Main Page/Interlingua/Parolas IED con accentos

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Parolas IED con accentos marcate

  • [ia-en] IED :abbatia (-ía) {n} 1. abbacy; 2. abbey
  • [ia-en] IED :abiogenese (-génese) {n} abiogenesis, spontaneous generation
  • [ia-en] IED :abiogenesis (-génesis) {n} abiogenesis, spontaneous generation
  • [ia-en] IED :aborigines (-ígines) {npl} aborigines
  • [ia-en] IED :acet-amido (-ámido) {n} [Chem.] acetamide
  • [ia-en] IED :achillea (-éa) {n} [Bot.] Achillea
  • [ia-en] IED :Achilles (-ílles) {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Achilles;
  • [ia-en] IED :achromat-opsia (-ía) {n} achromatopsy (complete color blindness)
  • [ia-en] IED :acide (ácide) {adj} acid
  • [ia-en] IED :acidi-metro (-ímetro) {n} acidimeter
  • [ia-en] IED :acido (ácido) {n} acid;
  • [ia-en] IED :acieria (-ía) {n} steelworks, steel mill
  • [ia-en] IED :aco-logia (-ía) {n} [Med.] acology
  • [ia-en] IED :acrobata (-óbata) {n} acrobat
  • [ia-en] IED :acrobatia (-ía) {n} acrobatics
  • [ia-en] IED :adenitis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol.] adenitis
  • [ia-en] IED :adeno-graphia (-ía) {n} adenography
  • [ia-en] IED :adeo (-éo) {interj} farewell, good-by(e)
  • [ia-en] IED :adipe (ádipe) {n} animal fat, body fat; {also:} adeps
  • [ia-en] IED :adiposis (-ósis) {n} adiposis, fatty degeneration
  • [ia-en] IED :adito (ádito) {n} adit, entrance (1. door, passage, etc. through which one enters; 2. access)
  • [ia-en] IED :Adonis (-dó-) {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Adonis; adonis 1. [Bot.] Adonis, pheasant's eye; 2. fop, dandy
  • [ia-en] IED :Adriano-polis (-ópolis) {npr} Adrianople
  • [ia-en] IED :adultera (-últera) {n} adulteress
  • [ia-en] IED :adultero (-últero) {n} adulterer
  • [ia-en] IED :adyname (-íname) {adj} weak, without strength
  • [ia-en] IED :adynamia (-ía) {n} [Med.] adynamia
  • [ia-en] IED :aero-dromo (ódromo) {n} aerodrome; {also:} airfield
  • [ia-en] IED :aero-graphia (-ía) {n} aerography
  • [ia-en] IED :aero-litho (-ólito) {n} aerolite
  • [ia-en] IED :aero-logia (-ía) {n} aerology
  • [ia-en] IED :aerometria (-ía) {n} aerometry
  • [ia-en] IED :aero-metro (-ómetro) {n} aerometer
  • [ia-en] IED :aero-stato (-óstato) {n} [Aeronaut.] aerostat
  • [ia-en] IED :affidavit (-ávit) {n} affidavit (written statement made on oath)
  • [ia-en] IED :Africa (á-) {npr} Africa
  • [ia-en] IED :agata (á-) {n} agate (the stone agate)
  • [ia-en] IED :agonia (-ía) {n} agony (1. death struggle; 2. extreme pain of mind)
  • [ia-en] IED :agora (ágora) {n} [Gr. Hist.] agora
  • [ia-en] IED :agora-phobe (-áphobe) {adj} agoraphobic
  • [ia-en] IED :agoraphobia (-ía) {n} [Psychopathol.] agoraphobia
  • [ia-en] IED :agoraphobo (-áphobo) {n} [Pychopathol.] agoraphobe
  • [ia-en] IED :agri-cola (-ícola) {n} agriculturalist
  • [ia-en] IED :agronomia (-ía) {n} agronomy, agronomics
  • [ia-en] IED :agro-nomo (-ró-) {n} agronomist
  • [ia-en] IED :alacre (ál-) {adj} eager, brisk, alacritous
  • [ia-en] IED :album (ál-) {n} album
  • [ia-en] IED :albumina (-úmina) {n} [Biochem.] albumin
  • [ia-en] IED :alcali (ál-) [Chem.] alkali;
  • [ia-en] IED :alcali-metro (-í-) {n} alkalimeter
  • [ia-en] IED :alchimia (-ía) {n} alchemy
  • [ia-en] IED :algebra (ál-) {n} algebra
  • [ia-en] IED :algesia (-ía) {n} [Med.] algesia (sensitivity to pain)
  • [ia-en] IED :-algia (-ía) [occurring in compounds] -alggia (pain)
  • [ia-en] IED :algometria (-ía) {n} [Psychol.] algometry (measurement of sensitivity to pain)
  • [ia-en] IED :algo-metro (-ónetro) {n} [Psychol.] algometer
  • [ia-en] IED :alias (ál-) {adv} 1. otherwise (in another manner); 2. alias; 3. at another time
  • [ia-en] IED :alibi (ál-) {adv} elsewhere
  • [ia-en] IED :alibi (ál-) {n} alibi
  • [ia-en] IED :alic-ubi (-ícubi) {adv} 1. somewhere; 2. anywhere as in ("did you see him anywhere?")
  • [ia-en] IED :[ali-qua] (ál-) {adv} 1. somewhere; 2. somehow
  • [ia-en] IED :ali-que (ál-) {pron} something, anything; {adv} somewhat
  • [ia-en] IED :[ali-quid] (ál-) {pron} something
  • [ia-en] IED :[aliquot] (ál-) {adj/indef pron} some, several, a few
  • [ia-en] IED :allegoria (-ía) {n} allegory
  • [ia-en] IED :allergia (-ía) {n} [Pathol.] allergy
  • [ia-en] IED :allo-pathe (-ó-) {n} allopath
  • [ia-en] IED :allo-pathia (-ía) {n} allopathy
  • [ia-en] IED :allo-trope (-ótrope) {adj} 1. [Chem.] allotropic; 2. [Zool.] allotropous
  • [ia-en] IED :allotropia (-ía) {n} [Chem.] allotropy
  • [ia-en] IED :allotropo (-ótropo) {n} [Chem.] allotrope
  • [ia-en] IED :[alsi] (-í) {adv} 1. also, too; 2. likewise, moreover, furthermore
  • [ia-en] IED :Altai (-ái) {npr} Altai (1. Altai mountains; 2. Altai region)
  • [ia-en] IED :altaic (-áic) {adj} Altaic
  • [ia-en] IED :[alter-ubi] (-érubi) {adv} elsewhere
  • [ia-en] IED :alti-metro (-í-) {n} altimeter
  • [ia-en] IED :aluminium (-ínium) {n} aluminum, aluminium
  • [ia-en] IED :alveolo (-éolo) {n} 1. cell (of a honeycomb); 2. socket (of a tooth)
  • [ia-en] IED :amandola (-ándola) {n} almond
  • [ia-en] IED :ambito (ám-) {n} ambit, circuit, circuitous route
  • [ia-en] IED :ambly-opia (-ía) {n} [Med.] amblyopia
  • [ia-en] IED :amic (-íc) {adj} friendly (not enemy);
  • [ia-en] IED :amica (-íca) {n} friend (fem.)
  • [ia-en] IED :amico (-íco) {n} friend (masc.)
  • [ia-en] IED :amido (á-) {n} [Chem.] amide
  • [ia-en] IED :amido-geno (-ógeno) {n} [Chem.] amidogen
  • [ia-en] IED :amino-acido (-ácido) {n} [Chem.] amino acid
  • [ia-en] IED :amita (ám-) {n} aunt
  • [ia-en] IED :ammonium (-ónium) {n} ammonium
  • [ia-en] IED :amnesia (-ía) {n} amnesia, loss of memory
  • [ia-en] IED :amnestia (-ía) {n} amnesty
  • [ia-en] IED :amorphia (-ía) {n} amorphism
  • [ia-en] IED :ampere (ampér) {n} ampere
  • [ia-en] IED :ampere-hora (amper-hóra) {n} ampere-hour
  • [ia-en] IED :ampere-torno (amper-tórno) {n} ampere turn
  • [ia-en] IED :ampero-metro (-ómetro) {n} amperometer, ammeter
  • [ia-en] IED :amphibio-logia (-ía) {n} amphibiology
  • [ia-en] IED :amphora (ám-) {n} amphora
  • [ia-en] IED :analgesia (-ía) {n} [Med.] analgesia (insensitivity to pain)
  • [ia-en] IED :analgia (-ía) {n} [Med.] analgia, analgesia (insensitivity to pain)
  • [ia-en] IED :analoge (-áloge) {adj} analogous (corresponding in some ways);
  • [ia-en] IED :analogia (-ía) {n} analogy
  • [ia-en] IED :analyse (-ályse) {n} analysis;
  • [ia-en] IED :ananas (-ás) {n} [Bot.] pineapple
  • [ia-en] IED :anarchia (-ía) {n} anarchy
  • [ia-en] IED :anate (á-) {n} [Zool.] duck
  • [ia-en] IED :anathema [-ma/-mat-] (-átema) {n} [Eccl.] anathema
  • [ia-en] IED :anatomia (-ía) {n} anatomy
  • [ia-en] IED :ancora (án-) {n} anchor
  • [ia-en] IED :Andreas (-éas) {nprm} Andrew
  • [ia-en] IED :androgynia (-ía) {n} androgyny
  • [ia-en] IED :androgyno (-ró-) {n} androgyne (1. hermaphrodite; 2. [Bot.])
  • [ia-en] IED :andro-phobia (-ía) {n} androphobia
  • [ia-en] IED :anecdota (-éc-) {n} anecdote
  • [ia-en] IED :anellides (-él-) {npl} [Zool.] Annelides
  • [ia-en] IED :anemia (-ía) {n} [Med.] anemia, anaemia
  • [ia-en] IED :anemographia (-ía) {n} [Meterol.] anemography
  • [ia-en] IED :anemo-grapho (-ó-) {n} anemograph
  • [ia-en] IED :anemo-metro (-ó-) {n} anemometer
  • [ia-en] IED :anemone (-óne) {n} anemone;
  • [ia-en] IED :anesthesia (-ía) {n} anesthesia
  • [ia-en] IED :Angela (á-) {nprf} Angela
  • [ia-en] IED :angelo (á-) {n} angel;
  • [ia-en] IED :angelus (á-) {n} [R.C.Ch.] Angelus; {also:} Angelus bell
  • [ia-en] IED :angio-graphia (-ía) {n} angiography
  • [ia-en] IED :angio-logia (-ía) {n} anglology
  • [ia-en] IED :anglo-mania (-ía) {n} Anglomania
  • [ia-en] IED :anglo-mano (-ó-) {n} Anglomaniac
  • [ia-en] IED :anglophilo (-ó-) {n} Anglophile
  • [ia-en] IED :anglo-phobe (-ó-) {adj} Anglophobe, Anglophobic
  • [ia-en] IED :anglophobia (-ía) {n} Anglophobia
  • [ia-en] IED :anglophobo (-óphoho) {n} Anglophobe
  • [ia-en] IED :angulo (án-) {n} angle, corner;
  • [ia-en] IED :anhydre (á-) {adj} anhydrous
  • [ia-en] IED :anima (á-) {n} soul;
  • [ia-en] IED :animo (á-) {n} animating spirit
  • [ia-en] IED :anion (á-) {n} [Phys.] anion
  • [ia-en] IED :annales (-áles) {npl} annals
  • [ia-en] IED :[an-non] (án-) {conj} or not
  • [ia-en] IED :anodo (á-) {n} [Elec.] anode
  • [ia-en] IED :anomalia (-ía) {n} anomaly
  • [ia-en] IED :anonyme (-ó-) {adj} anonymous;
  • [ia-en] IED :ansere (án-) {n} goose
  • [ia-en] IED :antecamera (-cá-) {n} anteroom; {also:} waiting room (at a doctor's office, etc.);
  • [ia-en] IED :antepenultima (-úl-) {n} antepenult
  • [ia-en] IED :antepenultime (-úl-) {adj} last but two, antepenultimate
  • [ia-en] IED :anthemo- (á-) {n} [occurring in compounds] -anthemum (flower)
  • [ia-en] IED :antho-graphia (-ía) {n} [Bot.] anthography
  • [ia-en] IED :antho-logia (-ía) {n} anthology
  • [ia-en] IED :anthrace (á-) {n} [Med., Veter.] anthrax
  • [ia-en] IED :anthraco-metro (-ó-) {n} anthracometer
  • [ia-en] IED :anthropo-genese (-gé-) {n} anthropogenesis
  • [ia-en] IED :anthropo-genesis (-gé-) {n} anthropogenesis
  • [ia-en] IED :anthropologia (-ía) {n} anthropology
  • [ia-en] IED :anthropo-logo (-ólogo) {n} anthropologist
  • [ia-en] IED :anthropo-metria (-ía) {n} anthropometry
  • [ia-en] IED :anthropo-phage (-óphage) {adj} man-eating, cannibal, anthropophagous
  • [ia-en] IED :anthropophagia (-ía) {n} anthropophagy, cannibalism
  • [ia-en] IED :anthropophago (-óphago) {n} man-eater, cannibal;
  • [ia-en] IED :anthropo-sophe (-ósophe) {adj} anthroposophical
  • [ia-en] IED :anthroposophia (-ía) {n} anthroposophy
  • [ia-en] IED :anthroposopho (-ósopho) {n} anthroposophist
  • [ia-en] IED :antidoto (-í-) {n} antidote;
  • [ia-en] IED :Antilibano (-lí-) {npr} Anti-Lebanon (mountain range parallel to the Lebanon Mountains)
  • [ia-en] IED :antilope (-í-) {n} antelope
  • [ia-en] IED :antinomia (-ía) {n} antinomy
  • [ia-en] IED :Antiochia (-ía) {npr} Antioch
  • [ia-en] IED :antipathia (-ía) {n} antipathy
  • [ia-en] IED :antiperistase (-ístase) {n} antiperistasis (intensification of a quality by an opposing quality)
  • [ia-en] IED :antiphona (-tí-) {n} [Eccl.] antiphon, antiphony
  • [ia-en] IED :antiphrase (-í-) {n} antiphrasis
  • [ia-en] IED :antipode (-í-) {n} opposite, contrary, antipode;
  • [ia-en] IED :antithese (-ítese) {n} antithesis (1. [Rhet.]; 2. opposition)
  • [ia-en] IED :antonyme (-ó-) {adj} antonymous
  • [ia-en] IED :antonymia (-ía) {n} antonymy
  • [ia-en] IED :antonymo (-ó-) {n} antonym
  • [ia-en] IED :apathia (-ía) {n} apathy
  • [ia-en] IED :apepsia (-ía) {n} [Pathol.] apepsy
  • [ia-en] IED :aphasia (-ía) {n} [Pathol.] aphasia
  • [ia-en] IED :aphonia (-ía) {n} aphonia
  • [ia-en] IED :aphrodisiac (íac) {adj} aphrodisiac
  • [ia-en] IED :aphrodisiaco (-íaco) {n} aphrodisiac
  • [ia-en] IED :apice (á-) {n} apex
  • [ia-en] IED :apocryphe (-ócryphe) {adj} apocryphal; {specif.:} [Eccl.]; also: spurious, unauthenticated
  • [ia-en] IED :apocrypho (-ócrypho) {n} apocryphon, {also:} apocrypha;
  • [ia-en] IED :apogee (-ée) {adj} apogean, apogeal
  • [ia-en] IED :apogeo (-éo) {n} apogee (1. [Astron.]; 2. highest point, culmination)
  • [ia-en] IED :apologia (-ía) {n} apology, apologia
  • [ia-en] IED :apologo (-ólogo) {n} apologue
  • [ia-en] IED :apophysis (-ó-) {n} [Anat., Zool., etc.] apophysis
  • [ia-en] IED :apoplexia (-ía) {n} apoplexy
  • [ia-en] IED :apostasia (-ía) {n} apostasy
  • [ia-en] IED :apostata (-ó-) {n} apostate
  • [ia-en] IED :apostolo (-ós-) {n} apostle;
  • [ia-en] IED :apostrophe (-pós-) {n} [Rhet.] apostrophe
  • [ia-en] IED :apotheosis (-ósis) {n} apotheosis (1. [Class. Hist.] deification; 2. glorification)
  • [ia-en] IED :appendice (-én-) {n} appendix (1. appendage; 2. "appendix to a book, etc."; 3. [Anat.])
  • [ia-en] IED :appendic-ectomia (-ía) {n} [Surg.] appendectomy
  • [ia-en] IED :appendicitis (-ítis) {n} appendicitis
  • [ia-en] IED :appoio (-óyo) {n} support (1. backing, aid; 2. prop, rest, shore)
  • [ia-en] IED :apposite (-pó-) {adj} apposite, relevant
  • [ia-en] IED :apside (ápside) {n} apse (1. [Astron.] apsis; 2. [Arch.])
  • [ia-en] IED :apteros (áp-) {npl} [Entom.] Aptera
  • [ia-en] IED :apud (á-) {prep} near, with, at, by
  • [ia-en] IED :aquila (á-) {n} eagle
  • [ia-en] IED :arabe (1) (á-) {adj} Arab, Arabian, Arabic;
  • [ia-en] IED :arabe (2) (á-) {n} 1. Arab; 2. Arabic
  • [ia-en] IED :arachide (-rá-) {n} 1. [Bot.] Arachis; 2. peanut;
  • [ia-en] IED :arbitro (á-) {n} arbiter; {also:} umpire
  • [ia-en] IED :archaic (-áic) {adj} archaic
  • [ia-en] IED :archaismo (-ísmo) {n} archaism
  • [ia-en] IED :archaista (-ísta) {n} archaist
  • [ia-en] IED :arch-angelo (-án-) {n} archangel
  • [ia-en] IED :archeologia (-ía) {n} archaeology
  • [ia-en] IED :archeo-logo (-ólo-) {n} archaeologist
  • [ia-en] IED :arche-typo (-é-) {n} archetype
  • [ia-en] IED :archi-diacono (-diá-) {n} archdeacon
  • [ia-en] IED :archi-episcopo (-ís-) {n} archbishop
  • [ia-en] IED :Archimedes (-mé-) {npr} Archimedes;
  • [ia-en] IED :archipelago (-pé-) {n} archipelago
  • [ia-en] IED :archi-presbytero (-bí-) {n} archpriest
  • [ia-en] IED :Areopago (-ó-) [Gr. Hist.] Areopagus
  • [ia-en] IED :Ares (á-) {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Ares
  • [ia-en] IED :argenteria (-ía) {n} silver plate
  • [ia-en] IED :argon (ár-) {n} [(Chem.] argon
  • [ia-en] IED :aride (á-) {adj} arid
  • [ia-en] IED :Aries (á-) {npr} [Astron.] Aries, Ram
  • [ia-en] IED :aristo-crate (-ó-) {n} aristocrat
  • [ia-en] IED :aristo-cratia (-ía) {n} aristocracy
  • [ia-en] IED :arithmo-mantia (-ía) {n} arithmomancy
  • [ia-en] IED :arithmo-metro (-ó-) {n} arithmometer
  • [ia-en] IED :armea (-éa) {n} army;
  • [ia-en] IED :armeniaca (-í-) {n} apricot
  • [ia-en] IED :aromate (-ó-) {n} aroma
  • [ia-en] IED :arsenium (-sé-) {n} arsenium, arsenic
  • [ia-en] IED :arterio-sclerosis (-ósis) {n} arteriosclerosis
  • [ia-en] IED :arterio-tomia (-ía) {n} arteriotomy
  • [ia-en] IED :arthritis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol.] arthritis
  • [ia-en] IED :arthro-pode (-ró-) {adj} arthropod
  • [ia-en] IED :arthropodo (-ró-) {n} arthropod; arthropodos [Zool.] Arthropoda
  • [ia-en] IED :arti-fice (-tí-) {n} artificer (skilled or artistic worker)
  • [ia-en] IED :artilleria (-ía) {n} artillery; ordnance, gunnery;
  • [ia-en] IED :asclepiades (-í-) {npl} [Bot.] Asclepias
  • [ia-en] IED :asineria (-ía) {n} 1. asininity; 2. asinine act
  • [ia-en] IED :asino (á-) {n} donkey, ass
  • [ia-en] IED :asparago (-pá-) {n} asparagus;
  • [ia-en] IED :aspere (á-) {adj} rough, harsh
  • [ia-en] IED :assatis (-sá-) {adv} 1. enough; 2. rather (fairly, quite)
  • [ia-en] IED :assemblea (-éa) {n} assembly, meeting
  • [ia-en] IED :[as-si] (-sí) {adv} thus, so;
  • [ia-en] IED :assyriologia (-ía) {n} Assyriology
  • [ia-en] IED :assyrio-logo (-ólogo) {n} Assyriologist, Assyriologue
  • [ia-en] IED :asthenia (-ía) {n} asthenia
  • [ia-en] IED :astro-latria (-ía) {n} astrolatry
  • [ia-en] IED :astrologia (-ía) {n} astrology
  • [ia-en] IED :astro-logo (-tró-) {n} astrologer
  • [ia-en] IED :astronomia (-ía) {n} astronomy
  • [ia-en] IED :astro-nomo (-tró-) {n} astronomer
  • [ia-en] IED :astro-photographia (-ía) {n} astrophotography
  • [ia-en] IED :asymmetre (-sím-) {adj} asymmetric, asymmetrical
  • [ia-en] IED :asymmetria (-ía) {n} asymmetry
  • [ia-en] IED :atavo (á-) {n} forefather, ancestor
  • [ia-en] IED :ataxia (-ía) {n} [Pathol.] ataxia, ataxy;
  • [ia-en] IED :atele (-té-) {n} spider monkey; Ateles
  • [ia-en] IED :-atelia (-ía) {n} occurring in compounds
  • [ia-en] IED :Athenas (-té-) {npr} Athens
  • [ia-en] IED :Atheneo (-éo) {npr} Athenaeum (1. [Gr. Hist.]; 2. [Rom. Hist.]);
  • [ia-en] IED :Atlantida (-lán-) {npr} Atlantis
  • [ia-en] IED :Atlas (át-) {npr} 1. [Gr. Mythol.] Atlas; 2. [Geog.] Atlas Mountains;
  • [ia-en] IED :atomo (á-) {n} atom
  • [ia-en] IED :atonia (-ía) atony (1. [Med.]; 2. [Phonet.])
  • [ia-en] IED :atra-bile (-íle) {n} atrabile, melancholy (1. [Anc. Med.] black bile; 2. gloom)
  • [ia-en] IED :atrophe (á-) {adj} atrophic
  • [ia-en] IED :atrophia (-ía) {n} atrophy
  • [ia-en] IED :audio-metro (-ó-) {n} [Acous.] audiometer
  • [ia-en] IED :augure (áugure) {n} augur (1. [Rom. Hist.]; 2. soothsayer)
  • [ia-en] IED :aureola (-ré-) {n} aureole, halo
  • [ia-en] IED :aurifice (-rí-) {n} goldsmith
  • [ia-en] IED :auspice (áu-) {n} [Hist.] auspex
  • [ia-en] IED :austriac (-í-) {adj} Austrian
  • [ia-en] IED :austriaco (-í-) {n} Austrian
  • [ia-en] IED :autarchia (-ía) {n} autarchy, self-sufficiency
  • [ia-en] IED :autobiographia (-ía) {n} autobiography
  • [ia-en] IED :auto-bus (-bús) {n} (motor)bus, autobus
  • [ia-en] IED :autochthonia (-ía) {n} autochthony
  • [ia-en] IED :autochthono (-óctono) {n} autochthon
  • [ia-en] IED :autocrate (-ó-) {n} autocrat
  • [ia-en] IED :autocratia (-ía) {n} autocracy
  • [ia-en] IED :auto-dromo' (-tó-) {n} autodrome (race course for automobiles)
  • [ia-en] IED :autographia (-ía) {n} autography (art of autographic reproduction)
  • [ia-en] IED :autographo (-tó-) {n} autograph
  • [ia-en] IED :automate (-tó-) {adj} automatous, automatic
  • [ia-en] IED :automato (-tó-) {n} automaton
  • [ia-en] IED :autonome (-tó-) {adj} autonomous (self-governing)
  • [ia-en] IED :autonomia (-ía) {n} autonomy; self-government
  • [ia-en] IED :autopsia (-ía) {n} [Med.] autopsy
  • [ia-en] IED :avide (á-) {adj} avid, greedy
  • [ia-en] IED :Azores (-zó-) {nprpl} Azores
  • [ia-en] IED :azyme (á-) {adj} azymous, unleavened;
  • [ia-en] IED :bacteriologia (-ía) {n} bacteriology
  • [ia-en] IED :bacterio-logo (-ólogo) {n} bacteriologist
  • [ia-en] IED :bacterio-therapia (-ía) {n} bacteriotherapy
  • [ia-en] IED :baia (báya) {n} [Geog.] bay
  • [ia-en] IED :Balaam (bá-) {npr} Balaam
  • [ia-en] IED :Balkanes (-ká-) {nprpl} Balkans (1. the Balkan Mountains; 2. the Balkan States)
  • [ia-en] IED :balneo-therapia (-ía) {n} balneotherapy
  • [ia-en] IED :balsamo (bál-) {n} balm, balsam (1. balsamic resin; 2. ointment)
  • [ia-en] IED :bambu (-ú) {n} [Bot.] bamboo
  • [ia-en] IED :banio-maria (-ía) {n} 1. water bath; 2. double boiler
  • [ia-en] IED :barbaro (bá-) {n} barbarian
  • [ia-en] IED :barberia (-ía) {n} barbershop
  • [ia-en] IED :barium (bá-) {n} barium
  • [ia-en] IED :baro-grapho (-ó-) {n} [Meteorol.] barograph
  • [ia-en] IED :baro-logia (-ía) {n} barology
  • [ia-en] IED :baro-metro (-ó-) {n} barometer
  • [ia-en] IED :barometrographia (-ía) {n} [Meteorol.] barometrography
  • [ia-en] IED :barometro-grapho (-ógrapho) {n} [Meteorol.] barometrograph, barograph
  • [ia-en] IED :baronia (-ía) {n} barony
  • [ia-en] IED :baro-thermo-hygrographo (-ógrapho) {n} barothermohygrograph
  • [ia-en] IED :barrica (-íca) {n} barrico, keg
  • [ia-en] IED :barytono (-ítono) {n} baritone (1. baritone voice; 2. musical instrument)
  • [ia-en] IED :bastardia (-ía) {n} bastardy (quality of being a bastard)
  • [ia-en] IED :batracho-myo-machia (-ía) {n} Batrachomyomachy, Batrachomyomachia (Battle of the Frogs and the Mice)
  • [ia-en] IED :batteria (-ía) {n} 1. [Mil.] battery; 2. kitchen utensils;
  • [ia-en] IED :bavaro (bá-) {n} Bavarian
  • [ia-en] IED :benefic (-éfic) {adj} beneficial, benefic
  • [ia-en] IED :benzoe (-zóe) {n} benzoin (1. gum benzoin, benjamin; 2. [Bot.])
  • [ia-en] IED :benzoic (-óic) {adj} benzoic
  • [ia-en] IED :benzoin (-ín) {n} benzoin (1. gum benzoin, benjamin; 2. [Bot.]; 3. [Chem.])
  • [ia-en] IED :beryllium (-íllium) {n} [Chem.] beryllium
  • [ia-en] IED :betel (bé-) {n} [Bot.] betel
  • [ia-en] IED :bibita (bíb-) {n} drink (1. draught, glassful, etc. of a given beverage; 2. beverage)
  • [ia-en] IED :bibliographia (-ía) {n} bibliography (1. description or history of books; 2. bibliographical list)
  • [ia-en] IED :biblio-grapho (-ó-) {n} bibliographer
  • [ia-en] IED :biblio-latra (-ó-) {n} bibliolater
  • [ia-en] IED :bibliolatria (-ía) {n} bibliolatry
  • [ia-en] IED :biblio-mania (-ía) {n} bibliomania
  • [ia-en] IED :bibliomano (-ó-) {n} bibliomaniac, bibliomane
  • [ia-en] IED :biblio-mantia (-ía) {n} bibliomancy
  • [ia-en] IED :bibliophilo (-ó-) {n} bibliophile
  • [ia-en] IED :bi-cipite (1) (-cí-) {adj} bicipital
  • [ia-en] IED :bi-cipite (2) (-cí-) {n} biceps
  • [ia-en] IED :bi-cuspide (-cús-) {adj} bicuspid
  • [ia-en] IED :bi-fide (bí-) {adj} bifid
  • [ia-en] IED :bi-game (bí-) {adj} bigamous
  • [ia-en] IED :bigamia (-ía) {n} bigamy
  • [ia-en] IED :bigamo (bí-) {n} bigamist
  • [ia-en] IED :bigoteria (-ía) {n} bigotry
  • [ia-en] IED :billeteria (-ía) {n} ticket-window, box-office
  • [ia-en] IED :billionesime (-ésime) {adj} billionth;
  • [ia-en] IED :bio-chimia (-ía) {n} biochemistry
  • [ia-en] IED :bio-genese (-gé-) {n} biogenesis (1. genesis of organinims; 2. "theory of biogenesis")
  • [ia-en] IED :bio-genesis (-gé-) {n} biogenesis (1. genesis of organisms; 2. "theory of biogenesis")
  • [ia-en] IED :biographia (-ía) {n} biography
  • [ia-en] IED :bio-grapho (-ó-) {n} biographer
  • [ia-en] IED :biologia (-ía) {n} biology
  • [ia-en] IED :bio-logo (-ó-) {n} biologist
  • [ia-en] IED :bi-oxydo (-óx-) {n} dioxide
  • [ia-en] IED :bi-pede (1) (bí-) {adj} biped
  • [ia-en] IED :bi-pede (2) (bí-) {n} biped
  • [ia-en] IED :bireria (-ía) {n} saloon, beerhouse
  • [ia-en] IED :biscuiteria (-ía) {n} biscuit bakery
  • [ia-en] IED :bismuth (bíz-) {n} [Chem.] bismuth
  • [ia-en] IED :bi-syllabe (-sí-) {adj} dissyllabic, disyllabic
  • [ia-en] IED :bisyllabo (-sí-) {n} dissyllable, disyllable
  • [ia-en] IED :bizarria (-ía) strangeness, oddness, oddity
  • [ia-en] IED :bobinage (-áje) {n} (act of) winding, spooling, coiling, etc.
