ප්රබන්ධ | ප්රබන්ධ-නොවන | චරිතාපදාන | දේශන | කාව්ය | ආණ්ඩුක්රම ව්යවස්ථා ලේඛන | ආගම | ඓතිහාසික ලේඛන | අධිකරණ මතය සහ තීන්දු | පිටපත්
ආකාරාදී සුචිය · කර්තෘ ගවේෂණය · ප්රවර්ග ගවේෂණය · ද්වාර ගවේෂණය
මෙම ප්රවර්ගය විකිමූලාශ්ර වල ඇති ආගමික කෘති ලැයිස්තුගත කරයි.
The Koran, or the Bible,
Or Veda - which is best?
The wise host asks no questions,
But entertains his guest.
—Untitled verse by Richard Henry Stoddard,
published 1899 in Book Lover's Verse.
See also: Portal:දර්ශනය, මනෝවිද්යාව සහ ආගම

Aum Shinrikyo
[edit]බුදු දහම
[edit]Celtic mythology
[edit]කිතු දහම
[edit]Greek religion
[edit]හින්දු ආගම
[edit]Indigenous religions
[edit]Native American
[edit]- Myths and Tales from the San Carlos Apache, 1918 by Pliny Earle Goddard
- The Popol Vuh
- Template:Autolink
Norse / Germanic
[edit]- The Promised Key, 1935
- Kebra Nagast
[edit]- Rosicrucians, from 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia
- St. Irvyne; or the Rosicrucian by Percy Bysshe Shelley
[edit]- Kojiki
- Nihon Shoki
- Ooharae No Kotoba
- Minazuki Tsugomori No Ooharae No Norito
- Harae Kotoba
- Shinto: The Way of the Gods, by W. G. Aston
[edit]- Ecclesiæ Gnosticæ Catholicæ Creed
- Liber A'ash vel Capricorni Pneumatici
- Liber AL vel Legis
- Liber B vel Magi
- Liber Cheth vel Vallum Abiegni
- Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente
- Liber DCCCXIII vel Ararita
- Liber III vel Jugorum
- Liber Liberi vel Lapidis Lazuli
- Liber Librae
- Liber LXI vel Causæ
- Liber Pennae Praenumbra
- Liber Porta Lucis
- Liber Resh vel Helios
- Liber Stellae Rubeae
- Liber Tzaddi vel Hamus Hermeticus
[edit]- Portal:Zoroastrianism
- Zend Avesta[2][3][4]
- Essays on the Sacred Language, Writings, and Religion of the Parsis, pre-1881 by Martin Haug
- The position of Zoroastrian women in remote antiquity, 1892 by Author:Darab Peshotan Sanjana[5]
- A Modern Zoroastrian. 1903 by Samuel Laing[6]
- The teachings of Zoroaster, and the philosophy of the Parsi religion, 1913 by Shapurji Aspaniarji Kapadia[7]
- Zoroastrian Theology, 1914 by Author:Maneckji Nusservanji Dhalla
- Memoirs of Zarir[8]
[edit]- All religions are one, 1788 by William Blake
- [[../]], 1913 by Paul Laurence Dunbar
[edit]- Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, 1750-1776 by David Hume
- A Dictionary of All Religions and Religious Denominations, 1784 by Hannah Adams
- The Religion of the Future, 1843 by Alfred Williams Momerie
- Template:Autolink
- Template:Autolink
- Religions of Ancient China, 1906 by Herbert Allen Giles
- The Cults of the Greek States, 1909 by Lewis Richard Farnell
- Some Aspects of Maori Myth and Religion, 1922 by Elsdon Best
- The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion, 1922 by James George Frazer[9]
- The Urantia Book, 1955, anonymous work
- The Cult Phenomenon in the United States, February 5, 1979 Joint-Congressional Proceedings, chaired by Bob Dole
- Holy Stones of the East and the West
- The Book of the Prophet
- A Course In Miracles
- Template:Autolink
ආගම පිළිබඳව
[edit]- The Natural History of Religion, 1757 by David Hume
- The Religion of the Future, 1843 by Alfred Williams Momerie
- What is Religion? in English Traits, 1856 by Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Maori Religion and Mythology, 1882 by Edward Shortland
- Template:Autolink
- Template:Autolink
- Origin and Development of Religious Belief, pre-1893 by Sabine Baring-Gould
- Essay on the Common Features which appear in all Forms of Religious Belief by R. N. Cust, pre-1899
- The Making of Religion, 1900 by Andrew Lang[10]
- The Varieties of Religious Experience, 1902 by Author:William James
- The Psychological Origin and the Nature of Religion, 1909
- The Threshold of Religion, 1914 by Robert Ranulph Marett
- The Religious Conditions in Czechoslovakia, c1921 by Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk
- The Psychology of Religion, 1927 by Joseph McCabe
විද්යාව සහ ආගම
[edit]- Tancred, 1847 novel by Benjamin Disraeli
[edit]For texts dealing with specific religions, please see the following portals;
- Portal:Bahá'í Faith
- Portal:Buddhism
- Portal:Christianity
- Portal:Confucianism
- Portal:Deism
- Portal:Demonology
- Portal:Freethinking
- Portal:Hinduism
- Portal:Islam
- Portal:Jainism
- Portal:Judaism
- Portal:Scientology
- Portal:Taoism
- Portal:Theosophy
- Portal:Witchcraft
- Portal:Yazidi
භාහිර සබැඳි
[edit]- Class B Gutenberg ව්යාපෘතිය තුළ
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