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A la Lluna

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A la Lluna (1925)
by Enrique García Rendueles
304476A la Lluna1925Enrique García Rendueles

Los que tenéis la fala melguerina,
Y sabéis dar el son col caramiellu,
Enfilái duces cantos á la Lluna
Qu' esnala seliquino per el cielu,
Arrodiando la tierra nos rellumos
Que ñidios manen de sos claros güeyos;
Pos esplandien les ñubes com' el oro
Si, depués d' esfrecése nel Océanu,
Encapiella los mantos y los blincos,
Y asentada nel carru va rixendu
Los fermosos caballos d' abundosu
Pelamen y de altivu y ñoble cuellu.
Con illa, n' utru tiempu, 'l padre Xove
Axuncióse n' amores enel llechu,
Y el frutu de sos goces fo Pandía
Qu' entre los imortales hebo asientu.
¡ Oh reina ! diosa de los blancos brazos,
Devina Lluna d' inguirñau cabellu;
Entamaré por tí les allabancies
De emprunaos varones qu´en punteru
Festexen los poetas, qu´á les Muses
Deben los llabios de cantar melgueru.

Public domain
This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was first published outside the United States prior to January 1, 1930. Other jurisdictions have other rules. Also note that this work may not be in the public domain in the 9th Circuit if it was published after July 1, 1909, unless the author is known to have died in 1954 or earlier (more than 70 years ago).[1]

This work might not be in the public domain outside the United States and should not be transferred to a Wikisource language subdomain (or as a file it should not be migrated to the Wikimedia Commons) that excludes pre-1930 works copyrighted at home.

PD-US-1923-abroad Public domain in the United States but not in its source countries //wikisource.org/wiki/A_la_Lluna