Author:Charlotte Fiske Bates

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Charlotte Fiske Bates
Onye edemede America, onye nchịkọta akụkọ na onye na-ede uri.


  • Century Magazine/Volume 49/Issue 1/Action|Action
  • After Reading "Morituri Salutamus"|After Reading "Morituri Salutamus"
  • At Hawthorne's Grave (1879)
  • Century Magazine/Volume 58/Issue 5/At Fourscore|At Fourscore
  • The Beautiful Woman's Wish
  • Beyond (Bates)|Beyond
  • Century Magazine/Volume 47/Issue 5/Biggest of All|Biggest of All
  • Blind (Bates)|Blind
  • The Calumniator
  • The Clue
  • Coquetry and Love|Coquetry and Love
  • Century Magazine/Volume 48/Issue 5/The Couplet|The Couplet
  • The Craigie House (1879)
  • Death and Life (Bates)|Death and Life
  • Dreams (Bates)|Dreams
  • Century Magazine/Volume 48/Issue 5/A Dumb Beauty|A Dumb Beauty
  • Century Magazine/Volume 48/Issue 5/Genius within Hearing of Death|Genius within Hearing of Death
  • Her Face
  • Home-Thrust
  • Century Magazine/Volume 48/Issue 5/In Mid Ocean|In Mid Ocean
  • Love and Death (Bates)|Love and Death
  • Love Cancels All|Love Cancels All
  • Century Magazine/Volume 47/Issue 3/Love's Rivals|Love's Rivals
  • Century Magazine/Volume 30/Issue 1/My Thought and I|My Thought and I
  • The Night-Blooming Cereus
  • "Now" in Lippincott's Monthly Magazine, 1887
  • The Old Year and the New|The Old Year and the New
  • Century Magazine/Volume 57/Issue 2/On and Off|On and Off
  • Century Magazine/Volume 35/Issue 1/One Born in November|One Born in November
  • Century Magazine/Volume 33/Issue 4/One Exception|One Exception
  • Century Magazine/Volume 33/Issue 2/The Perils of a Poet|The Perils of a Poet
  • Century Magazine/Volume 26/Issue 6/A Prayer|A Prayer
  • Presage
  • Century Magazine/Volume 27/Issue 6/The Quatrain|The Quatrain
  • Reproof
  • Rest (Bates)|Rest
  • Risk
  • Century Magazine/Volume 30/Issue 3/Shakspere's Sonnets|Shakspere's Sonnets
  • Solace
  • Century Magazine/Volume 56/Issue 4/Song|Song
  • Spring in Winter
  • Supreme Moments
  • To Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. On his Birthday, Feb. 27|To Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. On his Birthday, Feb. 27
  • Century Magazine/Volume 32/Issue 2/Two Heads Better Than One|Two Heads Better Than One
  • Century Magazine/Volume 38/Issue 4/Uncalendared|Uncalendared
  • Century Magazine/Volume 35/Issue 4/Under the Foam|Under the Foam
  • Century Magazine/Volume 38/Issue 1/Unhindered|Unhindered
  • Century Magazine/Volume 29/Issue 3/Unlooked-For Return|Unlooked-For Return
  • Century Magazine/Volume 42/Issue 5/Vigilance|Vigilance
  • Winter Epithalamium
  • Woodbines in October