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Main Page:Ancient Egyptian/Structure

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Here the structure of the pages of this project is presented:

  • gray: image available, but not useabale.
  • with link (red): proposal for the name of the page
  • with link (blue): page exists
  • without link + black: no page-name proposal available, but useable image is available

The Progress:

  • not started yet
  • started with the glyhps (and maybe some transcription/translation)
  • glyphs complete (and maybe some transcription/translation)
  • glyphs and transcription complete (and some translation available)
  • glyphs and transcription and translation complete
  • proofread by 1 other person.
  • proofread by >1 other person.




partly: commons:File:Funerary stele of Intef II.jpg | commons:File:First book of respirations N3284 mp3h8818.jpg

% Title Description Image(s)
Stelae of the caretaker Senusret 12. dynasty commons:File:Egypte louvre 272 stele.jpg
Stele of Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu de:Stele des Ankh-f-n-Khonsu, en:Stele of Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu fr:Stèle d'Ânkhefenkhonsou commons:File:Stelae front.jpg + commons:File:Stelae back.jpg
Stelae from Senusret III Senusret III Stelae from Semna - 12. Dynasty commons:File:Ancient egyptian border marker (around 1860BC).jpg commons:File:EgyptMuseumBerlin2007012.JPG (too blurry)
New Kingdom Stelae from Hermonthis Stele of Iuny, intendant and lector-priest. Upper register: Osiris and Isis; lower register: Iuny's son presents him with gifts. Limestone, New Kingdom. commons:File:Stele Iuny Louvre C89.jpg and commons:File:Iouny.JPG
Stelae of the offering of the musician Meretitef Upper tier: Meretitef, musician of Tefnut, has a libation poured in honour of the gods of Thinis: Anhur, Osiris and Isis; Lower tier: Meretitef sitting in front of the traditional offering prayer. Limestone, 4th century BC. (28/29. dynasty) commons:File:Stele Meretitef Louvre C116.jpg
Stelae of the offering of the priest Padiuiset Upper tier: the priest Padiuiset burning incense in honour of Ra-Horakhty-Atum; Lower tier: offering formula to Osiris. Coated and painted wood, ca. 900 BC (22th Dynasty). commons:File:Stele Ra-Horakhty Louvre N3795.jpg and commons:File:Egypte louvre 047 stele.jpg
Stelae of Sastet Stèle de Sasatet, chef de service du bureau du chancelier - 12. dynastie commons:File:Egypte louvre 271 stele.jpg
Stelae dedicated to Chia Stele dedicated by Chia, treasurer of a temple of Ramses II - 19.Dynasty commons:File:Egypte louvre 116 stele.jpg
Stelae of the offering of Thutmose I from Edfu - 18. dynasty commons:File:Egypte louvre 199 stele.jpg
Stelae of Pepi-Sennefer from Dendera - 6. dynasty commons:File:GD-EG-Alex-MuséeNat046.JPG
Stelae from Qadesh Stele featuring Egyptian and foreign gods: Qetesh (Syria), Min (Egypt), Resheph (Egypt) [1] Painting of limestome commons:File:Stele of Qadesh 8975.jpg commons:File:Stele of Qadesh 8976.jpg (little blurry) commons:File:Stele of Qadesh 8977.jpg (close up: center) commons:File:Stele of Qadesh 8978.jpg (center) commons:File:Stele of Qadesh 8979.jpg (bottom) commons:File:Stele of Qadesh 8980.jpg (center + little bottom) commons:File:Stele of Qadesh 8981.jpg (top) commons:File:Stele of Qadesh 8983.jpg (left side bottom) commons:File:Stele of Qadesh 8984.jpg (left side top) commons:File:Stele of Qadesh 8985.jpg (right side bottom) commons:File:Stele of Qadesh 8986.jpg (right side top) commons:File:Stele of Qadesh 8987.jpg (full back) commons:File:Stele of Qadesh lower-frame.jpg (bottom) commons:File:Stele of Qadesh upper-frame.jpg (top)
Stelae of the offering of Kamose Stelae of en:Kamose - 17. Dynasty commons:File:Egypte louvre 211 stele.jpg
Funeralstelae of Maaty and Dedari Funerary stelae of Maaty and Dedari. Limestone. First Intermediate Period, c. 7-11 dynasty. commons:File:Funerary stele of Maaty and Dedari.jpg
Funeralstelae of Ba 18. dynasty commons:File:Funerary Stele of Ba.jpg
Stelae of Nemtyemhat commons:File:GD-EG-Alex-MuséeNat057.JPG
Stelae of Apis from Saqqara (Apries) Stèle de l'Apis enterré en l'an 12 d'Apriès, trouvée à Saqqarah - XXVIe dynastie égyptienne - Musée du Louvre commons:File:Louvre 122006 007.jpg commons:File:Louvres-antiquites-egyptiennes-p1020065.jpg