  • [ia-en] IED :bolchevico (bolshevíco) {n} bolshevik, bolshevist
  • [ia-en] IED :Bolivar, Simon (-lí-) {npr} [1783-1830; Venezuelan patriot, "liberator of South America"]
  • [ia-en] IED :bonetteria (-ía) {n} cap seller's (store)
  • [ia-en] IED :bonhomia (-ía) {n} good-heartedness, good nature
  • [ia-en] IED :Booz (bó-oz) {nprm} Boaz
  • [ia-en] IED :borax (bó-) {n} [Chem.] borax
  • [ia-en] IED :Bosporo (bós-) {npr} Bosporus
  • [ia-en] IED :botano-logia (-ía) {n} botany
  • [ia-en] IED :boveria (-ía) {n} cowshed
  • [ia-en] IED :brachio-pode (-ópode) {adj} [Zool.] brachiopod
  • [ia-en] IED :brachiopodo (-ópodo) {n} [Zool.] brachiopod
  • [ia-en] IED :branchio-podo (-ópodo) {n} [Zool.] branchiopod
  • [ia-en] IED :braveria (-ía) {n} bravery, courage
  • [ia-en] IED :bristol (brís-) {n} Bristol board
  • [ia-en] IED :broccoli (bróc-) {n} broccoli
  • [ia-en] IED :broderia (-ía) {n} embroidery (1. action or art of embroidering; 2. embroidered material)
  • [ia-en] IED :bronchiolo (-í-) {n} [Anat.] bronchiole
  • [ia-en] IED :bronchitis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol.] bronchitis
  • [ia-en] IED :broncho-pneumonia (-ía) {n} [Pathol.] bronchopneumonia
  • [ia-en] IED :broncho-tomia (-ía) {n} [Surg.] bronchotomy
  • [ia-en] IED :broncho-tomo (-ótomo) {n} [Surg.] bronchotome
  • [ia-en] IED :brosseria (-ía) {n} brushmaking
  • [ia-en] IED :bruscheria (-ía) {n} brusqueness, brusquerie, bluntness
  • [ia-en] IED :bufalo (bú-) {n} buffalo
  • [ia-en] IED :buffoneria (-ía) {n} buffoonery
  • [ia-en] IED :bulgaro (búl-) {n} bulgarian
  • [ia-en] IED :bureau-crate (burócrate) {n} bureaucrat
  • [ia-en] IED :bureau-cratia (burocratía) {n} bureaucracy (undue influence of administrative bureaus)
  • [ia-en] IED :burgesia (-ía) {n} middle class, bourgeoisie
  • [ia-en] IED :bussola (bú-) {n} compass (instrument showing magnetic meridian);
  • [ia-en] IED :buttoneria (-ía) {n} 1. button manufacture or trade; 2. button factory
  • [ia-en] IED :butyreria (-ía) {n} 1. butter industry; 2. butter dairy
  • [ia-en] IED :butyro (bú-) {n} butter
  • [ia-en] IED :cabala (cá-) {n} 1. cabala; 2. cabal
  • [ia-en] IED :cacao (-áo) {n} I. cacao (1. cacao tree; 2. cacao bean); II. cocoa;
  • [ia-en] IED :cacographia (-ía) {n} cacography, bad spelling
  • [ia-en] IED :caco-grapho (-có-) {n} cacographer, poor speller
  • [ia-en] IED :cacophonia (-ía) {n} cacophony
  • [ia-en] IED :cadmium (cád-) {n} cadmium
  • [ia-en] IED :caffeina (-ína) {n} caffeine
  • [ia-en] IED :Cain (-ín) {nprm} Cain
  • [ia-en] IED :Caiphas (-fás) {nprm} Caiaphas, Caiphas
  • [ia-en] IED :calceolo (-é-) {n} 1. small shoe or slipper; 2. small wedge, socket, etc.
  • [ia-en] IED :calcetteria (-ía) {n} hosiery; {also:} hosiery shop
  • [ia-en] IED :calcium (cál-) {n} [Chem.] calcium
  • [ia-en] IED :calice (cá-) {n} 1. chalice (cup, goblet; {also:} calix); also: [Eccl.]; 2. [Bot.] cup, calyx
  • [ia-en] IED :calico (-có) {n} calico
  • [ia-en] IED :calligraphia (-ía) {n} calligraphy
  • [ia-en] IED :calli-grapho (-í-) {n} calligrapher
  • [ia-en] IED :caloria (-ía) {n} calorie
  • [ia-en] IED :calorifero (-ífero) {n} (central) heating installation
  • [ia-en] IED :calori-metro (-í-) {n} calorimeter
  • [ia-en] IED :cambaro (cám-) {n} crayfish, crawfish
  • [ia-en] IED :cameo (-éo) {n} cameo
  • [ia-en] IED :camera (cá-) {n} chamber (1. room, bedroom; 2. hall used by deliberative or judicial body; 3. group of lawmakers; 4. "the chamber of a gun");
  • [ia-en] IED :cameraderia (-ía) {n} comradeship
  • [ia-en] IED :camiseria (-ía) {n} shirtshop
  • [ia-en] IED :campanula (-pá-) {n} bellflower, campanula
  • [ia-en] IED :camphora (cám-) {n} camphor
  • [ia-en] IED :Canaan (cá-) {npr} [Bib.] Canaan
  • [ia-en] IED :Canada (cá-) {npr} Canada
  • [ia-en] IED :cancelleria (-ía) {n} 1. chancellery (office of a chancellor); 2. bureau, office, etc.
  • [ia-en] IED :canevas (-vás) {n} canvas (1. heavy closely woven cloth of hemp or flax; 2. crossstitch canvas)
  • [ia-en] IED :cannabe (cá-) {n} hemp
  • [ia-en] IED :cannibal (1) (-í-) {n} cannibal
  • [ia-en] IED :cannibal (2) (-í-) {adj} cannibal, cannibalistic
  • [ia-en] IED :cannoneria (-ía) {n} 1. cannons collectively; 2. gun foundry
  • [ia-en] IED :canoa (-óa) {n} canoe
  • [ia-en] IED :canoage (-áje) {n} canoeing
  • [ia-en] IED :capernaita (-íta) {n} Capernaite (1. native or inhabitant of Capernaum; 2. [Eccl., Hist.])
  • [ia-en] IED :Capernaum (-úm) {npr} Capernaum
  • [ia-en] IED :Capharnaum (-úm) {npr} Capernaum
  • [ia-en] IED :capite (cá-) {n} head (1. "head of a person or animal"; 2. chief, leader);
  • [ia-en] IED :cappellania (-ía) {n} chaplaincy
  • [ia-en] IED :cappelleria (-ía) {n} hat shop
  • [ia-en] IED :carderia (-ía) {n} carding mill
  • [ia-en] IED :cardiac (-í-) {adj} cardiac
  • [ia-en] IED :cardi-algia (-ía) {n} [Pathol.] cardialgia, heartburn
  • [ia-en] IED :cardiographia (-ía) {n} cardiography
  • [ia-en] IED :cardio-grapho (-ó-) {n} cardiograph
  • [ia-en] IED :cardio-logia (-ía) {n} cardiology
  • [ia-en] IED :cardio-pathia (-ía) {n} cardiopathy
  • [ia-en] IED :cardio-sclerosis (-ósis) {n} [Pathol.] cardiosclerosis
  • [ia-en] IED :carga-litteras (-lít-) {n} letterweight, paperweight
  • [ia-en] IED :carga-papiros (-pí-) {n} paperweight, letterweight
  • [ia-en] IED :carni-fice (-ní-) {n} hangman, executioner
  • [ia-en] IED :Carola (cá-) {nprf} Carol
  • [ia-en] IED :Carolo (cá-) {nprm} Charles;
  • [ia-en] IED :carpenteria (-ía) {n} carpentry
  • [ia-en] IED :carrosseria (-ía) {n} body (of a car, etc.)
  • [ia-en] IED :cartographia (-ía) {n} cartography
  • [ia-en] IED :carto-grapho (-ó-) {n} cartographer
  • [ia-en] IED :cartomantia (-ía) {n} fortune telling (by means of playing cards), cartomancy
  • [ia-en] IED :cartoneria (-ía) {n} 1. cardboard factory; 2. cardboard making
  • [ia-en] IED :cartucheria (-shería) {n} cartridge factory
  • [ia-en] IED :Caryas (cá-) {npr} [Anc. Geog.] Caryae
  • [ia-en] IED :caryatide (-átide) {n} [Arch.] caryatid
  • [ia-en] IED :caryo-phyllo (-rió-) {n} clove pink, gillyflower
  • [ia-en] IED :caseina (-ína) {n} casein
  • [ia-en] IED :casseria (-ía) {n} box factory
  • [ia-en] IED :Castor (2) (cás-) {npr} Castor (1. [Gr. Mythol.]; 2. [Astron.])
  • [ia-en] IED :casuista (-ísta) {n} casuist
  • [ia-en] IED :casuistica (-ís-) {n} casuistry
  • [ia-en] IED :catalepsia (-ía) {n} catalepsy (1. [Med.]; 2. [Philos.])
  • [ia-en] IED :catalogo (-tá-) {n} catalogue
  • [ia-en] IED :catalyse (-ályse) {n} [Physical Chem.] catalysis
  • [ia-en] IED :catastrophe (-tás-) {n} catastrophe (1. sudden disaster; 2. [Drama])
  • [ia-en] IED :catechumeno (-cú-) {n} [Eccl.] catechumen
  • [ia-en] IED :categoria (-ía) {n} category (1. [Philos.]; 2. group or division in a system of classification)
  • [ia-en] IED :cathedra (cát-) {n} 1. chair (in a university); 2. pulpit, rostrum
  • [ia-en] IED :cathodo (cát-) {n} [Elec.] cathode
  • [ia-en] IED :cation (cá-) {n} [Phys.] cation
  • [ia-en] IED :catoptro-mantia (-ía) {n} catoptromancy (divination by means of mirrors)
  • [ia-en] IED :catraneria (-ía) {n} tarworks
  • [ia-en] IED :Caucaso (cáu-) {npr} Caucasus
  • [ia-en] IED :cauchu (-ú) {n} caoutchouc, crude rubber
  • [ia-en] IED :cavalleria (-ía) {n} I. chivalry (1. system of knighthood; 2. chivalrousness); II. cavalry
  • [ia-en] IED :Cedron (cé-) {npr} Kedron
  • [ia-en] IED :celebre (cé-) {adj} famous, celebrated
  • [ia-en] IED :celere (cé-) {adj} quick, rapid
  • [ia-en] IED :celibe (cé-) {adj} unmarried, single
  • [ia-en] IED :ceno-zoic (-zóic) {adj} [Geol.] Cenozoic
  • [ia-en] IED :cenozoico (-zóico) {n} [Geol.] Cenozoic
  • [ia-en] IED :centesime (-ésime) {adj} hundredth;
  • [ia-en] IED :centesimo (-ésimo) (pl centesimi) [I] {n} [Monet.] centesimo
  • [ia-en] IED :centi-grade (-í-) {adj} centigrade (having, pertaining to a system of, one hundred degrees)
  • [ia-en] IED :centi-litro (-tí-) {n} centiliter
  • [ia-en] IED :centi-metro (-í-) {n} centimeter
  • [ia-en] IED :centimo (cén-) [H] {n} [Monet.] centimo
  • [ia-en] IED :centri-fuge (-í-) {adj} centrifugal;
  • [ia-en] IED :centri-pete (-í-) {adj} centripetal
  • [ia-en] IED :centum-viro (-túm-) {n} [Rom. Antiq.] centumvir
  • [ia-en] IED :centu-ple (cén-) {adj} centuple
  • [ia-en] IED :cephal-algia (-ía) {n} [Pathol.] cephalalgia
  • [ia-en] IED :cephalo-podo (-ópodo) {n} [Zool.] cephalopod;
  • [ia-en] IED :ceramo (cé-) {n} earthenware
  • [ia-en] IED :ceramo-graphia (-ía) {n} ceramography (study and description of pottery)
  • [ia-en] IED :Cerbero (cér-) {npr} [Mythol.] Cerberus
  • [ia-en] IED :cerebritis (-ítis) {n} cerebritis, encephalitis
  • [ia-en] IED :cerebro-cardiac (-íac) {adj} cerebro-cardiac
  • [ia-en] IED :cereria (-ía) {n} wax factory; waxchandlery
  • [ia-en] IED :Ceres (cé-) {npr} [Rom. Relig.] Ceres
  • [ia-en] IED :cero-mantia (-ía) {n} ceromancy
  • [ia-en] IED :[cetere] (cé-) {adj} 1. other; 2. remaining
  • [ia-en] IED :[cetero (1)] (cé-) {adv} 1. otherwise, in other respects; 2. besides, for the rest
  • [ia-en] IED :[cetero (2), ceterum] (cé-) {n} remainder, rest
  • [ia-en] IED :charivari (sharivarí) {n} charivari, belling, shivaree
  • [ia-en] IED :charlataneria (sharlatanería) {n} charlatanry, charlatanism
  • [ia-en] IED :Charybdis (caríbdis) {npr} Charybdis;
  • [ia-en] IED :cheto-pode (-tó-) {adj} [Zool.] chaetopod, chaetopodous
  • [ia-en] IED :chetopodos (-tó-) {npl} [Zool.] Chaetopoda
  • [ia-en] IED :Chile (tchíle) {npr} Chile
  • [ia-en] IED :chilen (tchilén) {adj} Chilean
  • [ia-en] IED :chimia (-ía) {n} chemistry;
  • [ia-en] IED :chimo-therapia (-ía) {n} chemotherapy
  • [ia-en] IED :chimpanze (shimpanzé) {n} chimpanzee
  • [ia-en] IED :chiromantia (-ía) {n} palmistry, chiromancy
  • [ia-en] IED :chiropteros (-róp-) {npl} [Zool.] Chiroptera
  • [ia-en] IED :chirurgia (-ía) {n} surgery (art and practice of surgery)
  • [ia-en] IED :chlorosis (-ósis) {n} chlorosis (1. [Med.]; 2. [Bot.])
  • [ia-en] IED :cholera (có-) {n} 1. cholera; 2. anger, wrath;
  • [ia-en] IED :chondro-logia (-ía) {n} chondrology
  • [ia-en] IED :chorea (-éa) {n} 1. choral dance; 2. St. Vitus's dance, chorea
  • [ia-en] IED :choreic (-éic) {adj} pertaining to St. Vitus's dance, choreic
  • [ia-en] IED :choreographia (-ía) {n} choreography
  • [ia-en] IED :choreo-grapho (-ógrapho) {n} choreographer
  • [ia-en] IED :chrestomathia (-tía) {n} chrestomathy
  • [ia-en] IED :chromatophoro (-tó-) {n} [Zool.] chromatophore
  • [ia-en] IED :chromo.lithographia (-ía) {n} 1. chromolithography; 2. chromolithograph
  • [ia-en] IED :chromophoro (-mó-) {n} [Chem., Phys.] chromophore
  • [ia-en] IED :chromo-photographia (-ía) {n} 1. chromophotography; 2. chromophotograph
  • [ia-en] IED :chrono-grapho (-ógrapho) {n} [Astron., etc.] chronograph
  • [ia-en] IED :chronologia (-ía) {n} chronology
  • [ia-en] IED :chrono-logo (-ólogo) {n} chronologer
  • [ia-en] IED :chronometria (-ía) {n} chronometry, measurement of time
  • [ia-en] IED :chrono-metro (-ómetro) {n} chronometer
  • [ia-en] IED :chrysalide (-ál-) {n} chrysalis
  • [ia-en] IED :chrys-anthemo (crisántemo) {n} chrysanthemum
  • [ia-en] IED :chryso-litho (-ó-) {n} [Mineral.] chrysolith
  • [ia-en] IED :cigarreria (-ía) {n} cigar shop
  • [ia-en] IED :cimice (címice) {n} 1. bedbug; 2. thumbtack
  • [ia-en] IED :cinematographia (-ía) {n} cincmatography
  • [ia-en] IED :cinemato-grapho (-ó-) {n} 1. cinematograph (motion-picture projector); 2. cinema, motion-picture theater
  • [ia-en] IED :cin-esthesia (-ía) {n} kinesthesia
  • [ia-en] IED :cinquantesime (-ésime) {adj} fiftieth;
  • [ia-en] IED :-cipite (-cí-) {adj} [occurring in compounnds]
  • [ia-en] IED :circuir (-ír) {v} to go, walk, etc. round, to circuit
  • [ia-en] IED :circuito (-úito) {n} circuit (1. circuitous route; 2. [Elec.]);
  • [ia-en] IED :[circum] (cír-) {prep} around, around about
  • [ia-en] IED :cithera (cí-) {n} 1. cither; 2. zither
  • [ia-en] IED :caustro-phobia (-ía) {n} [Psychopathol.] claustrophobia
  • [ia-en] IED :clavi-cymbalo (-cím-) {n} clavecin, harpsichord
  • [ia-en] IED :climato-logia (-ía) {n} climatology
  • [ia-en] IED :clino-metro (-ó-) {n} clinometer
  • [ia-en] IED :cloaca (-á-) {n} cloaca (1. sewer; 2. [Zool.])
  • [ia-en] IED :coardia (-ía) {n} cowardice
  • [ia-en] IED :cobalt (có-) {n} cobalt;
  • [ia-en] IED :Coblenz (có-) {npr} Coblenz
  • [ia-en] IED :cocaina (-ína) {n} cocaine
  • [ia-en] IED :cocainomania (-ía) {n} cocaine habit
  • [ia-en] IED :cocaino-mano (-ó-) {n} cocaine addict
  • [ia-en] IED :codice (có-) {n} I. codex (1. manuscript volume; 2. pharmacopoeia); II. code (1. body of laws; 2. conventional system of rules, symbols, etc.); codice civil civil law; codice penal penal code; codice commercial commercial law; codice militar articles of war; codice telegraphic telegraphic code
  • [ia-en] IED :cognite (có-) {adj} (well-)known
  • [ia-en] IED :coleoptero (-óp-) {n} [Entom.] coleopter, beetle; coleopteros [Entom.] Coleoptera
  • [ia-en] IED :colitis (-ítis) {n} colitis
  • [ia-en] IED :Colosseo (-éo) {npr} Colosseum, Coliseum
  • [ia-en] IED :columbium (-lúm-) {n} [Chem.l columbium
  • [ia-en] IED :commode (có-) {adj} handy, convenient, comfortable, suitable, etc.
  • [ia-en] IED :compania (-ía) {n} company (1. companionship; 2. group of people joined together for some purpose; 3. [Mil.]); tener compania a un persona to keep someone company; Smith e Compania Smith and Co.
  • [ia-en] IED :complice (cóm-) {n} accomplice
  • [ia-en] IED :composite (-pó-) {adj} 1. composed calm; 2. composite, compound; interesse composite compound interest; parola composite compound (word); fractura composite compound fracture
  • [ia-en] IED :composito (-pó-) {n} 1. compound, composite; 2. [Chem.] compound
  • [ia-en] IED :computo (cóm-) {n} computation
  • [ia-en] IED :conchyliologia (-ía) {n} conchology
  • [ia-en] IED :conchylio-logo (-ólogo) {n} conchologist
  • [ia-en] IED :condor (cón-) {n} [Ornith.] condor
  • [ia-en] IED :confecteria (-ía) {n} confectionery (confectioner's trade, shop, etc.)
  • [ia-en] IED :conjuge (cón-) {n} spouse, consort
  • [ia-en] IED :conjunctivitis (-ítis) {n} conjunctivitis
  • [ia-en] IED :consolida (-só-) {n} [Bot.] comfrey, consolida
  • [ia-en] IED :constat (cóns-) {n} [Law] constat
  • [ia-en] IED :contravisita (-ví-) {n} [Admin., Mil., etc.] cheek inspection
  • [ia-en] IED :convio (-vío) {n} convoy (1. act of convoying; 2. protecting escort; 3. convoyed vessel, fleet, train, party, etc.)
  • [ia-en] IED :convoyo (-vó-) {n} 1. [Mil.] convoy; 2. [R.R.] train; convoyo funebre funeral procession
  • [ia-en] IED :Copenhagen (-há-) {npr} Copenhagen
  • [ia-en] IED :copula (có-) {n} I. [Gram.] copula; II. copulation (sexual union); III. couple (1. pair; 2. [Mech.])
  • [ia-en] IED :coquetteria (-ía) {n} coquetry
  • [ia-en] IED :[coram] (có-) 1. {adv} in one's presence, openly, publicly; 2. {prep} in the presence of
  • [ia-en] IED :corberia (-ía) {n} basketry
  • [ia-en] IED :Cordova (cór-) {npr} Cordova
  • [ia-en] IED :Corea (-éa) {npr} Korea
  • [ia-en] IED :cortesia (-ía) {n} courtesy (graceful politeness)
  • [ia-en] IED :cortice (cór-) {n} 1. [Bot.] bark; 2. [Anat.] cortex
  • [ia-en] IED :cosinus (-sí-) {n} [Math.] cosine
  • [ia-en] IED :cosmo-gonia (-ía) {n} cosmogony (theory of the generation of the universe)
  • [ia-en] IED :cosmographia (-ía) {n} cosmography (description of the universe or of the earth)
  • [ia-en] IED :cosmo-grapho (-mó-) {n} cosmographer
  • [ia-en] IED :cosmologia (-ía) {n} cosmology
  • [ia-en] IED :cosmo-logo (-mó-) {n} cosmologist
  • [ia-en] IED :coulomb (culómb) {n} [Elec.] coulomb
  • [ia-en] IED :cox-algia (-ía) {n} coxalgia, pain in the hip
  • [ia-en] IED :craniologia (-ía) {n} craniology
  • [ia-en] IED :cranio-logo (-ólogo) {n} craniologist
  • [ia-en] IED :craniometria (-ía) {n} craniometry
  • [ia-en] IED :cranio-metro (-ó-) {n} craniometer
  • [ia-en] IED :cranioscopia (-ía) {n} cranioscopy
  • [ia-en] IED :cranio-scopo (-ós-) {n} cranioscopist
  • [ia-en] IED :crasis (crá-) {n} [Gram.] crasis
  • [ia-en] IED :-cratia (-ía) [occurring in compounds] -crracy (power, rule)
  • [ia-en] IED :cedito (cré-) {n} credit (1. prestige based on the confidence of others; 2. [Com., Accounting, Fin.]); establimento de credito loan society, credit establishment; littera de credito letter of credit; aperir un credito (a un persona) to open a credit (account) (in someone's favor; vender a credito to sell on credit
  • [ia-en] IED :cremeria (-ía) {n} creamery
  • [ia-en] IED :creo-phage (-ó-) {adj} creophagous, carnivorous, meat-eating
  • [ia-en] IED :creophagia (-ía) {n} creophagy
  • [ia-en] IED :creophago (-óphago) {n} creophagist, carnivore, meat eater
  • [ia-en] IED :Crimea (-éa) {npr} Crimea
  • [ia-en] IED :criminologia (-ía) {n} criminology
  • [ia-en] IED :crimino-logo (-nó) {n} criminologist
  • [ia-en] IED :crocus (cró-) {n} [Bot.] crocus
  • [ia-en] IED :crotalo (cró-) {n} [Zool.] Crotalus; {also:} rattlesnake
  • [ia-en] IED :crucibulo (-cí-) {n} crucible, melting pot
  • [ia-en] IED :crucifero (-cí-) {n} crucifer (1. [Eccl.]; 2. [Bot.])
  • [ia-en] IED :crypto-game (-ó-) {adj} [Bot.] cryptogamous
  • [ia-en] IED :cryptogamia (-ía) {n} [Bot.] cryptogamy
  • [ia-en] IED :cryptogamo (-ó-) {n} [Bot.] cryptogam
  • [ia-en] IED :cryptographia (-ía) {n} cryptography
  • [ia-en] IED :crypto-grapho (-ó-) {n} 1. cryptograph, cryptogram; 2. cryptographer
  • [ia-en] IED :crypto-mnesia (-ía) {n} cryptomnesia
  • [ia-en] IED :crystalleria (-ía) {n} 1. glass works; 2. glassware store
  • [ia-en] IED :crystallographia (-ía) {n} crystallography
  • [ia-en] IED :crystallo-grapho (-ó-) {n} crystallographer
  • [ia-en] IED :cubito (cú-) {n} I. elbow; II. cubit (1. [Anat.] ulna; 2. [Entom.]; 3. "the measure cubit")
  • [ia-en] IED :cucurbita (-cúr-) {n} cucurbit (1. [Bot.] gourd; {also:} pumpkin; 2. distilling flask)
  • [ia-en] IED :culice (cú-) {n} 1. gnat; mosquito; 2. [Entom.] Culex
  • [ia-en] IED :cultelleria (-ía) {n} cutlery (business of a cutler)
  • [ia-en] IED :cumulo (cú-) {n} 1. heap, pile; 2. [Meteorol.] cumulus
  • [ia-en] IED :Cupido (-ído) {n} Cupid; cupido cupid
  • [ia-en] IED :cupola (cú-) {n} cupola, dome
  • [ia-en] IED :cupuliferas (-í-) {npl} [Bot.] Cupuliferae
  • [ia-en] IED :cuspide (cús-) {n} cusp; {also:} [Arch.; Math.; Bot.]
  • [ia-en] IED :cyan-amido (-ná-) {n} [Chem.] cyanamide
  • [ia-en] IED :cyano (cí-) {n} 1. [Antill.] cyanus; 2. cyan, cyan blue; 3. [Bot.] bluebottle, cornflower
  • [ia-en] IED :cyano-geno (-ó-) {n} [Chem.] cyanogen
  • [ia-en] IED :cyano-graphia (-ía) {n} blueprinting
  • [ia-en] IED :cyano-grapho (-ógrapho) {n} blueprinting apparatus
  • [ia-en] IED :cyano-metro (-ó-) {n} cyanometer (instrument for measuring degrees of blueness)
  • [ia-en] IED :cyanosis (-ósis) {n} [Pathol.] cyanosis
  • [ia-en] IED :cyano-typo (-ótypo) {n} blueprint, cyanotype
  • [ia-en] IED :cylindro-cephale (-éfale) {adj} cylindrocephalic
  • [ia-en] IED :cymbalo (cím-) {n} cymbal
  • [ia-en] IED :cynocephalo (-cé-) {n} [Zool.] Cynocephalus, Papio
  • [ia-en] IED :Cypride (cí-) {npr} Cypris, Aphrodite; cypride [Zool.] Cypris
  • [ia-en] IED :cyst-algia (-ía) {n} cystalgia
  • [ia-en] IED :cystitis (-ítis) {n} [Med.] cystitis
  • [ia-en] IED :cysto-tomia (-ía) {n} cystotomy
  • [ia-en] IED :czarevich (tsarévitch) [R] {n} czarevich, tsarevich
  • [ia-en] IED :dactylo (dác-) {n} 1. date (fruit of the date palm); 2. [Pros ] dactyl
  • [ia-en] IED :dactylographia (-ía) {n} typewriting, typing
  • [ia-en] IED :dactylo-grapho (-ó-) {n} 1. typewriter (typing machine); 2. typist
  • [ia-en] IED :dactylo-logia (-ía) {n} dactylology
  • [ia-en] IED :dactylo-scopia (-ía) {n} dactyloscopy, fingerprint identification
  • [ia-en] IED :dahlia (dál-) {n} [Bot.] dahlia
  • [ia-en] IED :Dardano (dár-) {npr} [Mythol.] Dardanus
  • [ia-en] IED :dardano (dár-) {n} Dardanian, Trojan
  • [ia-en] IED :darsena (dár-) {n} dock, wet dock
  • [ia-en] IED :dattilo (dá-) {n} date (fruit of the date palm)
  • [ia-en] IED :debita (dé-) {n} debt; debita de honor debt of honor; debita flottante floating debt
  • [ia-en] IED :debite (dé-) 1. pp of deber; 2. {adj} due, owing
  • [ia-en] IED :debito (dé-) {n} 1. debit; 2. due (that which is due legally or morally)
  • [ia-en] IED :decade (dé-) {n} decade (1. period of ten days; 2. division of a book consisting of ten parts)
  • [ia-en] IED :deca-litro (-á-) {n} decaliter
  • [ia-en] IED :deca-logo (-á-) {n} Decalog(ue)
  • [ia-en] IED :deca-metro (-á-) {n} decameter (1. [Pros.]; 2. [Meas.])
