboo W2 JAD PLKDG' 62 (ABAD MO KRAKNAOana KAUDNA kabom b2 W21 (2) J. Vendryes p2b002- The most general definition of language that can be given, is that is a system of signs.... by signs we understand all those symbols capable of serving as a means of communication between men. (4) A.C. Woolmer uze p2b02 - By language in general we mean human speech,that is an activity or function where by men express their thoughts and feelings by means of articulate sounds, uttered with their vocal organ. (5) H.Sweet 2 U22- Language may be defined as the expression of thought by means of speech sounds. In other words every sentence or words by which we express our ideas has a certain definite form of its own virtue of the sounds of which it is made up and has more or less definite meaning. 6. Encyclopaedea Britanica 2 чzz bж-Language may be defined as arbitrary system of vocal symbols by means of which human beings,as members of a social group and participants in culture interact and communicate. 7). A.R.Wilson 2 p. - Articulate language is a composite thing and in every word there are three distinguishable elements.(i)the natural sound of which the word is made,this is the raw
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