Stelae of the offering of Amenhotep I Posthumous stele of Amenhotep I and Ahmose-Nofretary making an offering to Osiris. Limestone. New Kingdom, Dynasty XVIII, reign of Amenhotep III, c. 1390-1352 BC. Probably from Thebes. commons:File:Stele of Amenhotep I.jpg
Stelae of the priest Renpetmaa praying to Re-Harachte Priest Renpetmaa praying Re-Harachte. Coated and painted wood, ca. 900 BC (22th Dynasty). commons:File:Egypte louvre 046 stele.jpg commons:File:Stele Ra-Horakhty Louvre E5789.jpg
Stelae of amun from ?? Found in Abydos. 25th dynasty, c. 700 BC commons:File:Amun stela Berlin.jpg
Stelae of the offering of ??? unknown source... (post 12. dynasty) commons:File:Egypte louvre 064 stele.jpg
Stelae of the offering of ?? unknown source... commons:File:Egypte louvre 210 stele.jpg
Stelae of the offering from Pepi Стела начальника гончаров Пепи, известняк, XVIII в. до н.э., Эрмитаж, Санкт-Петербург, Россия. - Stelae of pepi, chief of the potters. Offering to Osiris and Wepwawep. 18. century BC (~12. dynasty) commons:File:Стела начальника гончаров Пепи.jpg
Stelae of the chief of treasurers Khor Стела начальника казначеев Хора (XIX в. до н.э.), Эрмитаж, Санкт-Петербург, Россия - Stela of the chief of treasurers Khor; XIX century B.C. (~11/12. dynasty), Saint Petersburg, Russia commons:File:Стела начальника казначеев Хора.jpg
[[]] Stèle dédiée par le portier du temple Horoudja au taureau Apis, calcaire peint commons:File:Louvre stele portier temple Horoudja.JPG commons:File:Louvres-antiquites-egyptiennes-p1020067.jpg (little blurry & not frontal)
[[]] unknown source... commons:File:Egypte louvre 259 stele.jpg
Stelae from Amenyseneb Stele of Amenyseneb from Abydos 13./14. Dynastie commons:File:Egypte louvre 269 stele.jpg
[[]] unknown source... commons:File:Egypte louvre 275 stele.jpg
[[]] unknown source... commons:File:Egypte louvre 049 stele.jpg
[[]] Relief de la stèle fausse porte de Néfermaât provenant de son mastaba à Méïdoum - IVe dynastie égyptienne - Musée du Louvre commons:File:Louvre 032007 18.jpg
[[]] Stèle dédiée aux dieux Memphites - XIXe dynastie égyptienne - Musée du Louvre commons:File:Louvre 122006 031.jpg (difficult to decipher)
[[]] Abkaou, reçoit ses offrandes. 11e dynastie commons:File:Louvres-antiquites-egyptiennes-img 2954.jpg (not frontal) commons:File:Louvres-antiquites-egyptiennes-img 2955.jpg (lower left corner) commons:File:Louvres-antiquites-egyptiennes-img 2956.jpg (part of the boat scene) commons:File:Louvres-antiquites-egyptiennes-img 2957.jpg (offering scene: part1) commons:File:Louvres-antiquites-egyptiennes-img 2958.jpg (offering scene: part2) commons:File:Louvres-antiquites-egyptiennes-img 2960.jpg (bottom center)
Stelae of Setou (Nubia) Stèle de Sétaou, gouverneur de Nubie, v. 1250 av. J.-C. (XIX° dyn.), Calcaire, H. : 48,80 cm, L. : 36 cm, Pr. : 7 cm commons:File:Setaou 01.JPG
Stele of Memi Stele of Memi, 12. dynasty, limestone, Memphis commons:File:Stele di Memi, Medio Regno, XII dinastia, calcare, Menfi.JPG
[[]] en:Shoshenq III Stelae from Mendes with curse inscription. - 22. Dynasty commons:File:Donation stele with curse inscription.jpg (difficult to decipher)
[[]] Funerary Stele. From the time of the New Kingdom . Made of limestone, malachite pigment. RC 1584. commons:File:FuneraryStele RosicrucianEgyptianMuseum.png (blurry)
[[]] unknown source... commons:File:Egypte louvre 005 stele.jpg (dark image)
[[]] unknown source... commons:File:Egypte louvre 033.jpg (small image)
[[]] Stele of Irynefer and of his family in Deir al-Madinah - Sandstone, 18. Dynasty (New Kingdom period) commons:File:Egypte louvre 086 stele.jpg (to dark, contrast ist bad)
[[]] funeral stelae commons:File:Egyptian funerary stela.jpg (to small)
[[]] Famine Stela in stone commons:File:Famine stela.jpg (incomplete)
[[]] wooden funeralstelae commons:File:FuneraryStele-Wood RosicrucianEgyptianMuseum.png (too blurry)
[[]] Magic healing stele of Horus. Ptolemaic dynasty, c. 305-30 BC. Steatite commons:File:Healing Stela of Horus.jpg (too blurry)
[[]] Stèle de Ptolémée VI en adoration devant Apis - Sérapéum de Saqqarah commons:File:Louvre 032007 12.jpg (too blurry)
[[]] Stèle d'Amenhotep II le figurant en offrande devant les dieux d'Eléphantine. Trouvée à Amara en Nubie - XVIIIe dynastie égyptienne - Musée du Louvre commons:File:Louvre 042007 07.jpg (too blurry)
