Bir ayvonning tokchasida
To‘la nurli chinni chiroq
Poril-poril yonar edi
Nurlar sochib quchoq-quchoq.
O‘ziga xo‘p bino qo‘yib,
O‘z nurini o‘zi sevib,
Tig‘larini sochar edi…
Oy bulutning orqasida
Yaqinida sopol chiroq
Yog‘larini so‘ra-so‘ra,
Devorlarga tutunini
Buruqsitib ura-ura
Yonib turar edi. Biroq
Qarg‘ab-qarg‘ab shu kunini,
Bag‘ri ezik…
Dedi: “Opa,
Bu kun oyning nechasidir?
Qaysi oyning kechasidir?”
Chinni chiroq xafa bo‘ldi,
Sassiq tutunlarga to‘ldi.
“Senga “opa” bo‘ldimmi men?
Men kimman-u, kimdirsan sen?
Sen, odobsiz, “opa” deysan,
Kimligimni o‘ylamaysan!” –
Deb qoshini chizib ketdi,
Bechorani ezib ketdi.
Qarg‘ish endi qizgan choqda…
Oy ko‘rindi ochiq yoqda!
Buni ko‘rgach chinni chiroq
Lablarini tishlab qoldi.
Kulib turib sopol chiroq:
“Singlim, holing qalay?” – dedi…
This is a translation and has a separate copyright status from the original text. The license for the translation applies to this edition only.
This work is now in the public domain because it originates from India and its term of copyright has expired. According to The Indian Copyright Act, 1957, all documents enter the public domain after sixty years counted from the beginning of the following calendar year (ie. as of 2025, prior to 1 January 1965) after the death of the author.
This work is first published in Uzbekistan and is now in the public domain because its copyright protection has expired by virtue of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Copyright and Related Rights, enacted 2006, amended 2021. The work meets one of the following criteria:
- It is an anonymous or pseudonymous work and 50 years have passed since the date of its publication
- It is a posthumous work and 70 years have passed since the date of its publication
- It is another kind of work, and 70 years have passed since the year of death of the author (or last-surviving author)
- It is one of "official documents (laws, resolutions, decisions, and etc.), as well as their formal translations; official symbols and marks (flags, emblems, orders, banknotes, and etc.); works of popular art"