  • [ia-en] IED :deca-pode (-á-) {adj} decapod, decapodous
  • [ia-en] IED :decapodo (-á-) {n} [Zool.] decapod; decapodos Decapoda
  • [ia-en] IED :deca-syllabe (-sí-) {adj} decasyllabic
  • [ia-en] IED :decasyllabo (-sí-) {n} decasyllable, decasyllabic
  • [ia-en] IED :dece-duo (-dú-) {adj} twelve
  • [ia-en] IED :decem-viro (-cém-) {n} [Rom. Antiq.] decemvir
  • [ia-en] IED :dece-none (-nó-) {adj} nineteenth; le decenone parte, le dece-nono the nineteenth part, the nineteenth
  • [ia-en] IED :dece-novesime (-ésime) {adj} nineteenth
  • [ia-en] IED :dece-octesime (-ésime) {adj} eighteenth
  • [ia-en] IED :dece-septime (-sép-) {adj} seventeenth; le dece-septime parte, le dece-septimo the seventeenth part, the seventeenth
  • [ia-en] IED :dece-tres (-trés) {adj} thirteen
  • [ia-en] IED :deci-litro (-cí-) {n} deciliter
  • [ia-en] IED :decima (dé-) {n} tithe
  • [ia-en] IED :decime (dé-) {adj} tenth; le decime parte, le decimo the tenth part, tenth
  • [ia-en] IED :deci-metro (-cí-) {n} decimeter
  • [ia-en] IED :declino-metro (-ó-) {n} declinometer
  • [ia-en] IED :decorum (-có-) {n} decorum
  • [ia-en] IED :decrepite (-cré-) {adj} decrepit
  • [ia-en] IED :decu-ple (dé-) {adj} decuple, tenfold
  • [ia-en] IED :defia (-fía) {n} challenge
  • [ia-en] IED :deficit (dé-) {n} deficit
  • [ia-en] IED :deific (-ífic) {adj} deific
  • [ia-en] IED :[de-inde] (déin-) {adv} I. thereafter, next; II. afterwards, then (1. following in time; 2. next in order)
  • [ia-en] IED :deismo (-íz-) {n} deism
  • [ia-en] IED :deista (-ís-) {n} deist
  • [ia-en] IED :delphinium (-phí-) {n} [Bot.] delphinium
  • [ia-en] IED :deltaic (-áic) {adj} deltaic
  • [ia-en] IED :deltoidee (-ée) {adj} deltoid (pertaining to the deltoid muscle)
  • [ia-en] IED :demagogeria (-ía) {n} demagoguery, demagogy
  • [ia-en] IED :demagogia (-ía) {n} demagogy
  • [ia-en] IED :demerito (-mé-) {n} demerit
  • [ia-en] IED :demo-crate (-ó-) {n} democrat
  • [ia-en] IED :demo-cratia (-ía) {n} democracy
  • [ia-en] IED :demographia (-ía) {n} demography
  • [ia-en] IED :demo-grapho (-ó-) {n} demographer
  • [ia-en] IED :demoniac (-í-) {adj} demoniac, demoniacal (1. pertaining to an evil spirit or evil spirits; 2. possessed by an evil spirit)
  • [ia-en] IED :demono-latra (-nó-) {n} demonolater
  • [ia-en] IED :demonolatria (-ía) {n} demonolatry
  • [ia-en] IED :demono-logia (-ía) {n} demonology
  • [ia-en] IED :demono-mania (-ía) {n} demonomania
  • [ia-en] IED :dendro-logia (-ía) {n} dendrology
  • [ia-en] IED :dentisteria (-ía) {n} dentistry
  • [ia-en] IED :[depois] (-póis) {adv} afterwards, later; depois que since (from the time that (depost)
  • [ia-en] IED :deposito (-pó-) {n} I. deposition (depositing for safekeeping); II. deposit (1. thing deposited for safekeeping; 2. depository, depot; 3. sediment); in deposito in trust; deposito de munition ammunition dump
  • [ia-en] IED :derailamento (-rél-) {n} derailment (act of leaving the tracks)
  • [ia-en] IED :derailar (-rél-) {v} to derail, leave the tracks
  • [ia-en] IED :dermatitis (-ítis) {n} [Med.] dermatitis
  • [ia-en] IED :dermatologia (-ía) {n} -dermatology
  • [ia-en] IED :dermato-logo (-tó-) {n} dermatologist
  • [ia-en] IED :descendita (-cén-) {n} descent (action of descending)
  • [ia-en] IED :despota (dés-) {n} despot
  • [ia-en] IED :deuterium (-té-) {n} [Phys., Chem.] deuterium, heavy hydrogen
  • [ia-en] IED :deut-oxydo (-tó-) {n} [Chem.] deutoxide
  • [ia-en] IED :dextera, dextra (déx-) {n} right hand
  • [ia-en] IED :diaboleria (-ía) {n} deviltry, devilry (devilish mischief)
  • [ia-en] IED :diabolo (-á-) {n} 1. devil (spirit of evil); 2. [Game] diabolo; povre diabolo poor devil; advocato del diabolo devil's advocate
  • [ia-en] IED :diacono (-á-) {n} deacon (member of the order of clergy immediately below that of priest)
  • [ia-en] IED :dialogo (-á-) {n} dialogue, dialog
  • [ia-en] IED :diametro (-á-) {n} diameter
  • [ia-en] IED :diapason (-pá) {n} 1. range (as in "range of a singing voice"; "range of an instrument"); 2. tuning fork
  • [ia-en] IED :diarrhea (-éa) {n} diarrhea
  • [ia-en] IED :diarrheic (-éic) {adj} diarrheal, diarrheic
  • [ia-en] IED :diaspora (-ás-) {n} Diaspora, Dispersion
  • [ia-en] IED :diastase (diás-) {n} 1. diastasis; 2. [Chem.] diastase
  • [ia-en] IED :diathermia (-ía) {n} [Med.] diathermy
  • [ia-en] IED :didascalia (-ía) {n} [Antiq.] stage directions
  • [ia-en] IED :diese (dí-) [Mus.] sharp
  • [ia-en] IED :digiti-grade (-tí-) {adj} [Zool.] digitigrade
  • [ia-en] IED :digitigrado (-tí-) {n} digitigrade
  • [ia-en] IED :digito (-dí-) {n} digit (1. finger; toe; 2. [Arith.]); (digito) indice forefinger, index finger; digito medie middle finger; (digito) annular ring finger; (digito) auricular little finger
  • [ia-en] IED :di-metro (dí-) {n} dimeter
  • [ia-en] IED :dionysiac (-íac) {adj} Dionysiac
  • [ia-en] IED :diphtheria (-ía) {n} diphtheria
  • [ia-en] IED :diplomatia (-ía) {n} diplomacy
  • [ia-en] IED :dipl-opia (-ía) {n} diplopia
  • [ia-en] IED :dipso-mania (-ía) {n} dipsomania
  • [ia-en] IED :dipsomano (-só-) {n} dipsomaniac
  • [ia-en] IED :dipteros (díp-) {npl} [Entom.] Diptera
  • [ia-en] IED :discipulo (-cí-) {n} disciple
  • [ia-en] IED :discortesia (-ía) {n} discourtesy
  • [ia-en] IED :discredito (-cré-) {n} discredit (loss of good name or standing); cader in discredito to fall into discredit
  • [ia-en] IED :disharmonia (-ía) {n} disharmony
  • [ia-en] IED :disposite (-pó-) {adj} disposed, inclined; disposite a facer un cosa disposed to do something
  • [ia-en] IED :di-sticho (dí-) {n} [Pros.] distich; {also:} couplet
  • [ia-en] IED :distilleria (-ía) {n} distillery
  • [ia-en] IED :di-syllabe (-sí-) {adj} dissyllabic, disyllabic
  • [ia-en] IED :disyllabo (-sí-) {n} dissyllable, disyllable
  • [ia-en] IED :dodeca-syllabe (-sílabe) {adj} dodecasyllabic
  • [ia-en] IED :dodecasyllabo (-sílabo) {n} [Pros.] dodecasyllable
  • [ia-en] IED :domestic (-més-) {adj} domestic (of or belonging to the household, home, family); animal domestic domestic animal; aves domestic poultry
  • [ia-en] IED :domestico (-més-) {n} domestic
  • [ia-en] IED :Dominico (-mí-) {nprm} Dominic
  • [ia-en] IED :domino (dó-) {n} I. master (lord, owner, etc.); II. domino (1. long, loose robe worn at masquerades; 2. [Games] "domino piece"; {also:} (game of) dominoes)
  • [ia-en] IED :[donec] (dó-) {conj} 1. while, as long as; 2. until, up to the time that
  • [ia-en] IED :Doro-thea (-éa) {nprf} Dorothy
  • [ia-en] IED :doxo-logia (-ía) {n} doxology
  • [ia-en] IED :draga-minas (-mí-) {n} mine sweeper
  • [ia-en] IED :dramaturgia (-ía) {n} dramaturgy
  • [ia-en] IED :drapperia (-ía) {n} drapery (1. business of selling cloth; 2. clothing or hangings arranged in graceful folds)
  • [ia-en] IED :drogeria (-ía) {n} drugstore
  • [ia-en] IED :druida (drú-) {n} druid
  • [ia-en] IED :druidic (-íd-) {adj} druidic, druidical
  • [ia-en] IED :dubita (dú-) {n} doubt; esser in dubita to be in doubt; sin dubita without doubt, doubtless; foris de dubita beyond doubt; poner (un cosa) in dubita to cast doubt on (something)
  • [ia-en] IED :Dunkirken (dún-) {npr} Dunkirk
  • [ia-en] IED :duo-dece (-ó-) {adj} twelve
  • [ia-en] IED :duodecime (-dé-) {adj} twelfth
  • [ia-en] IED :duodenitis (-ítis) {n} duodenitis
  • [ia-en] IED :du-plice (dú-) {adj} double, twofold
  • [ia-en] IED :duum-viro (-úm-) {n} [Rom. Antiq.] duumvir
  • [ia-en] IED :dynamo (dí-) {n} [Elec.] dynamo
  • [ia-en] IED :dynamo-metro (-mó-) {n} dynamometer
  • [ia-en] IED :dynastia (-ía) {n} dynasty
  • [ia-en] IED :dysenteria (-ía) {n} [Pathol.] dysentery
  • [ia-en] IED :dyspepsia (-ía) {n} [Pathol.] dyspepsia
  • [ia-en] IED :dysphasia (-ía) {n} [Med.] dysphasia
  • [ia-en] IED :ebenisteria (-ía) {n} cabinetmaking
  • [ia-en] IED :ebeno (é-) {n} ebony
  • [ia-en] IED :Ecclesiastes (-ás-) {npr} [Bib.] Ecclesiastes
  • [ia-en] IED :ecclesio-logia (-ía) {n} ecclesiology
  • [ia-en] IED :echoic (-óic) {adj} echoic
  • [ia-en] IED :echo-lalia (-ía) {n} [Psychopathol.] echolalia
  • [ia-en] IED :echo-metria (-ía) {n} echometry
  • [ia-en] IED :echo-metro (-kó) {n} echometer
  • [ia-en] IED :ecloga (éc-) {n} eclogue
  • [ia-en] IED :ecologia (-ía) {n} ecology
  • [ia-en] IED :eco-logo (-có-) {n} ecologist
  • [ia-en] IED :economia (-ía) {n} economy (1. management of the expenditures of a social group; 2. careful management, thrift); economias economies, savings; economia politic political economy, economics; economia de tempore saving of time
  • [ia-en] IED :eco-nomo (-có-) {n} steward, housekeeper
  • [ia-en] IED :ecstase (éc-) {n} ecstasy
  • [ia-en] IED :-ectomia (-ía) {n} [occurring in compoundss] [Surg.] - ectomy (excision, removal)
  • [ia-en] IED :Eden (é-) {npr} Eden
  • [ia-en] IED :Edipo (é-) {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Oedipus; complexo de Edipo [Psychoanalysis] Oedipus complex
  • [ia-en] IED :egee (-gée) {adj} Aegean; Mar Egee Aegean sea
  • [ia-en] IED :Egeo (1) (-géo) {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Aegeus
  • [ia-en] IED :Egeo (2) (-géo) {npr} Aegean, Aegean Sea
  • [ia-en] IED :egide (égide) {n} aegis (1. [Gr. Antiq.]; 2. shield, protection); sub le egide de under the aegis of
  • [ia-en] IED :egoismo (-ízmo) {n} egotism, egoism
  • [ia-en] IED :egoista (-ísta) {n} egotist, egoist; attrib. egotistic, egoistic
  • [ia-en] IED :egoistic (-ístic) {adj} egoistical
  • [ia-en] IED :ego-latria (-ía) {n} self-worship
  • [ia-en] IED :egyptologia (-ía) {n} Egyptology
  • [ia-en] IED :egypto-logo (-tó-) {n} Egyptologist, Egyptologue
  • [ia-en] IED :eider (éi-) {n} [Zool.] eider
  • [ia-en] IED :electro-chimia (-ía) {n} electrochemistry
  • [ia-en] IED :electr-odo (-léc-) {n} electrode
  • [ia-en] IED :electro-lyse (-ólise) {n} electrolysis
  • [ia-en] IED :electro-lyto (-ó-) {n} electrolyte
  • [ia-en] IED :electrometria (-ía) {n} electrometry
  • [ia-en] IED :electro-metro (-ó-) {n} electrometer
  • [ia-en] IED :electroscopia (-ía) {n} electroscopy
  • [ia-en] IED :electro-therapeutica (-péu-) {n} electrotherapeutics
  • [ia-en] IED :electro-therapia (-ía) {n} electrotherapy, electrotherapeutics
  • [ia-en] IED :electrotypia (-ía) {n} electrotypy, electrotyping
  • [ia-en] IED :electro-typo (-ó) {n} [Print.] electrotype
  • [ia-en] IED :eleemosyna (-mó-) {n} alms
  • [ia-en] IED :elegia (-ía) {n} elegy
  • [ia-en] IED :elegiac (-íac) {adj} elegiac (l. [Pros.]; 2. mournful, melancholy)
  • [ia-en] IED :elephantiasis (-íasis) {n} [Pathol.] elephantiasis
  • [ia-en] IED :Elia (-ía) {npr} [Bib.] Elijah, Elias
  • [ia-en] IED :Elisabeth (-bét) {nprf} Elizabeth
  • [ia-en] IED :émailliar (emalyár) {v} to enamel
  • [ia-en] IED :embolia (-ía) {n} [Pathol.] embolism
  • [ia-en] IED :embryo-genese (-gé-) {n} embryogenesis
  • [ia-en] IED :embryo-genesis (-gé-) {n} embryogenesis
  • [ia-en] IED :embryo-genia (-ía) {n} embryogeny
  • [ia-en] IED :embryologia (-ía) {n} embryology
  • [ia-en] IED :embryo-logo (-ólogo) {n} embryologist
  • [ia-en] IED :emerite (-mé-) {adj} emeritus
  • [ia-en] IED :empathia (-ía) {n} empathy, Einfühlung
  • [ia-en] IED :emphase (ém-) {n} 1. emphasis; 2. bombast
  • [ia-en] IED :empleo (-éo) {n} I. employment (1. employing; 2. occupation); II. use (action of using)
  • [ia-en] IED :encyclopedia (-ía) {n} encyclopedia
  • [ia-en] IED :endemia (-ía) {n} [Med.] endemic
  • [ia-en] IED :endocarditis (-ítis) {n} [Path.] endocarditis
  • [ia-en] IED :endocrinologia (-ía) {n} endocrinology
  • [ia-en] IED :endocrino-logo (-nó-) {n} endocrinologist
  • [ia-en] IED :endo-game (-ógame) {adj} [Anthropol.] endogamous
  • [ia-en] IED :endogamia (-ía) {n} [Anthropol.] ondogamy
  • [ia-en] IED :endo-skeleto (-ské-) {n} [Zool.] endoskeleton
  • [ia-en] IED :Eneas (-né-) {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Aeneas
  • [ia-en] IED :Eneide (-néi-) {n} [Lat. Lit.] Aeneid
  • [ia-en] IED :energia (-ía) {n} energy; energia atomic atomic energy; energia electric electric power
  • [ia-en] IED :enoio (-nó-) {n} 1. annoyance, worry, trouble; 2. boredom, ennui
  • [ia-en] IED :enoiose (-óse) {adj} boring
  • [ia-en] IED :entel-echia (-ía) {n} [Philos.] entelechy
  • [ia-en] IED :enter-algia (-ía) {n} [Pathol.] enteralgia
  • [ia-en] IED :enteritis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol.] enteritis
  • [ia-en] IED :entero-colitis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol.] enterocolitis
  • [ia-en] IED :entero-logia (-ía) {n} enterology (science or study of the intestines)
  • [ia-en] IED :enteron (én-) {n} [Anat., Zool.] enteron, alimentary canal
  • [ia-en] IED :entero-tomia (-ía) {n} [Surg.] enterotomy
  • [ia-en] IED :entero-tomo (-ró) {n} [Surg.] enterotome
  • [ia-en] IED :entomologia (-ía) {n} entomology
  • [ia-en] IED :entomo-logo (-mó-) {n} entomologist
  • [ia-en] IED :ento-zoon (-zó-) (pl entozoa) {n} entozoon
  • [ia-en] IED :eo-anthropo (-tró-) {n} [Paleontol.] Eoanthropus, Piltdown man
  • [ia-en] IED :eoe (-ó-) {adj} eoan (1. dawn; 2. oriental)
  • [ia-en] IED :eo-litho (-ó-) {n} [Archeol.] eolith
  • [ia-en] IED :Eolo (é-) {npr} [Mythol.] Aeolus
  • [ia-en] IED :eosino-phile (-nó-) {adj} [Biol.] eosinophile, eosinophilic, eosinophilous
  • [ia-en] IED :eosinophilia (-ía) {n} [Pathol.] eosinophilia
  • [ia-en] IED :eosinophilo (-nó-) {n} [Biol.] eosinophile
  • [ia-en] IED :eozoic (-zó-) {adj} [Geol.] Eozoic
  • [ia-en] IED :eo-zoon (-zó-) {n} [Geol.] eozoon
  • [ia-en] IED :ephelide (-fé-) {n} freckle
  • [ia-en] IED :ephemeride (-mé-) {n} 1. calendar, almanac, etc.; 2. [Astron.] ephemeris; ephemerides ephemerides
  • [ia-en] IED :ephemero (-fé-) {n} [Zool.] ephemeron, ephemerid; ephemeros [Zool.] Ephemera, Ephemerida
  • [ia-en] IED :epicuree (-ée) {adj} Epicurean; {also:} epicurean
  • [ia-en] IED :epicureismo (-ízmo) {n} 1. [Philos.] Epicureanism; 2. epicurism
  • [ia-en] IED :epicureo (-éo) {n} 1. Epicurean; 2. epicure, epicurean
  • [ia-en] IED :epidemia (-ía) {n} epidemic
  • [ia-en] IED :epidermis (-dér-) {n} [Anat., Bot.] epidermis
  • [ia-en] IED :epigee (-gé-) {adj} [Bot.] epigeous (growing upon the ground)
  • [ia-en] IED :epiglottis (-gló-) {n} [Anat.] epiglottis
  • [ia-en] IED :epigono (-pí-) {n} epigone (one of a succeeding and less distinguished generation); Epigonos [Gr. Myth.] Epigoni
  • [ia-en] IED :epilepsia (-ía) {n} epilepsy
  • [ia-en] IED :epilogo (-pí-) {n} epilogue
  • [ia-en] IED :-epipedo (-í-) {n} [occurring in compoundss] -epiped (plane surface)
  • [ia-en] IED :epiphyto (-íphyto) {n} [Bot.] epiphyte
  • [ia-en] IED :episcopo (-pís-) {n} bishop
  • [ia-en] IED :epistola (-pís-) {n} 1. letter, epistle; 2. [Eccl.] Epistle
  • [ia-en] IED :epistolographia (-ía) {n} epistolography
  • [ia-en] IED :epistolo-grapho (-ló-) {n} epistolographer
  • [ia-en] IED :epitheto (-íteto) {n} [Gram.] epithet
  • [ia-en] IED :epizoon (-zó-) (pl epizoa) {n} [Zool.] epizoon
  • [ia-en] IED :epocha (é-) {n} epoch; epocha glacial Ice Age; facer epocha to be epoch-making
  • [ia-en] IED :eponyme (-ó-) {adj} eponymous
  • [ia-en] IED :eponymia (-ía) {n} eponymy
  • [ia-en] IED :eponymo (-ó-) {n} eponym, eponymus
  • [ia-en] IED :epo-eia (-péya) {n} epic, epic poem
  • [ia-en] IED :epos (é-) {n} epic, epic poem
  • [ia-en] IED :equ-anime (equá-) {adj} even-tempered
  • [ia-en] IED :equite (é-) {n} [Rom. Hist.] eques; equites [Rom. Hist.] equites
  • [ia-en] IED :equivoco (-í-) {n} ambiguity (equivocal expression)
  • [ia-en] IED :eremiteria (-ía) {n} hermitage (hermit's abode)
  • [ia-en] IED :-eria (-ería) {suffixo substantive} [used with nouns] 1. -ery, -shop, -store (place where ... is made, worked, kept, or sold); 2. -ery, -eering, -smithing, -work (art, craft, trade, or practice of working with ...; {also:} the product of such work);
  • [ia-en] IED :Eros (é-) {npr} Eros
  • [ia-en] IED :eroto-mania (-ía) {n} [Pathol.] erotomania
  • [ia-en] IED :erysipela (-sí-) {n} [Pathol.] erysipelas
  • [ia-en] IED :Esau (-áu) {nprm} Esau
  • [ia-en] IED :eschatologia (-ía) {n} eschatology
  • [ia-en] IED :eschato-logo (-tó-) {n} eschatologist
  • [ia-en] IED :eschimo (és-) {n} Eskimo
  • [ia-en] IED :Eschylo (és-) {npr} Aeschylus
  • [ia-en] IED :esophagee (-ée) {adj} esophageal, oesophageal
  • [ia-en] IED :eso-phago (-só-) {n} [Anat.] esophagus, oesophagus
  • [ia-en] IED :[es-que] (éske) {interr part} -; esque il habe le libro? has he the book?
  • [ia-en] IED :essayo (-sá-) {n} 1. trial, test; 2. assay (assayal); 3. attempt, essay; 4. essay ("literary essay")
  • [ia-en] IED :esthesia (-ía) {n} esthesia
  • [ia-en] IED :esthesio-logia (-ía) {n} esthesiology
  • [ia-en] IED :esthesio-metro (-ó-) {n} esthesiometer
  • [ia-en] IED :esthesio-neurosis (-ósis) {n} esthesioneurosis
  • [ia-en] IED :et cetera, etc. (-cé-) and so on, and so forth, etc.
  • [ia-en] IED :ethiope (-tí-) {adj/n} Ethiopian
  • [ia-en] IED :ethno-genia (-ía) {n} ethnogeny
  • [ia-en] IED :ethnographia (-ía) {n} ethnography
  • [ia-en] IED :ethno-grapho (-nó-) {n} ethnographer
  • [ia-en] IED :ethnologia (-ía) {n} ethnology
  • [ia-en] IED :ethno-logo (-nó-) {n} ethnologist
  • [ia-en] IED :ethno-psychologia (-ía) {n} ethnopsychology
  • [ia-en] IED :etho-logia (-ía) {n} [Sociol.] ethology
  • [ia-en] IED :etho-peia (-péya) {n} [Rhet.] ethopoeia
  • [ia-en] IED :ethos (é-) {n} [Philos., Rhet., etc.] ethos
  • [ia-en] IED :etiam (é-) also, likewise, too; even, even yet; yet; non solmente ... sed etiam ... not only ... but also ...
  • [ia-en] IED :etiquetta (-ké-) {n} 1. label, tag, ticket; 2. etiquette
  • [ia-en] IED :etymo (é-) {n} etymon
  • [ia-en] IED :etymologia (-ía) {n} etymology (1. origin or derivation of a word; 2. branch of philology concerned with etymologies)
  • [ia-en] IED :etymo-logo (-mó-) {n} etymologist
  • [ia-en] IED :eucharistia (-ía) {n} [Eccl.] Eucharist
  • [ia-en] IED :eudemonia (-ía) {n} eudaemonia
  • [ia-en] IED :euphemia (-ía) {n} euphemism
  • [ia-en] IED :euphonia (-ía) {n} euphony
  • [ia-en] IED :eu-rhythmia (-ía) {n} eurhythmy
  • [ia-en] IED :europee (-pée) {adj} European
  • [ia-en] IED :europeo (-péo) {n} European
  • [ia-en] IED :europium (-ró-) {n} [Chem.] europium
  • [ia-en] IED :evangelo (-áng-) {n} evangelist, evangel
  • [ia-en] IED :exito (éx-) {n} exit, way out
  • [ia-en] IED :exodo (éx-) {n} exodus; Exodo Exodus
  • [ia-en] IED :exo-game (-ógame) {adj} [Anthropol.] exogamous
  • [ia-en] IED :exogamia (-ía) {n} [Anthropol.] exogamy
  • [ia-en] IED :exopero (-ó-) {n} strike (as in "be on strike")
  • [ia-en] IED :exo-skeleto (-ské-) {n} [Zool.] exoskeleton
  • [ia-en] IED :explicite (-plí-) {adj} explicit (clearly expressed)
  • [ia-en] IED :extero (éx-) {n} foreign countries; al extero abroad (as in "to go abroad; to live abroad"), in foreign parts
  • [ia-en] IED :extrinsec (-trín-) {adj} extrinsic (not inherent or essential)
  • [ia-en] IED :fabrica (fá-) {n} 1. factory (manufactory); 2. forge, smithy; marca de fabrica trademark; fabrica metallurgic metallurgical plant
  • [ia-en] IED :fabula (fá-) {n} I. fable (1. as in "Aesop's Fables"; 2. historical legend or myth; 3. falsehood, fiction); II. plot, story (of a a play, etc.)
  • [ia-en] IED :factoria (-ía) {n} factory (trading station, office or post of a factor)
  • [ia-en] IED :facula (fácula) {n} 1. torch, brand; 2. [Astron.] facula
  • [ia-en] IED :falconeria (-ía-) {n} falconry
  • [ia-en] IED :falconides (-có-) {npl} [Ornith.] Falconidae
  • [ia-en] IED :fascino (fá-) {n} 1. spell, hex, evil eye; 2. fascination
  • [ia-en] IED :fatidic (-ídic) {adj} prophetic, fatidic
  • [ia-en] IED :febrifuge (-í-) {adj} febrifuge
  • [ia-en] IED :feculeria (-ía) {n} starchworks
  • [ia-en] IED :fee (fée) {n} fairy, fay; conto de fees fairy tale
  • [ia-en] IED :feeria (-ía) {n} 1. fairyland: 2. [Theat.] fairy play, spectacular play
  • [ia-en] IED :femina (fé-) {n} 1. women; 2. female; (cavallo, etc.) femina female (horse, etc.)
  • [ia-en] IED :feretro (fé-) {n} bier
  • [ia-en] IED :ferreria (-ía) {n} 1. smithy, blacksmith's shop; 2. smithing, blacksmith's work
  • [ia-en] IED :ferro-via (-ía) {n} railway
  • [ia-en] IED :Fiacre (fiácr) {nprm} Fiacre; fiacre hack, hackney coach
  • [ia-en] IED :fibula (fí-) {n} I. fibula (1. [Antiq.]; 2. [Anat.]); II. clasp, buckle, brooch
  • [ia-en] IED :ficato (fí-) {n} [Anat.] liver
  • [ia-en] IED :fideismo (-ízmo) {n} fideism
  • [ia-en] IED :fideista (-ísta) {n} fideist
  • [ia-en] IED :filice (fí-) {n} fern
  • [ia-en] IED :fissi-pede (-ípede) {adj} cloven-footed, fissiped
  • [ia-en] IED :flaccide (flác-) {adj} flaccid
  • [ia-en] IED :flammifero (-í-) {n} match, lucifer; cassa de flammiferos match box, box of matches
  • [ia-en] IED :flatteria (-ía) {n} flattery
  • [ia-en] IED :flavi-pede (-í-) {adj} [Zool.] flavipes
  • [ia-en] IED :flecha (flésha) {n} 1. arrow; 2. [Geom.] versed sine
  • [ia-en] IED :fluide (flú-) {adj} fluid
  • [ia-en] IED :fluido (flú-) {n} fluid
  • [ia-en] IED :fluor (-ór) {n} [Chem.] fluorine; spat fluor [Mineral.] fluorite
  • [ia-en] IED :fluoresceina (-ína) [Chem.] fluorescein
  • [ia-en] IED :fluoroscopia (-ía) {n} fluoroscopy
  • [ia-en] IED :fodero (fó-) {n} lining (as in "the lining of a coat")
  • [ia-en] IED :foliolo (-í-) {n} [Bot.] foliole (leaflet)
  • [ia-en] IED :follia (-ía) {n} 1. madness (mental derangement); 2. folly
  • [ia-en] IED :fomite (fó-) {n} 1. tinder; 2. [Med.] fomes; fomites [Med.] fomites
  • [ia-en] IED :foraminiferos (-íferos) {n} [Zool.] Foraminifera
  • [ia-en] IED :foras, foris (fór-) I. {adv} 1. out of doors, outside, out; 2. from without; II. {prep} 1. beyond; 2. except; foras de outside of, without; foras de se beside oneself
  • [ia-en] IED :for-cipe (fór-) {n} (obstetrical) forceps
  • [ia-en] IED :foresteria (-ía) {n} forestry
  • [ia-en] IED :formica (-íca) {n} ant; formica blanc white ant, termite
  • [ia-en] IED :forsan (fór-) {adv} perhaps, maybe
  • [ia-en] IED :fortuite (-ú-) {adj} fortuitous; [Law] caso fortuite act of God, fortuitous event
  • [ia-en] IED :francmasoneria (-ía) {n} Freemasonry
  • [ia-en] IED :francophilo (-ó-) {n} Francophile
  • [ia-en] IED :franco-phobe (-có-) {adj} Francophobe
  • [ia-en] IED :francophobo (-có-) {n} Francophobe
  • [ia-en] IED :fraxino (fráx-) {n} ash, ash tree
  • [ia-en] IED :Frederico (-íco) {nprm} Frederick
  • [ia-en] IED :fremito (fré-) {n} 1. tremor, quiver, shiver; {also:} [Med.] fremitus, thrill; 2. roar, roaring, murmur
  • [ia-en] IED :frigorific (-ífic) {adj} cooling, chilling, frigorific
  • [ia-en] IED :fructeria (-ía) {n} fruit store
  • [ia-en] IED :fun-ambulo (-ám-) {n} tightrope walker, funambulist
  • [ia-en] IED :funderia (-ía) {n} foundry (establishment where founding of metal is carried on)
  • [ia-en] IED :funebre (fú-) {adj} funeral, funereal; marcha funebre funeral march; pompa funebre (solemn) funeral; convoyo funebre funeral procession
  • [ia-en] IED :funerales (-ál-) {npl} funeral
  • [ia-en] IED :fungo-logia (-ía) {n} fungology
  • [ia-en] IED :furunculosis (-ósis) {n} [Pathol.] furunculosis
  • [ia-en] IED :galanteria (-ía) {n} gallantry (polite attention to the women)
  • [ia-en] IED :galata (gá-) {n} Galatian; epistola al galatas Epistle to the Galatians
  • [ia-en] IED :galea (éa) {n} galley (1. as in "to condemn to the galleys"; 2. [Print.])
  • [ia-en] IED :galeria (-ía) {n} gallery (1. covered passageway; 2. [Theat.]; 3. art museum)
  • [ia-en] IED :Galilea (-éa) {n} Galilee
  • [ia-en] IED :galilee (-ée) {adj} Galilean (of Galilee)
  • [ia-en] IED :galileo (-éo) {n} Galilean
  • [ia-en] IED :galimatias (-ías) {n} gibberish, jargon, galimatias
  • [ia-en] IED :Galles (gál-) {npr} Wales; Prince de Galles Prince of Wares
  • [ia-en] IED :galliardia (-ía) {n} vigor; liveliness, gaiety, etc.
  • [ia-en] IED :gallium (gál-) {n} [Chem.] gallium
  • [ia-en] IED :gallo-mania (-ía) {n} Gallomania, Francomania
  • [ia-en] IED :gallophilia (-ía) {n} Gallophilism, Francophilism
  • [ia-en] IED :gallophilo (-ló-) {n} Gallophile, Francophile
  • [ia-en] IED :gallo-phobe (-ló-) {adj} Gallophobe, Francophobe
  • [ia-en] IED :gallophobia (-ía) {n} Gallophobia, Francophobia
  • [ia-en] IED :gallophobo (-ló-) {n} Gallophobe, Francophobe
  • [ia-en] IED :galvano-metro (-ó-) {n} galvanometer
  • [ia-en] IED :galvano-plastia (-ía) {n} galvanoplastics, galvanoplasty
  • [ia-en] IED :gamo-mania (-ía) {n} [Psychol.] gamomania
  • [ia-en] IED :ganglion (-ánglion) {n} ganglion
  • [ia-en] IED :ganglionitis (-ítis) {n} ganglionitis
  • [ia-en] IED :garantia (-ía) {n} guarantee, guaranty, warranty
  • [ia-en] IED :gasogeno (-ó-) {n} gas producer
  • [ia-en] IED :gasometro (-ó-) {n} gasometer
  • [ia-en] IED :gastr-algia (-ía) {n} [Med.] gastralgia
  • [ia-en] IED :gastritis (-ítis) {n} [Med.] gastritis
  • [ia-en] IED :gastro-enteritis (-ítis) {n} [Med.] gastroenteritis
  • [ia-en] IED :gastro-nome (-tró) {adj} gastronomic
  • [ia-en] IED :gastronomia (-ía) {n} gastronomy
  • [ia-en] IED :gastronomo (-tró-) {n} gastronome, gastronomist
  • [ia-en] IED :gastro-pode (-ópode) {adj} gastropodous, gastropod
  • [ia-en] IED :gastropodo (-ópodo) {n} [Zool.] gastropod, gasteropod; gastropodos [Zool.] Gastropoda, Gasteropoda
  • [ia-en] IED :gastroscopia (-ía) {n} gastroscopy
  • [ia-en] IED :gastro-tomia (-ía) {n} [Surg.] gastrotomy
  • [ia-en] IED :gelea (-éa) {n} jelly
  • [ia-en] IED :gemino (gé-) {n} twin; Geminos [Astron.] Gemini, Twins
  • [ia-en] IED :gemito (gé-) {n} groan, whine
  • [ia-en] IED :genealogia (-ía) {n} genealogy (1. line of descent; 2. study of descent])
  • [ia-en] IED :genea-logo (-á-) {n} genealogist
  • [ia-en] IED :generalissmo (-íssmo) {n} generalissimo
  • [ia-en] IED :genese (gé-) {n} genesis; Genese [Bib.] Genesis
  • [ia-en] IED :genesis (gé-) {n} genesis; Genesis [Bib.] Genesis
  • [ia-en] IED :genite (gé-) {adj} begotten
  • [ia-en] IED :geno-typo (-ó-) {n} genotype
  • [ia-en] IED :Gentius (gén-) {npr} [about 180 B.C.; King of Illyria who discovered the gentian according to Pliny]
  • [ia-en] IED :geo-desia (-ía) {n} geodesy
  • [ia-en] IED :geo-genia (-ía) {n} geogeny
  • [ia-en] IED :geo-gnosia (-ía) {n} geognosy
  • [ia-en] IED :geo-gonia (-ía) {n} geogony
  • [ia-en] IED :geographia (-ía) {n} geography; geographia physic physical geography; geographia economic economic geography; geographia politic political geography
  • [ia-en] IED :geo-grapho (-ó-) {n} geographer
  • [ia-en] IED :geologia (-ía) {n} geology (1. science of geology; 2. geological features of a given area)
  • [ia-en] IED :geo-logo (-ólogo) {n} geologist
  • [ia-en] IED :geomantia (-ía) {n} geomancy
  • [ia-en] IED :geo-metra (-ó-) {n} geometer, geometrician
  • [ia-en] IED :geometria (-ía) {n} geometry; geometria plan plane geometry
  • [ia-en] IED :germanium (-má-) {n} [Chem.] germanium
  • [ia-en] IED :germanophilo (-ó-) {n} Germanophile
  • [ia-en] IED :geronto-cratia (-ía) {n} gerontocracy
  • [ia-en] IED :Gethsemani (-sé-) {npr} Gethsemane
  • [ia-en] IED :geyser (géi-) {n} gcyser
  • [ia-en] IED :ghetto (gét-) {n} ghetto
  • [ia-en] IED :giganto-machia (-ía) {n} gigantomachy
  • [ia-en] IED :gingibre (jinjíbre) {n} ginger
  • [ia-en] IED :gingivitis (-ítis) {n} gingivitis
  • [ia-en] IED :girafa (jiráfa) {n} giraffe
  • [ia-en] IED :gladiolo (-í-) {n} gladiolus, gladiola
  • [ia-en] IED :gloriola (-í-) {n} petty vanity
  • [ia-en] IED :glossitis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol.] glossitis
  • [ia-en] IED :glosso-tomia (-ía) {n} [Med.] glossotomy, excision of the tongue
  • [ia-en] IED :glucinum (-ín-) {n} [Chem.] glucinum
  • [ia-en] IED :gluttonia (-ía) {n} gluttony
  • [ia-en] IED :glycogeno (-ó-) {n} [Biochem.] glycogen
  • [ia-en] IED :gnomo-logia (-ía) {n} gnomology
  • [ia-en] IED :gondola (gón-) [I] {n} gondola
  • [ia-en] IED :-gonia (-ía) {n} [occurring in compounds] -gony (generation, origin)
  • [ia-en] IED :goniometria (-ía) {n} goniometry
  • [ia-en] IED :gonio-metro (-ó-) {n} goniometer
  • [ia-en] IED :gono-rrhea (-éa) {n} [Pathol.] gonorrhea
  • [ia-en] IED :grammophono (-ó-) {n} gramophone
  • [ia-en] IED :granamita (-ná-) {n} great-aunt
  • [ia-en] IED :granivoro (-í-) {n} granivore
  • [ia-en] IED :graphia (-ía) {n} (system of) writing, script
  • [ia-en] IED :graphologia (-ía) {n} graphology (study of handwriting)
  • [ia-en] IED :grapho-logo (-phó-) {n} graphologist
  • [ia-en] IED :gratis (qrá-) [L] {adv} gratis, free (of charge)
  • [ia-en] IED :gratuite (-ú-) {adj} gratuitous (1. gratis, free; 2. uncalled for, unwarranted)
  • [ia-en] IED :grosseria (-ía) {n} coarseness, rudeness
  • [ia-en] IED :guanteria (-ía) {n} glove shop
  • [ia-en] IED :guerrillero (-lyéro) {n} guerrilla, partisan
  • [ia-en] IED :Guinea (ginéa) {npr} Guinea; Golfo de Guinea Gulf of Guinea; guinea [Monet.] guinea
  • [ia-en] IED :gulash (gú-) {n} goulash
  • [ia-en] IED :gurgite (gúr-) {n} 1. abyss, whirlpool, gulf; 2. gullet, throat
  • [ia-en] IED :guttiferas (-í-) {npl} [Bot.] Guttiferae
  • [ia-en] IED :gymno-spore (-nó-) {adj} [Bot.] gymnosporous
  • [ia-en] IED :gyneceo (-éo) {n} [Gr. and Rom. Antiq.] gynaeceum
  • [ia-en] IED :gyneco-cratia (-ía) {n} gynecocracy
  • [ia-en] IED :gynecologia (-ía) {n} gynecology
  • [ia-en] IED :gyneco-logo (-có-) {n} gynecologist
  • [ia-en] IED :gyno-phoro (-nó-) {n} [Bot.] gynophore
  • [ia-en] IED :gyro-metro (-ró-) {n} gyrometer
  • [ia-en] IED :gyro-stato (-ró-) {n} gyrostat
  • [ia-en] IED :habito (há-) {n} I. (suit of) clothes; {also:} dress; II. habit (1. dress of a religious order; 2. custom); le habito non face le monacho [Proverb] the cowl does not make the monk
  • [ia-en] IED :hachich (hashísh) {n} hashish
  • [ia-en] IED :halito (há-) {n} breath; halitus
  • [ia-en] IED :hallelujah (-úya) hallelujah, alleluia
  • [ia-en] IED :harmonia (-ía) {n} harmony
  • [ia-en] IED :harpyia (-íya) {n} [Mythol.] Harpy
  • [ia-en] IED :Hawai (-á-i) {npr} Hawaii; insulas Hawai Hawaiian Islands
  • [ia-en] IED :hebraic (-áic) {adj} Hebraic
  • [ia-en] IED :hebraismo (-ízmo) {n} Hebraism (1. Hebrew idiom; 2. Hebrew character, characteristics, institutions, etc.)
