Concurrent Resolution Demanding the End of the Colonial System of Government
Concurrent Resolution
To lay before the President and the Congress of the United States of America the right of the people of Puerto Rico that the colonial system of government be ended and to decide democratically the permanent political status of Puerto Rico as expeditely as possible, immediately if feasible.
Whereas, in all political parties and civic and economic sectors of Puerto Rico the unanimous opinion prevails that the colonial system of government should be totally and definitely abolished;
Whereas, the form of definite political status which, on the basis of this unanimous anticolonial conviction, the people of Puerto Rico are to have, should be democratically decided by the free vote of the people of Puerto Rico;
Whereas, it is the unanimous desire of the people of Puerto Rico that, in accordance with their will set forth in the programs of the political parties, the permanent political status be decided [ 1086 ]as expeditely as possible, immediately if feasible, or at the latest when the war ends and peace is established, whichever shall be most compatible with the best conduct of the war against the totalitarian powers, Therefore,
Be it resolved by the Senate of Puerto Rico, the House of Representatives concurring:
Section 1.—That the Legislature of Puerto Rico, in the name and in representation of the people of Puerto Rico, by this Concurrent Resolution, lays before the President and the Congress of the United States of America the right of the people of Puerto Rico that the colonial system of government be ended and to decide, in special free and democratic elections, by the free will of the people of Puerto Rico themselves, their permanent political status, as expeditely as possible, immediately if feasible.
Section 2.—That if the President and the Congress of the United States of America consider that in order to make effective this right and to act favorably regarding this petition, we should wait for the moment when victory is won and peace is being organized, the people of Puerto Rico will wait with patriotic resignation until that decisive moment for their natural aspirations.
Section 3.—That a copy of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the President of the United States of America, the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States of America, the Secretary of the Interior, the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico in Washington, the Governor of Puerto Rico, and to the Press.
Resolucion Concurrente
Para plantear ante el Presidente y el Congreso de los Estados Unidos de America, el derecho del pueblo de Puerto Rico a que termine el sistema colonial de gobierno y a decidir democraticamente el status politico permanente de Puerto Rico a la mayor brevedad posible, si fuere factible inmediatamente.
Por cuanto, en todos los partidos políticos y sectores cívicos y econóicos de Puerto Rico prevalece el criterio unánime de que el sistema colonial de gobiemo debe ser total y definitivamente abolido;
Por cuanto, la forma de status político definitivo que, a base de esta unánime convicción anticolonial, hay a de tener el pueblo de Puerto Rico, debe ser democráticamente decidida por el voto libre del pueblo de Puerto Rico mismo;
Por cuanto, es el deseo unánime del pueblo de Puerto Rico, que, de acuerdo con su voluntad expresada a través de los programas de los partidos politicos, su status politico permanente sea resuelto a [ 1087 ]la mayor brevedad posible, si fuere factible inmediatamente, o a más tardar al terminar la guerra y estructurarse la paz, en la forma que sea más compatible con la mejor conducción de la guerra contra los poderes totalitarios, Por tanto,
Resuélvese por el Senado de Puerto Rico, con la concurrencia de la Cámara de Representantes de Puerto Rico:
Sección 1.—Que la Asamblea Legislativa de Puerto Rico, a nombre y en representación del pueblo de Puerto Rico, a través de esta Resolución Concurrente, plantea ante el Presidente y el Congreso do los Estados Unidos de América el derecho del pueblo de Puerto Rico a que termine el sistema colonial de gobierno y a decidir, en unas elecciones especiales libres y democráticas, su status político permanente por la libre voluntad del pueblo de Puerto Rico mismo a la mayor brevedad posible, si fuere factible inmediatamente.
Sección 2.—Que si el Presidente y el Congreso de Estados Unidos de América juzgaren que para hacer efectivo este derecho y tomar acción favorable en cuanto a esta petición debiera aguardarse al momento en que se logre la victoria y empiece a estructurarse la paz, el pueblo de Puerto Rico aguardará con resignación patriótica hasta ese momento decisivo para sus naturales aspiraciones.
Sección 3.—Que copia de esta Resolución Concurrente sea enviada al Presidente de Estados Unidos de América, a los Presidentes del Senado y de la Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos de América, al Secretario del Interior, al Comisionado Residente de Puerto Rico en Washington, al Gobernador de Puerto Rico y a la Prensa.
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