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關聖帝君覺世真經 Holy Emperor Guan's True Scripture to Awaken the World

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關聖帝君覺世真經 Holy Emperor Guan's True Scripture to Awaken the World (c. 1668)
by unknown author, translated by Robert Morrison
Unknown348258關聖帝君覺世真經 Holy Emperor Guan's True Scripture to Awaken the Worldc/1668Robert Morrison
Robert Morrison by John Richard Wildman

帝君曰﹕人生在世﹐貴盡忠孝節義等事﹐方於人道無愧﹐可立於天地之間﹐若不盡忠孝節義等事﹐身雖在世﹐其心已死﹐是謂偷生﹐凡人心即神,神即心﹐無愧心﹐ 無愧神﹐若是欺心﹐便是欺神﹐故君子三畏四知﹐以慎其獨﹐勿謂暗室可欺﹐屋漏可愧﹐一動一靜﹐神明鑒察﹐十目十手﹐理所必至﹐況報應昭彰﹐不爽毫髮﹐淫為萬惡首﹐孝為百行先﹐但有逆理﹐於心有愧者﹐勿未有利而行之﹐凡有合理﹐於心無愧者﹐勿謂無利而不行﹐若負吾教﹐請試吾刀。


時行方便﹐廣積陰功﹐救難濟急﹐恤孤憐貧﹐創修廟宇﹐印造經文﹐捨藥施茶﹐戒殺放生﹐造橋修路﹐矜寡拔困﹐重粟惜福﹐排難解紛﹐捐資成美﹐ 垂訓教人﹐冤讎解釋﹐斗秤公平﹐親近有德﹐遠避凶人﹐隱惡揚善﹐利物救民﹐回心向道﹐改過自新﹐滿腔仁慈﹐惡念不存﹐一切善事﹐信心奉行﹐人雖不見﹐神已早聞﹐加福增壽﹐添子益孫﹐災消病滅﹐禍患不侵﹐人物咸寧﹐吉星照臨。

若存惡心﹐不行善事﹐淫人妻女﹐破人婚姻﹐壞人名節﹐妒人技能﹐謀人財產﹐唆人爭訟﹐損人利己﹐肥家潤身﹐恨天怨地﹐罵雨呵風﹐謗聖毀賢 ﹐滅像欺神﹐宰殺牛犬﹐穢溺宇紙﹐持勢欺善﹐倚富壓貧﹐離人骨肉﹐間人兄弟﹐不信正道﹐奸盜邪淫﹐好尚奢詐﹐不重勤儉﹐輕棄五轂﹐不報有恩﹐瞞心昧己﹐大斗小秤﹐假立邪教﹐引誘愚人﹐詭說昇天﹐斂物行淫﹐明瞞暗騙﹐橫言曲語﹐白日咒詛﹐背地謀害﹐不存天理﹐不順人心﹐不信報應﹐引人作惡﹐不修片善﹐行諸惡事﹐官詞口舌﹐水火盜賊﹐惡毒瘟疫﹐生敗產蠢﹐殺身亡家﹐男盜女淫﹐近報在身﹐遠報子孫﹐神明鑒察﹐毫髮不紊﹐善惡兩途﹐禍福攸分﹐行善福報﹐作惡禍臨﹐ 我作斯語﹐願人奉行﹐言雖淺近﹐大益身心﹐戲侮吾言﹐斬首分形﹐有能持誦﹐消凶聚慶﹐求子得子﹐求壽得壽﹐富貴功名﹐皆能有成﹐凡有所祈﹐如意而獲﹐萬禍雪消﹐千祥雲集﹐諸如此福﹐惟善可致﹐吾本無私﹐惟佑善人﹐眾善奉行﹐毋怠厥志。

wikipedia:Robert Morrison (missionary)

Venerate heaven and earth;
perform the rites to the Gods;
Worship your ancestors;
be dutiful to your parents.

Keep the kings laws,
revere your teacher and superiors;
Love your brothers,
and be true to your friends.

Live in harmony with your kindred,
agree with village neighbor;
Let husband and wife mind their separate duties,
and teach their children and grandchildren.

Always practice what is expedient for others;
accumulate many secret deeds of charity;
Rescue those in trouble;
assist those who are hard pressed;
pity the fatherless and compassionate the poor.

Found and repair temples;
print and make moral and religious books.
Supply medicine, give tea,
avoid killing animals, and liberate them to live.

Make bridges, repair roads;
pity the widow, rescue the oppressed;
Value grain; use plenty sparingly,
remove people's difficulties; settle their strife.

Contribute your property to effect good designs;
give instruction and teach men;
Make peace between enemies;
have just measures and balances.