  • [ia-en] IED :hebraista (-ísta) {n} Hebraist (student of Hebrew language and culture)
  • [ia-en] IED :hebree (-ée) {adj} Hebrew
  • [ia-en] IED :hebreo (1) (-éo) {n} Hebrew (Israelite, Jew)
  • [ia-en] IED :hebreo (2) (-éo) {n} Hebrew (language)
  • [ia-en] IED :hecto-grapho (-ó-) {n} hectograph
  • [ia-en] IED :hecto-litro (-ó-) {n} hectoliter
  • [ia-en] IED :hedera (hé-) {n} ivy
  • [ia-en] IED :Helena (hé-) {nprf} Helen
  • [ia-en] IED :heliac (-íac) {adj} [Astron.] heliac, heliacal
  • [ia-en] IED :heli-anthemo (-ántemo) {n} [Bot.j helianthemum
  • [ia-en] IED :helice (hé-) {n} I. helix (1. spiral line; 2. [Geom.]; 3. [Anat.] rim of the ear); II. [Zool.] Helix (genus including snails); III. propeller (of ship, airplane etc.)
  • [ia-en] IED :helico-ptero (-cóp-) {n} helicopter
  • [ia-en] IED :Helios (hé-) {n} [Gr. Relig.] Helios (god of the sun)
  • [ia-en] IED :helio-stato (-ó-) {n} heliostat
  • [ia-en] IED :helio-trope (-ó-) {adj} heliotropic (turning toward the sun)
  • [ia-en] IED :heliotypia (-ía) {n} heliotypy
  • [ia-en] IED :helio-typo (-ó-) {n} heliotype
  • [ia-en] IED :helium (hé-) {n} [Chem.] helium; helio- [occurring in derivatives and compounds] heli-, helio- (sun)
  • [ia-en] IED :Hellade (hél-) {npr} Hellas
  • [ia-en] IED :helminthiasis (-ásis) {n} [Pathol.] helminthiasis
  • [ia-en] IED :helminthologia (-ía) {n} helminthology
  • [ia-en] IED :helmintho-logo (-tó-) {n} helminthologist
  • [ia-en] IED :hematosis (-ósis) {n} [Physiol.] hematosis, haematosis
  • [ia-en] IED :hemiptero (-mí-) {n} [Zool.] hemipteron; hemipteros [Zool.] Hemiptera
  • [ia-en] IED :hemi-trope (-í-) {adj} [Cryst.] hemitrope, hemitropic
  • [ia-en] IED :hemitropia (-ía) {n} [Cryst.] hemitropy
  • [ia-en] IED :hemophilia (-ía) {n} hemophilia, haemophilia
  • [ia-en] IED :hemophilo (-mó-) {n} hemophile, haemophile, hemophiliac, haemophiliac, bleeder
  • [ia-en] IED :hemo-rrhagia (-ía) {n} hemorrhage, haemorrhage
  • [ia-en] IED :hemo-stase (-ó-) {n} [Med.] hemostasis, hemostasia (arrest of a hemorrhage)
  • [ia-en] IED :hemo-stato (-mó-) {n} [Surg.] hemostat
  • [ia-en] IED :hepat-algia (-ía) {n} [Med.] hepatalgia
  • [ia-en] IED :hepate (hé-) {n} [Anat.] liver
  • [ia-en] IED :hepatitis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol.] hepatitis
  • [ia-en] IED :hepato-logia (-ía) {n} hepatology
  • [ia-en] IED :hepta-metro (-á-) {n} heptameter
  • [ia-en] IED :hept-archia (-ía) {n} heptarchy
  • [ia-en] IED :Hercules (hér-) {npr} [Mythol.] Hercules; Columnas de Hercules Pillars of Hercules
  • [ia-en] IED :heresia (-ía) {n} heresy
  • [ia-en] IED :Hermes (hér-) {npr} [Gr. Relig.] Hermes
  • [ia-en] IED :Hermes Trismegisto (hér-) {npr} Hermes Trismegistus
  • [ia-en] IED :Herodiade (-í-) {npr} Herodias
  • [ia-en] IED :heroe (-óe) {n} hero
  • [ia-en] IED :heroic (-óic) {adj} heroic(al); (remedio, etc.) heroic [Med.] heroic (remedy, etc.)
  • [ia-en] IED :heroina (-ína) {n} heroine
  • [ia-en] IED :heroismo (-ízmo) {n} heroism
  • [ia-en] IED :herpeto-logia (1) (-ía) {n} herpetology (study of herpes)
  • [ia-en] IED :herpeto-logia (2) (-ía) {n} herpetology (study of reptiles)
  • [ia-en] IED :heteroclite (-ó-) {adj} heteroclite (1. [Gram.]; 2. irregular, anamalous)
  • [ia-en] IED :heteroclito (-ó-) {n} heteroclite (1. [Gram.]; 2. irregular, anamalous thing or person)
  • [ia-en] IED :heterodoxia (-ía) {n} heterodoxy
  • [ia-en] IED :hetero-dyne (-ó-) {adj} [Radio] heterodyne
  • [ia-en] IED :hetero-game (-ó-) {adj} heterogamous
  • [ia-en] IED :heterogamia (-ía) {n} heterogamy
  • [ia-en] IED :heteropteros (-róp-) {npl} [Entom.] Heteroptera
  • [ia-en] IED :hexagono (-á-) {n} hexagon
  • [ia-en] IED :hexa-metre (-ámetre) {adj} hexameter, hexametric
  • [ia-en] IED :hexametro (-ámetro) {n} hexameter
  • [ia-en] IED :hexapode (-ápode) {adj} hexapod
  • [ia-en] IED :hexapodo (-ápodo) {n} hexapod
  • [ia-en] IED :hierarchia (-ía) {n} hierarchy
  • [ia-en] IED :hiero-dulo (-úlo) {n} [Gr. Relig.] hierodule
  • [ia-en] IED :hiero-logia (-ía) {n} hierology
  • [ia-en] IED :hiero-mantia (-ía) {n} hieromancy
  • [ia-en] IED :hindu (-ú) [Persian] {adj/n} Hindu, Hindoo
  • [ia-en] IED :hippiatria (-ía) {n} hippiatry (study, work, etc. of a horse doctor)
  • [ia-en] IED :Hippocrate (-ó-) {npr} Hippocrates
  • [ia-en] IED :hippo-dromo (-pó) {n} hippodrome (course for horse races)
  • [ia-en] IED :hippo-litho (-ó-) {n} [Pathol.] hippolith
  • [ia-en] IED :hippologia (-ía) {n} hippology
  • [ia-en] IED :hippo-logo (-pó-) {n} hippologist
  • [ia-en] IED :hippo-phage (-pó-) {adj} hippophageous (eating horse meat)
  • [ia-en] IED :hippophagia (-ía) {n} hippophagy
  • [ia-en] IED :hippophago (-pó-) {n} hippophagist
  • [ia-en] IED :hippo-potamo (-pótamo) {n} hippopotamus
  • [ia-en] IED :hirpice (hírpice) {n} harrow
  • [ia-en] IED :histogenia (-ía) {n} histogeny
  • [ia-en] IED :histographia (-ía) {n} histography
  • [ia-en] IED :histo-grapho (-óqrapho) {n} histographer
  • [ia-en] IED :histologia (-ía) {n} histology
  • [ia-en] IED :histo-logo (-tó-) {n} histologist
  • [ia-en] IED :histo-nomia (-ía) {n} histonomy
  • [ia-en] IED :historiographia (-ía) {n} historiography
  • [ia-en] IED :historio-grapho (-ó-) {n} historiographer
  • [ia-en] IED :hodo-grapho (-dó-) {n} hodograph
  • [ia-en] IED :hodo-metria (-ía) {n} odometry, hodometry
  • [ia-en] IED :hodo-metro (-ó-) {n} odometer, hodometer
  • [ia-en] IED :holo-graphe (-ló-) {adj} holograph, holographic
  • [ia-en] IED :holographo (-ló-) {n} holograph
  • [ia-en] IED :holophrase (-ló-) {n} holophrasis
  • [ia-en] IED :homalo-graphia (-ía) {n} [Anat.] homalography
  • [ia-en] IED :homaro (hó-) {n} lobster
  • [ia-en] IED :homeo-patho (-ópato) {n} homeopath
  • [ia-en] IED :homeo-pathia (-ía) {n} homeopathy
  • [ia-en] IED :homo-game (-mó-) {adj} homogamous
  • [ia-en] IED :homogamia (-ía) {n} homogamy; specif: [Bot.]
  • [ia-en] IED :homo-grapho (-mó-) {n} [(Gram.] homograph
  • [ia-en] IED :homo-loge (-mó-) {adj} homologous; specif.: [Geom., Chem., Biol., etc.]
  • [ia-en] IED :homologia (-ía) {n} homology
  • [ia-en] IED :homomorphia (-ía) {n} homomorphy
  • [ia-en] IED :hom-onyme (-mó-) {adj} homonymous (having the quality of a homonym or homonyms)
  • [ia-en] IED :homonymia (-ía) {n} homonymy
  • [ia-en] IED :homonymo (-ó-) {n} homonym, homophone
  • [ia-en] IED :homo-phone (-mó-) {adj} homophonous (1. [Mus.]; 2. [Gram.])
  • [ia-en] IED :homophono (-mó-) {n} [Gram.] homophone
  • [ia-en] IED :homopteros (-mó-) {npl} [Entom.] Homoptera
  • [ia-en] IED :hordeina (-ína) {n} [Chem.] hordein
  • [ia-en] IED :horologieria (-ía) {n} 1. watchmaking, clockmaking; 2. watchmaker's, clockmaker's store
  • [ia-en] IED :horo-scopo (-ró-) {n} horoscope
  • [ia-en] IED :hospite (hós-) {n} 1. host, hostess (one who entertains a guest or guests); {also:} innkeeper, landlord, etc.; 2. guest (at a hotel, boardinghouse, etc.)
  • [ia-en] IED :humero (hú-) {n} 1. shoulder (as in "to carry on one's shoulders"); 2. [Anat.] humerus
  • [ia-en] IED :hungaro (1) (húng-) {n} Hungarian (native of Hungary)
  • [ia-en] IED :hungaro (2) (húng-) {n} Hungarian (language)
  • [ia-en] IED :hybrida (hí-) {n} hybrid; attrib. hybrid
  • [ia-en] IED :hydr-acido (-á-) {n} [Chem.] hydracid
  • [ia-en] IED :hydr-angea (-gé-) {n} hydrangea
  • [ia-en] IED :hydro-cele (-cé-) {n} [Med.] hydrocele
  • [ia-en] IED :hydrocephalia (-ía) {n} [Med.] hydrocephalus, hydrocephaly
  • [ia-en] IED :hydrocephalo (-cé-) {n} [Med.] hydrocephalus
  • [ia-en] IED :hydro-geno (-ó-) {n} hydrogen
  • [ia-en] IED :hydrographia (-ía) {n} hydrography
  • [ia-en] IED :hydro-grapho (-ó-) {n} hydrographer
  • [ia-en] IED :hydro-lyse (-ó-) {n} hydrolysis
  • [ia-en] IED :hydro-meter (-ó-) {n} hydrometer
  • [ia-en] IED :hydro-pathia (-ía) {n} hydropathy
  • [ia-en] IED :hydro-phobia (-ía) {n} [Pathol.] hydrophobia
  • [ia-en] IED :hydropisia (-ía) {n} dropsy
  • [ia-en] IED :hydro-therapeutic (-péu-) {adj} hydrotherapeutic
  • [ia-en] IED :hydro-therapia (-ía) {n} hydrotherapy, hydrotherapeutics
  • [ia-en] IED :hydr-oxydo (-ó-) {n} hydroxide
  • [ia-en] IED :hygiene (-éne) {n} hygiene
  • [ia-en] IED :hygro-grapho (-ó-) {n} hygrograph
  • [ia-en] IED :hygro-metro (-ó-) {n} hygrometer
  • [ia-en] IED :Hymeneo (-éo) {npr} [Mythol.] Hymen; hymeneo marriage, wedding
  • [ia-en] IED :hymenopteros (-nóp-) {npl} [Entom.] Hymenoptera
  • [ia-en] IED :hymnographia (-ía) {n} hymnography
  • [ia-en] IED :hymno-grapho (-ó-) {n} hymnographer
  • [ia-en] IED :hymnologia (-ía) {n} hymnology
  • [ia-en] IED :hymno-logo (-nó-) {n} hymnologist
  • [ia-en] IED :hyperbola (-pér-) {n} 1. [Rhet.] hyperbole; 2. [Math.] hyperbola
  • [ia-en] IED :hypertrophia (-ía) {n} hypertrophy
  • [ia-en] IED :hypnologia (-ía) {n} hypnology
  • [ia-en] IED :hypno-logo (-nó-) {n} hypnologist
  • [ia-en] IED :hypno-phobia (-ía) {n} [Pathol] hypnophobia
  • [ia-en] IED :hypno-therapia (-ía) {n} hypnotherapy
  • [ia-en] IED :hypochondria (-ía) {n} [Med.] hypochondria
  • [ia-en] IED :hypochondriac (-íac) {adj} hypochondriac (1. pertaining to the hypochondrium; 2. pertaining to hypochondria)
  • [ia-en] IED :hypochondriaco (-íaco) {n} hypochondriac (one suffering with hypochondria)
  • [ia-en] IED :hypocrisia (-ía) {n} hypocrisy
  • [ia-en] IED :hypocrita (-ó-) {n} hypocrite; attrib. hypocritical; esser hypocrita to be a hypocrite, be hypocritical
  • [ia-en] IED :hypogee (-gée) {adj} hypogeous, hypogeal, subterranean; specif.: [Bot., Zool.]
  • [ia-en] IED :hypogeo (-géo) {n} [Anc. Arch.] hypogeum (underground chamber)
  • [ia-en] IED :hypostase (-pó-) {n} [Theol.; Med.] hypostasis
  • [ia-en] IED :hypothese (-ótese) {n} hypothesis
  • [ia-en] IED :hysteria (-ía) {n} hysteria
  • [ia-en] IED :ibidem (-bí-) {adv} 1. in the same place, in that very place; 2. ibidem; ibid., ib. ibid., ib.
  • [ia-en] IED :Icaro (í-) {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Icarus
  • [ia-en] IED :ichthyo-litho (ó) {n} [Paleontol.] ichthyolite
  • [ia-en] IED :ichthyologia (-ía) {n} ichthyology
  • [ia-en] IED :ichthyo-logo (-ólogo) {n} ichthyologist
  • [ia-en] IED :ichthyo-phage (-ófage) {adj} ichthyophagous, fish-eating
  • [ia-en] IED :ichthyophagia (-ía) {n} ichthyophagy
  • [ia-en] IED :ichthyophago (-ófago) {n} ichthyophagist
  • [ia-en] IED :iconographia (-ía) {n} iconography
  • [ia-en] IED :icono-grapho (-nó-) {n} iconographer
  • [ia-en] IED :icono-latra (-nó-) {n} iconolater
  • [ia-en] IED :iconolatria (-ía) {n} inconolatry
  • [ia-en] IED :iconologia (-ía) {n} iconology
  • [ia-en] IED :icono-logo (-nó-) {n} iconologist
  • [ia-en] IED :icono-stase (-nó-) {n} iconostasis
  • [ia-en] IED :idea (-éa) {n} idea
  • [ia-en] IED :idem (í-) {pron} 1. the same (thing); 2. idem
  • [ia-en] IED :ideo-graphia (-ía) {n} ideography
  • [ia-en] IED :ideologia (-ía) {n} ideology (1. science of ideas; 2. as in "Fascist ideology")
  • [ia-en] IED :ideo-logo (-ólogo) {n} ideologist
  • [ia-en] IED :idio-syncrasia (-ía) {n} idiosyncrasy
  • [ia-en] IED :idiotia (-ía) {n} idiocy
  • [ia-en] IED :idol-atra (-dó-) {n} idolater; attrib idolatrous
  • [ia-en] IED :idolatria (-ía) {n} idolatry
  • [ia-en] IED :idolo (í-) {n} idol
  • [ia-en] IED :-ific (-ífic) {suffixo adjective} [-fic affter -i-; used with nouns] -ific, -fic (making, causing)
  • [ia-en] IED :igitur (í-) {adv/conj} then, therefore, thereupon
  • [ia-en] IED :igni-cola (-í-) {n} fire worshipper
  • [ia-en] IED :igni-vome (-í-) {adj} vomiting fire, ignivomous
  • [ia-en] IED :ilice (í-) {n} holly
  • [ia-en] IED :illegitime (-gí-) {adj} illegitimate; (filio) illegitime illegitimate (son)
  • [ia-en] IED :illicite (-lí-) {adj} illicit
  • [ia-en] IED :imparisyllabe (-sí-) {adj} imparisyllabic
  • [ia-en] IED :imparisyllabo (-sí-) {n} imparisyllabic
  • [ia-en] IED :impeto (ím-) {n} impetus (of a moving body)
  • [ia-en] IED :implicite (-lí-) {adj} implicit
  • [ia-en] IED :improbe (ím-) {adj} dishonest, lacking probity
  • [ia-en] IED :inclino-metro (-ó-) {n} inclinometer
  • [ia-en] IED :incognite (-cóg-) {adj} unknown
  • [ia-en] IED :incognito (-cóg-) {n} incognito
  • [ia-en] IED :incommode (-có-) {adj} inconvenient, unsuitable, etc.
  • [ia-en] IED :incubo (ín-) {n} incubus; {also:} nightmare
  • [ia-en] IED :Indiana-polis (-ná-) {npr} Indianapolis
  • [ia-en] IED :indice (ín-) {n} I. index (1. indicator; 2. forefinger; 3. as in "index of a book"); II. [R.C.Ch.] Index; poner al indice to put on the Index
  • [ia-en] IED :indigena (-dí-) {n} native; attrib indigenous, native
  • [ia-en] IED :indigo (ín-) {n} indigo (1. the dye "indigo"; 2. the color "indigo"; 3. indigo plant)
  • [ia-en] IED :indisposite (-pó-) {adj} indisposed (unwell); esser indisposite contra un persona to be unfriendly to someone
  • [ia-en] IED :inedite (-né-) {adj} 1. inedited; 2. unpublished
  • [ia-en] IED :infanteria (-ía) {n} infantry
  • [ia-en] IED :infinitesime (-ésime) {adj} infinitesimal
  • [ia-en] IED :infirmeria (-ía) {n} infirmary, sickroom
  • [ia-en] IED :ingenieria (-ía) {n} engineering (profession of engineering)
  • [ia-en] IED :inharmonia (-ía) {n} inharmony
  • [ia-en] IED :inimic (-íc) {adj} inimical (1. hostile; 2. harmful)
  • [ia-en] IED :inimico (-íco) {n} enemy
  • [ia-en] IED :inope (ín-) {adj} 1. helpless; 2. destitute
  • [ia-en] IED :insectivoro (-tí-) {n} insectivore
  • [ia-en] IED :insecto-logia (-ía) {n} insectology
  • [ia-en] IED :insimul (-sí-) {adv} together insimul (-sí-) {n} general effect, ensemble
  • [ia-en] IED :insipide (-sí-) {adj} insipid, flat
  • [ia-en] IED :insolite (-só-) {adj} unusual, unaccustomed
  • [ia-en] IED :insula (ín-) {n} 1. island, isle; 2. block (of buildings)
  • [ia-en] IED :integre (ín-) {adj} 1. entire, whole; 2. upright (of unfailing integrity)
  • [ia-en] IED :inter (ín-) {prep} 1. between; 2. among
  • [ia-en] IED :[inter-dum] (-tér-) {adv} sometimes, occasionally; for some time; meanwhile, in the meantime
  • [ia-en] IED :[inter-ea] (-té-) {adv} meanwhile, in the meantime
  • [ia-en] IED :interim (ín-) {adv} meanwhile, (in the) meantime
  • [ia-en] IED :interim (ín-) {n} interim; in le interim in the interim
  • [ia-en] IED :interime (té-) {adj} interim
  • [ia-en] IED :interprete (-tér-) {n} interpreter (1. one whose profession is to translate orally; 2. one who explains or expounds)
  • [ia-en] IED :intime (ín-) {adj} intimate (1. inward, deepseated; 2. close)
  • [ia-en] IED :intrinsec (-trín-) {adj} intrinsic
  • [ia-en] IED :intus (ín-) {adv} inside (1. on the inside, within; 2. into, to the inside)
  • [ia-en] IED :invalide (-vá-) {adj} 1. invalid, disabled; 2. invalid, without legal force
  • [ia-en] IED :invalido (-vá-) {n} invalid; specif.: disabled soldier
  • [ia-en] IED :invide (ín-) {adj} envious
  • [ia-en] IED :invio (-ío) {n} sending, dispatch
  • [ia-en] IED :iodo-metria (-ía) {n} iodometry
  • [ia-en] IED :ion (í-) {n} ion
  • [ia-en] IED :Iphigenia (-ía) {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Iphigenia
  • [ia-en] IED :iritis (-ítis) {n} [Med.] iritis
  • [ia-en] IED :ironia (-ía) {n} irony
  • [ia-en] IED :irrite (ír-) {adj} [Law] void, nullified
  • [ia-en] IED :Isaia (-sáia) {npr} Isaiah
  • [ia-en] IED :isobaro (-ó-) {n} isobar (1. [Meteorol.]; 2. [Chem.])
  • [ia-en] IED :isoclino (-ó-) {n} isocline
  • [ia-en] IED :iso-game (-ó-) {adj} [Biol.] isogamous
  • [ia-en] IED :isogamia (-ía) {n} isogamy
  • [ia-en] IED :iso-tope (-só-) {adj} [Chem.] isotopic
  • [ia-en] IED :isotopo (-só-) {n} [Chem.] isotope
  • [ia-en] IED :-issime (-íssime) {suffixo adjective} [useed with adjectives] most, very, greatly ...
  • [ia-en] IED :-issimo (-íssimo) {suffixo substantive} [uused with adjectives] -issimo (one who or that which is most or most highly ...)
  • [ia-en] IED :-issimo (-íssimo) {suffixo} adverbial [useed with adjectives and adverbs] -issimo (most, verry, greatly
  • [ia-en] IED :[ita-que] (í-) {conj} and so, therefore
  • [ia-en] IED :item (í-) {adv} I. item; II. likewise (1. in the same manner; 2. moreover, furthermore)
  • [ia-en] IED :[itero] (í-) {adv} again, anew; itero e itero again and again, repeatedly
  • [ia-en] IED :-itis (-ítis) {suffixo substantive} [used with names of parts of the body] [Med.] -itis (inflammatory disease of the ...)
  • [ia-en] IED :jammais (-máis) {adv} ever, at any time; non ... jammais never; jammais! never!
  • [ia-en] IED :Japhet (já-) {npr} [Bib.] Japheth
  • [ia-en] IED :jardineria (-ía) {n} gardening (gardener's trade or business)
  • [ia-en] IED :Jehovah (-hóva) {npr} Jehovah
  • [ia-en] IED :jelosia (-ía) {n} jealousy
  • [ia-en] IED :Jeremia (-ía) {npr} 1. [Bib.] Jeremiah; 2. Jeremy
  • [ia-en] IED :jeremiade (-í-) {n} jeremiad
  • [ia-en] IED :Jericho (jé-) {npr} Jericho
  • [ia-en] IED :jesuita (-í-) {n} Jesuit ([R.C.Ch.]; {also:} one likened to a Jesuit)
  • [ia-en] IED :jesuita (-í-) {adj} Jesuit, Jesuitic; {also:} jesuitic, crafty
  • [ia-en] IED :jesuitic (-í-) {adj} Jesuit, Jesuitic; {also:} jesuitic, crafty
  • [ia-en] IED :Jesus (-sús) {npr} Jesus
  • [ia-en] IED :joculeria (-ía) {n} jugglery (skill or act of a juggler)
  • [ia-en] IED :Johannes (-há-) {nprm} John
  • [ia-en] IED :joieleria (-ía) {n} jeweler's shop
  • [ia-en] IED :Jonas (jó-) {npr} Jonah, Jonas
  • [ia-en] IED :Josue (-é) {npr} Joshua
  • [ia-en] IED :joule (jául) {n} [Phys.] joule
  • [ia-en] IED :jove-di (-dí) {n} Thursday
  • [ia-en] IED :jubileo (-éo) {n} jubilee (1. [Jewish Hist.] year of Jubilee; 2. [R.C.Ch.] as in "extraordinary jubilee"; 3. celebration of the fiftieth anniversay of an event)
  • [ia-en] IED :jubilo (júbilo) {n} exultant joy, jubilee
  • [ia-en] IED :Judea (-éa) {npr} Judea
  • [ia-en] IED :judee (-ée) {adj} Jewish
  • [ia-en] IED :ju-dice (jú-) {n} judge
  • [ia-en] IED :jujutsu (jú-) [J] {n} jujitsu, jiujitsu
  • [ia-en] IED :junipero (-ní-) {n} juniper
  • [ia-en] IED :Jupiter (jú-) {npr} Jupiter (1. [Rom. Mythol.]; 2. [Astron.])
  • [ia-en] IED :juri-dic (-rí-) {adj} juridical; persona juridic juridical person
  • [ia-en] IED :kalium (ká-) {n} potassium, kalium
  • [ia-en] IED :kanguru (-rú) {n} kangaroo
  • [ia-en] IED :kapok (ká-) {n} kapok
  • [ia-en] IED :kayak (ká-) {n} kayak
  • [ia-en] IED :kilogram-metro (-grám-) {n} [Mech.] kilogrammeter
  • [ia-en] IED :kilo-litro (-ó-) {n} kiloliter
  • [ia-en] IED :kilo-metro (-ó) {n} kilometer
  • [ia-en] IED :klepto-mania (-ía) {n} kleptomania
  • [ia-en] IED :klepto-mano (-ó-) {n} kleptomaniac
  • [ia-en] IED :krypton (kríp-) {n} [Chem.] krypton
  • [ia-en] IED :Kuo-min-tang (-táng) {npr} Kuomintang
  • [ia-en] IED :lacai (-ái) {n} lackey, footman, valet
  • [ia-en] IED :lacrima (lá-) {n} tear (1. as in "to shed tears"; 2. as in "tears of resin")
  • [ia-en] IED :lacteria (-ía) {n} dairy (I. place where milk and cream are kept and made into butter and cheese; 2. store that sells milk and milk products)
  • [ia-en] IED :laic (láic) {adj} lay, laic, laical
  • [ia-en] IED :-lalia (-ía) {n} [occurring in compounds] -lalia (talking; babbling)
  • [ia-en] IED :lamina (lá-) {n} I. lamina (I. thin plate, foil; 2. [Bot.] the blade or flat expanded portion of a leaf); II. blade (of knife, etc.)
  • [ia-en] IED :lampada (lá-) {n} lamp
  • [ia-en] IED :lampisteria (-ía) {n} lamp shop
  • [ia-en] IED :lampyride (-pí-) {n} glowworm
  • [ia-en] IED :lanceola (-cé-) {n} [Bot.] lanceolate leaf, petal, etc.
