Authors - B
Pages in category "Authors-B"
The following 71 pages are in this category, out of 71 total.
- Author:Johann Sebastian Bach
- Author:Andreilu al Bagav
- Author:Charles Baissac
- Author:Domenico Balestrieri
- Author:Duitg Balleta
- Author:Glienart Balleta
- Author:Alexander Balletta
- Author:Julián Cruz Balmaceda
- Author:Francisco Baltazar
- Author:Antonio Balvidares Argüelles
- Author:Johannes Barandun
- Author:Tatjana Baranova
- Author:Johann Georg Barbisch
- Author:Gudench Barblan
- Author:Chasper Bardola
- Author:Clemente Baroni
- Author:Academia dla Baslætta
- Author:Nicolae Batzaria
- Author:Juraj Bauer
- Author:Ludwig van Beethoven
- Author:Constantin T. Belimace
- Author:Francesco Bellati
- Author:Melchiorre Bellini
- Author:Biagio Bellotti
- Author:Bortolo Bellotti
- Author:Gustaf Fredrik Bergholtz
- Author:Bernaldo de Quirós
- Author:Janantone Bernard
- Author:Giuseppe Bernardoni
- Author:Pietro Berrettini
- Author:Giovanni Bertacchi
- Author:Giuseppe Bertani
- Author:Marcu Beza
- Author:Adam Bełcikowski
- Author:Witold Bełza
- Author:Giovanni Ambrogio Biffi
- Author:Giuseppe Bignami
- Author:Vespasiano Bignami
- Author:Biiblien kiänändyinstituuttu
- Author:Geronimo Biraghi
- Author:Léón Biskùpsczi
- Author:Jaroni Blancon
- Author:Stefano Boldrini
- Author:Giorgio Bolza
- Author:Carlo Bonadei
- Author:Giuseppe Bonandrini
- Author:Francesco Bonatelli
- Author:Daniel Bonifaci
- Author:Andrés Bonifacio
- Author:Giuseppe Bossi
- Author:Ulick Joseph Bourke
- Author:Piero Bressan Bernardi
- Author:Giovanni Bressani
- Author:Giosef Brunel
- Author:Kazimierz Bukowski
- Author:Federico Bussi
- Author:Iain Bàn Òg
- Author:Gottfried August Bürger
- Author:Peidar Büsin