Irisleabhar na Gaedhilge/Imleabhar 5/Uimhir 9/Aithbheodhughadh na Gaedhilge

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269620Irisleabhar na Gaedhilge, Imleabhar V, Uimh. 9 — Aithbheodhughadh na GaedhilgePádraig Stúndún
[ 130 ]


[ 130 ]

Ní suairc mar ḋuain liom marḃ-rann,
Is fuaṫ liom fuaim a faoḋ’ ’sa fonn,
Ní ġráiḋfinn duara i ḃfuiġliḃ fuara,
Ná laoiḋte buaḋarṫa Gaeḋilge.

[ 131 ]To me an elegy is not a pleasant poem; I hate the sound of its wailing and its tune; I would not love metres in cold words, Nor sorrowful lays of Gaelic.

[ 130 ]

Níor smuaineas riaṁ go dtiocfaḋ am
Go riṫfeaḋ uaill ó’n uaiġ trém’ ċeann,
Ag innsin doṁ-sa gur múċaḋ lóċrann
Nó lasair leois na Gaeḋilge.

[ 131 ]I never thought that a time would come, When a cry from the grave should pierce my head, Telling me that quenched was the lamp, Or the flaming light of Gaelic.

[ 130 ]

Mo náire! a Éire, ’ċaill do ċlú!
O! cá ’r ġaḃ do “ṁór is fiú”?
Nár ṡeasaiṁ lei go daingean dlúṫ,
Ag cló-ḃeaṫuġaḋ na Gaeḋilge.

[ 131 ]My shame! Ireland, that has lost thy fame! O whither has gone thy great self-esteem ? That stood not by it firmly, closely, Print-nourishing the Gaelic.

[ 130 ]

Ní ċluinim gíog ó eun i gcás,
Tá ’n smólaċ ciuin ar ċraoiḃ de ġnás,
Le hóg a’s aosda is céasnaḋ bás
As dteangan ársa Gaeḋilge.

[ 131 ]I hear not a chirp from a bird in a cage, The thrush is ever silent on a bough! To young and old a calamity is the death Of our ancient language, Gaelic.

[ 130 ]

Aċt Éireannaiġ, ní heug a bás!
Phœnix buacaċ buaḋaċ ag fás
Ó’n luaiṫreaḋ annsa, do lasfaiḋ lampa
Ar n-agaill ṡeanda Gaeḋilge.

[ 131 ]But, Irishmen, not death is its dying! A proud victorious Phœnix is growing From the dear dust, that shall light the lamp Of our ancient speech, Gaelic.

[ 130 ]

Gráḋ mo ċroiḋe ar dteanga féin!
Beiḋ sí fós go hárd i gcéim,
Beiḋ bean a’s páisde ag taḃairt páirt’ di—
A’s “Óig-ḟir,” gráiḋiḋ-si Gaeḋilg.

Pádraig Stúndún.

[ 131 ]Love of my heart, our own tongue! It shall yet be high in rank; Woman and child will hold it dear, And Young Men, do you also love Gaelic.