  • [ia-en] IED :laneria (-ía) {n} 1. manufacture of wool; 2. woolen goods
  • [ia-en] IED :lapide (lá-) {n} stone
  • [ia-en] IED :lapis-lazuli (-láz-) {n} lapis lazuli
  • [ia-en] IED :larice (lá-) {n} larch
  • [ia-en] IED :laryngitis (-ítis) {n} laryngitis
  • [ia-en] IED :laryngoscopia (-ía) {n} laryngoscopia
  • [ia-en] IED :latoneria (-ía) {n} brassworks
  • [ia-en] IED :latria (-ía) {n} [Theol.] latria
  • [ia-en] IED :laudano (láu-) {n} laudanum (tincture of opium)
  • [ia-en] IED :lava-manos (-má-) {n} washstand
  • [ia-en] IED :lavanderia (-ía) {n} laundry (establishment where clothes and other articles are washed and ironed)
  • [ia-en] IED :Lazaro (lá-) {npr} Lazarus
  • [ia-en] IED :lazuli (lá-) {n} (lapis) lazuli
  • [ia-en] IED :legier (-jér) {adj} 1. light (of little weight); 2. slight trifling; 3. superficial, shallow; 4. nimble, agile, fleet
  • [ia-en] IED :legifero (-í-) {n} lawmaker
  • [ia-en] IED :legitime (-gí-) {adj} legitimate (1. lawfully begotten; 2. lawful, accordant with law)
  • [ia-en] IED :Leonidas (-ó-) {npr} Leonidas
  • [ia-en] IED :leontiase (-í-) {n} [Pathol.] leontiasis
  • [ia-en] IED :lepido-litho (-ólito) {n} [Mineral.] lepidolite
  • [ia-en] IED :lepidopteros (-dóp-) {npl} [Entom.] Lepidoptera
  • [ia-en] IED :leporide (-pó-) {n} leporide
  • [ia-en] IED :lethargia (-ía) {n} lethargy
  • [ia-en] IED :leuc-emia (-ía) {n} leukemia, leuchaemia
  • [ia-en] IED :leuco-cyto (-ó-) {n} [Anat.] leucocyte
  • [ia-en] IED :levistico (-vís-) {n} [Bot.] lovage; {also:} Levisticum
  • [ia-en] IED :lexico (lé-) {n} lexicon
  • [ia-en] IED :lexicographia (-ía) {n} lexicography
  • [ia-en] IED :lexico-grapho (-ó-) {n} lexicographer
  • [ia-en] IED :Libano (lí-) {npr} Lebanon (1. Lebanon Mountains; 2. state of Lebanon); cedro del Libano cedar of Lebanon
  • [ia-en] IED :libreria (-ía) {n} 1. library; 2. bookstore
  • [ia-en] IED :libyc (lí-) {adj} Libyan
  • [ia-en] IED :licite (lí-) {adj} licit, lawful
  • [ia-en] IED :li-enteria (-ía) {n} [Pathol.] lientery
  • [ia-en] IED :limite (lí-) {n} limit, boundary
  • [ia-en] IED :limi-trophe (-mí-) {adj} limitrophe; limitrophe de adjacent to
  • [ia-en] IED :lineetta (-ne-étta) {n} short line; dash
  • [ia-en] IED :linoleum (-nó-) {n} linoleum
  • [ia-en] IED :linotypia (-ía) {n} linotype, linotyping
  • [ia-en] IED :liquida (lí-) {n} [Phonet.] liquid
  • [ia-en] IED :litania (-ía) {n} litany
  • [ia-en] IED :lith-argyro (-tár-) {n} [Chem.] litharge
  • [ia-en] IED :lithium (lít-) {n} [Chem.] lithium
  • [ia-en] IED :lithographia (-ía) {n} 1. lithography; 2. lithograph; 3. lithographic printing office
  • [ia-en] IED :litho-grapho (-ó-) {n} lithographer
  • [ia-en] IED :littera, litera (lí-) {n} letter (1. "letter of the alphabet"; 2. epistle); al littera, al pede del littera to the letter, literally; littera de credito letter of credit; litteras letters (literature, learning); homine de litteras man of letters; le belle litteras humanities; cassa de litteras letter box, mailbox
  • [ia-en] IED :liturgia (-ía) {n} [Eccl.] liturgy
  • [ia-en] IED :livrea (-éa) {n} livery (uniform worn by the servants of a household, etc.)
  • [ia-en] IED :locustides (-cús-) {npl} [Zool.] Locustidae
  • [ia-en] IED :logia (loja) {n} I. lodge (1. meeting place of a branch of the Masonic order; 2. branch of the Masonic order); II. [Arch.] loggia: III. [Theat.] box -logia (-ía) {n} [occurring in compounds] -logy (1. gathering or collection of; as in "anthology"; 2. saying, expression; as in "tautology"; 3. science or doctrine of; as in "climatology")
  • [ia-en] IED :logo-mache (-gó-) {adj} logomachic
  • [ia-en] IED :logomacho (-gó-) {n} logomachist, logomach
  • [ia-en] IED :logomachia (-ía) {n} logomachy
  • [ia-en] IED :long-anime (-gá-) {adj} long-suffering, forbearing, longanimous
  • [ia-en] IED :loto-phage (-tó-) {adj} lotophagous, lotuseating
  • [ia-en] IED :lotophago (-tó-) {n} lotus-eater
  • [ia-en] IED :lubric (lú-) {adj} 1. slippery, lubricous; 2. lewd
  • [ia-en] IED :lugubre (lú-) {adj} mournful, lugubrious
  • [ia-en] IED :lumbrico (-íco) {n} earthworm
  • [ia-en] IED :lune-di (-dí) {n} Monday
  • [ia-en] IED :lustra-scarpas (-scár-) {n} bootblack, shoeblack
  • [ia-en] IED :lycanthropia (-ía) {n} lycanthropy (1. [Pathol.]; 2. [Folklore])
  • [ia-en] IED :lympho-cyto (-ó-) {n} [Anat.] lymphocyte
  • [ia-en] IED :lymphomatosis (-ósis) {n} [Pathol.] lymphomatosis
  • [ia-en] IED :macaronea (-éa) {n} macaronic composition, macaronics
  • [ia-en] IED :Maccabeos (-éos) {nprpl} Maccabees
  • [ia-en] IED :macelleria (-ía) {n} butchershop
  • [ia-en] IED :Machiavelli, Niccolo (níc-) {npr} [1469-1527; Florentine statesman]
  • [ia-en] IED :machina (má-) {n} machine; {also:} engine; machina infernal infernal machine; machina (de scriber) typewriter; machina de vapor (steam) engine
  • [ia-en] IED :machineria (-ía) {n} machinery (machines collectively)
  • [ia-en] IED :macho-polypo (-pó-) {n} [Zool] machopolyp
  • [ia-en] IED :macrocephalia (-ía) {n} macrocephaly
  • [ia-en] IED :macroscelia (-ía) {n} macroscelia, long-leggedness
  • [ia-en] IED :macro-scelide (-scé-) {n} [Zool] elephant shrew, Macroscelides
  • [ia-en] IED :macro-seismo (-séizmo) {n} macroseism, major earthquake
  • [ia-en] IED :maestria (-ía) {n} mastery (skill, dexterity, worthy of a master)
  • [ia-en] IED :magia (-ía) {n} magic; {also:} witchcraft; magia blanc white magic; magia nigre black magic
  • [ia-en] IED :magn-anime (-ná-) {adj} magnanimous
  • [ia-en] IED :magnesium (-né-) {n} magnesium
  • [ia-en] IED :mahagoni (-há-) {n} mahogany
  • [ia-en] IED :mahdi (-dí) {n} Mahdi
  • [ia-en] IED :mais (-ís) {n} (Indian) corn, maize mais (máis) {conj} but; non solmente mais etiam not only but also
  • [ia-en] IED :majoria (-ía) {n} majority (1. rank of an army major; 2. legal age of responsibility)
  • [ia-en] IED :maladia (-ía) {n} illness, sickness
  • [ia-en] IED :malay (-ái) {n} Malay (1. member of the Malayan Race; 2. Malay language)
  • [ia-en] IED :malay (-ái) {adj} Malay, Malayan
  • [ia-en] IED :malefic (-lé-) {adj} malefic, harmful
  • [ia-en] IED :[malgre] (-gré) {prep} in spite of (malgrado)
  • [ia-en] IED :mammal-ogia (-ía) {n} mammalogy
  • [ia-en] IED :mammifero (-í-) {n} mammal
  • [ia-en] IED :man-cipe (mán-) {n} purchaser
  • [ia-en] IED :maneo (-éo) {n} I. stratagem, trick; II. manège (1. horsemanship; 2. riding school)
  • [ia-en] IED :mangiabile (-já-) {adj} edible
  • [ia-en] IED :mangiar (-jár) {v} to eat
  • [ia-en] IED :mangiar (-jár) {n} food
  • [ia-en] IED :mania (-ía) {n} mania (1. [Pathol]; 2. as in "sport mania"); haber le mania de to have a mania for
  • [ia-en] IED :maniac (-í-) {adj} maniac
  • [ia-en] IED :maniaco (-í-) {n} maniac
  • [ia-en] IED :mano-grapho (-ó-) {n} [Engin] manograph
  • [ia-en] IED :mano-metro (-ó-) {n} manometer
  • [ia-en] IED :-mantia (-ía) {n} occurring in compounds -mancy (divination)
  • [ia-en] IED :maquerello (makeréllo) {n} mackerel
  • [ia-en] IED :marabu (-bú) {n} [Ornith] marabou
  • [ia-en] IED :marea (-éa) {n} tide; marea alte high water, high tide; marea basse low water, low tide
  • [ia-en] IED :Maria (-ía) {npr} Mary, Marie
  • [ia-en] IED :maritime (-rí-) {adj} maritime; commercio maritime seaborne trade; citate maritime seaside town; assecurantia maritime marine insurance; derecto maritime maritime law
  • [ia-en] IED :marmoreria (-ía) {n} 1. marble cutting; 2. marble works
  • [ia-en] IED :marocchineria (-ería) {n} 1. (action or process of) dressing morocco; 2. trade in morocco (leather)
  • [ia-en] IED :marte-di (-dí) {n} Tuesday
  • [ia-en] IED :mascara (más-) {n} mask (1. cover for the face, used for disguise; 2. person wearing a mask, masker; 3. as in "death mask")
  • [ia-en] IED :masculo (más-) {n} male
  • [ia-en] IED :masoneria (-ía) {n} masonry (1. work of a mason; 2. Freemasonry)
  • [ia-en] IED :mastico (más-) {n} mastic (1. resin exuding from the mastic tree; 2. any of various pasty cements; {also:} putty)
  • [ia-en] IED :mastoiditis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol] mastoiditis
  • [ia-en] IED :Mathusala (-tú-) {npr} Methuselah
  • [ia-en] IED :matras (-ás) {n} mattress
  • [ia-en] IED :Mattheo (-éo) {nprm} Matthew
  • [ia-en] IED :matutinas (-tí-) {npl} [Eccl] matins
  • [ia-en] IED :mausoleo (-éo) {n} mausoleum
  • [ia-en] IED :maxima (máx-) {n} maxim
  • [ia-en] IED :maxime (máx-) {adj} greatest, highest, maximal; precio maxime maximum price, ceiling price
  • [ia-en] IED :[maxime] (máx-) {adv} 1. most; 2. especially, principally; 3. exceedingly, very; 4. certainly
  • [ia-en] IED :maximo (máx-) {n} maximum
  • [ia-en] IED :mechano-therapia (-ía) {n} [Med] mechanotherapy
  • [ia-en] IED :medic (mé-) {adj} medical
  • [ia-en] IED :medico (mé-) {n} physician, doctor
  • [ia-en] IED :medie-die (-díe) {n} 1. noon; 2. south
  • [ia-en] IED :mediumnic (-úm-) {adj} [Spiritualism] mediumistic
  • [ia-en] IED :megalo-mania (-ía) {n} megalomania
  • [ia-en] IED :megalomano (-ó-) {n} megalomaniac
  • [ia-en] IED :mega-metro (-gá-) {n} megameter
  • [ia-en] IED :mega-phono (-gá-) {n} megaphone
  • [ia-en] IED :melancholia (-ía) {n} melancholy; {also:} [Pathol] melancholia
  • [ia-en] IED :mel-odia (-ía) {n} melody
  • [ia-en] IED :melo-mane (-ó-) {n} melomaniac
  • [ia-en] IED :melo-mania (-ía) {n} melomania
  • [ia-en] IED :melo-peia (-péya) {n} [Antiq] melopoeia (1. composition of melodies; 2. chanting of verses)
  • [ia-en] IED :memorandum (-án-) {n} I. memorandum (1. note, record of events, etc.; 2. informal communication or report); II. memorandum book
  • [ia-en] IED :menchevico (menshevíco) {n} menshevik, menshevist
  • [ia-en] IED :mendic (-díc) {adj} beggarly
  • [ia-en] IED :mendico (-íco) {n} beggar
  • [ia-en] IED :meningitis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol] meningitis; meningitis cerebro-spinal cerebrospinal meningitis
  • [ia-en] IED :merceria (-ía) {n} 1. notions, small ware; notion or small-ware trade or store
  • [ia-en] IED :mercuri-di (-dí) {n} Wednesday; mercuridi del cineres Ash Wednesday
  • [ia-en] IED :meridie (-rí-) {n} 1. noon; 2. south; a meridie at noon; ante meridie in the forenoon
  • [ia-en] IED :merito (mé-) {n} merit
  • [ia-en] IED :mer-opia (-ía) {n} [Med] meropia, partial blindness
  • [ia-en] IED :meschineria (-ía) {n} meanness, shabbiness
  • [ia-en] IED :mesenteritis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol] mesenteritis
  • [ia-en] IED :messageria (-ajería) {n} shipping office, shipping service
  • [ia-en] IED :messagero (-ajéro) {n} messenger
  • [ia-en] IED :Messia (-ía) {n} Messiah
  • [ia-en] IED :metallo-graphia (-ía) {n} metallography (1. study of metals; 2. [Print])
  • [ia-en] IED :metallo-therapia (-ía) {n} metallotherapy
  • [ia-en] IED :metallurgia (-ía) {n} metallurgy
  • [ia-en] IED :metameria (-ía) {n} metamerism, metamery (1. [Zool]; 2. [Chem])
  • [ia-en] IED :metamero (-tá-) {n} [Zool] metamere
  • [ia-en] IED :metaphora (-tá-) {n} metaphor
  • [ia-en] IED :metaphrase (-tá-) {n} metaphrase
  • [ia-en] IED :metastase (-tástase) {n} [Pathol] metastasis
  • [ia-en] IED :metathese (-átese) {n} [Gram] metathesis
  • [ia-en] IED :meteorologia (-ía) {n} meteorology
  • [ia-en] IED :meteoro-logo (-ró-) {n} meterorologist
  • [ia-en] IED :methodo (mé-) {n} method
  • [ia-en] IED :methodo-logia (-ía) {n} methodology
  • [ia-en] IED :metonymia (-ía) {n} [Rhet] metonymy
  • [ia-en] IED :-metria (-ía) [occurring in compounds] -meetry
  • [ia-en] IED :metro-logia (-ía) {n} metrology
  • [ia-en] IED :metro-nomo (-tró-) {n} metronome
  • [ia-en] IED :Mexico (méx-) {n} Mexico
  • [ia-en] IED :miau (-áu) interj/n miaow, meow
  • [ia-en] IED :microbiologia (-ía) {n} microbiology
  • [ia-en] IED :microbio-logo (-ólogo) {n} microbiologist
  • [ia-en] IED :microcephalia (-ía) {n} microcephaly
  • [ia-en] IED :micro-metro (-cró-) {n} micrometer
  • [ia-en] IED :micron (míc-) {n} micron (one thousandth millimeter)
  • [ia-en] IED :micro-phono (-ró-) {n} microphone
  • [ia-en] IED :micro-photographia (-ía) {n} 1. microphotography; 2. microphotograph
  • [ia-en] IED :microscopia (-ía) {n} microscopy
  • [ia-en] IED :micro-seismo (-séi-) {n} microseism (feeble earth tremor)
  • [ia-en] IED :microseismo-grapho (-mó-) {n} microseismograph
  • [ia-en] IED :micro-tomo (-ró-) {n} microtome
  • [ia-en] IED :migrainose (-grenóse) {adj} migrainous
  • [ia-en] IED :milite (mí-) {n} soldier, warrior
  • [ia-en] IED :mille-pedes (-pé-) {n} centipede, millepede
  • [ia-en] IED :millesime (-ésime) {adj} thousandth; le millesime parte, le millesimo the thousandth part, the thousandth
  • [ia-en] IED :milliardesime (-ésime) {adj} billionth (thousand millionth)
  • [ia-en] IED :milli-litro (-ílitro) {n} milliliter
  • [ia-en] IED :milli-metro (-ímetro) {n} millimeter
  • [ia-en] IED :millionesime (-ésime) {adj} millionth; le millionesime parte, le millionesimo the millionth part, the millionth
  • [ia-en] IED :mimeo-grapho (-ógrapho) {n} mimeograph
  • [ia-en] IED :mimo-grapho (-ó-) {n} mimographer, writer of mimes
  • [ia-en] IED :mimologia (-ía) {n} [Rhet] mimesis, mimicry
  • [ia-en] IED :mimo-logo (-mó-) {n} 1. mimologist (reciter of mimes); 2. mimic, imitator
  • [ia-en] IED :mineralogia (-ía) {n} mineralogy
  • [ia-en] IED :mineral-ogo (-álogo) {n} mineralogist
  • [ia-en] IED :minima (mí-) {n} [Mus] minim
  • [ia-en] IED :minime (mí-) {adj} 1. least, smallest, minimal; 2. very small, tiny; precio minime minimum price
  • [ia-en] IED :[minime] (mí-) {adv} 1. least; 2. very little; 3. by no means, not in the least, no!
  • [ia-en] IED :minimo (mí-) {n} minimum; Minimo [RCCh] Minim; reducer al minimo to reduce to a minimum
  • [ia-en] IED :Minos (mí-) {npr} [Mythol] Minos
  • [ia-en] IED :minus (mí-) {adv} less; minus belle (que) less beautiful (than); le minus belle the least beautiful; plus o minus more or less; minus de (dece annos) less than (ten years); a minus que unless; al minus at least; (le) minus (the) least (as in "what pleases me (the) least" );
  • [ia-en] IED :misanthropia (-ía) {n} misanthropy
  • [ia-en] IED :miserere (-rére) {n} [Eccl] Miserere (1. the 50th Psalm in the Vulgate; 2. musical setting of this Psalm)
  • [ia-en] IED :miso-game (-ó-) {adj} misogamic
  • [ia-en] IED :miso-gamia (-ía) {n} misogamy
  • [ia-en] IED :misogamo (-ó-) {n} misogamist
  • [ia-en] IED :misogynia (-ía) {n} misogyny, misogynism
  • [ia-en] IED :misogyno (-ó-) {n} misogynist, misogyne
  • [ia-en] IED :miso-neismo (-ízmo) {n} misoneism (hatred of the new)
  • [ia-en] IED :miso-neista (-ísta) {n} misoneist
  • [ia-en] IED :mnemo-genese (-gé-) {n} mnemogenesis
  • [ia-en] IED :mnemo-genesis (-gé-) {n} mnemogenesis
  • [ia-en] IED :mnemo-technia (-ía) {n} mnemotechny, mnemonics
  • [ia-en] IED :mocassin (móc-) {n} moccasin (as in "buckskin moccasins")
  • [ia-en] IED :modiolo (-dí-) {n} hub (of a wheel)
  • [ia-en] IED :Mohammed (-hám-) {npr} Mohammed
  • [ia-en] IED :monacha (mó-) {n} nun
  • [ia-en] IED :monacho (-mó-) {n} monk
  • [ia-en] IED :monade (mó-) {n} monad; {also:} [Philos; Zool; etc.]
  • [ia-en] IED :monadelphia (-ía) {n} [Bot] monadelphy
  • [ia-en] IED :monado-logia (-ía) {n} monadology
  • [ia-en] IED :monandria (-ía) {n} monandry (1. [Anthropol]; 2. [Bot])
  • [ia-en] IED :monarchia (-ía) {n} monarchy
  • [ia-en] IED :mon-oculo (-nó-) {n} monocle
  • [ia-en] IED :mono-game (-nó-) {adj} monogamous
  • [ia-en] IED :monogamia (-ía) {n} monogamy
  • [ia-en] IED :monogamo (-nó-) {n} monogamist
  • [ia-en] IED :monographia (-ía) {n} monograph
  • [ia-en] IED :mono-grapho (-ógrapho) {n} monographer
  • [ia-en] IED :mono-litho (-ólito) {n} monolith
  • [ia-en] IED :mono-logo (-ólogo) {n} monolog(ue)
  • [ia-en] IED :mono-metro (-ómetro) {n} monometer
  • [ia-en] IED :mono-sticho (-nó-) {n} [Pros] monostich
  • [ia-en] IED :mono-syllabe (-sí-) {adj} monosyllabic
  • [ia-en] IED :monosyllabo (-sí-) {n} monosyllable
  • [ia-en] IED :mono-theismo (-ízmo) {n} monotheism
  • [ia-en] IED :mono-theista (-ísta) {n} monotheist
  • [ia-en] IED :mono-theista (-ísta) {adj} monotheistic
  • [ia-en] IED :monotheistic (-ístic) {adj} monotheistic
  • [ia-en] IED :monotonia (-ía) {n} monotony
  • [ia-en] IED :monta-cargas (-cár-) {n} hoist, lift (lifting apparatus)
  • [ia-en] IED :Morpheo (-éo) {npr} [Gr Mythol] Morpheus
  • [ia-en] IED :morphino-mania (-ía) {n} morphinomania
  • [ia-en] IED :morphino-mano (-ómano) {n} morphinomaniac
  • [ia-en] IED :morphologia (-ía) {n} morphology
  • [ia-en] IED :morpho-logo (-ólogo) {n} morphologist
  • [ia-en] IED :mosaic (-áic) {adj} Mosaic
  • [ia-en] IED :mosaico (-áico) {n} mosaic
  • [ia-en] IED :mosaismo (-ízmo) {n} Mosaism
  • [ia-en] IED :moschea (-éa) {n} mosque
  • [ia-en] IED :Moses (mó-) {npr} Moses
  • [ia-en] IED :moslem (mó-) {n/adj} Moslem, Mussulman
  • [ia-en] IED :Moyse (-sé) {npr} Moses
  • [ia-en] IED :mullah (-lá) {n} [Moham] mullah
  • [ia-en] IED :multi-caule (-cáu-) {adj} [Bot] multicauline, having several stems
  • [ia-en] IED :multi-cuspide (-cús-) {adj} [Bot] multicuspid, multicuspidate
  • [ia-en] IED :multi-fide (-tí-) {adj} multifid (cleft severally)
  • [ia-en] IED :multi-lobe (-tí-) {adj} [Bot, Zool] multilobar, multilobed, multilobate
  • [ia-en] IED :multi-loque (-tí-) {adj} multiloquous, talkative
  • [ia-en] IED :multipara (-tí-) {n} multipara
  • [ia-en] IED :multi-pede (-tí-) {adj} multiped, multipede
  • [ia-en] IED :multi-ple (múl-) {adj} multiple (1. menifold, multiplex; 2. [Math])
  • [ia-en] IED :multi-plice (-tí-) {adj} multiple (1. manifold, multiplex; 2. [Math])
  • [ia-en] IED :multiplo (múl-) {n} [Math] multiple; le minime commun multiplo the least common multiple, LCM
  • [ia-en] IED :multivage (-tí-) {adj} multivagant, muchwandering
  • [ia-en] IED :multi-vie (-tí-) {adj} multivious (having many roads)
  • [ia-en] IED :munda-dentes (-dén-) {n} toothpick
  • [ia-en] IED :Munich (mú-) {npr} Munich
  • [ia-en] IED :muni-cipe (-ní-) {n} townsman
  • [ia-en] IED :murides (múr-) {n} [Zool] Muridae
  • [ia-en] IED :muscides (mús-) {npl} [Zool] Muscidae
  • [ia-en] IED :musco-logia (-ía) {n} bryology, muscology (science af mosses)
  • [ia-en] IED :musculo (1) (mús-) {n} muscle
  • [ia-en] IED :musculo (2) (mús-) {n} mussel; {also:} clam
  • [ia-en] IED :museo (-éo) {n} museum
  • [ia-en] IED :musicologia (-ía) {n} musicology
  • [ia-en] IED :musico-logo (-có-) {n} musicologist
  • [ia-en] IED :musicomania (-ía) {n} musicomania
  • [ia-en] IED :musico-mano (-có-) {n} musicomaniac
  • [ia-en] IED :myopia (-ía) {n} short-sightedness, near-sightedness, myopia
  • [ia-en] IED :myosotis (-só-) {n} [Bot] forget-me-not, myosotis
  • [ia-en] IED :myriade (-íade) {n} myriad (1. ten thousand; 2. indefinitely large number)
  • [ia-en] IED :myria-metro (-á-) {n} myriameter
  • [ia-en] IED :myria-pode (-á-) {adj} myriapod
  • [ia-en] IED :myriapodo (-á-) {n} myriapod; myriapodos [Zool] Myriapoda
  • [ia-en] IED :mystagogia (-ía) {n} mystagogy
  • [ia-en] IED :mythographia (-ía) {n} mythography
  • [ia-en] IED :mytho-grapho (-tó-) mythographer
  • [ia-en] IED :mythologia (-ía) {n} mythology
  • [ia-en] IED :mytho-logo (-tó-) {n} mythologist
  • [ia-en] IED :naive (naív) {adj} naive
  • [ia-en] IED :nargile (-lé) {n} nargileh, narghile
  • [ia-en] IED :nasica (-íca) {n} proboscis monkey
  • [ia-en] IED :natrium (ná-) {n} sodium, natrium
  • [ia-en] IED :natro-litho (-ó-) {n} [Mineral.] natrolite
  • [ia-en] IED :natron (ná-) {n} natron
  • [ia-en] IED :nau-frage (náu-) {adj} shipwrecked
  • [ia-en] IED :naufrago (náu-) {n} shipwrecked person
  • [ia-en] IED :nau-machia (-ía) {n} [Rom. Antiq.] naumachy
  • [ia-en] IED :nautic (náu-) {adj} nautical
  • [ia-en] IED :nautica (náu-) {n} (the art or science of) navigation
  • [ia-en] IED :nautilo (náu-) {n} nautilus
  • [ia-en] IED :Nazareth (ná-) {npr} Nazareth
  • [ia-en] IED :nebula (né-) {n} 1. fog, mist, haze; 2. [Pathol.] nebula
  • [ia-en] IED :necrologia (-ía) {n} necrology
  • [ia-en] IED :necro-logo (-ólogo) {n} necrology, necrologue
  • [ia-en] IED :necromantia (-ía) {n} necromancy
  • [ia-en] IED :necr-opsia (-ía) {n} [Med.] necropsy, autopsy
  • [ia-en] IED :necro-scopia (-ía) a [Med.] necroscopy, autopsy
  • [ia-en] IED :necrosis (-ósis) {n} [Pathol.] necrosis
  • [ia-en] IED :negus (né-) {n} Negus
  • [ia-en] IED :Nemesis (né-) {npr} [Gr. Relig.] Nemesis; nemesis nemesis, retribution
  • [ia-en] IED :neo-litho (-ó-) {n} [Archeol.] neolith
  • [ia-en] IED :neo-logia (-ía) {n} neology (use of new words)
  • [ia-en] IED :neon (né-) {n} [Chem.] neon
  • [ia-en] IED :neo-phyto (-ó-) {n} neophyte
  • [ia-en] IED :nephritis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol.] nephritis
  • [ia-en] IED :neptunium (-tún-) {n} [Chem.] neptunium
  • [ia-en] IED :neur-algia (-ía) {n} neuralgia
  • [ia-en] IED :neur-asthenia (-ía) {n} neurasthenia
  • [ia-en] IED :neuritis (-ítis) {n} [Med.] neuritis
  • [ia-en] IED :neurologia (-ía) {n} neurology
  • [ia-en] IED :neuro-logo (-ólogo) {n} neurologist
  • [ia-en] IED :neuropathologia (-ía) {n} neurology
  • [ia-en] IED :neuro-pathologo (-ólogo) {n} neuropath, neurologist
  • [ia-en] IED :neurosis (-ósis) {n} neurosis
  • [ia-en] IED :neutron (-ón) {n} [Phys.] neutron; neutron retardate [Atomic Phys.] delayed neutron; captura del neutron absorption or capture of neutrons
  • [ia-en] IED :Nicolaus (-láus) {nprm} Nicholas; Sancte Nicolaus Saint Nicholas; {also:} Santa Claus
  • [ia-en] IED :nihil, nil (ní-) {n} nothing; pro nihil for nothing, without cost
  • [ia-en] IED :nimis (ní-) {adv} too, too much
  • [ia-en] IED :Ninive (ní-) {npr} Nineveh
  • [ia-en] IED :nitro-geno (-ó-) {n} nitrogen
  • [ia-en] IED :nocti-vage (-tí-) {adj} noctivagous, noctivagant
  • [ia-en] IED :Noe (-é) {npr} Noah
  • [ia-en] IED :nomade (nó-) {adj} nomad, nomadic
  • [ia-en] IED :nomade (nó-) {n} nomad
  • [ia-en] IED :nomo-cratia (-ía) {n} nomocracy
  • [ia-en] IED :nomo-logia (-ía) {n} nomology
  • [ia-en] IED :nondum (nón-) {adv} not yet
  • [ia-en] IED :nonu-ple (nú-) {adj} ninefold
  • [ia-en] IED :Normandia (-ía) {npr} Normandy
  • [ia-en] IED :nost-algia (-ía) {n} nostalgia, homesickness
  • [ia-en] IED :novantesime (-ésime) {adj} ninetieth; le novantesime parte, le novantesimo the ninetieth part, the ninetieth
  • [ia-en] IED :Nove Guinea (ginéa) {npr} New Guinea
  • [ia-en] IED :novesime (-ésime) {adj} ninth
  • [ia-en] IED :nubilo (nú-) {n} storm cloud
  • [ia-en] IED :nucleolo (-clé-) {n} [Biol.] nucleolus
  • [ia-en] IED :numero (nú-) {n} I. number (1. [Math.]; 2. indicator designating a thing or person in a series; 3. [Gram.]); II. [Poet., Mus.] numbers; numero integre whole number, integer
  • [ia-en] IED :numida (nú) {n} Numidian
  • [ia-en] IED :nunquam (núnquam) {adv} never
  • [ia-en] IED :[nuper] (nú-) {adv} newly, lately, recently
  • [ia-en] IED :nusquam (nús-) {adv} nowhere; not ... anywhere
  • [ia-en] IED :nyct-al-opia (-ía) {n} [Pathol.] nyctalopia
  • [ia-en] IED :nycti-corace (-córace) {n} [Zool.] Nycticorax
  • [ia-en] IED :nycto-phobia (-ía) {n} nyctophobia
  • [ia-en] IED :nymphea (-éa) {n} [Bot.] Nymphaea
  • [ia-en] IED :nymphee (-ée) {adj} [Mythol.] nymphean, nymphal
  • [ia-en] IED :nymphomana (-ó-) {n} nymphomaniac
  • [ia-en] IED :nympho-mania (-ía) {n} nymphomania
  • [ia-en] IED :oasis (-á-) {n} oasis
  • [ia-en] IED :obito (ó-) {n} 1. death, demise; 2. [Eccl.] anniversary mass, obit
  • [ia-en] IED :oboe (ó-) {n} oboe
  • [ia-en] IED :occipite (-cí-) {n} occiput
  • [ia-en] IED :oceanide (-á-) {n} [Gr. Mythol.] Oceanid
  • [ia-en] IED :oceano (-cé-) {n} ocean; Oceano [Gr. Mythol.] Oceanus
  • [ia-en] IED :oceanographia (-ía) {n} oceanography
  • [ia-en] IED :oceano-grapho (-nó-) {n} oceanographer
  • [ia-en] IED :ochlo-crate (-ó-) {n} ochlocrat
  • [ia-en] IED :ochlo-cratia (-ía) {n} ochlocracy, mob rule
  • [ia-en] IED :octa-metro (-á-) {n} octameter
  • [ia-en] IED :octantesime (-ésime) {adj} eightieth; le octantesime parte, le octantesimo the eightieth part, the eightieth
  • [ia-en] IED :octesime (-ésime) {adj} eighth
  • [ia-en] IED :octogesime (-ésime) {adj} eightieth; le octogesime parte, le octogesimo the eightieth part, the eightieth
  • [ia-en] IED :octo-pode (-ópode) {n} octopus
  • [ia-en] IED :octo-syllabo (-sí-) {n} octosyllabic line
  • [ia-en] IED :octu-ple (óc-) {adj} octuple, eightfold
  • [ia-en] IED :oculo (óc-) {n} eye; oculo (de un agulia, martello, etc.) eye (of a needle, hammer, etc.); oculo (de un planta) eye or bud (of a plant); aperir le oculos a un persona to open someone's eyes; inter quatro oculos in private, between you and me, etc.; saltar al oculos to be obvious
  • [ia-en] IED :odont-algia (-ía) {n} odontalgia
  • [ia-en] IED :odontologia (-ía) {n} odontology
  • [ia-en] IED :odonto-logo (-ólogo) {n} odontologist
  • [ia-en] IED :Odyssea (-éa) {n} [Gr. Lit.] Odyssey
  • [ia-en] IED :Odysseus (-ísseus) {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Odysseus
  • [ia-en] IED :ohm-metro (óm-) {n} ohmmeter
  • [ia-en] IED :oleic (-léic) {adj} [Chem.] oleic
  • [ia-en] IED :oleifere (-ífere) {adj} oliferous
  • [ia-en] IED :oleina (-ína) {n} [Chem.] olein
  • [ia-en] IED :oleria (-ía) {n} oilery
  • [ia-en] IED :oligarchia (-ía) {n} oligarchy
  • [ia-en] IED :olim (ó-) {adv} 1. once, formerly; 2. at a future time, sometime in the future
  • [ia-en] IED :olleria (-ía) {n} pottery (1. potter's shop; 2. "pottery ware")
  • [ia-en] IED :olympiade (-pí-) {n} Olympiad
  • [ia-en] IED :omega {n} (ó-) omega (last letter of the Greek alphabet); alpha e omega alpha and omega
  • [ia-en] IED :omnes (óm-) {pron} all
  • [ia-en] IED :omnibus (óm-) {n} bus, omnibus; traino omnibus omnibus train, local (train)
  • [ia-en] IED :omni-mode (-í-) {adj} omnimodous, omnifarious
  • [ia-en] IED :oneiro-mantia (-ía) {n} oneiromancy
  • [ia-en] IED :onomato-logia (-ía) {n} onomatology
  • [ia-en] IED :onomato-mania (-ía) [Psychiatry] onomatomania
  • [ia-en] IED :onomato-peia (-péya) {n} [Philol.] onomatopoeia
  • [ia-en] IED :onomatopeic (-péic) {adj} onomatopoetic
  • [ia-en] IED :onto-genese (-gé-) {n} ontogenesis, ontogeny
  • [ia-en] IED :onto-genesis (-gé-) {n} ontogenesis, ontogeny
  • [ia-en] IED :onto-genia (-ía) {n} ontogeny (1. "science of ontogeny"; 2. ontogenesis)
  • [ia-en] IED :ontologia (-ía) {n} ontology
  • [ia-en] IED :onto-logo (-ólogo) {n} ontologist
  • [ia-en] IED :onyche (ó-) {n} onyx
  • [ia-en] IED :-onymia (-ía) [occurring in compounds]
  • [ia-en] IED :opalo (ó-) {n} opal; opalo de foco fire opal
  • [ia-en] IED :opera (óp-) {n} 1. work (as in "hard work"); 2. opera; {also:} opera house
  • [ia-en] IED :ophio-latra (-ólatra) {n} ophiolater, snake worshiper
  • [ia-en] IED :ophiolatria (-ía) {n} ophiolatry, snake worship
  • [ia-en] IED :ophthalmia (-ía) {n} ophthalmia, ophthalmitis
  • [ia-en] IED :ophthalmologia (-ía) {n} ophthalmology
  • [ia-en] IED :ophthalmo-logo (-ólogo) {n} ophthalmologist, eye specialist
  • [ia-en] IED :-opia (-ía) [occurring in compounds]
  • [ia-en] IED :opium (ópium) {n} opium
  • [ia-en] IED :opposite (-pó-) {adj} opposite (placed or lying over against something)
  • [ia-en] IED :opposito (-pó-) {n} opposite
  • [ia-en] IED :optime (óp-) {adj} very best
  • [ia-en] IED :optimo (óp-) {n} optimum
  • [ia-en] IED :optometria (-ía) {n} optometry
  • [ia-en] IED :opto-metro (-ómetro) {n} optometer
  • [ia-en] IED :orangeria (-jería) {n} orangery, orange greenhouse
  • [ia-en] IED :orbita (ór-) {n} orbit (1. eye socket; 2. curved course of planet, comet, etc.)