[[]] Stèle de l'Apis enterré en l'an 30 de Ramsès II, trouvée à Saqqarah - XIXe dynastie égyptienne - Musée du Louvre commons:File:Louvre 122006 006.jpg (too blurry - not frontal)
[[]] Stèle de l'Apis enterré en l'an 2 du règne de Pimay, trouvée à Saqqarah - XXIIe dyanstie égyptienne - Musée du Louvre commons:File:Louvre 122006 013.jpg (incomplete)
[[]] Stèle de l'Apis enterré en l'an 11 du règne de Sheshonq V, trouvée à Saqqarah - XXIIe dynastie égyptienne - Musée du Louvre commons:File:Louvre 122006 014.jpg (difficult to decipher)
[[]] Stèle de l'Apis enterré en l'an 2 du règne de Pimay, trouvée à Saqqarah - XXIIe dynastie égyptienne - Musée du Louvre commons:File:Louvre 122006 015.jpg (difficult to decipher)
[[]] Stèle de l'Apis enterré an l'an 24 du règne de Taharqa, trouvée à Saqqarah - Musée du Louvre commons:File:Louvre 122006 016.jpg (reflections + dark spots)
[[]] Stèle du médecin Tchoutchou adorant les dieux de la nécropole - La stèle est brisée sur sa partie supérieure mais laisse deux registres complets figurant le dédicant accompagné de son épouse devant d'une part Douamoutef suivi de Nephtys, et en dessous les mêmes devant Qebehsenouf et Menkaouhor divinisé - Stèle provenant du Sérapéum de Saqqarah - Règne d'Aÿ et d'Horemheb - XVIIIe dynastie égyptienne - Musée du Louvre commons:File:Louvre 122006 028.jpg (blurry)
[[]] Stèle fausse porte familiale trouvée à Abou Rawash - IVe dynastie égyptienne - Musée du Louvre commons:File:Louvre 122007 01.jpg (to small)
[[]] Détail de la stèle de l'Apis enterré par Mérenptah sous le règne de son père Ramsès II - XIXe dynastie égyptienne - Musée du Louvre commons:File:Louvre 122006 033.jpg (incomplete)
[[]] Stèle de donation de terrain daté de l'an 1 du règne d'Amasis - XXVIe dynastie égyptienne - Musée du Louvre commons:File:Louvre 122007 57.jpg (to small) commons:Louvres-antiquites-egyptiennes-img 2711.jpg (too blurry & not frontal)
[[]] Stèle de donation de terrain daté du règne d'Osorkon Ier - XXIIe dynastie égyptienne - Musée du Louvre commons:File:Louvre 122007 69.jpg (to small & blurry)
[[]] commons:File:Louvres-antiquites-egyptiennes-p1010955.jpg (blurry) commons:File:Louvres-antiquites-egyptiennes-p1010956.jpg (head - little blurry) commons:File:Louvres-antiquites-egyptiennes-p1010957.jpg (center - little blurry)
[[]] Stèle de Minnakht, chef des scribes à Akhmin (détail). Règne d'Aÿ (1323 av. J.-C.), trouvée à Akhmin, calcaire commons:File:Minnakht 01.JPG (incomplete)
[[]] commons:File:Museo archeologico di Firenze, Museo Egizio, stele del sacerdote Gedhor (età tolemaica).JPG (incomplete)
[[]] Monumental stela attributed to Ptolemy VIII, glorifying his rule and describing his support of Egyptian gods. The stela was written in Egyptian hieroglyphs as well as Greek. Grand Palais exhibition. commons:File:PtolemyVIIIStela.jpg (to small)
[[]] Stelae U at Ahketaten (Amarna) commons:File:Stelae u.jpg (not close enough)
[[]] English: Statue of Amenemhet holding a stela; New Kingdom, 18th dynasty; c. 1500 BC commons:File:Stelophor des Amenemhet.jpg (not frontal)
[[]] stèle cintrée d'Horiouah, calcaire, Abydos, XIII° dynastie commons:File:Stèle cintrée d'Horiouah, calcaire, Abydos, XIII° dynastie.JPG (to small)
[[]] stèle de Reya commons:File:Stèle funéraire de Reya, calcaire, XIX° dynastie.JPG (to small)
[[]] Victory stela of pharaoh Thutmose III, from Jebel Barkal, temple of Amen. Made of granite, from the 18th dynasty, circa 1490-1436 B.C. Erected during his 47th regnal year (roughly 1443 B.C.) marking his kingdom's southern boundary. 50 lines of hieroglyphs mark his campaigns in Naharin, the Battle of Megiddo, an elephant hunt, a royal speech, and more. Now residing in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. commons:File:ThutmoseIII-VictoryStela MuseumOfFineArtsBoston.png (no text readable)
Stelae of Naukratis Stela of Decree of Nectanebo I found 1899 at Kom Gaief (379 B.C.). commons:File:NectaneboI-Stele.png (only upper part)
Stela of the Gatekeeper Maati Stela of the Gatekeeper Maati. The text mentions a treasurer called Bebi who likely became vizier in later times, and also a prince, Intef the Great, likely the ancestor of the 11th Dynasty (c. 2051–2030 B.C.) commons:File:Stela of the Gatekeeper Maati MET DP352181.jpg (very clear and complete image)



