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Ish vaqtida gap

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Ish vaqtida gap (1924)
by Abdulhamid Choʻlpon
335370Ish vaqtida gap1924Abdulhamid Choʻlpon

Tasodifiy bir ish bilan Anjan moliya shoʻbasiga kirdim, bi oz soliq to‘lasak kerak edi. Soliqni kassaga tez topshirdim, lekin, pulning oling‘anlig‘i to‘g‘risida berilaturg‘an sanadni juda cho‘zub berdilar. Birgina shu sanad uchun 1,5-2 soat turdim.

Mahkamada ish ish bilan kelganlar oz ko‘rundilar. Demak, ish ham ko‘b emas edi. Ish ustallarining ko‘pi bo‘sh ko‘rundi, ishlaguvchi yigitlar va xonimlar uyoq-buyoqda yurdilar. Sanad yozaturg‘an o‘rtoq qarshisidag‘i yigit bilan gaplashishdan bo‘shamadi. Moliya shoʻbasida bekar o‘tgan umrlaridan shikoyat qilg‘anlar ko‘b bo‘ldilar. Ayniqsa, Eski shaharning narigi chekasidan – yiroqdan kelganlar ko‘b qiynaladirlar.

Kimga tekish bo‘lsa shu “ish o‘rniga gap”ni bir oz tekshirib qo‘ysin!


“Farg‘ona gazetasi,

1924-yil, 24-iyul, № 189.

This work is first published in Uzbekistan and is now in the public domain because its copyright protection has expired by virtue of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Copyright and Related Rights, enacted 2006, amended 2021. The work meets one of the following criteria:
  • It is an anonymous or pseudonymous work and 50 years have passed since the date of its publication
  • It is a posthumous work and 70 years have passed since the date of its publication
  • It is another kind of work, and 70 years have passed since the year of death of the author (or last-surviving author)
  • It is one of "official documents (laws, resolutions, decisions, and etc.), as well as their formal translations; official symbols and marks (flags, emblems, orders, banknotes, and etc.); works of popular art"