  • [ia-en] IED :orchido-logia (-ía) {n} orchidology
  • [ia-en] IED :orchis (ó-) {n} [Bot.] orchis;
  • [ia-en] IED :orchitis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol.] orchitis
  • [ia-en] IED :orcho-tomia (-ía) {n} [Surg.l orchotomy
  • [ia-en] IED :organdi (-í) {n} organdy, organdie
  • [ia-en] IED :organo (ór-) {n} organ (1. means, instrument, agency; 2. "pipe organ"; 3. "organ of an animal or plant body"); organo a cylindro barrel organ
  • [ia-en] IED :organo-genese (-gé-) {n} organogenesis, organogeny
  • [ia-en] IED :organo-genesis (-gé-) {n} organogenesis, organogeny
  • [ia-en] IED :organo-genia (-ía) {n} organogeny, organogenesis
  • [ia-en] IED :organo-pathia (-ía) {n} organopathy
  • [ia-en] IED :organo-scopia (-ía) {n} organoscopy
  • [ia-en] IED :organo-therapia (-ía) {n} organotherapy
  • [ia-en] IED :ornitho-galo (-tó-) {n} [Bot.] ornithogalum, star-of-Bethlehem
  • [ia-en] IED :ornithologia (-ía) {n} ornithology
  • [ia-en] IED :ornitho-logo (-tó-) {n} ornithologist
  • [ia-en] IED :ornitho-mantia (-ía) {n} ornithomancy
  • [ia-en] IED :ornithophilo (-tó-) {n} bird lover
  • [ia-en] IED :orphano (ór-) {n} orphan; attrib orphan, orphaned
  • [ia-en] IED :ortho-clase (-óclase) {n} [Mineral.] orthoclase
  • [ia-en] IED :orthodoxia (-ía) {n} orthodoxy
  • [ia-en] IED :ortho-graphia (-ía) {n} orthography (1. spelling according to accepted usage; 2. orthographic projection)
  • [ia-en] IED :ortho-logia (-ía) {n} orthology
  • [ia-en] IED :ortho-pedia (-ía) {n} [Med.] orthopedy, orthopedics
  • [ia-en] IED :orthopteros (-tóp-) {npl} [Entom.] Orthoptera
  • [ia-en] IED :osculo (ós-) {n} 1. [Zool.] oscule; 2. kiss
  • [ia-en] IED :-osis (-ósis) {suffixo substantive} [used mainly with nouns] [Med.] -osis (abnormal or diseased condition, state, or process of the ..., caused by ... or ...s, characterized by ..., etc.)
  • [ia-en] IED :osmanli (-lí) [Tu.] {n} Osmanli (1. Ottoman Turk; 2. Ottoman Turkish)
  • [ia-en] IED :osmo-logia (-ía) {n} osmology
  • [ia-en] IED :osseina (-ína) {n} [Biochem.] ossein
  • [ia-en] IED :ossi-fraga (-í-) {n} osprey
  • [ia-en] IED :osteitis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol.] osteitis
  • [ia-en] IED :osteo-litho (-ólito) {n} osteolite
  • [ia-en] IED :osteologia (-ía) {n} osteology
  • [ia-en] IED :osteo-logo (-ólogo) {n} osteologist
  • [ia-en] IED :osteo-plastia (-ía) {n} osteoplasty
  • [ia-en] IED :osteo-tomia (-ía) {n} osteotomy
  • [ia-en] IED :ostracon (ós-) {n} ostracon
  • [ia-en] IED :ostrei-cola (-í-) {adj} ostreicultural, oystergrowing
  • [ia-en] IED :ostreiera (-yéra) {n} oyster bed
  • [ia-en] IED :oto-rhino-laryngo-logia (-ía) {n} [Med.] otorhinolaryngology (study of ear, nose, and larynx)
  • [ia-en] IED :ovario-tomia (-ía) {n} ovariotomy
  • [ia-en] IED :ovi-bos (ó-) {n} [Zool.] musk ox, ovibos
  • [ia-en] IED :oxal-amido (-lá-) {n} [Chem.] oxalamide, oxamide
  • [ia-en] IED :oxalide (-ál-) {n} 1. [Bot.] Oxalis; 2. oxalis, wood sorrel
  • [ia-en] IED :ox-amido (-á-) {n} [Chem.] oxamide, oxalamide
  • [ia-en] IED :oxydo (óx-) {n} oxide
  • [ia-en] IED :oxy-geno (-ígeno) {n} oxygen
  • [ia-en] IED :oxy-sulfido (-súl-) {n} [Chem.] oxysulphide
  • [ia-en] IED :pagina (pá-) {n} page (of a book, etc.)
  • [ia-en] IED :pais (-ís) {n} land, country; Paises Basse Low Countries (Belgium, Holland, and Luxemburg);
  • [ia-en] IED :paisagista (-jísta) {n} landscape-painter
  • [ia-en] IED :paleographia (-ía) {n} paleography
  • [ia-en] IED :paleo-grapho (-ógrapho) {n} paleographer
  • [ia-en] IED :paleo-litho (-ó-) {n} [Archeol.] paleolith
  • [ia-en] IED :pale-onto-graphia (-ía) {n} paleontography
  • [ia-en] IED :paleontologia (-ía) {n} paleontology
  • [ia-en] IED :pale-onto-logo (-ólogo) {n} paleontologist
  • [ia-en] IED :paleo-zoic (-óic) {adj} Paleozoic
  • [ia-en] IED :paleozoica (-óica) {n} Paleozoic (era)
  • [ia-en] IED :palin-dromo (-ín-) {n} palindrome
  • [ia-en] IED :palin-genese (-gé-) {n} palingenesis
  • [ia-en] IED :palin-genesis (-gé-) {n} palingenesis
  • [ia-en] IED :palin-odia (-ía) {n} palinode (1. [Poet.]; 2. recantation)
  • [ia-en] IED :Pallade (pál-) {npr} Pallas (1. [Gr. Mythol.]; 2. [Astron.])
  • [ia-en] IED :palladium (-lá-) {n} palladium (the metal "palladium")
  • [ia-en] IED :Pallas (pál-) {npr} Pallas (1. [Gr. Mythol.]; 2. [Astron.])
  • [ia-en] IED :palpebra (pál-) {n} eyelid; batter del palpebras wink; batter le palpebras to wink
  • [ia-en] IED :pan-acea (-éa) {n} panacea
  • [ia-en] IED :Panama (-má) {npr} Panama; Isthmo de Panama Isthmus of Panama; Canal de Panama Panama Canal
  • [ia-en] IED :panama (-má) {n} panama (hat)
  • [ia-en] IED :pan-creas [-as/-at-] (pán-) {n} pancreas
  • [ia-en] IED :pancreatitis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol.] pancreatitis
  • [ia-en] IED :pan-demia (-ía) {n} pandemic
  • [ia-en] IED :panegyris (-égiris) {n} [Gr. Antiq.] panegyris, panegyry (festive assembly in honor of a god)
  • [ia-en] IED :paneteria (-ía) {n} bakery
  • [ia-en] IED :pan-telegrapho (-lé-) {n} [Elec.] pantelegraph, facsimile telegraph
  • [ia-en] IED :pan-theismo (-ízmo) {n} pantheism
  • [ia-en] IED :pan-theista (-ísta) {n} pantheist
  • [ia-en] IED :pan-theista (-ísta) {adj} pantheistic
  • [ia-en] IED :pantheistic (-ístic) {adj} pantheistic
  • [ia-en] IED :pantographia (-ía) {n} pantography
  • [ia-en] IED :panto-grapho (-tó-) {n} pantograph
  • [ia-en] IED :panto-metro (-tó-) {n} pantometer
  • [ia-en] IED :papagai (-ái) {n} parrot
  • [ia-en] IED :pap-archia (-ía) {n} paparchy (papal rule)
  • [ia-en] IED :papill-ectomia (-ía) {n} [Surg.] papillectomy
  • [ia-en] IED :papireria (-ía) {n} 1. stationer's (shop); 2. stationery
  • [ia-en] IED :parabola (-rá-) {n} 1. parable; 2. [Math.] parabola
  • [ia-en] IED :paradisiac (-íac) {adj} paradisiacal
  • [ia-en] IED :paragraphia (-ía) {n} [Pathol.] paragraphia
  • [ia-en] IED :paragrapho (-ágrafo) {n} paragraph (1. "paragraph in a letter, etc."; 2. paragraph sign)
  • [ia-en] IED :parallel-epipedo (-pípedo) {n} parallelepiped
  • [ia-en] IED :paralyse (-ályse) {n} paralysis; paralyse infantil infantile paralysis
  • [ia-en] IED :paraphrase (-ráphrase) {n} paraphrase
  • [ia-en] IED :paraplegia (-ía) {n} [Pathol.] paraplegia
  • [ia-en] IED :parasito-logia (-ía) {n} parasitology
  • [ia-en] IED :parenthese (-éntese) {n} 1. parenthesis (parenthetic phrase, sentence, etc.); 2. [Typog.] parentheses; in parentheses in parentheses
  • [ia-en] IED :pari-syllabe (-sí-) {adj} parisyllabic
  • [ia-en] IED :parisyllabo (-sí-) {n} parisyllabic
  • [ia-en] IED :parocho (pá-) {n} parish priest
  • [ia-en] IED :parodia (-ía) {n} parody
  • [ia-en] IED :paronyme (-ó-) {adj} paronymous
  • [ia-en] IED :paronymo (-ó-) {n} paronym
  • [ia-en] IED :parotide (-ró-) {n} parotid gland
  • [ia-en] IED :parotiditis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol.] parotitis; {also:} mumps
  • [ia-en] IED :parsi (-sí) [Persian] {n} Parsi, Parsee
  • [ia-en] IED :partheno-genese (-gé-) {n} parthenogenesis (1. [Biol.]; 2. [Bot.])
  • [ia-en] IED :partheno-genesis (-gé-) {n} parthenogenesis (1. [Biol.]; 2. [Bot.])
  • [ia-en] IED :parti-cipe (-tí-) {adj} sharing, participant
  • [ia-en] IED :passager (-jér) {adj} passing (transitory, fleeting)
  • [ia-en] IED :passagero (-jéro) {n} passenger
  • [ia-en] IED :[passim] (pás-) {adv} here and there, scattered, at random, in different places, passim
  • [ia-en] IED :pastisseria (-ía) {n} 1. pastry shop; 2. pastry
  • [ia-en] IED :patho-gene (-ó-) {adj} pathogenic
  • [ia-en] IED :patho-genese (-énese) {n} pathogenesis
  • [ia-en] IED :patho-genesis (-énesis) {n} pathgenesis
  • [ia-en] IED :pathogenia (-ía) {n} pathogeny
  • [ia-en] IED :patho-gnomia (-ía) {n} pathognomy
  • [ia-en] IED :pathologia (-ía) {n} pathology (study of bodily diseases)
  • [ia-en] IED :patho-logo (-tó-) {n} pathologist
  • [ia-en] IED :pathos (pátos) {n} I. suffering, affliction, passion; II. pathos (1. power of stirring the feeling of pity, sympathy, etc.; 2. [Theat., Rhet., etc.])
  • [ia-en] IED :patina (pá-) {n} patina (green rust that covers ancient bronzes, etc.)
  • [ia-en] IED :patinage (-áje) {n} (act or art of) skating
  • [ia-en] IED :patriarchia (-ía) {n} patriarchy
  • [ia-en] IED :patro-logia (-ía) {n} patristic study, patristics
  • [ia-en] IED :[paulatim] (-lá-) {adv} gradually, by degrees, little by little, a little at a time
  • [ia-en] IED :pectineria (-ía) {n} comb factory
  • [ia-en] IED :pedagero (-ajéro) {n} toll colletor
  • [ia-en] IED :pedagogia (-ía) {n} pedagogy; {also:} (science of) education
  • [ia-en] IED :pedanteria (-ía) {n} pedantry
  • [ia-en] IED :-pedia (-ía) [occurring in compounds]
  • [ia-en] IED :pediculo (1) (-í-) {n} louse
  • [ia-en] IED :pedito (pé-) {n} (action of) breaking wind, letting off gas
  • [ia-en] IED :pedo-logia (-ía) {n} pedology (scientific study of soils)
  • [ia-en] IED :pedo-metro (-ó-) {n} pedometer
  • [ia-en] IED :Pegaso (pé-) {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Pegasus; montar super Pegaso to mount one's Pegasus
  • [ia-en] IED :-peia (-péya) [occurring in compounds] -peia, -poeia
  • [ia-en] IED :Pelope (pé-) {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Pelops
  • [ia-en] IED :pendula (pén-) {n} pendule (timepiece having a pendulum)
  • [ia-en] IED :pendulo (pén-) {n} pendulum
  • [ia-en] IED :penicillium (-cíl-) {n} [Bot.] Penicillium
  • [ia-en] IED :peninsula (-ín-) {n} peninsula
  • [ia-en] IED :penitentieria (-ía) {n} [Eccl.] penitentiaryship
  • [ia-en] IED :pentameros (-tá-) {n} [Zool.] Pentamera
  • [ia-en] IED :penta-metro (-ámetro) {n} pentameter
  • [ia-en] IED :pent-archia (-ía) {n} pentarchy (government by five rulers)
  • [ia-en] IED :penultima (-núl-) {n} penult
  • [ia-en] IED :pepsia (-ía) {n} digestion
  • [ia-en] IED :pepsis (pép-) {n} digestion
  • [ia-en] IED :perdita (pér-) {n} (pér-); perditas [Mil.] casualties, losses
  • [ia-en] IED :perfide (pér-) {adj} perfidious
  • [ia-en] IED :perfumeria (-ía) {n} perfumery
  • [ia-en] IED :Pergamo (pér-) {npr} Pergamum
  • [ia-en] IED :pericarditis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol.] pericarditis
  • [ia-en] IED :periculo (-ículo) {n} danger, peril
  • [ia-en] IED :perigee (-gé-) {adj} perigeal, perigean
  • [ia-en] IED :perigeo (-gé-) {n} [Astron.] perigee
  • [ia-en] IED :perimetro (-í-) {n} perimeter
  • [ia-en] IED :periodo (-rí-) {n} I. period (1. as in "period of adolescence"; "Elizabethan period"; 2. [Astron.]; 3. [Rhet.]); II. [Math.] repetend
  • [ia-en] IED :peripheria (-ía) {n} periphery
  • [ia-en] IED :periphrase (-í-) {n} periphrasis
  • [ia-en] IED :peritoneo (-éo) {n} [Anat.] peritoneum
  • [ia-en] IED :peritonitis (-ítis) {n} [Med.] peritonitis
  • [ia-en] IED :peroxydo (-óx-) {n} peroxide
  • [ia-en] IED :perseide (-séi-) {n} [Astron.] Perseid
  • [ia-en] IED :pertica (pér-) {n} pole, long staff
  • [ia-en] IED :pessime (pés-) {adj} worst
  • [ia-en] IED :pessulo (pés-) {n} bolt (for door, etc.)
  • [ia-en] IED :petalo (pé-) {n} petal
  • [ia-en] IED :petiolo (-tí-) {n} [Bot.] petiole, leafstalk
  • [ia-en] IED :petreria (-ía) {n} quarry, stone pit
  • [ia-en] IED :petrographia (-ía) {n} petrography
  • [ia-en] IED :petro-grapho (-ógrapho) {n} petrographer
  • [ia-en] IED :petroleria (-ía) {n} petroleum refinery
  • [ia-en] IED :phago-cyto (-ócito) {n} [Biol., Phygiol., etc.] phagocyte
  • [ia-en] IED :phagocytosis (-ósis) {n} phagocytosis
  • [ia-en] IED :phanero-game (-ó-) {adj} [Bot.] phanerogamous
  • [ia-en] IED :phantasia (-ía) {n} I. fantasy, phantasy (1. power of imagining, fancy; 2. phantasm, fancy; 3. whim, caprice); II. fantasia (1. [Mus.] fantasy; 2. [Equit.]); haber le phantasia de (facer) un cosa to have a fancy (to do something); articulos de phantasia fancy goods
  • [ia-en] IED :pharisaic (-áic) {adj} 1. [Jewish Hist.] Pharisaic; 2. pharisaical, pharisaic, hypocritical
  • [ia-en] IED :pharisaismo (-aísmo) {n} 1. [Jewish Hist.] Pharisaism; 2. pharisaism, phariseeism (pharisaical attitude, hypocrisy)
  • [ia-en] IED :phariseo (-éo) {n} 1. [Jewish Hist.] Pharisee; 2. pharisee, hypocrite
  • [ia-en] IED :pharmacia (-ía) {n} pharmacy (shop of a pharmacist)
  • [ia-en] IED :pharmaco (fár-) {n} medicine, drug, remedy
  • [ia-en] IED :pharmacologia (-ía) {n} pharmacology
  • [ia-en] IED :pharmaco-logo (-ólogo) {n} pharmacologist
  • [ia-en] IED :pharmaco-peia (-péya) {n} pharmacopoeia (book describing drugs, chemicals, etc.)
  • [ia-en] IED :Pharos (fá-) {npr} [Hist.] Pharos
  • [ia-en] IED :-phasia (-ía) [occurring in compounds] -phhasia
  • [ia-en] IED :phenico-ptero (-cóp-) {n} [Ornith.] phenicopter
  • [ia-en] IED :phenomeno (-nómeno) {n} phenomenon (1. observable fact or event; 2. something extraordinary or remarkable)
  • [ia-en] IED :phenomeno-logia (-ía) {n} phenomenology
  • [ia-en] IED :philanthropia (-ía) {n} philanthropy
  • [ia-en] IED :phil-atelia (-ía) {n} philately
  • [ia-en] IED :phil-harmonia (-ía) {n} 1. love of harmony, love of music; 2. philharmonic society
  • [ia-en] IED :Philistea (-éa) {npr} Philistia
  • [ia-en] IED :philistee (-íe) {adj} Philistine (1. [Hist.]; 2. uncultured, conventional)
  • [ia-en] IED :philisteo (-éo) {n} Philistine (1. [Hist.]; 2. Philister, nonstudent; 3. crude, uncultured, conventional person)
  • [ia-en] IED :philisteria (-ía) {n} Philistinism
  • [ia-en] IED :philologia (-ía) {n} philology
  • [ia-en] IED :philo-logo (-ólogo) {n} philologist
  • [ia-en] IED :philosophia (-ía) {n} philosophy
  • [ia-en] IED :philo-sopho (-ósofo) {n} philosopher
  • [ia-en] IED :phlebitis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol.] phlebitis
  • [ia-en] IED :phlebo-omia (-ía) {n} [Med.] phlebotomy
  • [ia-en] IED :phlebo-tomo (-bó-) {n} [Med.] phlebotome
  • [ia-en] IED :phobia (-ía) {n} [Pathol.] phobia
  • [ia-en] IED :phonographia (-ía) {n} phonography
  • [ia-en] IED :phono-grapho (-ógrafo) {n} phonograph
  • [ia-en] IED :phono-litho (-nó-) {n} phonolite, clinkstone
  • [ia-en] IED :phonologia (-ía) {n} phonology
  • [ia-en] IED :phono-logo (-ólogo) {n} phonologist
  • [ia-en] IED :phonometria (-ía) {n} phonometry
  • [ia-en] IED :phono-metro (-nó-) {n} phonometer
  • [ia-en] IED :phosphoro (fós-) {n} phosphorus
  • [ia-en] IED :photo-chimia (-ía) {n} photochemistry
  • [ia-en] IED :photo-chromia (-ía) {n} color photography, photochromy
  • [ia-en] IED :photographia (-ía) {n} 1. photography; 2. photograph
  • [ia-en] IED :photo-grapho (-ógrafo) {n} photographer
  • [ia-en] IED :photo-lithographia (-ía) {n} 1. photolithography; 2. photolithograph
  • [ia-en] IED :photo-metro (-ómetro) {n} photometer
  • [ia-en] IED :photo-stato (-óstato) {n} photostat (1. photostating camera; 2. photostatic copy)
  • [ia-en] IED :photo-synthese (-sín-) {n} photosynthesis
  • [ia-en] IED :photo-therapia (-ía) {n} phototherapy
  • [ia-en] IED :phototypia (-ía) {n} phototypy, phototyping
  • [ia-en] IED :photo-typo {n} (-ótipo) [Print.] phototype
  • [ia-en] IED :phototypo-graphia (-ía) {n} phototypography
  • [ia-en] IED :phraseo-logia (-ía) {n} phraseology
  • [ia-en] IED :phrenesia (-ía) {n} frenzy
  • [ia-en] IED :phrenitis (-ítis) {n} [Anathol.] phrenitis
  • [ia-en] IED :phreno-grapho (-nó-) {n} phrenograph (instrument recording the movements of the diaphragm)
  • [ia-en] IED :phrenologia (-ía) {n} phrenology
  • [ia-en] IED :phreno-logo (-ólogo) {n} phrenologist
  • [ia-en] IED :phreno-pathia (-ía) {n} phrenopathy
  • [ia-en] IED :phylo-genese (-gé-) {n} phylogeny, phylogenesis
  • [ia-en] IED :phylo-genesis (-gé-) {n} phylogeny, phylogenesis
  • [ia-en] IED :phylo-genia (-ía) {n} phylogeny (1. "science of phylogeny"; 2. phylogenesis)
  • [ia-en] IED :physico-chimia (-ía) {n} physicochemistry
  • [ia-en] IED :physio-crate (-ó-) {n} physiocrat
  • [ia-en] IED :physio-cratia (-ía) {n} physiocracy
  • [ia-en] IED :physiognomia (-ía) {n} physiognomy (1. art of determining character from features of the face; 2. face)
  • [ia-en] IED :physio-gnomonia (-ía) {n} physiognomy (physiognomics)
  • [ia-en] IED :physio-graphia (-ía) {n} physiography
  • [ia-en] IED :physiologia (-ía) {n} physiology
  • [ia-en] IED :physio-logo (-ólogo) {n} physiologist
  • [ia-en] IED :physio-therapia (-ía) {n} physiotherapy
  • [ia-en] IED :physis (fí-) {n} nature, inborn quality (of a person or thing); physis
  • [ia-en] IED :phyto-graphia (-ía) {n} descriptive botany, phytography
  • [ia-en] IED :pianissimo (-íssimo) {adv/adj} [Mus.] pianissimo
  • [ia-en] IED :pilori (-í) {n} pillory
  • [ia-en] IED :pilula (pí-) {n} pill, pilule
  • [ia-en] IED :pischeria (-ía) {n} 1. fishing ground; 2. fishmarket
  • [ia-en] IED :plancton (plánc-) {n} [Zool.] plankton
  • [ia-en] IED :planimetria (-ía) {n} planimetry
  • [ia-en] IED :plani-metro (-í-) {n} planimeter
  • [ia-en] IED :planti-grade (-í-) {adj} [Zool.] plantigrade
  • [ia-en] IED :plantigrado (-í-) {n} plantigrade
  • [ia-en] IED :-plastia (-ía) [occurring in compounds] -pplasty (moulding, formation)
  • [ia-en] IED :platano (plá-) {n} [Bot.] plane (tree)
  • [ia-en] IED :platino-typia (-ía) {n} [Photog.] platinotype
  • [ia-en] IED :platycephalia (-ía) {n} [Med., Anthropol.] platycephaly, flat-headedness
  • [ia-en] IED :platy-pode (-ípode) {adj} 1. [Med.] flatfooted; 2. [Zool.] platypodous
  • [ia-en] IED :platypodia (-ía) {n} [Med.] flatfoot, platypodia
  • [ia-en] IED :plebeie (-bé-) {adj} plebeian (1. [Rom. Hist.]; 2. common, vulgar)
  • [ia-en] IED :plebeio (-bé-) {n} plebeian (1. [Rom. Hist.]; 2. member of the populace)
  • [ia-en] IED :plebeismo (-ízmo) {n} plebeianism (1. plebeian character; 2. plebeian style or expression)
  • [ia-en] IED :pleuritis (-ítis) {n} [Med.] pleurisy
  • [ia-en] IED :pleuro-pneumonia (-ía) {n} [Med.] pleuropneumonia
  • [ia-en] IED :plumberia (-ía) {n} 1. plumbing; 2. plumber's shop
  • [ia-en] IED :plures (plú-) {pron} several
  • [ia-en] IED :[plurimel (plú-) {adj} 1. much; 2. many
  • [ia-en] IED :[plurimo] (plú-) {adv} 1. much, exceedingly; 2. for the most part, commonly, usually
  • [ia-en] IED :pluto-crate (-ó-) {n} plutocrat
  • [ia-en] IED :pluto-cratia (-ía) {n} plutocracy
  • [ia-en] IED :plutologia (-ía) {n} plutology
  • [ia-en] IED :pluto-logo (-ólogo) {n} plutologist
  • [ia-en] IED :plutonium (-tó-) {n} [Chem.] plutonium
  • [ia-en] IED :pluto-nomia (-ía) {n} plutonomy
  • [ia-en] IED :pluvio-metro (-ómetro) {n} pluviometer
  • [ia-en] IED :pneumato-logia (-ía) {n} pneumatology (doctrine of spirits or spiritual beings)
  • [ia-en] IED :pneumato-metro (-ómetro) {n} pneumatometer
  • [ia-en] IED :pneumonia (-ía) {n} pneumonia
  • [ia-en] IED :pneumono-therapia (-ía) {n} pneumonotherapy
  • [ia-en] IED :pneumo-rrhagia (-ía) {n} pneumorrhagia
  • [ia-en] IED :podice (pó-) {n} podex, buttocks
  • [ia-en] IED :podo-metro (-ómetro) {n} podometer, pedometer
  • [ia-en] IED :poesia (-ía) {n} poetry
  • [ia-en] IED :polari-metro (-rí-) {n} polarimeter
  • [ia-en] IED :polea (-éa) {n} pulley
  • [ia-en] IED :policia (-ía) {n} police (1. the whole system of internal regulation of a state or community; 2. police force); agente de policia policeman, police officer
  • [ia-en] IED :pollice (pól-) {n} 1. thumb; {also:} [Anat., Zool.] pollex; 2. [Meas.] inch
  • [ia-en] IED :pollinosis (-ósis) {n} [Med.] pollinosis, hay fever
  • [ia-en] IED :Pollux (pól-) {npr} Pollux (1. [Gr. Mythol.]; 2. [Astron.])
  • [ia-en] IED :polonium (-ló-) {n} [Chem.] polonium
  • [ia-en] IED :poltroneria (-ía) {n} poltroonery
  • [ia-en] IED :polyandria (-ía) {n} polyandry (1. Anthropol.]; 2. [Bot.])
  • [ia-en] IED :poly-game (-lí-) {adj} polygamous; {also:} [Bot.]
  • [ia-en] IED :polygamia (-ía) {n} polygamy
  • [ia-en] IED :polygamo (-lí-) {n} polygamist
  • [ia-en] IED :polymeria (-ía) {n} [Chem.] polymerism, polymerization
  • [ia-en] IED :polymero (-ímero) {n} [Chem.] polymer
  • [ia-en] IED :polyphonia (-ía) {n} polyphony; {also:} [Mus., Phonet.]
  • [ia-en] IED :polypo (pó-) {n} polyp, polypus (1. [Zool.]; 2. [Med.])