Approach near to the virtuous;
keep far off from badmen;
Conceal men's vice, and publish their virtues;
do what is advantageous to creatures,
and save the common people.

Turn the mind to right principles;
reform errors and renovate yourself;
Be filled with benevolence and kindness;
retain no vicious thoughts.

Let every virtuous deed be heartily believed,
and reverently practiced;
Although man sees it not,
the Gods have already heard it.

Judgments will be dissipated;
sickness diminished;
calamities will not assail;
Men and animals will all enjoy repose;
and felicitous stars shed their auspicious influence.

If a man cherish a wicked heart,
and don't practice virtue;
Debauch men's wives and daughters;
and mar people's marriages.

Ruin men's reputation,
envy people's talents,
Plot against people's property,
and stir up strife.

Injure others to benefit himself,
fatten his house and enrich his person.
Hate Heaven and repine at Earth;
rail at rain and curse the sunshine.

Slander sages, and vilify worthies;
destroy idols and insult the Gods.
Slay and kill cows and dogs;
defile and cast away lettered paper.

Presume on power and insult the virtuous;
rely on riches to oppress the poor,
Separate men's bones and flesh (kindred)
and set at variance brothers.

Disbelieve right principles;
fornicate, rob, be depraved, and lewd;
Ambitious, extravagant and deceitful;
and despise economy and diligence.

Wasteful of grain;
ungrateful of favors.
Deceiving himself;
having large measures, and little scales
(unequal weights and measures).

Establish false and heterodox sects;
draw away and deceive the simple.
Make pretenses and talk of ascending to Heaven;
and collect property to spend it on dissipation.

In the light impose on men,
and in the dark cheat;
use flowery talk and specious lips.
In the open day utter curses,
and behind backs, plot assault.

Not preserve Heavenly principles,
not obey the human heart;
Lead men to commit wickedness;
and disbelieve a future retribution·

Perpetrate every vice,
and cultivate no virtue;
Such a man will be accused to the government;
water and fire and robbers will assail him.

Desperate poison, distemper and plague shall be his lot;
he shall beget profligates and fools;
Himself shall be murdered, his family ruined;
his sons robbers, his daughters whores.

The nearer retributions shall fall on himself,
the more distant retribution shall fall on his children and grandchildren;
The Gods look down and examine;
and err not an hairsbreadth.

Virtue and vice are the two roads,
which separate misery and happiness;
The Practice of virtue bring a happy recompense;
on the perpetrator of vice, misery falls.

I have made this discourse,
wishing men to receive and practice it;
The language, though shallow and near,
will greatly benefit body and mind.

Those who mock my words,
shall be decapitated, and cut to pieces;
For those who adhere to them and recite them,
evil shall be dispersed, and blessing accumulated.

He who desires children, shall have males;
he who desires long life, shall attain to many years,
The desires for riches, and honors, and fame,
shall all be accomplished.

Whatever is prayed for,
shall be obtained according to the heart's wish;
Ten thousand calamities shall melt like snow;
and all blessings rush in like a troop.

My words are not selfish,
but for the aid of the virtuous;
Let all men respectfully practice them.
Be not careless! be not darkened!

Translate missing first paragraph



Living in this world, the most precious things are loyalty, filial piety, integrity, righteousness, etc. Only by doing this can we truly live up to the principles of being a human being and be able to stand up for this arrangement. If you do not devote your whole heart to things such as loyalty, filial piety, integrity, and righteousness, and let the years go by and live a mediocre life, this is undoubtedly the fact that although the body is alive, the heart is dead. Although such a person lives in the world, he has nothing. significance. To sum up, the human heart is God, and God is the heart. If you are not ashamed of your heart, you are not ashamed of God. If you deceive your own heart, you are deceiving God. Therefore, a gentleman with high moral character should fear three things: destiny, adults, and saints. And understand four things: heaven knows, earth knows, people know, and I know. A gentleman should be careful about his words and deeds based on these three fears and four knowledges. No matter whether he is in a hidden place or a place where no one is around, he will do everything aboveboard and upright, neither deceiving others nor himself. Gods will clearly detect every move of anyone. This is inevitable. Moreover, there are many facts that are unmistakable and indeed exist, with not the slightest inconsistency. Among all evils, sexual immorality occupies the first place; among hundreds of behaviors, filial piety is the origin. Reason is in people's hearts. If you act contrary to reason, you must feel guilty about it. Don't do things that make you feel guilty because you only care about immediate benefits. In the same way, if it is good for the country and the people, and you have a clear conscience, don't stop doing it just because it is not good for you.If anyone disobeys my teachings (Emperor Guan Sheng), then please have a taste of my Qinglong Yanyue Sword!

This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.