% Title Description Image(s)
Stelae of Apis from Saqqara (27. dynasty) Stèle de l'Apis enterré sous le règne de Darius trouvée à Saqqarah - Musée du Louvre commons:File:Louvre 122006 005.jpg
Stelae of Apis from Saqqara (Amasis) Stèle de l'Apis enterré en l'an 23 du règne d'Amasis, trouvée à Saqqarah - XXVIe dynastie égyptienne - Musée du Louvre commons:File:Louvre 122006 008.jpg
% Title Description Image(s)
Stelae of Nefertiabet Relief du repas funéraire de Nefertiabet, fille ou sœur de Khéops, trouvé dans son mastaba à Gizeh - IVe dynastie égyptienne - Musée du Louvre commons:File:Louvre 032007 24.jpg commons:File:Neferetiabet.jpg
Stelae of Shespy Found in Abydos commons:File:GD-EG-Alex-MuséeNat060.JPG
Stelae of the lotus offering to a mistress Offering Stele for a "Lady of the House". A woman receives offerings from her daughter in the top register, and is given incense and a lotus by her daugher and son. From the 19th dynasty. RC 1746. commons:File:OfferingSteleForLadyOfTheHouse RosicrucianMuseum.png
Stelae of Merenptah Merenptah Stele (Israel Stele): mirror image of the main part of the inscription (all 28 lines) commons:File:Petrie 1897 plate14.png
Stelae of Takhenemet paying tribute to Ra-Horakhty Stele of Takhenemet paying tribute to the god Ra-Horakhty wearing the costume of Osiris. Pigment and plaster on wood. Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty XXV, c. 775-653 BC. Most likely from Thebes. commons:File:Stele of Ra-Horakhty and the woman Takhenemet.jpg