  • [ia-en] IED :poly-syllabe (-sí-) {adj} polysyllabic
  • [ia-en] IED :polysyllabo (-sí-) {n} polysyllable
  • [ia-en] IED :poly-synthese (-íntese) {n} polysynthesis
  • [ia-en] IED :poly-theismo (-teízmo) {n} polytheism
  • [ia-en] IED :poly-theista (-teísta) {n} polytheist
  • [ia-en] IED :pomo-logia (-ía) {n} pomology
  • [ia-en] IED :pompelmus (-mús) {n} grapefruit (1. fruit of the grapefruit tree; 2. grapefruit tree)
  • [ia-en] IED :pone-minas (-mí-) {n} mine layer
  • [ia-en] IED :pontifice (-ífice) {n} pontiff
  • [ia-en] IED :populo (pó-) {n} people (1. race, nation; 2. "common people"); populo minute, populo basse lower classes
  • [ia-en] IED :porcheria (-ía) {n} 1. pork shop; 2. mess, dirty business; {also:} dirty language or joke, etc
  • [ia-en] IED :poriferos (-íferos) {npl} [Zool] Porifera
  • [ia-en] IED :porno-cratia (-ía) {n} pornocracy
  • [ia-en] IED :pornographia (-ía) {n} pornography
  • [ia-en] IED :porno-grapho (-ógrapho) {n} pornographer
  • [ia-en] IED :porphyro (pór-) {n} porphyry
  • [ia-en] IED :porta-aeroplanos (-plános) {n} (aircraft) carrier
  • [ia-en] IED :portraitista (-treiísta) {n} portrait painter, portraitist
  • [ia-en] IED :post-quam (póst-) {conj} after, as soon as
  • [ia-en] IED :postume (pós-) {adj} posthumous
  • [ia-en] IED :potassium (-tás-) {n} potassium
  • [ia-en] IED :potius (pótius) {adv} rather (1. more truly or accurately; 2. sooner, preferably)
  • [ia-en] IED :practic (prác-) {adj} practical (1. not theoretical; 2. as in "a practical individual"; 3. adapted for a required purpose)
  • [ia-en] IED :practica (prác-) {n} practice (actual application of knowledge); mitter in practica to put into practice
  • [ia-en] IED :prateria (-ía) {n} prairie
  • [ia-en] IED :preambulo (-ám-) {n} preamble
  • [ia-en] IED :precipite (-cípite) {adj} precipitate, falling headlong
  • [ia-en] IED :predica (pré-) {n} sermon, preachment
  • [ia-en] IED :prelatia (-ía) {n} prelacy
  • [ia-en] IED :presby-opia (-ía) {n} [Med] farsightedness, presbyopia, presbytia
  • [ia-en] IED :presbyte (préz-) {adj} [Med] farsighted, long-sighted, presbyopic
  • [ia-en] IED :presbyte (préz-) {n} presbyope, presbyopic
  • [ia-en] IED :presbytero (-bí-) {n} priest; presbyter
  • [ia-en] IED :[presertim] (-sér-) {adv} especially, particularly, chiefly
  • [ia-en] IED :preside (pré-) {n} 1. [Rom Hist] protector, defender; 2. president, presiding officer, etc
  • [ia-en] IED :preter (pré-) I. {adv} past, beyond; II. {prep} 1. past, along(side of), beyond; 2. except, excepting; 3. in addition to
  • [ia-en] IED :[preter-ea] (-tér-) {adv} 1. besides, moreover; 2. henceforth, hereafter
  • [ia-en] IED :preterite (-tér-) {adj} past (1. belonging to former days; 2. [Gram] preterit)
  • [ia-en] IED :preterito (-tér) {n} [Gram] past, preterit
  • [ia-en] IED :pridem (prí-) {adv} long ago
  • [ia-en] IED :primatia (-ía) {n} primacy (1. pre-eminence; 2. office or dignity of a primate)
  • [ia-en] IED :primo-genite (-gé-) {adj} first-born
  • [ia-en] IED :prin-cipe (prín-) {n} (the) first (in rank, dignity, merit, etc)
  • [ia-en] IED :[procul] (pró-) {adv} far off, far away, at a distance
  • [ia-en] IED :prodige (pród-) {adj} prodigal (very free in spending or giving); prodige de lavish with, prodigal of; filio prodige prodigal son
  • [ia-en] IED :prognosis (-ósis) {n} prognosis; {also:} [Med]
  • [ia-en] IED :prolegomeno (-ómeno) {n} prolegomenon
  • [ia-en] IED :prologo (pró-) {n} prologue (preface, introduction)
  • [ia-en] IED :prophetia (-ía) {n} prophecy, prophetic utterance
  • [ia-en] IED :prophylaxis (-láx-) {n} prophylaxis
  • [ia-en] IED :proposito (-pó-) {n} purpose (1. aim; 2. subject under discussion); (dicer un cosa) a proposito (to say something) to the purpose, apropos, to the point; a omne proposito at every turn; a proposito! by the way! incidentally; foras de proposito ill-timed, irrelevant, beside the mark; a proposito de with regard to, apropos of
  • [ia-en] IED :[propter] (próp-) I. {adv} near, at hand; II. {prep} 1. near, close to; 2. on account of, by reason of, because of
  • [ia-en] IED :propyleo (-éo) {n} [Arch] propylaeum
  • [ia-en] IED :prosaic (-áic) {adj} 1. prose; 2. prosaic
  • [ia-en] IED :prosaismo (-ízmo) {n} prosaism
  • [ia-en] IED :prosaista (-ísta) {n} prose writer
  • [ia-en] IED :prosodia (-ía) {n} prosody
  • [ia-en] IED :prosopo-peia (-péya) {n} [Rhet] prosopopoeia
  • [ia-en] IED :prostata (pró-) {n} [Anat] prostate (gland)
  • [ia-en] IED :prosthese (-óstese) {n} prosthesis (1. [Gram]; 2. [Surg])
  • [ia-en] IED :proteic (-éic) {adj} proteinaceous, proteic, protein
  • [ia-en] IED :proteina (-ína) {n} protein
  • [ia-en] IED :proteo-lyse (-ó-) {n} proteolysis
  • [ia-en] IED :prothese (-ótese) {n} 1. [Surg] prosthesis; 2. artificial limb
  • [ia-en] IED :proto-typo (-ótipo) {n} 1. prototype; 2. model (as in "a model of virtue")
  • [ia-en] IED :prot-oxydo (-óx) {n} [Chem] protoxide
  • [ia-en] IED :proto-zoon (-zó-) (pl protozoa) [NL] {n} [Zool] protozoon, protozoan
  • [ia-en] IED :proxime (próx-) {adj} 1. very near, close; 2. next (as in "next week"); causa proxime [Philos] proximate cause; proximo neighbor, fellow being
  • [ia-en] IED :pruina (-ína) {n} 1. frost, hoarfrost; 2. bloom ("the bloom on fruit")
  • [ia-en] IED :prurigine (-ígine) {n} prurigo
  • [ia-en] IED :psalmodia (-ía) {n} psalmody
  • [ia-en] IED :pseud-esthesia (-ía) {n} [Med] pseudesthesia
  • [ia-en] IED :pseud-onyme (-ónime) {adj} pseudonymous
  • [ia-en] IED :pseudonymo (-ónimo) {n} pseudonym
  • [ia-en] IED :pseudo-symmetria (-ía) {n} [Mineral] pseudosymmetry
  • [ia-en] IED :psittacidos (-tá-) {npl} [Zool] Psittacidae
  • [ia-en] IED :psittaco (psí-) {n} parrot
  • [ia-en] IED :psittacosis (-ósis) {n} [Pathol] psittacosis
  • [ia-en] IED :psychiatria (-ía) {n} psychiatry
  • [ia-en] IED :psycho-analyse (-ná-) {n} psychoanalysis
  • [ia-en] IED :psychologia (-ía) {n} psychology (science of psychology)
  • [ia-en] IED :psycho-logo (-ólogo) {n} psychologist
  • [ia-en] IED :psycho-metria (-ía) {n} [Psychol] psychometry
  • [ia-en] IED :psycho-pathe (-ó-) {n} psychopath (mentally deranged person)
  • [ia-en] IED :psycho-pathia (-ía) {n} [Pathol] psychopathy
  • [ia-en] IED :psychopathologia (-ía) {n} psychopathology
  • [ia-en] IED :psycho-pathologo (-ólogo) {n} psychopathologist
  • [ia-en] IED :psycho-physiologia (-ía) {n} psychophysiology
  • [ia-en] IED :psycho-therapia (-ía) {n} psychotherapy
  • [ia-en] IED :ptero-dactylo (-dác-) {n} pterodactyl
  • [ia-en] IED :ptolemaic (-áic) {adj} Ptolemaic (1. as in "Ptolemaic system"; 2. of the Ptolemies)
  • [ia-en] IED :Ptolemeo (-éo) {nprm} [Gr Hist] Ptolemy
  • [ia-en] IED :ptomaina (-ína) {n} ptomaine
  • [ia-en] IED :puera (púera) {n} girl
  • [ia-en] IED :puero (púero) {n} boy
  • [ia-en] IED :puer-pera (-érpera) {n} woman in labor or childbed
  • [ia-en] IED :pulice (pú-) {n} flea
  • [ia-en] IED :pulmonia (-ía) {n} [Pathol] pneumonia
  • [ia-en] IED :pulpitis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol] pulpitis
  • [ia-en] IED :pulpito (púl-) {n} pulpit
  • [ia-en] IED :pulso-metro (-ómetro) {n} pulsimeter, pulsometer
  • [ia-en] IED :purpura (púr-) {n} I. purple (1. [Zool] Purpura; 2. purple dye or color; 3. purple garment); II. [Pathol] purpura
  • [ia-en] IED :pusill-anime (-ánime) {adj} pusillanimous
  • [ia-en] IED :pustula (pús-) {n} [Pathol] pustule
  • [ia-en] IED :pyramide (-rá-) {n} [Arch, Geom, etc] pyramid
  • [ia-en] IED :pyrenee (-ée) {adj} Pyrenean
  • [ia-en] IED :Pyreneos (-né-) {nprpl} [Geog] Pyrenees
  • [ia-en] IED :pyro-latra (-ó-) {n} pyrolater, fire worshiper
  • [ia-en] IED :pyrolatria (-ía) {n} pyrolatry, fire worship
  • [ia-en] IED :pyro-mania (-ía) {n} pyromania
  • [ia-en] IED :pyromano (-ró-) {n} pyromaniac
  • [ia-en] IED :pyro-metro (-ó-) {n} pyrometer
  • [ia-en] IED :pyro-xeno (-róx-) {n} [Mineral] pyroxene
  • [ia-en] IED :Pythagoras (-tá-) {npr} [Gr Philos] Pythagoras
  • [ia-en] IED :pyxide (píx-) {n} 1. small box or case; 2. [Eccl] pyx; 3. [Bot] pyxis, pyxidium
  • [ia-en] IED :quadragesima (-gé-) {n} Quadragesima (first Sunday in Lent)
  • [ia-en] IED :quadrangulo (-ráng-) {n} quadrangle
  • [ia-en] IED :quadrigemino (-gé-) {n} quadruplet
  • [ia-en] IED :quadrilatero (-lá-) {n} quadrilateral
  • [ia-en] IED :quadri-syllabe (-sí-) {adj} quadrisyllabic
  • [ia-en] IED :quadrisyllabo (-sí-) {n} quadrisyllable
  • [ia-en] IED :quadru-pede (-drú-) {adj} four-footed, quadruped quadru-pede (-drú-) {n} quadruped
  • [ia-en] IED :quadru-ple (quá-) {adj} quadruple
  • [ia-en] IED :[qualque] (quálke) {adj} some, any; {also:} a few
  • [ia-en] IED :[quan-quam] (quánquam) 1. though, although; 2. however, yet, nevertheless (quamquam)
  • [ia-en] IED :quarantesime (-ésime) {adj} fortieth; le quarantesime parte, le quarantesimo the fortieth part, the fortieth
  • [ia-en] IED :quaresima (-ésima) {n} Lent; facer quaresima to keep Lent
  • [ia-en] IED :quaresime (-ésime) {adj} fortieth; le quaresime parte, le quaresimo the fortieth part, the fortieth
  • [ia-en] IED :quarzifere (quartsífere) {adj} quartziferous
  • [ia-en] IED :quarzite (-tsí-) {n} [Mineral] quartzite
  • [ia-en] IED :quarzose (-tsó) {adj} quartzose
  • [ia-en] IED :[quattuor] (quát-) {adj} four
  • [ia-en] IED :quattuor-dece (-ór-) {adj} fourteen
  • [ia-en] IED :quia (quía) {conj} because
  • [ia-en] IED :[quidem] (quí-) {adv} certainly, truly; indeed, even
  • [ia-en] IED :quincalieria (-ía) {n} hardware store
  • [ia-en] IED :quin-dece (quín-) {adj} fifteen
  • [ia-en] IED :quin-oleina (-ína) {n} [Chem] quinoline, chinoline
  • [ia-en] IED :Quinquagesima (-gé-) {n} Shrove Sunday
  • [ia-en] IED :quinquagesime (-gé-) {adj} fiftieth; le quinquagesime parte, le quinquagesimo the fiftieth part, the fiftieth
  • [ia-en] IED :quintu-ple (quín-) {adj} quintuple, fivefold
  • [ia-en] IED :[quo-modo] (quó-) {adv} 1. how, in what manner; 2. in the manner that, as (como)
  • [ia-en] IED :[quotiens] (quó-) {adv} 1. how often, how many times;
  • [ia-en] IED :radice (-íce) {n} I. root (1. as in "root of a plant"; 2. source, origin; 3. [Philol.]); II. radish; radice quadrate, cubic [Math.] square, cube root
  • [ia-en] IED :radiographia (-ía) {n} radiography, x-ray photography
  • [ia-en] IED :radio-grapho (-ógrapho) {n} radiograph, x-ray photograph
  • [ia-en] IED :radiologia (-ía) {n} radiology
  • [ia-en] IED :radio-logo (-ólogo) {n} radiologist
  • [ia-en] IED :radio-telegraphia (-ía) {n} radiotelegraphy
  • [ia-en] IED :radio-telephonia (-ía) {n} radiotelephony
  • [ia-en] IED :radio-therapia (-ía) {n} radiotherapy
  • [ia-en] IED :radium (rá-) {n} radium
  • [ia-en] IED :radon {n} (rá-) [Chem.] radon
  • [ia-en] IED :raffineria (-ía) {n} refinery (of sugar, oil, etc.)
  • [ia-en] IED :ranides (rá-) {n} [Zool.] Ranidae
  • [ia-en] IED :rapide (rá-) {adj} rapid; traino rapide express train
  • [ia-en] IED :rapido (rá-) {n} 1. rapid (in a river); 2. express (train)
  • [ia-en] IED :rebus (ré-) {n} rebus
  • [ia-en] IED :reciproc (-cí-) {adj} reciprocal
  • [ia-en] IED :rectangulo (-ángulo) {n} rectangle
  • [ia-en] IED :regni-cola (-ní-) {n} citizen, national, subject (of a country)
  • [ia-en] IED :regula (ré-) {n} I. rule (1. regulation; 2. as in "slide rule");
  • [ia-en] IED :regulo (ré-) {n} [Chem. & Metal.] regulus
  • [ia-en] IED :remora (ré-) {n} 1. hindrance, drag; 2. [Zool.] remora, shark sucker
  • [ia-en] IED :replica (ré-) {n} 1. reply, answer; 2. [Art] replica
  • [ia-en] IED :republica (-pú-) {n} 1. commonwealth, state; 2. republic
  • [ia-en] IED :requiem (ré-) {n} requiem
  • [ia-en] IED :retabulo (-tá-) {n} [Eccl.] retable
  • [ia-en] IED :retinitis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol.] retinitis
  • [ia-en] IED :retrograde (-tró-) {adj} retrograde (reversed in order, movement, direction, etc.)
  • [ia-en] IED :revendita (-vén-) {n} resale
  • [ia-en] IED :reverbero (-vér-) {n} reverberator, reflector
  • [ia-en] IED :rhachis (rá-) {n} [Anat.; Bot.; etc.] rachis, spine
  • [ia-en] IED :rhachitis (-ítis) {n} [Med.] rickets, rachitis
  • [ia-en] IED :rhachi-tomia (-ía) {n} rachitomy
  • [ia-en] IED :-rhagia (-ía) {n} occurring in compounds -rhage, - rhagia (bursting forth)
  • [ia-en] IED :rhapsodia (-ía) {n} rhapsody (1. [Gr. Antiq.]; 2. literary miscellany; 3. [Mus.])
  • [ia-en] IED :rheo-metro (-ó-) {n} [Elec.] rheometer
  • [ia-en] IED :rheo-phoro (-óforo) {n} [Elec.] rheophore
  • [ia-en] IED :rheo-stato (-ó-) {n} rheostat
  • [ia-en] IED :rheo-tomo (-ó-) {n} [Elec.] rheotome, interrupter
  • [ia-en] IED :rheubarbaro (-bárbaro) {n} rhubarb
  • [ia-en] IED :rhin-algia (-ía) {n} [Pathol.] rhinalgia
  • [ia-en] IED :rhinitis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol.] rhinitis
  • [ia-en] IED :rhinologia (-ía) {n} rhinology
  • [ia-en] IED :rhino-logo (-ólogo) {n} rhinologist
  • [ia-en] IED :rhino-plastia (-ía) {n} [Surg.] rhinoplasty
  • [ia-en] IED :rhino-rrhea (-réa) {n} [Pathol.] rhinorrhea
  • [ia-en] IED :rhinoscopia (-ía) {n} rhinoscopy
  • [ia-en] IED :rhizo-phage (-óphage) {adj} rhizophagous
  • [ia-en] IED :rhizo-pode (-ópode) {adj} [Zool.] rhizopod
  • [ia-en] IED :rhizopodo (-ópodo) {n} [Zool.] rhizopod
  • [ia-en] IED :Rhodano (ró-) {npr} Rhone (river); canal del Rhodano al Rheno Rhine-Rhone Canal
  • [ia-en] IED :rhodium (ró-) {n} [Chem.] rhodium
  • [ia-en] IED :Rhodos (ró-) {npr} [Geog.] Rhodes; Colosso de Rhodos Colossus of Rhodes
  • [ia-en] IED :ribes (rí-) {n} currant (acid berry of several species of `Ribes'); ribes (rubie, nigre, etc.) (red, black, etc.) currant
  • [ia-en] IED :riseria (-ía) {n} rice mill
  • [ia-en] IED :rococo (-có-) {n} rococo; {also:} attrib rococo (as in "rococo mirror")
  • [ia-en] IED :romagnol (-nyól) {adj} Romagnol
  • [ia-en] IED :romagnolo (-nyólo) {n} Romagnol
  • [ia-en] IED :romaic (-áic) {adj} Romaic
  • [ia-en] IED :romaico (-áico) {n} Romaic
  • [ia-en] IED :röntgeno-logia (-ía) {n} roentgenology
  • [ia-en] IED :roseina (-í-) {n} [Chem.] rosaniline; {also:} fuchsin
  • [ia-en] IED :roseola (-sé-) {n} [Pathol.] roseola, rose rash
  • [ia-en] IED :rotifero (-tí-) {n} [Zool.] rotifer (one of the Rotifera)
  • [ia-en] IED :-rrhea (-réa) [occurring in compounds] -rrhoea, -rrhea (flow; discharge)
  • [ia-en] IED :rubeola (-bé-) {n} [Med.] measles
  • [ia-en] IED :rubidium (-bí-) {n} [Chem.] rubidium
  • [ia-en] IED :rubrica (-íca) {n} 1. red ocher, ruddle; 2. [Eccl., Law] rubric
  • [ia-en] IED :ruina (-ína) {n} ruin (1. downfall, decay, etc.; 2. building in ruins); ruinas ruins; cader in ruina to fall into ruin; ir a ruina to go to ruin
  • [ia-en] IED :ruito (-íto) {n} 1. noise, din; 2. rumor, report
  • [ia-en] IED :rumpe-nuces (-nú-) {n} nutcracker
  • [ia-en] IED :russophilo (-só-) {n} Russophile
  • [ia-en] IED :rustico (rús-) {n} rustic, countryman
  • [ia-en] IED :ruthenium (-té-) {n} [Chem.] ruthenium
  • [ia-en] IED :rutilo (rú) {n} [Mineral.] rutile
  • [ia-en] IED :saccharo (sác-) {n} sugar
  • [ia-en] IED :saccharo-metro (-ómetro) {n} saccharometer
  • [ia-en] IED :saccheo (-éo) {n} pillage, sacking
  • [ia-en] IED :sacri-lege (-í-) {adj} sacrilegious
  • [ia-en] IED :sacristia (-ía) {n} sacristy, vestry
  • [ia-en] IED :[saepe] (sái-) {adv} often, frequently
  • [ia-en] IED :sage (sáje) {adj} sage, wise
  • [ia-en] IED :Sahara (sá-) {npr} Sahara
  • [ia-en] IED :salice (sá-) {n} willow
  • [ia-en] IED :salmonidos (-ídos) {npl} [Zool.] Salmonidae
  • [ia-en] IED :salsicieria (-ía) {n} sausage shop
  • [ia-en] IED :salti-grade (-í-) {adj} [Zool.] saltigrade
  • [ia-en] IED :salvageria (-ajería) {n} savagery, savageness
  • [ia-en] IED :saponeria (-ía) {n} soap factory
  • [ia-en] IED :sapro-phyto (-óphyto) {n} [Biol.] saprophyte
  • [ia-en] IED :sarcophago (-ó-) {n} 1. sarcophagus; 2. coffin
  • [ia-en] IED :sarculo (sár-) {n} (Dutch) hoe
  • [ia-en] IED :sardineria (-ía) {n} sardine industry
  • [ia-en] IED :sartoreria (-ía) {n} tailor's shop
  • [ia-en] IED :sassafras (-frás) {n} sassafras (1. sassafras tree; 2. sassafras bark)
  • [ia-en] IED :satellite (-tél-) {n} satellite; {also:} henchman
  • [ia-en] IED :satira (sá-) {n} satire
  • [ia-en] IED :satis (sá-) {adv} 1. enough; 2. rather, somewhat; esser satis to be enough; haber satis to have enough; satis de (tempore, etc.) enough (time, etc.), (time, etc.) enough
  • [ia-en] IED :satyro (sá-) {n} satyr (1. [Gr. Mythol.]; 2. [Entom.])
  • [ia-en] IED :saxicola (-í-) {n} [Ornith.] Saxicola
  • [ia-en] IED :saxi-cole (-í-) {adj} [Bot., Zool.] saxicolous, saxicoline (growing on, or inhabiting rocks)
  • [ia-en] IED :saxifraga (-í-) {n} [Bot.] saxifrage
  • [ia-en] IED :saxi-frage (-í-) {adj} saxifragous (breaking or dissolving stone)
  • [ia-en] IED :scandalo (scán-) {n} 1. offense, scandalous example; 2. scandal (as in "political scandal"); petra de scandalo stumbling block
  • [ia-en] IED :scandium (scán-) {n} [Chem.] scandium
  • [ia-en] IED :scapula (scá-) {n} shoulder blade, scapula
  • [ia-en] IED :scarabeo (-éo) {n} I. scarabaeus (1. [Entom.]; 2. [Egyptol.] scarab); II. [Entom.] beetle
  • [ia-en] IED :scel-algia (-ía) {n} [Pathol.] scelalgia, pain in the legs
  • [ia-en] IED :scenographia (-ía) scenography
  • [ia-en] IED :sceno-grapho (-ógrapho) {n} scenographer
  • [ia-en] IED :sceno-pegia (-ía) {n} [Jewish Relig.] Sukkoth, Feast of Tabernacles
  • [ia-en] IED :schizo-phrenia (-ía) {n} [Psychiatry] schizophrenia
  • [ia-en] IED :schizo-phyto (-óphyto) {n} [Bot.l schizophyte
  • [ia-en] IED :schizopode (-ó-) {adj} schizopol, schizopodous
  • [ia-en] IED :schizopodo (-ópodo) {n} [Zool.] schizopod
  • [ia-en] IED :scia-machia (-ía) {n} sciamachy, sham fight, shadow boxing
  • [ia-en] IED :scler-enchyma (-én-) {n} sclerenchyma (1. [Bot.]; 2. [Zool.])
  • [ia-en] IED :scler-ophthalmia (-ía) {n} [Pathol.] sclerophthalmia
  • [ia-en] IED :sclerosis (-ósis) {n} [Med., Bot.] sclerosis (hardening, induration)
  • [ia-en] IED :-scopia (-ía) [occurring in compoundz] -sccopy (examination, observation)
  • [ia-en] IED :scrofula (scró-) {n} [Pathol.] scrofula
  • [ia-en] IED :scrofulosis (-ósis) {n} [Med.] scrofulosis
  • [ia-en] IED :scrupulo (scrú-) {n} scruple (1. [Pharm.]; 2. as in "conscientious scruples")
  • [ia-en] IED :seculo (sé-) {n} 1. century (period of 100 years); 2. world (things mundane)
  • [ia-en] IED :se-dece (sé-) {adj} sixteen
  • [ia-en] IED :seismic (séiz-) {adj} seismic
  • [ia-en] IED :seismo (séizmo) {n} earthquake, seism
  • [ia-en] IED :seismographia (-ía) seismography
  • [ia-en] IED :seismo-grapho (-ógrapho) {n} seismograph
  • [ia-en] IED :seismologia (-ía) {n} seismology
  • [ia-en] IED :seismo-logo (-ólogo) {n} seismologist
  • [ia-en] IED :selenium (-lé-) {n} [Chem.] selenium
  • [ia-en] IED :selenographia (-ía) {n} selenography
  • [ia-en] IED :selleria (-ía) {n} saddlery
  • [ia-en] IED :sema-phoro (-má-) {n} semaphore
  • [ia-en] IED :semasiologia (-ía) {n} [Philol.] semasiology, semantics
  • [ia-en] IED :semasio-logo (-ólogo) {n} semasiologist, semanticist
  • [ia-en] IED :semato-graphia (-ía) {n} sematography, sign-writing
  • [ia-en] IED :semeio-logia (-ía) {n} [Med.] semeiology
  • [ia-en] IED :semi-dea (-éa) {n} demigoddess
  • [ia-en] IED :semi-deo (-éo) {n} demigod
  • [ia-en] IED :semi-diametro (-ámetro) {n} [Math.] semidiameter
  • [ia-en] IED :semi-fluide (-flú-) {adj} semifluid
  • [ia-en] IED :semita (2) (sé-) {n} 1. path; 2. [Zool.] semita, fasciole
  • [ia-en] IED :semper (sém-) {adv} always
  • [ia-en] IED :senioria (-ía) {n} 1. [Hist.] seigniory; 2. lordship; {also:} as in "your lordship"
  • [ia-en] IED :sepsis (sép-) {n} [Med.] sepsis
  • [ia-en] IED :septagesime (-ésime) {adj} seventieth; le septagesime parte, le septagesimo the seventieth part, the seventieth
  • [ia-en] IED :septantesime (-ésime) {adj} seventieth, le septantesime parte, le septantesimo the seventieth part, the seventieth
  • [ia-en] IED :septem-viro (-tém-) {n} [Rom. Antiq.] septemvir
  • [ia-en] IED :septic-emia (-ía) {n} [Med.] septicemia, septicaemia
  • [ia-en] IED :septima (sép-) {n} [Mus.] seventh
  • [ia-en] IED :septime (sép-) {adj} seventh
  • [ia-en] IED :septu-ple (sép-) {adj} septuple, sevenfold
  • [ia-en] IED :sequoia (-quóia) {n} sequoia; sequoia gigante giant sequoia, big tree; sequoia sempervivente redwood
  • [ia-en] IED :[sera] (-rá) fut of ser will be, shall be
  • [ia-en] IED :[serea] (-éa) cond of ser would be, should be
  • [ia-en] IED :serenissimo (-íssimo) {n} serenissimo
  • [ia-en] IED :sero-logia (-ía) {n} serology
  • [ia-en] IED :sero-therapia (-ía) {n} serotherapy
  • [ia-en] IED :serreria (-ía) {n} sawmill
  • [ia-en] IED :sesquialtera (-ál) {n} [Mus.] sesquialtera
  • [ia-en] IED :sesqui-oxydo (-óx-) {n} [Chem.] sesquioxide
  • [ia-en] IED :seteria (-ría) {n} 1. silk factory or store; 2. silk (ware)
  • [ia-en] IED :sexagesime (-ésime) {adj} sixtieth; le sexagesime parte, le sexagesimo the sixtieth part, the sixtieth
  • [ia-en] IED :sexantesime (-ésime) {adj} sixtieth; le sexantesime parte, le sexantesimo the sixtieth part, the sixtieth
  • [ia-en] IED :sextu-ple (séx-) {adj} sextuple, sixfold
  • [ia-en] IED :sibilo (sí-) {n} I. whistle (1. whistling; 2. instrument for whistling); II. hiss, hissing
  • [ia-en] IED :[sic-ut] (sí-) {adv} so as, just as, as
  • [ia-en] IED :sidero-graphia (-ía) {n} siderography
  • [ia-en] IED :sidero-litho (-ólito) {n} siderolite
  • [ia-en] IED :sidero-stato (-ó-) {n} siderostat
  • [ia-en] IED :sider-urgia (-ía) {n} metallurgy or working of iron, siderurgy
  • [ia-en] IED :silice (sí-) {n} 1. flint; 2. silex, silica
  • [ia-en] IED :silici-fluoric (-óric) {adj} silicifluoric
  • [ia-en] IED :silicium (-lí-) {n} silicon, silicium
  • [ia-en] IED :silicosis (-ósis) {n} [Pathol.] silicosis
  • [ia-en] IED :siliqua (sí-) {n} [Bot.] pod; silique
  • [ia-en] IED :simieria (-ía) {n} monkey business, monkeyshine
  • [ia-en] IED :simonia (-ía) {n} simony
  • [ia-en] IED :sim-plice (sím-) {adj} simple (1. not double, not manifold; 2. not complicated)
  • [ia-en] IED :sim-plices (sím-) {npl} simples, medicinal herbs
  • [ia-en] IED :simul (sí-) {adv} at once, at the same time, together
  • [ia-en] IED :sin-cipite (-cíp-) {n} [Anat.] sinciput
  • [ia-en] IED :sinologia (-ía) {n} Sinology
  • [ia-en] IED :sino-logo (-ólogo) {n} Sinologue, Sinologist
  • [ia-en] IED :sinusitis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol.] sinusitis, sinus trouble
  • [ia-en] IED :Sion (sí-) {npr} Zion (1. hill near Jerusalem; 2. Jerusalem; 3. the Church)
  • [ia-en] IED :siphono-phoro (-nó-) {n} [Zool.] siphonophore
  • [ia-en] IED :siphono-stome (-nó-) {adj} [Zool.] siphonostomatous, siphonostomous
  • [ia-en] IED :sito-mania (-ía) {n} [Psychol.] sitomania
  • [ia-en] IED :sito-phobia (-ía) {n} [Psychol.] sitophobia
  • [ia-en] IED :situla (sí-) {n} bucket, pail
  • [ia-en] IED :skeleto (ské-) {n} skeleton (1. [Anat.]; 2. framework (of a house, ship, etc.); 3. outline, sketch)
  • [ia-en] IED :skelet-ologia (-ía) {n} skeletology
  • [ia-en] IED :slavophilo (-ó-) {n} Slavophile
  • [ia-en] IED :Slovachia (-ákia) {npr} Slovakia
  • [ia-en] IED :sociologia (-ía) {n} sociology
  • [ia-en] IED :socio-logo (-ólogo) {n} sociologist
  • [ia-en] IED :Socrates (só-) {npr} Socrates
  • [ia-en] IED :sodium (só-) {n} sodium
  • [ia-en] IED :Sodoma (só-) {npr} Sodom
  • [ia-en] IED :sodomia (-mía) {n} sodomy
  • [ia-en] IED :soja (sóya) {n} [Bot.] soy, soybean, soya
  • [ia-en] IED :solfeggiar (-fedjár) {v} [Mus.] to sol-fa, practice solfeggios
  • [ia-en] IED :solide (só-) {adj} solid (1. not liquid, fluid, or gaseous; 2. firmly or strongly built; 3. of sound, sterling character)
  • [ia-en] IED :soli-pede (-í-) {adj} [Zool.] soliped soli-pede (-í-) {n} [Zool.] soliped
  • [ia-en] IED :solite (só-) {adj} wonted, accustomed; {also:} wont
  • [ia-en] IED :sollicite (-lí-) {adj} solicitous (concerned)
  • [ia-en] IED :somn-ambulo (-ám-) {n} sleepwalker, somnambulist
  • [ia-en] IED :somnifero (-ní-) {n} sleeping tablet, sporific
  • [ia-en] IED :somni-loque (-ní-) {adj} somniloquous
  • [ia-en] IED :[somos] (só-) {pr 1me pers pl} of esser : (we) are
  • [ia-en] IED :sono-metro (-nó-) {n} sonometer (soundmeasuring instrument)
  • [ia-en] IED :sophia (-ía) {n} sophia, wisdom Sophia (-ía) {nprf} Sophia
  • [ia-en] IED :Sophocles (só-) {npr} Sophocles
  • [ia-en] IED :spatula (spá-) {n} 1. [Anat.l shoulder; 2. spatula; 3. [Zool.] spoonbill
  • [ia-en] IED :specieria (-ía) {n} 1. groceries (collectively); 2. grocery (store)
  • [ia-en] IED :spectroscopia (-ía) {n} spectroscopy
  • [ia-en] IED :speculo (spé-) {n} mirror; {also:} speculum
  • [ia-en] IED :spermato-zoon (-zó-) {n} [Zool.] spermatozoon
  • [ia-en] IED :spermo-philo (-mó-) {n} gopher, spermophile
  • [ia-en] IED :spher-ometro (-ómetro) {n} [Phys.] spherometer
  • [ia-en] IED :spirito (spí-) {n} spirit (1. as in "spirit of ammonia"; 2. "spirit as opposed to body or matter"; 3. as in "to believe in spirits"; {also:} sprite); Spirito Sancte Holy Ghost; spirito maligne evil spirit; spirito forte freethinker; spirito de corpore esprit de corps
  • [ia-en] IED :spirometria (-ía) {n} spirometry
  • [ia-en] IED :spiro-metro (-ómetro) {n} spirometer
  • [ia-en] IED :splenitis (-ítis) {n} [Med.] splenitis
  • [ia-en] IED :spleno-logia (-ía) {n} splenorogy
  • [ia-en] IED :spleno-pathia (-ía) {n} splenopathy
  • [ia-en] IED :spondaic (-áic) {adj} [Pros.] spondaic, spondaical
  • [ia-en] IED :spondeo (-éo) {n} [Pros.] spondee
  • [ia-en] IED :stabulo (stá-) {n} stable, cattle barn, sty, etc.
