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teaiigad tiühretha i. is losgadh dou teiigaidli beres ua tnlhretha, ibid.

teutide feurig, von tene. ^ Sg. Nom. FA. 16; 17; 18; Gl. zu tind Ily. 4, 2; Dat. na dlüim then- tide FA. 10; Acc. FA. 8; 22; PI. Nom. 31. teutide FA. 20; 2G; F. tentide FA. 25; 26; 28; 30; p. 190, 27; tentidi t&iVZ. 25; 28; i?. 191, 8; Gen. na sraigell tentide i'Wd. 22; Dat. CO sroiglib tentidib FA. 16; 29; j?. 191, 20; 27; ^cc. itf. tentidi FA. 21; F. tentide 25.

teö s. tee.

1. teoir s. tri.

2. teoir ^ Zal theoria O'Dav. p. 120; contemplation O'Don. Suppl.; fothaigisium Calais hiia (if«) i&vum, tri L ri teoir immanchaine aca-som innti, ocus LX fri liactail Tliree Hom. p. 118, 7 [„for meditatioti").

teol M. Dieb, vgl Beitr.Ylll 328; teöl thief O'B.; telo (?zes teol) i. gataige O'Dau. p. 121; Du. Acc. im da bau-teolaigh ibid.

1. teora s. tri.

2. teora Rand, Grenze; teöra « border, limit O'B. — Sg. Dat. do theoruinn eatorra als Grenze zwischen ihnen Keat. p. 124; PI. Acc. ro cheangail Diarmuid agus Osgar teoranna a sgiath ina cheile „the rims of their shields" Tor. Dh. p. 164.

teoraniiacht Begrenzung, Grenze; Sg. Dat. ag so do theo- rannacht na Midhe risna coigea- dlnübh Keat. p. 128.

teou s. tee.

tepor, ,,is drochbanais duit-siu cetus" or sesem_„anad lim-sa ocus ri hErend do facbail, ocus beith duit foram-sa ocus a tbepor im diaid-si" „av^d its vengeance to follow me" TB. p. 180,' 3.

tepreunim, für do-aith-brendim, icli, f Hesse. — Praes. PI. 3 doe- prannat i. imdaigitir Gl. zu afluant Ml. 39*1; toiprinnit Gl zu influunt Goid.-^ p. 70 (LHy.). — Praet. PI. 3 doreprendset cöic bainne a meraib Pätraic „five drops ßoived from P's fmgers" Goid.^ p. 70 {Vit. Trip.). — Vgl. tepresiu.

tepresiu F. Fliessen, Fluss; teibrise a gentle dropping of water O'R. — Nom. tepresiu fola Blut- vergiessen LBr. p. 212'j, 15; tepersu a inchinde Corm. p. 36, 25; Acc. ro escomla demun iarttj« tria tbe- presin a brond „thron gh the flux of his bell])" SMart. 30.

ter-, für do-air-, wechselt mit tair-, tir-, taur-, tur-.

terad s. 1. turud.

terl)aig-, a terbaig andregoin i. a galar bansidi SC. 28.

ter-l>rüd interruption ScLb. 23, vgl. tur-brüd.

terbud Trennen; severance Three Hom. Index; terbadb i. innar- hadh no delugudh O'Dav. p. 120; Dat. ro rithset co dian dia terpüd na n-i'ian „to separate the lambs" Three Hom. p. 8, I8 {die Lämmer tvaren zu ihren Müttern gelaufen)-., Acc. dogena a n-deligud ocus a terbod ScLb. 5.

terc spärlich, Icnapii; tearc feiv, rare, scarce (/B. ■ — Sg.'Nom. betha tbearcc Gl. zu Fei. Sept. 8; PI. Acc. na tri turcu tercu SP. I 2? vgl. caom i. terc, ut est inti dia m-bi caome in cethra i. is terci cenel innili (fDav. p.Ql. — Com- pos. for terc-pit Fei. Sept. 8, Gl. ior proiud m-bic.

1. tercbäl s. ter-g-aMiu.

2. terebäl F. Sonnenaufgang, s. turcbäl. — Nom. in terebäl oriens Tur. Gl. 139 (Z- 884).

terce F. Knappheit, Spär- lichkeit, Mangel. — Sg. Nom. ar dodechaid tercca bid ann Hy. 1 Praef. {„scarcity of food") ; Dat. fer ro scrib cen tercai cainscela Crist crochdai Fei. Mai 6 {„loithout Stint"). Vgl. unter terc.

terchanait s. tair-chanim.

ter-chomrac Zusam m enko m - meti, Versammliong; conqregatio Z 886. — Sg. Nom. SC. 21 ; Gen. senim tercbomric Wb. 13^; do im- mud cach tliercomraic j). 310, g; Dat. don tirchomruc nöib Gl. zu, ecclesiae Dei Wb. IS'-; ina terchom- ruc im Choncobnr SC. 24. •

ter-fhomraeiin I ich komme