% Title Description Image(s)
Scenepainting from the Sarenput II. tomb Pictures from Aswan, Egypt (de:Sarenput II.) commons:File:Aswan, Egypt WestBankTombs 2007jan15. 13 byDanielCsorfoly.JPG
Scenepainting from QV66 tomb: playing Senet and Index:Scenepainting from QV66 tomb.pdf Grave from Nefertari commons:File:Maler der Grabkammer der Nefertari 003.jpg
Scenepainting from QV66 tomb: praying Grave from Nefertari commons:File:Maler der Grabkammer der Nefertari 004.jpg
Scenepainting from QV71 tomb out of the tomb of en:Bintanath/de:Bintanat commons:File:Queen-Bint-Anath.jpg







% Title Description Image(s)
Vase from Amenhotep II Vase au nom d'Aménophis III et de Tiy. commons:File:Egypte louvre 182.jpg (started; see comments)
Amulet from Psammetichus I Amullet from en:Psammetichus I commons:File:Egypte louvre 040.jpg (started; see comments)
Amulet from Darius the Great Amulette en forme de contrepoids de collier au nom de Darius Ier commons:File:Egypte louvre 035 pendentif.jpg
[[]] A Benu on a Sonnenbarke commons:File:Benu.jpg]
False door of Mery (4. dynasty) Ensemble "fausse porte de Méry. 4e dynastie. Cimetière de Saqqara. commons:File:Louvre-antiquites-egyptiennes-p1020371.jpg
Great Hymn to Aten commons:File:Aten worship - Great Hymn to Aten.jpg
Book of the Dead The book of the dead (no complete book, only fragments) (commons)
Rosetta Stone commons:File:Rosetta Stone.JPG (some parts are blury) commons:File:Rosetta Stone.jpg (to small) commons:File:Pierre de Rosette.jpeg (still to small) commons:File:Rosetta stone.jpg (to small & black parts) commons:File:Rosettastone.jpg (to small)
[[]] false door to the underworld from ?? commons:File:Gravestone 6426.jpg
[[]] Stèle fausse-porte de Rekhmirê provenant de sa tombe de Thèbes - XVIIIe dynastie égyptienne - Musée du Louvre commons:File:Louvre 042007 06.jpg (to small & blury)
[[]] Stèle fausse porte de Néferkhouou. 5e dynastie commons:File:Louvre-antiquites-egyptiennes-p1020389.jpg (blury) commons:File:Louvres-antiquites-egyptiennes-img 2949.jpg (to dark)
The Prophecies of Neferti The Prophecies of Neferti w:Prophecy_of_Neferti#Excerpt_from_"The_Prophecies_of_Neferti"


  1. commons:File:Louvres-antiquites-egyptiennes-img 2902.jpg: TODO
  2. commons:File:Egypte louvre 290.jpg: horus-name of Djet/Wadji
  3. commons:File:Peribsen stelae.JPG: horus-name of en:Peribsen/de:Peribsen
  4. commons:File:FuneraryStele-RomanEra RosicrucianMuseum.png: No text
  5. commons:File:Louvre 122007 06.jpg: No text
  6. commons:File:PtolemyIIAndArsinoeII-ROM.png: No text visible
  7. commons:File:Stèle.JPG: No real text
  8. commons:File:UnfinishedTriadStele-Ptolemaic-ROM.png: Only different gods in human-appearance

Needs better photograph