  • [ia-en] IED :stearic (-á-) {adj} [Chem.] stearic
  • [ia-en] IED :steatosis (-ósis) {n} [Med.] fatty degeneration, steatosis
  • [ia-en] IED :stenographia (-ía) {n} stenography, shorthand
  • [ia-en] IED :steno-grapho (-ógrapho) {n} stenographer
  • [ia-en] IED :Stephano (sté-) {npr} Stephen
  • [ia-en] IED :stereo-graphia (-ía) {n} stereography
  • [ia-en] IED :stereo-metria (-ía) {n} stereometry
  • [ia-en] IED :stereoscopia (-ía) {n} stereoscopy
  • [ia-en] IED :stereo-tomia (-ía) {n} stereotomy
  • [ia-en] IED :stereotype (-ó-) {adj} 1. [Print.] stereotype, stereotypical; 2. stereotyped
  • [ia-en] IED :stereotypia (-ía) {n} stereotyping; stereotype, stereotypy
  • [ia-en] IED :stereo-typo (-ó-) {n} stereo, stereotype (stereotype plate)
  • [ia-en] IED :stern-algia (-ía) {n} [Med.] sternalgia
  • [ia-en] IED :stethoscopia (-ía) {n} stethoscopy
  • [ia-en] IED :sticho-mythia (-ía) {n} [Gr. Lit.] stichomythy
  • [ia-en] IED :stigmata (stí-) {npl} [Theol.] stigmata
  • [ia-en] IED :stoic (stóic) {adj} stoic, stoical (1. [Philos.]; 2. indifferent to pleasure and pain)
  • [ia-en] IED :stoico (stóico) {n} stoic (1. [Philos.]; 2. one who practices stoicism)
  • [ia-en] IED :stomacho (stó-) {n} stomach
  • [ia-en] IED :stomatitis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol.] stomatitis
  • [ia-en] IED :strabo-tomia (-ía) {n} [Surg.] strabotomy
  • [ia-en] IED :strategia (-ía) {n} strategy
  • [ia-en] IED :strepito (stré-) {n} noise, din
  • [ia-en] IED :strigides (strí-) {npl} [Zool.] Strigidae
  • [ia-en] IED :stupula (stú-) {n} stubble (the stumps of wheat, corn, grass, etc. left in the ground after reaping)
  • [ia-en] IED :subite (sú-) {adj} sudden
  • [ia-en] IED :subito (sú-) {adv} suddenly, unexpectedly
  • [ia-en] IED :subtitulo (-tí-) {n} subtitle
  • [ia-en] IED :subtus (súb-) {adv} below, beneath, underneath
  • [ia-en] IED :subula (sú-) {n} awl
  • [ia-en] IED :succubo (súc-) {n} succubus
  • [ia-en] IED :sucrage (-áje) {n} sugaring, sweetening
  • [ia-en] IED :sucreria (-ía) {n} sugarworks
  • [ia-en] IED :super (sú-) I. {prep} 1. on, upon; on top of; above, over; 2. about, concerning, on; II. {adv} above, on top; super toto above all
  • [ia-en] IED :supercingula (-cíng-) {n} surcingle
  • [ia-en] IED :supplica (súp-) {n} request, prayer, petition
  • [ia-en] IED :supplice (súp-) {adj} supplicant
  • [ia-en] IED :suprematia (-ía) {n} supremacy
  • [ia-en] IED :syllaba (síl-) {n} syllable
  • [ia-en] IED :sylphide (síl-) {n} sylph; sylphid
  • [ia-en] IED :symbolo (sím-) {n} symbol (1. [Relig.]; 2. symbolic representation; 3. significant mark or character)
  • [ia-en] IED :symbol-ogia (-ía) {n} symbology
  • [ia-en] IED :symmetria (-ía) {n} symmetry
  • [ia-en] IED :sympathia (-ía) {n} 1. sympathy (affinity between persons or things); 2. liking, friendly feeling
  • [ia-en] IED :symphonia (-ía) {n} [Mus.] symphony (as in "the Fifth Symphony")
  • [ia-en] IED :symphysis (sím-) {n} [Anat., Zool., etc.] symphysis
  • [ia-en] IED :symptomato-logia (-ía) {n} symptomatology
  • [ia-en] IED :syncope (sín-) {n} I. syncope (1. [Gram.]; 2. [Med.]); II. [Mus.] syncopation
  • [ia-en] IED :syncrasis (-crá-) {n} syncrasis (intermixture, blending)
  • [ia-en] IED :syndico (sín-) {n} 1. [Admin.] syndic; 2. [Law] trustee
  • [ia-en] IED :synecologia (-ía) {n} synecology
  • [ia-en] IED :synodo (sí-) {n} synod (1. [Eccl.]; 2. assembly, convention; 3. [Astrol.] conjunction)
  • [ia-en] IED :synonyme (-ónime) {adj} synonymous
  • [ia-en] IED :synonymia (-ía) {n} synonymy (quallty of being synonymous)
  • [ia-en] IED :synonymo (-ónimo) {n} synonym
  • [ia-en] IED :synthese (-íntese) {n} synthesis; specif.: [Philos., Chem., etc.]
  • [ia-en] IED :Syphilis (sí-) {npr} [Latin poem by Fracostoro, published in 1530 and relating the story of the shepherd Syphilus]; syphilis [Pathol.] syphilis
  • [ia-en] IED :syriac (-rí-) {adj} Syriac (as in "Syriac language"); also: Syrian
  • [ia-en] IED :syriaco (-rí-) {n} Syriac (language)
  • [ia-en] IED :tabu (-ú) {adj} taboo tabu (-ú) {n} taboo
  • [ia-en] IED :tabacheria (-ía) {n} tobacconist's, cigar store, etc.
  • [ia-en] IED :tabula (tá-) {n} I. slab, plate, board, table; II. table (1. [Furniture]; 2. as in "table of contents"); le tabulas del lege the Tables of the Law; tabula rase tabula rasa; facer tabula rase de to make a clean sweep of; poner le tabula to lay or set the table; tabula nigre blackboard; tabula (de fenestra) (window) sill
  • [ia-en] IED :tachygraphia (-ía) {n} tachygraphy
  • [ia-en] IED :tachy-grapho (-kí-) {n} tachygrapher, tachygraphist
  • [ia-en] IED :tachymetria (-ía) {n} [Surv.] tachymetry
  • [ia-en] IED :tachy-metro (-kí-) {n} [Surv.] tachymeter
  • [ia-en] IED :tacite (tá-) 1. pp of tacer; 2. {adj} tacit
  • [ia-en] IED :taffeta (-tá) {n} taffeta; taffeta de Angleterra court plaster
  • [ia-en] IED :[tamen] (tá-) {adv} yet, however, nevertheless, notwithstanding
  • [ia-en] IED :tanneria (-ía) {n} tannery
  • [ia-en] IED :tantalium (-tá-) {n} [Chem.] tantalum
  • [ia-en] IED :Tantalo (tán-) {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Tantalus; tantalo [Ornith.] tantalus
  • [ia-en] IED :tapisseria (-ía) {n} tapestry; {also:} upholstery
  • [ia-en] IED :tardi-grade (-í-) {adj} tardigrade, slowpaced
  • [ia-en] IED :tardigrado (-í-) {n} [Zool.] tardigrade
  • [ia-en] IED :taurides (táu-) {npl} [Astron.] Taurids
  • [ia-en] IED :tauro-machia (-ía) {n} tauromachy, bullfighting
  • [ia-en] IED :tauto-logia (-ía) {n} tautology
  • [ia-en] IED :taxi (-í) {n} taxi, taxicab
  • [ia-en] IED :taxi-dermia (-ía) {n} taxidermy
  • [ia-en] IED :taxi-metro (-í-) {n} taximeter
  • [ia-en] IED :taxi-nomia (-ía) {n} taxonomy, taxinomy
  • [ia-en] IED :taxis (tá-) [Gr.] {n} [Surg.] taxis;
  • [ia-en] IED :techno-crate (-ó-) {n} technocrat
  • [ia-en] IED :techno-cratia (-ía) {n} technocracy
  • [ia-en] IED :technologia (-ía) {n} technology
  • [ia-en] IED :techno-logo (-ólogo) {n} technologist
  • [ia-en] IED :tegula (té-) {n} tile
  • [ia-en] IED :teguleria (-ía) {n} tilery
  • [ia-en] IED :tel-autographo (-ógrapho) {n} telautograph, facsimile telegraph
  • [ia-en] IED :telegraphia (-ía) {n} telegraphy
  • [ia-en] IED :telegrapho (-lé-) {n} telegraph
  • [ia-en] IED :telemetria (-ía) {n} telemetry
  • [ia-en] IED :tele-metro (-lé-) {n} telemeter (instrument for measuring the distance of an object from the observer)
  • [ia-en] IED :teleo-logia (-ía) {n} teleology
  • [ia-en] IED :tele-pathia (-ía) {n} telepathy
  • [ia-en] IED :telephero (-lé-) {n} telpher (light car suspended from cables)
  • [ia-en] IED :telephonia (-ía) {n} telephony
  • [ia-en] IED :tele-photographia (-ía) {n} telephotography (1. photography at a distance; 2. electric transmission of photographs)
  • [ia-en] IED :tempora (tém-) {n} [Anat.] temple
  • [ia-en] IED :tenebras (tén-) {npl} 1. darkness, dark; 2. [Eccl.] Tenebrae; angelo del tenebras Prince of Darkness
  • [ia-en] IED :tenebrionides (-ó-) {npl} [Zool.] Tenebrionidae, darkling beetles
  • [ia-en] IED :terebra (tér-) {n} [Zool.] terebra (1. boring ovipositor of hymenopterous insect; 2. genus to which auger shell belongs)
  • [ia-en] IED :termino (tér-) {n} term (1. limit in space or time; 2. a space of time; 3. expression; 4. "term of a contract, etc.", termino medie middle term; termino technic technical term; sin termino endlessly; esser in bon (mal) terminos con to be on good (bad) terms with
  • [ia-en] IED :termino-logia (-ía) {n} terminology
  • [ia-en] IED :terri-cola (-í-) {n} [Zool., Bot.] terricole, terricolist; attrib terricolous
  • [ia-en] IED :tetano (té-) {n} [Med.] tetanus; {also:} lockjaw
  • [ia-en] IED :tetra-logia (-ía) {n} tetralogy
  • [ia-en] IED :tetra-metro (-á-) {n} tetrameter
  • [ia-en] IED :tetra-pode (-trá-) {adj} tetrapod
  • [ia-en] IED :tetrarchia (-ía) {n} tetrarchy
  • [ia-en] IED :teuto-mania (-ía) {n} Teutomania
  • [ia-en] IED :teutono (téu-) {n} Teuton
  • [ia-en] IED :thallo-geno (-ógeno) {n} thallogen
  • [ia-en] IED :thaumaturgia (-ía) {n} thaumaturgy
  • [ia-en] IED :theatro-mano (-ó-) {n} theatromaniac
  • [ia-en] IED :theina (-ína) {n} [Chem.] theine
  • [ia-en] IED :theismo (-ízmo) {n} theism
  • [ia-en] IED :theista (-ísta) {n} theist
  • [ia-en] IED :theistic (-ístic) {adj} theistic
  • [ia-en] IED :theo-crate (-ó-) {n} theocrat
  • [ia-en] IED :theo-cratia (-ía) {n} theocracy
  • [ia-en] IED :theo-dicea (-éa) {n} theodicy
  • [ia-en] IED :theo-gonia (-ía) {n} theogony
  • [ia-en] IED :theologia (-ía) {n} theology
  • [ia-en] IED :theo-logo (-ólogo) {n} theologian
  • [ia-en] IED :theo-mantia (-ía) {n} theomancy
  • [ia-en] IED :theoria (-ía) {n} 1. [Gr. Relig.] theoria; 2. theory
  • [ia-en] IED :theoro (-óro) {n} [Gr. Hist.] theor
  • [ia-en] IED :theo-sophe (-ósophe) {adj} theosophical
  • [ia-en] IED :theosophia (-ía) {n} theosophy
  • [ia-en] IED :theosopho (-ósopho) {n} theosophist
  • [ia-en] IED :therapia (-ía) {n} 1. therapy; 2. therapeutics
  • [ia-en] IED :thermas (tér-) {npl} thermae; specif.: [Rom. Antiq.]
  • [ia-en] IED :thermo-chimia (-ía) {n} thermochemistry
  • [ia-en] IED :thermo-metro (-ó-) {n} thermometer
  • [ia-en] IED :Thermo-pylas (-mó-) {nprpl} Thermopylae
  • [ia-en] IED :thermo-stato (-ó-) {n} thermostat
  • [ia-en] IED :thesaureria (-ía) {n} treasury (1. treasure house; 2. treasury department, exchequer)
  • [ia-en] IED :theurgia (-ía) {n} theurgy, (white) magic
  • [ia-en] IED :theurgic (-úrgic) {adj} theurgic
  • [ia-en] IED :the-urgo (-úrgo) {n} theurgist
  • [ia-en] IED :Thomas (tómas) {nprm} Thomas
  • [ia-en] IED :thorium (tó-) {n} [Chem.] thorium
  • [ia-en] IED :thrombosis (-ósis) {n}, thrombosis
  • [ia-en] IED :thyreo-tomia (-ía) {n} [Surg.] thyrotomy, thyreotomy
  • [ia-en] IED :thyro-tomia (-ía) {n} [Surg.] thyrotomy
  • [ia-en] IED :tinctureria (-ía) {n} dyer's shop
  • [ia-en] IED :tira-corcos (-cór-) {n} corkscrew
  • [ia-en] IED :titanium (-tá-) {n} [Chem.] titanium
  • [ia-en] IED :titano-machia (-ía) {n} titanomachia, war of the Titans
  • [ia-en] IED :titulo (tí-) {n} I. title (1. "title of nobility, honor, rank, etc."; 2. recognized claim or right; 3. "title of a book, song, etc."); II. [Assaying] fineness of gold or silver; III. [Paleog.] mark over a word as sign of abbreviation
  • [ia-en] IED :toalia (-ália) {n} towel
  • [ia-en] IED :-tomia (-ía) {n} [occurring in compounds] -tomy (cutting)
  • [ia-en] IED :tonitro (tó-) {n} thunder
  • [ia-en] IED :tonsill-ectomia (-ía) {n} [Surg.] tonsillectomy
  • [ia-en] IED :tonsillitis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol.] tonsillitis
  • [ia-en] IED :tonsillo-tomia (-ía) {n} tonsillectomy
  • [ia-en] IED :topographia (-ía) {n} topography (1. art or practice of topography; 2. topographical features of an area)
  • [ia-en] IED :topo-grapho (-óqrapho) {n} topographer
  • [ia-en] IED :top-onymia (-ía) {n} toponymy
  • [ia-en] IED :torneo (-éo) {n} tournament, tourney
  • [ia-en] IED :torneria (-ía) {n} turnely (a turner's work shop)
  • [ia-en] IED :totem (tó-) {n} totem
  • [ia-en] IED :totevia (-ía) {adv} yet, still, nevertheless
  • [ia-en] IED :tourismo (turízino) {n} tourism
  • [ia-en] IED :tourista (turísta) {n} tourist
  • [ia-en] IED :touristic (turístic) {adj} tourist, touring
  • [ia-en] IED :toxico-logo (-có-) {n} toxicologist
  • [ia-en] IED :trachea (-éa) {n} windpipe, trachea
  • [ia-en] IED :tracheitis (-ítis) {n} [Med.] tracheitis
  • [ia-en] IED :tracheo-tomia (-ía) {n} tracheotomy
  • [ia-en] IED :traffico (trá-) {n} trade, commerce, traffic
  • [ia-en] IED :trair (-ír) {v} to betray
  • [ia-en] IED :tram-via (-ía) {n} streetcar line
  • [ia-en] IED :transito (trán-) {n} transit
  • [ia-en] IED :tre-dece (tré-) {adj} thirteen
  • [ia-en] IED :tremulo (tré-) {n} aspen, trembling poplar
  • [ia-en] IED :trenchea (-éa) {n} [Mil.] trench
  • [ia-en] IED :trentesime (-ésime) {adj} thirtieth; le trentesime parte, le trentesimo the thirtieth part, the thirtieth
  • [ia-en] IED :tresoreria (-ía) {n} treasury (1. treasure house; 2. treasury department, exchequer)
  • [ia-en] IED :triade (trí-) {n} triad (1. trio, trinity, three; 2. specif.: [Mus., Geom., etc.])
  • [ia-en] IED :triangulo (-ángulo) {n} triangle
  • [ia-en] IED :tribulo (trí-) {n} threshing machine, thresher
  • [ia-en] IED :trichinosis (-ósis) {n} [Pathol.] trichinosis
  • [ia-en] IED :tri-chlorido (-clór-) {n} trichloride
  • [ia-en] IED :tri-cipite (-cí-) {adj} [Anat.] (of the triceps) tri-cipite (-cí-) {n} triceps
  • [ia-en] IED :tri-fide (trí-) {adj} trifid
  • [ia-en] IED :tri-gemine (-gé-) {adj} trigeminous, born three at one birth
  • [ia-en] IED :trigemino (-gé-) {n} triplet
  • [ia-en] IED :trillionesime (-ésime) {adj} trillionth; le trillionesime parte, le trillionesimo the trillionth part, the trillionth
  • [ia-en] IED :tri-logia (-ía) {n} trilogy
  • [ia-en] IED :tri-metro (trí-) {n} trimeter
  • [ia-en] IED :tri-oxydo (-ó-) {n} trioxide
  • [ia-en] IED :tri-pede (trí-) {n} tripod; {also:} trivet
  • [ia-en] IED :triplice (trí-) {adj} triplex, triple, threefold
  • [ia-en] IED :tri-syllabe (-sí-) {adj} trisyllabic
  • [ia-en] IED :trisyllabo (-sí-) {n} trisyllabo
  • [ia-en] IED :tritico (trí-) {n} wheat
  • [ia-en] IED :trium-viro (-úm-) {n} [Rom. Antiq.] triumvir
  • [ia-en] IED :trocheo (-éo) {n} [Pros.] trochee
  • [ia-en] IED :Troia (tróia) {npr} [Gr. Hist.] Troy
  • [ia-en] IED :troika (trói-) [R] {n} troika
  • [ia-en] IED :tropheo (-éo) {n} trophy
  • [ia-en] IED :tropo-logia (-ía) {n} tropology
  • [ia-en] IED :tsarevich (-évitch) [R] {n} czarevich, tsarevich
  • [ia-en] IED :tuberculosis (-ósis) {n} tuberculosis; tuberculosis pulmonar tuberculosis of the lungs
  • [ia-en] IED :tubi-cola (-í-) {n} [Zool.] tubicole
  • [ia-en] IED :turbo-dynamo (-dí-) {n} turbodynamo
  • [ia-en] IED :turdides (túr-) {npl} [Zool.] Turdidae
  • [ia-en] IED :tutoria (-ía) {n} [Law] guardianship, tutorship
  • [ia-en] IED :tympano (tím-) {n} I. [Mus.] drum; II. [Print.] tympan; III. tympanum (1. [Anat.]; 2. [Arch.])
  • [ia-en] IED :typographia (-ía) {n} typography, printing
  • [ia-en] IED :typo-grapho (-ógrapho) {n} typographer
  • [ia-en] IED :typometria (-ía) {n} typometry
  • [ia-en] IED :typo-metro (-ómetro) {n} [Print.] typometer
  • [ia-en] IED :tyrannia (-ía) {n} tyranny
  • [ia-en] IED :ultime (úl-) {adj} last
  • [ia-en] IED :ultragiar (-ajár) {v} to outrage
  • [ia-en] IED :uluco (ú-) {n} owl
  • [ia-en] IED :ulula (úlula) {n} barn owl
  • [ia-en] IED :Ulysses (-lís-) {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Ulysses
  • [ia-en] IED :umbilico (-íco) {n} [Anat.] navel, umbilicus
  • [ia-en] IED :un-anime (-ánime) {adj} unanimous
  • [ia-en] IED :un-dece (ún-) {adj} eleven
  • [ia-en] IED :ungula (úngula) {n} 1. nail (of a finger or toe); 2. claw (of a canine, feline, or bird); 3. hoof (of an animal)
  • [ia-en] IED :unisono (-í-) {n} unison
  • [ia-en] IED :unquam (únquam) {adv} ever, at any time
  • [ia-en] IED :uralo-altaic (-táic) {adj} uralaltaic
  • [ia-en] IED :uranium (-rá-) {n} uranium
  • [ia-en] IED :uranographia (-ía) {n} uranography
  • [ia-en] IED :urano-grapho (-ógrapho) {n} uranographer
  • [ia-en] IED :urano-metria (-ía) {n} (science of) uranometry
  • [ia-en] IED :ur-emia (-ía) {n} [Med.] uremia, uraemia
  • [ia-en] IED :ureteritis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol.] ureteritis
  • [ia-en] IED :uretero-tomia (-ía) {n} [Surg.] ureterotomy
  • [ia-en] IED :urethritis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol.] urethritis
  • [ia-en] IED :urethroscopia (-ía) {n} [Med.] urethroscopy
  • [ia-en] IED :urtica (-tíca) {n} nettle, urtica
  • [ia-en] IED :Uruguay (-ái) {npr} Uruguay (1. Uruguay river; 2. Republic of Uruguay); Republica Oriental del Uruguay Republic of Uruguay
  • [ia-en] IED :usquam (ús-) {adv} somewhere
  • [ia-en] IED :usuria (-ía) {n} usury
  • [ia-en] IED :utero (ú-) {n} uterus, womb
  • [ia-en] IED :utero-logia (-ía) {n} uterology
  • [ia-en] IED :[utrum ... an] (ú-) {conj} whether ... or
  • [ia-en] IED :vaccheria (-ía) {n} 1. cow stables; 2. dairy farm
  • [ia-en] IED :vacuolo (-cú-) {n} [Biol.] vacuole
  • [ia-en] IED :vademecum (-mé-) {n} vade mecum
  • [ia-en] IED :vaginitis (-ítis) {n} [Pathol.) vaginitis
  • [ia-en] IED :vaina (-ína) {n} sheath, scabbard, etc.
  • [ia-en] IED :vallea (-éa) {n} valley
  • [ia-en] IED :[vamos] (vá-) {pr 1me pers pl} of vader I. (we) go, are going; II. let's go, let us go; III. [Grammatical functions: 1. auxiliary, forming the future or immediate future; 2. auxiliary, forming the imperative]; vamos comenciar 1. we shall begin, are going to begin; 2. let's begin, let us begin
  • [ia-en] IED :vandalo (ván-) {n} 1. [Hist.] Vandal; 2. vandal (wanton destroyer)
  • [ia-en] IED :vanteria (-ía) {n} boasting, vauntery
  • [ia-en] IED :varice (vá-) {n} [Med.] varix, varicose vein
  • [ia-en] IED :variola (-rí-) {n} [Med.] smallpox, variola
  • [ia-en] IED :vegete (vé-) {adj} healthy, vigorous, flourishing
  • [ia-en] IED :velocifero (-cí-) {n} 1. stagecoach express; 2. velocipede, dandy horse
  • [ia-en] IED :veloci-metro (-cí-) {n} speedometer, velocimeter
  • [ia-en] IED :veloci-pede (-cí-) {n} velocipede
  • [ia-en] IED :vendita (vén-) {n} sale (act of selling)
  • [ia-en] IED :vener-di (-dí) {n} Friday; Venerdi Sancte Good Friday
  • [ia-en] IED :veneria (-ía) {n} hunt, chase, hunting; venery
  • [ia-en] IED :venete (vé-) {adj} 1. [Rom. Antiq.] Venetic (of Venetia or the Veneti); 2. of Venezia
  • [ia-en] IED :veneto (vé-) {n} 1. Venetic (language of the Veneti); 2. one of the Veneti
  • [ia-en] IED :vengiabile (-já-) {adj} worthy of revenge
  • [ia-en] IED :vengiantia (-ján-) {n} vengeance, revenge
  • [ia-en] IED :vengiar (-jár) {v} to avenge; vengiar se to avenge oneself, take revenge
  • [ia-en] IED :ventri-loque (-trí-) {adj} ventriloquous, ventriloquial
  • [ia-en] IED :ventriloquia (-ía) {n} ventriloquism, ventriloquy
  • [ia-en] IED :ventriloquo (-trí-) {n} ventriloquist
  • [ia-en] IED :Venus (vé-) {npr} Venus (1. [Rom. Relig.]; 2. [Astron.])
  • [ia-en] IED :veri-dic (-rí-) {adj} truthful, veridical
  • [ia-en] IED :vermi-fuge (-í-) {adj} vermifuge vermi-fuge (-í-) {n} vermifuge
  • [ia-en] IED :vermina (vér-) {n} vermin
  • [ia-en] IED :vertebra (vér-) {n} vertebra
  • [ia-en] IED :vertice (vér-) {n} vertex (1. top, summit; 2. [Anat.]; 3. [Math.])
  • [ia-en] IED :vesica (-íca) {n} [Anat.] (urinary) bladder; vesica biliari [Anat.] gall bladder; vesica natatori [Ichthyol.] air bladder, swim or swimming bladder
  • [ia-en] IED :vespera (vés-) {n} evening; iste vespera this evening, tonight; le vespera in the evening, evenings; heri vespera last night; mane vespera tomorrow night; vesperas [Eccl.] vespers
  • [ia-en] IED :vestibulo (-tí-) {n} vestibule; {also:} [Anat.]
  • [ia-en] IED :vetula (vé-) {n} old woman
  • [ia-en] IED :vetulo (vé-) {n} old man
  • [ia-en] IED :viagiar (-jár) {v} to travel
  • [ia-en] IED :victima (víc-) {n} victim
  • [ia-en] IED :vigesime (-gé-) {adj} twentieth
  • [ia-en] IED :vigesimo (-gé-) {n} twentieth (part)
  • [ia-en] IED :villania (-ía) {n} vile action, villainy
  • [ia-en] IED :vinagreria (-ía) {n} vinegar factory
  • [ia-en] IED :vin-dice (vín-) {n} avenger
  • [ia-en] IED :vintesime (-ésime) {adj} twentieth; le vintesime parte, le vintesimo the twentieth part, the twentieth
  • [ia-en] IED :vipera (ví-) {n} viper
  • [ia-en] IED :viperides (-pér-) {npl} [Zool.] Viperidae
  • [ia-en] IED :virus (ví-) {n} [Pathol.] virus
  • [ia-en] IED :visita (ví-) {n} visit; facer un visita a un persona to call on someone; visita domiciliari domiciliary visit; derecto de visita right of search or visit; visita pastoral pastoral visitation (of a bishop)
  • [ia-en] IED :Vistula (vís-) {npr} Vistula
  • [ia-en] IED :vitamino-logia (-ía) {n} vitaminology
  • [ia-en] IED :viti-cola (-tí-) {n} winegrower, viticulturist viti-cola (-tí-) {adj} winegrowing, viticultural
  • [ia-en] IED :vivat (ví-) viva, vivat
  • [ia-en] IED :voltaic (-áic) {adj} voltaic; pila voltaic voltaic pile; arco voltaic voltaic arc
  • [ia-en] IED :voltaismo (-ísmo) {n} voltaism
  • [ia-en] IED :volta-metro (-tá-) {n} voltameter
  • [ia-en] IED :volt-ampere (-pér) {n} voltampere
  • [ia-en] IED :volteo (-éo) {n} [Man.] (act or art of vaulting)
  • [ia-en] IED :volti-metro (-ímetro) {n} voltmeter
  • [ia-en] IED :vomica (vó-) {n} [Med.] vomica
  • [ia-en] IED :vomito (vó-) {n} vomit, vomiting
  • [ia-en] IED :vortice (vór-) {n} whirlpool, vortex
  • [ia-en] IED :vulturides (-túr-) {npl} [Zool.] Vulturidae
  • [ia-en] IED :wadi (-dí) [Ar.] {n} wadi
  • [ia-en] IED :watti-metro (-í-) {n} wattmeter
  • [ia-en] IED :wombat (wóm-) {n} [Zool.] wombat
  • [ia-en] IED :xenon (ksé-) {n} [Chem.] xenon
  • [ia-en] IED :xenophilia (-ía) {n} xenophilism
  • [ia-en] IED :xenophilo (-nó-) {n} xenophile
  • [ia-en] IED :xeno-phobe (-nó-) {adj} xenophobe, xenophobian
  • [ia-en] IED :xenophobia (-ía) {n} xenophobia
  • [ia-en] IED :xenophobo (-nó-) {n} xenophobe
  • [ia-en] IED :xylographia (-ía) {n} xylography (art of engraving on wood or taking impressions from such engravings)
  • [ia-en] IED :xylo-grapho (-ógrapho) {n} xylographer
  • [ia-en] IED :xylo-logia (-ía) {n} xylology
  • [ia-en] IED :xylo-phage (-ó-) {adj} [Zool.] xylophagous
  • [ia-en] IED :xylophago (-ó-) {n} [Zool.] xylophage
  • [ia-en] IED :Zacharia (-ía) {npr} Zachariah; Zachary
  • [ia-en] IED :zebu (-bú) {n} [Zool.] zebu
  • [ia-en] IED :zelosia (-ía) {n} jealousy
  • [ia-en] IED :Zeus (Zéus) {npr} [Gr. Relig.] Zeus
  • [ia-en] IED :zincographia (-ía) {n} zincography, zinc etching
  • [ia-en] IED :zinco-grapho (-có-) {n} zincographer
  • [ia-en] IED :zodiaco (-dí-) {n} zodiac
  • [ia-en] IED :zoic (zóic) {adj} [Zool.] zoic
  • [ia-en] IED :zoo-graphia (-ía) {n} zoography
  • [ia-en] IED :zoo-latra (zo-ó-) {n} zoolater, animal worshiper
  • [ia-en] IED :zoolatria (-ía) {n} zoolatry, animal worship
  • [ia-en] IED :zoo-litho (zo-ó-) {n} zoolith, zoolite
  • [ia-en] IED :zoologia (-ía) {n} zoology
  • [ia-en] IED :zoo-logo (zo-ó-) {n} zoologist
  • [ia-en] IED :zoon (zó-on) (pl zoa) {n} [Zool.] zoon
  • [ia-en] IED :zoo-phyto (zo-ó-) {n} [Zool.] zoophyte
  • [ia-en] IED :zoophyto-logia (-ía) {n} zoophyto]ogy
  • [ia-en] IED :zoo-spora (zo-ó-) {n} [Bot.] zoospore
  • [ia-en] IED :zoo-tomia (-ía) {n} zootomy